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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hey there, my name is Tamara, and this is my best friend, Rachel.
00:03No, she was gonna say Monica.
00:05Um, and who are you?
00:06I'm Tamara's best friend, ever since you ditched her for the glitz and glam of New York.
00:11I didn't ditch anyone. I'm 16. I just go wherever my parents take me.
00:15It looks like they took you to a daycare center,
00:17because your outfit is something my four-year-old niece would wear.
00:21Sounds like a chic four-year-old. Now back off.
00:23I'm back in Tamara's life, and she doesn't need you anymore.
00:27Thanks for babysitting her while I was gone, but bye-bye now.
00:30Babysitting? Our friendship is way deeper than that.
00:33I mean, my face unlocks her phone. See?
00:35That's nothing. I know her bank password.
00:37RachelTamaraLove112. Top that.
00:40Don't yell it. I've got a mole she got removed last year in my necklace.
00:44Ew, what? That's nothing.
00:46I've got two of her baby teeth right here in my earrings.
00:48Okay, this is weird enough. There's room for all three of us in this story.
00:52No, there's not.
00:54And with that, the hair-pulling started.
00:56While they're busy with that,
00:57I'll tell you the whole story of how this feud came to be.
01:00Growing up, I had an amazing but lonely life.
01:03My parents adopted me when they were pretty old,
01:05so they couldn't always keep up with the energy of a wannabe actress who was seven years old.
01:10Plus, I was an only child with no pets.
01:13So I grew up lonelier than a penguin in the desert.
01:16All my performances were long monologues without an audience.
01:20Then I became friends with my classmate Rachel, and everything changed.
01:24We'd experiment with makeup and ridiculous fashion,
01:27go swimming in the lake, and have spontaneous karaoke and dance sessions.
01:31She even practiced acting with me.
01:33I dreamed of being a Hollywood star, and she dreamed of designing my costumes and dresses.
01:38Rachel and I were inseparable, and I finally felt like a normal kid.
01:42But my world turned upside down on my 13th birthday,
01:45when Rachel's mom announced that her entire family was moving to New York City.
01:49Rachel threw a fit.
01:51You can't drag me away from Tamra!
01:53Yeah, and who's gonna French braid my hair
01:56and tell me that having mismatched socks isn't cute anymore?
01:59Rachel's mom's decision was final,
02:01and no matter how much we complained and cried, they left soon after.
02:05Our new lives away from each other were horrible.
02:08Rachel hated it there.
02:10She thought all New Yorkers were snobby and boring.
02:13For my part, I was all alone, again.
02:15One day, while I was eating alone at lunch,
02:17wondering what exactly salami was, when this new girl Monica showed up.
02:21Why are you looking at your sandwich like that?
02:24I'm trying to figure out what salami is.
02:26I was doing the same thing with my bologna.
02:28Maybe we can get to the bottom of those mysteries together?
02:31Monica smiled and sat next to me, and just like that, we were fast friends.
02:35As I got to know her, I learned that she was really shy,
02:39and was also an only child like me.
02:41We soon became inseparable, too.
02:43Rachel and I still talked on the phone,
02:45but apparently, she was getting used to her new life in the city.
02:48I accidentally stepped on a rat in the subway, and then fell,
02:51and the cutest guy came and helped me up.
02:53And now we're in a band together.
02:55I think I'm in love.
02:56Wait, you slipped on a rat?
02:57From then on, it was like she didn't need me anymore,
03:00and we started drifting away.
03:02Then, three years later,
03:03while Monica and I were crying over our new favorite tween drama, Summer Wishes,
03:08Rachel called me sobbing because her boyfriend dumped her.
03:11Everyone here is horrible.
03:14I just want to come back to Arizona.
03:17I ended up speaking to Rachel for an hour to calm her down,
03:20and Monica felt left out.
03:22That's when their rivalry began.
03:24It got even worse when Rachel's aunt and uncle
03:27let her move in with them back in Arizona.
03:29Of course, I was so happy she had returned home,
03:32but Monica, not so much.
03:34They just couldn't stand each other.
03:36Monica thought Rachel was a snob who made her feel small,
03:39while Rachel used to say that Monica was obsessed with me
03:42because she was insecure and had no other friends.
03:45Of course, I was always in the middle of their fight,
03:48sometimes literally.
03:50I needed them to get along for the sake of my mental health.
03:53So once, in the middle of one of their crazy fights,
03:56I had a light bulb moment and burst out,
03:58Stop! I can't take this anymore!
04:00I'm sick!
04:02Yeah, like really sick.
04:04Are you okay? Is it serious?
04:05Just like a pro actress, I started to improvise,
04:08even shedding a tear or two.
04:10I have a really strange skin condition.
04:12Normally, with a lot of makeup and skin creams,
04:15I manage to hide it.
04:16But when stress hits, it goes into full-out freak mode.
04:20So, unless you want me to transform into a human blowfish,
04:24can you two stop fighting all the time?
04:26Oh my god, I didn't have any idea.
04:29What is the name of your condition?
04:31Um, Stresszilla Skin Syndrome?
04:33Why didn't you tell us before?
04:35It's a weird thing to have.
04:36I didn't want to be left out because of it.
04:38Then I turned on the waterworks.
04:41We'll never do that.
04:42We love you no matter what.
04:44She's right, and we'll stop fighting.
04:45We swear.
04:46They both hugged me, crying too.
04:48I want to thank the Academy.
04:50Surprisingly, my crazy lie actually worked like a charm.
04:55Despite hating each other,
04:56Monica and Rachel put my condition first and stopped fighting.
05:00They were even compromising.
05:02Can you please cover your mouth when you sneeze?
05:04Only if you stop chewing with your mouth open.
05:07Those months were awesome.
05:09Monica and Rachel got used to each other,
05:11and I used my lie to improve my adding skills.
05:14I was like Meryl Streep, caught in my character.
05:16While a part of me felt horrible for having stretched the lie so far,
05:20my friends were so nice and went out of their way to take such good care of me
05:24that it was hard telling them the truth.
05:26Still, soon after, my lie was exposed.
05:29Oh, I went to see my dermatologist yesterday,
05:32and he told me there's no such thing as Stresszilla Skin Syndrome.
05:37And all those fancy and super special creams you put on
05:40are just regular moisturizers and sunscreen.
05:42We know now.
05:43Wait, I can explain.
05:44I just said all that so you would stop fighting and be friends over your love for me.
05:49I mean, I can't believe you lied to us all this time.
05:52You just did it for attention.
05:53You had us waiting on you hand and foot.
05:55Yeah, it's kind of disgusting that you made up a disease to manipulate us.
05:59This is very upsetting.
06:01I need to go shopping to deal.
06:02I'll join you.
06:03And with that, the two of them left me behind.
06:06I felt really embarrassed and sad.
06:08They were right.
06:09I cried myself to sleep.
06:10But the next day, I tried to make things work again.
06:13Monica and Rachel were in the hallway laughing and joking.
06:16Maybe I could convince them that I wasn't so wrong.
06:19After all, my little lied brought them together.
06:22Hey, guys.
06:22Cute outfits.
06:23But they just ignored me and walked down the hallway towards Trevor,
06:27the it boy of the school.
06:28Every girl in our class, including Monica and Rachel, was crazy about him.
06:33I wasn't at all.
06:34In fact, he was my arch enemy because, just like me, he wanted to make it in Hollywood.
06:39We always fought for the lead roles in school plays.
06:41He was really good looking, but really dumb and not as talented as me.
06:46So he kind of resented me.
06:47That's why, when he saw the opportunity, he made a move to steal my friends from me.
06:52You girls are looking super stylish.
06:54Rachel has great taste.
06:55New York must have rubbed off on her.
06:57Aw, stop.
06:58You're the one with the amazing fashion sense.
07:00Suddenly, the two of them were BFFs, and they had completely forgotten about me.
07:05I felt so rejected and alone.
07:07One day, I heard Monica, Rachel, and Trevor mention my name in gym class.
07:11I hid behind the wall, eavesdropping.
07:14She is so pathetic.
07:16Yeah, no one likes her.
07:17She can't even act.
07:18I'm way better.
07:20Way better.
07:21I couldn't believe they were laughing at me.
07:23And whenever I walked past the trio, I was ignored.
07:26I wasn't only sad anymore, I was also really pissed.
07:30And I wanted my friends back.
07:32At lunch, I watched Trevor gulping down a Slurpee.
07:35His love for that sugary drink seemed like the perfect revenge.
07:39The next day in class, I spied on Trevor's phone passcode.
07:42I asked him if he wanted to finish my Slurpee.
07:4420 minutes later, he was running desperately to the bathroom.
07:48Yeah, I slipped in a laxative.
07:49I unlocked his phone and got to work.
07:52Rachel, can't stop thinking about you.
07:54Meet me at the bleachers after school.
07:56Monica, you're running laps around my mind.
07:58Meet me at the bleachers after school.
08:00I spied on them after school.
08:01Monica and Rachel showed up at the bleachers, but not Trevor.
08:05Monica, what are you doing here looking so cute?
08:08Trevor asked me on a date.
08:09What are you doing here looking like a queen?
08:12Trevor asked me on a date too.
08:14What the?
08:14And then Trevor showed up looking so embarrassed.
08:18Before Monica and Rachel could lunge at him, he jumped to his defense.
08:22I didn't send those texts.
08:23Someone hacked into my phone.
08:26I tried to slip away, but luck was not on my side.
08:29A strong breeze blew my hat off my head, and it landed right by the furious trio.
08:34They spotted me.
08:36Yeah, what?
08:37Okay, fine.
08:37I did it.
08:38But how could you guys just replace me with this loser?
08:41You know I hate him.
08:42He's my nemesis.
08:44You don't care about us.
08:45You're just angry that you aren't the center of attention anymore.
08:48You are the ones who can't stop talking about me.
08:50Like in gym class, she's so pathetic.
08:53No one likes her.
08:54I heard it all.
08:55Monica and Rachel looked at each other, confused.
08:57Oh, you overheard us talking about Tamika from our favorite reality show, Cheaters and Liars.
09:03Wait, you thought we were talking about you?
09:06You may not have Stresszilla Skin Syndrome, but you do have a disease, Main Character Syndrome.
09:11You're totally right.
09:12Then I got super furious.
09:14Maybe because I knew they were right about me.
09:17Yeah, I may have Main Character Syndrome, but what about you two?
09:21You don't even really like each other.
09:23Yes, we do.
09:24We're friends.
09:24Oh, is that right?
09:26So you didn't say that Rachel was a snob who thinks she's better than everyone,
09:30but is really a drama queen with a superiority complex?
09:34You said that?
09:35Oh, don't play innocent now.
09:37You're the one who compared being friends with Monica to doing charity work.
09:40Like helping out the less fortunate.
09:42I did, but...
09:43Oh, nice to know how you really feel.
09:45Tamora was right about you.
09:46You were just a judgy and entitled brat.
09:49Said what?
09:50You know what?
09:50I don't need you guys.
09:51Glad we agree on that.
09:53Friendship's over.
09:54Monica and Rachel stormed off in different directions,
09:57and I realized I just made things much worse and lost my friends forever.
10:02We graduated high school a few months later without patching things up,
10:05and all went our own ways.
10:07I moved to LA to be an actor.
10:08I still missed Rachel and Monica a lot.
10:11Maybe that's why I didn't even make new friends,
10:13because I was afraid I'd blow it with them too.
10:16So I focused completely on my career.
10:18At first, it was tough, but then things started to look up.
10:22When I turned 19, I got my first movie.
10:25Okay, it was a very small role, but still, I was so excited.
10:29But just before the shooting started, I got a call from Monica.
10:32Rachel is really sick, Trevor told me.
10:34They started dating after high school, but now she's in the hospital.
10:38It's serious.
10:39I immediately burst into tears.
10:41I felt horrible.
10:42I lied about having a condition, and she actually got sick,
10:46and I wasn't there for her.
10:47Well, not anymore.
10:48I left LA immediately to visit Rachel in the hospital.
10:51When I got there, Monica was by her bedside.
10:53We three looked at each other and didn't even need to say sorry or anything.
10:57We just hugged as if we'd been together all that time.
11:00And then Rachel told us about her situation.
11:03I need a new kidney urgently.
11:05Trevor was a match and he agreed, but then he got cold feet and dumped me.
11:08Forget that jerk.
11:09You have us.
11:11I wanted to donate my kidney to Rachel, but sadly, I wasn't a match.
11:14Neither was Monica.
11:16We were both devastated.
11:17It's okay.
11:18You tried.
11:18That's all that matters.
11:19Just do me a favor and delete all my embarrassing photos off social media after I'm—
11:25Don't even say it!
11:26We are not letting you go anywhere!
11:28Not a chance.
11:28This is not over.
11:30Monica and I started an online campaign to find a donor, but we couldn't find another
11:34match for her.
11:35There was only one way out.
11:37I went to see Trevor and offered him my dream.
11:40I talked with the producers of the film.
11:41I resigned and convinced them that you can play the part.
11:44It's just the part of a waiter, so I guess you can do it.
11:47Trevor liked my offer, but still hesitated.
11:50I don't know.
11:51My kidney is worth way more than a small part.
11:53I want to play superheroes and things like that.
11:55I did my best not to break his face.
11:58Maybe this is your big break.
12:00I mean, when the producers see you, they'll be like,
12:02that's a rough in the diamond.
12:04I mean, a diamond in the rough.
12:07Okay, I'll do it.
12:08I let out a joyful cry and hugged him tight.
12:11Don't want to damage my kidney.
12:12I made him swear not to tell Rachel and Monica that he was giving his kidney in
12:16exchange for a movie role.
12:18I let them think he just changed his own mind because I realized that I didn't need to make
12:23this about myself and be the main character.
12:25I just had to support my friend.
12:27The surgery was a success, and a few months later, Rachel made a full recovery.
12:31The day she stepped out of the hospital was the best day of our lives.
12:35Today, I'm still acting, waiting for my big break.
12:38Luckily, when the time comes, I'll be ready because I have like a hundred dresses for
12:43the red carpet from Rachel and Monica's super successful clothing line, Frenemy Fashions.
12:48So, this is my story.
12:49I mean, our story.
12:50I hope you love it as much as we do.
12:52Till next time, keep spreading the love.