Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 9 The Puppet Show

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 9 The Puppet Show


00:00Against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer
00:30Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all
00:52I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadows. If I fail, if I succeed...
01:04Thank you, Cordelia. That's going to be lovely.
01:08But I didn't do the part with the sparklers.
01:12Um, we'll, um, save that for the dress rehearsal. But Lisa, please.
01:32If it isn't the great producer. Had to see this to believe it.
01:36Oh, you three.
01:38The school talent show. However did you finagle such a primo assignment?
01:43Our new Führer, Mr. Snyder.
01:46I think they call him principals now.
01:49He thought it would behoove me to have more contact with the students.
01:53I did try to explain that my vocational choice of librarian was a deliberate attempt to minimize said contact.
02:02But he would have no limit.
02:04Giles, and to every generation, is born one who must run the annual talent list show.
02:10You cannot escape your destiny.
02:13If you had a shred of decency, you would have participated, or at least, um, helped.
02:19Nah, I think I'll take on your traditional role. You watch.
02:24And mock.
02:26And laugh.
02:30Okay, I think maybe we better leave our Mr. Giles to this business he calls show.
02:42Principal Snyder.
02:45We think school events are stupid, and we think authority figures ought to be made fun of.
02:50No, no, we don't. Unless you do.
02:53And we think our afternoon classes are optional.
02:58All three of you left campus yesterday.
03:01Yeah, but we were fighting a demon...
03:04Not fighting.
03:05No, no, we, uh, left to avoid fighting.
03:08Real antisocial types.
03:11You need to integrate into this school, people.
03:15I think I just found three eager new participants for the talent show.
03:24I've been watching you three. Always getting into one scrape room.
03:28Well, we're really, really sorry, but about the talent show, please, you can't make us...
03:33My predecessor, Mr. Flutie, may have gone in for all that touchy-feely relating nonsense,
03:39but he was eaten.
03:41You're in my world now.
03:44And Sunnydale has touched and felt for the last time.
03:50Can I just mention that detention is a time-honored form of punishment?
03:56I know the three of you will come up with a wonderful act at school to watch.
04:00And mock.
04:02And laugh.
04:31Ew, dummy.
04:34D'oh! Fine.
04:39I think dummies are cute. You don't?
04:42Oh, they give me the wig. Ever since I was little.
04:46What happened?
04:48I saw a dummy, it gave me the wig. There really wasn't a story there.
04:52Hi, I'm Morgan.
04:55And I'm Sid.
04:58Hey, Morgan, would you like to tell some jokes?
05:03Would I?
05:05As a matter of fact, it is.
05:08It's also a wood nose and a wood mouth.
05:20I didn't sleep at all last night.
05:22All right, time out.
05:25Let's stop this before someone gets hurt.
05:29Kid, you are the worst.
05:32Even I can see your lips move.
05:36Come on, Sid. You're spoiling my act.
05:40I worked on these jokes for weeks.
05:43They're called those jokes.
05:45My jockey shorts are made out of better material.
05:51And they're rather bold.
05:59Here, you see?
06:01I'm sure you three can come up with something equally exciting.
06:26Is anybody there?
07:01I will be flesh.
08:02I reach into the hat and out comes...
08:07Has anybody seen a rabbit?
08:11I reach into the hat and out comes...
08:16Has anybody seen a rabbit?
08:29I can't do this.
08:31Sander, come on.
08:33I can't. I have my pride.
08:36Okay, I don't have a lot.
08:38Okay, I don't have a lot of my pride,
08:41but I have enough so that I can't do this.
08:44A dramatic scene is the easiest way to get through the talent show
08:49because it doesn't require an actual talent.
08:52But we have talent. We can do stuff.
08:57What am I gonna do? Slay vampires on stage?
09:00Maybe in a funny way.
09:02Willa, you can do stuff. The piano.
09:05You play?
09:07A little.
09:08Well, that's cool.
09:10You could accompany us, or we could attempt to sing.
09:12Oh, in front of other people?
09:15Then, no, I don't play.
09:18Whatever happened to corporal punishment?
09:24Look at the goodies.
09:27Morgan, you're really getting good.
09:30Where did you come up with that voice?
09:33It's kind of an imitation of my dad.
09:36Sounds real.
09:38It is real.
09:40I'm the one with the talent here.
09:42The kid's dead weight.
09:45How about you and I do a little rehearsing on our own, honey?
09:49Hey, you know what they say.
09:52Once you go wood, nothing's as good.
09:55Okay, Morgan, forget the joke.
09:58Horny dummy, ha-ha, it's very funny,
10:00but you might want to consider getting some new shtick,
10:03unless you want your prop ending up as a Duraflame log.
10:09Kids today need discipline.
10:12It's an unpopular word these days, discipline.
10:16I know Principal Flutie would have said,
10:18kids need understanding.
10:20Kids are human beings.
10:23It's the kind of woolly-headed liberal thinking
10:26that leads to being eaten.
10:28I think perhaps it was a little more complex than that.
10:32This place has quite a reputation.
10:36Suicide, missing persons,
10:39spontaneous cheerleader combustion.
10:43You can't put up with that.
10:46You've got to keep an eye on the bad element.
10:50Like those three.
10:53Timothy and Arthur.
10:58I don't like them.
11:01From now on, you're going to see a very different Sunnydale High.
11:05A tight ship.
11:07Clean, orderly, and quiet.
11:37It was Emily.
11:39Emily? Dancer Emily?
11:42Oh, man.
11:44I hate this school.
11:46It must have happened just after dress rehearsals.
11:49There was a cross-country meet at Melville,
11:51and she never showed up for it.
11:55I think not.
11:57Charles Sher, what happened?
11:59Her heart was removed.
12:03Does that mean anything to you?
12:07There are various demons which feed off human hearts, but...
12:15But demons have claws and teeth.
12:18They got no use for a big old knife.
12:21More than likely makes our murderer...
12:25Did I mention that I hate this school?
12:27Emily was killed by a regular human person.
12:31The evidence certainly points that way.
12:38I'm not buying you guys.
12:40Remember the Hellmouth?
12:42Mystical activity is totally rife here.
12:45This, to me, says demon.
12:47I'd like to think you're right.
12:49A demon is a creature of evil, pure, and very simple.
12:52A person driven to kill is, um...
12:57Creep factor is also heightened.
12:59It could be anyone.
13:01It could be me.
13:05It's not, though.
13:07Demon or no, we have some investigating to do.
13:10I suggest we start with your talent show compatriots.
13:14One of them may have been the last to see her alive.
13:17I didn't know her too well.
13:19There's that whole dancer-band rivalry, you know?
13:21Heard about that.
13:23I did speak to her a little the day that... yesterday.
13:26How did she seem?
13:28She was happy, I guess.
13:30She was psyched to be doing the show.
13:32She was a really good dancer.
13:34Here, pick a card.
13:38No, wait, wait, wait. Not that one.
13:40Pick this one.
13:42Do you remember the last time you saw her?
13:44She was talking to someone.
13:48That smart guy, the one with the dummy?
13:50What's his name?
13:52Yeah, that's it.
13:54He was acting kind of strange.
13:56Strange how?
13:58It's just such a tragedy for me.
14:01Emma was, like, my best friend.
14:06Well, Morgan's just strange.
14:08He's always rubbing his head a lot, moaning.
14:12Especially the other day.
14:14He seemed kind of paranoid, looking around at everyone.
14:18And I think I saw him arguing
14:21with his dummy.
14:23All I can think is, it could have been me.
14:27We can drink.
14:39Right now, you and me got to be on the lookout.
14:43Figure out who's going to be next.
14:46How are we supposed to...
14:55I was just working on throwing my voice.
15:00Uh, Morgan, did you notice anything weird
15:03going on around here yesterday?
15:07What do you mean?
15:09With Emily.
15:11Did she say anything to you?
15:13Was she arguing with anyone?
15:17She was dancing.
15:19Sid and I were talking.
15:25So you didn't notice anything weird at...
15:30Morgan, are you okay?
15:32Look, sweetheart.
15:34He answered your question.
15:36Now leave him alone.
15:38Okay, Morgan, how about talking to me yourself now?
15:41He said all he's gonna say.
15:45It's okay, Sid.
15:47We're done.
15:57I'm sorry. Look, I didn't mean to make you mad.
16:01No, I'm...
16:05It's him.
16:15We have to go.
16:21Cute couple.
16:25Okay, next time we split up,
16:27someone else is on cordy detail,
16:29five more minutes, we would've had another organ donor.
16:32I think I had a bit more luck.
16:34Everyone I talked to seemed to point their fingers at the same person.
16:38Morgan, Morgan.
16:40We have a winner.
16:42It's clear I was led to the same conclusion.
16:44Well, what do we do?
16:46We don't slay him, right?
16:48We want to bring him to justice.
16:50We could set up a complex sting operation
16:52where we get him to confess.
16:54I should wear a wire.
16:56Well, hey, you guys, all we know
16:58is that Morgan is a grade-A large weirdo.
17:00That doesn't lead directly to murderer.
17:02Guy talks to his puppet.
17:04And for his puppet.
17:06Yeah, but what about the whole it's-a-demon theory?
17:10I'm looking into that,
17:12but my investigation is somewhat hampered
17:15by her life in the theater.
17:17Uh, priority check, Giles?
17:20Talent show? Murder?
17:22Yeah, we can't do the talent show.
17:24It's unthinkable. I'm not able to think it.
17:27Principal Snyder is watching us all very closely.
17:30If he chooses, he can make all our lives extremely difficult.
17:34Slayer cannot afford that.
17:36We will find this murderer, but in the meantime...
17:40The show must go on.
17:42This is so unfair.
17:44Buffy, you watch Morgan.
17:46Check his locker, see if there's anything there.
17:49Like a heart?
17:51Or something.
17:53All right.
17:55I'll pull up his locker numbers.
17:58Can I still wear a wire?
18:29Two to the left, three to the right.
18:41Principal Snyder.
18:43What are you doing?
18:45Uh, looking for something.
18:47School hours are over.
18:49You, therefore, should be gone.
18:51And I'm going any minute now.
18:54There are things I will not tolerate.
18:57Students loitering on campus after school.
19:00Horrible murders, with heart attacks.
19:03I'm going to kill you.
19:05Students loitering on campus after school.
19:08Horrible murders, with hearts being removed.
19:11And also smoking.
19:14Well, I don't do any of those things.
19:17Not ever.
19:19There's something going on with you.
19:22I'll figure it out sooner or later.
19:28Do you need something here?
19:31Oh, yeah.
19:35Um, a friend wanted me to get something out of his case.
19:51He must have taken it and just forgotten to tell me.
19:59Get along home now.
20:01It's late.
20:10No, I can't do it.
20:13It's the only way.
20:15I don't want...
20:17She's the one.
20:21You saw what she did.
20:23How strong she is.
20:25I know, but...
20:27She's the last.
20:29Just this one more, and I'll be free.
20:33I won't.
20:35I will.
20:42Hi, hon.
20:43How's it, uh, going with the talent show?
20:46It'll be over soon.
20:48It can't be that bad.
20:50I, for one, am looking forward to seeing your act.
20:56In the sense of actually attending?
20:58Of course.
20:59Uh-uh. No, Mom, you can't.
21:01I mean, if I know you're out there watching,
21:04I'll freeze up, stage fright.
21:06But I want to support what you're doing.
21:09Look, Mom, if you really love me
21:11and want to show your support,
21:13you'll stay away.
21:15Far away.
21:18Honey, is there...
21:20Is there something bothering you?
21:23I mean, besides your fabulous debut.
21:31There's just a lot going on right now.
21:38Well, get some sleep.
21:41You'll feel better in the morning.
21:44Good plan.
22:32What is it?
22:34In the bed, in the covers, there's something.
22:40There's something there.
22:43Well, there's nothing there now.
22:45Are you sure you didn't have a nightmare?
22:48No, there's something.
22:50There is...
22:55You're probably right.
22:58I'm sorry I got you up.
23:00Don't worry about it.
23:02I was dreaming about bills.
23:07Sweetheart, you shouldn't go to sleep with the window open.
23:17I didn't.
23:20And my lovely assistant steps into the box.
23:38You were supposed to leave.
23:43I don't understand why I...
23:45Why I have to follow Brett
23:47and his stupid band.
23:49Because we have to clear their equipment
23:51before the finale, I've told you.
23:53But the mood, it'll be all wrong.
23:56My song is about dignity
23:59and human feelings
24:01and personal hygiene or something.
24:05Anyway, it's sappy.
24:07And no one is gonna be feeling sappy
24:10after all that rock and roll.
24:13Rock and roll.
24:21Oh, I'm sorry.
24:23Your hair...
24:25There's something wrong with my hair?
24:30Oh, my God.
24:33Sandra was right. It worked like a charm.
24:40You look a bit worse for a...
24:43What exactly are you the worst for?
24:46Where's Morgan?
24:48I haven't seen him.
24:50Did he do something to you?
24:52No, it was his...
24:54Sid, the dummy.
24:58Okay, everyone look at me like I'm in a bunny suit
25:01because that's how stupid I feel saying this.
25:04I think Sid was in my room last night.
25:07With Morgan?
25:09No, he was alone and alive.
25:14Did you see him?
25:16Well, I saw something.
25:18It ran across my floor under my bed and then it attacked me.
25:21Attacked you? How?
25:23It was like it pounced on my face.
25:25Like a cat?
25:27Yeah, exactly.
25:29But when I turned the lights on, it was already gone.
25:31I think it went out my window.
25:33Like a cat?
25:35Yeah. No, it was Sid, the dummy.
25:38Possibly the nightmare of somebody who had dummies on her mind.
25:43You did say they creep you out.
25:46Excuse me, can I have a little support here, please?
25:49I'm not just some crazy person. I'm the Slayer.
25:52The dummy Slayer?
25:55There's nothing funny about that.
25:58Well, on the side of the Morgan's just crazy theory,
26:02there's, well, Morgan.
26:09I'd like to see Morgan without his better half for a few minutes.
26:13Bet he could tell me something.
26:17Oh, if it's any consolation,
26:20I may have found a possible demon culprit.
26:23There's this reference in here to a brotherhood of seven demons
26:28who take the form of young humans.
26:30And in seven years, these demons need human organs,
26:34a brain and a heart, to maintain their humanity.
26:38Otherwise, they revert back to their original form,
26:42which is slightly less appealing.
26:45So Morgan could still be the guy,
26:49only demon Morgan instead of crazy Morgan.
26:55Except that these demons are preternaturally strong
26:59and Morgan is, well, he seems to be getting weaker every day.
27:05It was as a result of this that President Monroe
27:09put forth the eponymous, meaning named after oneself,
27:13Monroe Doctrine, which in one sense
27:16established the U.S. as a local peacekeeper.
27:54Looks like someone digs you. That's adorable.
27:57You and the demigouture in the freak show.
28:03OK, who can tell me how Spain responded to this policy?
28:16Morgan has other things on his mind.
28:22Give me your puppet.
28:24I'll put him away.
28:26You'll get it back after school.
28:36OK, then. In the first part of the 19th century...
28:40I'm still watching you.
28:42Morgan, that is enough.
28:57Mrs Jackson?
29:01You said you'd give me...
29:03Oh, of course.
29:11You know, I wanted to ask you,
29:14is everything OK at home, here at school?
29:19Yeah, it's great.
29:21I feel like you've become a little detached.
29:24You're one of the brightest kids I've seen in a long time,
29:27but lately it seems like you're not all there.
29:33Try not to let other things get in the way.
29:36OK. Can I get Sid now?
29:48It's gone.
29:52What do you mean, gone?
29:54Where could he have gone?
29:56Put it right here.
29:58He knew to wait for me.
30:00He knew I'd be back.
30:02What do you mean, he?
30:04What did you do with him?
30:06Where is he?
30:09Where did you get that?
30:11Oh, I took it out of Mrs Jackson's cupboard.
30:14I thought you said you wanted to be able to speak to Morgan alone,
30:17and, uh... well, Morgan's alone, isn't she?
30:20She's not here.
30:22I thought you'd want to talk to her.
30:24I don't know what you're talking about.
30:26I'm not talking to her.
30:28I'm not talking to her.
30:30I'm not talking to her.
30:32I'm not talking to her.
30:34I'm not talking to her.
30:36Uh, well, Morgan's alone, and, uh...
30:39sits with me.
30:42Hi, Buffy. Hi, Willow.
30:45Would you like to hear some off-color jokes?
30:48I really don't think you should be doing that.
30:50What? Come on.
30:52I'm not real.
30:54Then quit it.
30:58He's not real.
31:02I think our demonstration proves that, uh, Sid...
31:07is wood.
31:09Now, why don't you go find Morgan and prove he's...
31:13whatever he is?
31:15I imagine he's looking for his puppet.
31:17I'll go find Morgan.
31:21You watch the dummy.
31:23Bye-bye, now. I'm completely inanimate.
31:27Rad-Ram! Rad-Ram!
31:31What do we do with him?
31:33Eh, I'll keep him company.
31:36Willow, we have some hunting of our own to do.
31:39Once again, I'm banished to the demon section of the card catalogue.
31:49You concentrate on reanimation theory.
31:52I'll poke about in here.
31:54You concentrate on reanimation theory.
31:56I'll poke about in organ harvesting.
31:58Unless, of course, you prefer...
32:00That's okay. You can have the organs.
32:02So, I guess it's just...
32:05you and me, huh?
32:13That looks more comfortable.
33:16Principal Snyder.
33:19Looking for something?
33:21Have you seen Morgan Shea?
33:24You know, with everything that's been going on recently...
33:29I'm not sure how safe it is...
33:33for a girl like yourself to be here...
33:39Well, I was just leaving.
33:42And I know how to take care of myself.
33:50All right, then.
34:11Look what I found in the section on toys and magic.
34:14On rare occasions, inanimate objects of human quality...
34:18such as dolls and mannequins...
34:20already mystically possessed of consciousness...
34:23have acted upon their desire to become human...
34:26by harvesting organs.
34:29Emily's heart.
34:31Morgan's dummy.
35:07What is it?
35:09Sid's gone. Sid's gone.
35:12What? Oh!
36:22Demon's got himself a brain.
37:13Whoever's out there, I'm gonna hurt you...
37:16Just give me a minute.
37:45You win.
37:47Now you can take your heart and your brain and move on.
37:52I'm sure they would have made great trophies for your case.
37:55That would have been justice.
37:58Yeah, except for one thing.
38:00You lost, and now you'll never be human.
38:03Yeah, well, neither will you.
38:12This is what I do.
38:14I hunt demons.
38:16Yeah, you wouldn't know it to look at me.
38:20Let's just say there was me,
38:23there was a really mean demon,
38:26there was a curse,
38:28and the next thing I know, I'm not me anymore.
38:31I'm sitting on some guy's knee with his hand up my shirt.
38:36And ever since then, you've been a living dummy?
38:40The kid here was right all along.
38:42I should have picked you to team up with.
38:45But I didn't, because...
38:47Because you thought I was the demon.
38:49Who can blame me for thinking?
38:51Look at you.
38:53You're strong, athletic,
39:05I'm back.
39:07In any case, now that this demon's got the heart and brain,
39:11let's see what the human form he's in for another seven years.
39:15I say it's a welcome change to have someone else explain all these things.
39:19There were seven of these guys.
39:21I've killed six.
39:23If I can get the last one, the curse will be lifted and I'll be free.
39:27I'm sure as someone in that stupid talent show.
39:31Yeah, but now the demon has what he wants, he'll be moving on.
39:34So once we know who's missing from this show...
39:37We'll know who our demon is.
39:40I'm just going to start. I'm supposed to be there.
39:43Okay, start pulling everyone's addresses in the talent show.
39:46If they're not there, maybe we can catch them at home.
39:49And you, get them all on stage.
39:51Form the power circle.
39:53Then we can see who's a no-show.
39:55Um, the what?
39:57The power circle.
39:58You get everyone together, you get them, you know, revved up.
40:05How'd he ever get that gig?
40:08Fifteen minutes to curtain, everyone.
40:11Uh, fifteen minutes.
40:14I... I can't go out there.
40:17All those people staring at me and judging me like I'm some kind of...
40:25What if I mess up?
40:27What if I mess up?
40:29There's an adage that if you're feeling nervous...
40:34Then you should imagine the entire audience are in their underwear.
40:39Even Mrs. Franklin?
40:42Perhaps not.
40:45All right, we'll assemble on the stage in five minutes for the power thing.
40:53So what's your deal, kid?
40:56I don't figure you for a demon hunter.
40:59I'm a vampire slayer.
41:01You? You're the slayer?
41:07I knew a slayer in the thirties.
41:10Korean chick.
41:12Very hot.
41:14We're talking muscle, man.
41:17He had some times.
41:22Hey, that was pre-dummy, all right?
41:25I was a guy.
41:30So you kill the demon...
41:33And the curse is lifted, right?
41:35That's the drill.
41:37You don't actually turn into a prince, do you?
41:40I mean, your body...
41:42Is dust and bones.
41:45When I say free...
41:47You mean dead.
41:49Don't get sniffly on me, sis.
41:52I've lived a lot longer than most demon hunters.
41:55Or slayers, for that matter.
41:58Of course, if you want to snuggle up and comfort me...
42:02So that horny dummy thing really isn't an act, is it?
42:11Is everybody here?
42:14Okay, here comes our lineup.
42:17Quickly, everyone.
42:20Power circle.
42:33Well, that's that, then.
42:35Everybody get ready.
42:38That's it.
42:48Hold on.
42:55No one's missing.
42:57So the demon isn't in the show.
42:59It seems not. Tell the others.
43:01It's nearly curtain. I must get the show running.
44:02I'm never gonna stop washing my hands.
44:05So the dummy tells us that he's a demon hunter.
44:08And we're like, fine, la-la-la-la.
44:10He takes off, and now there's a brain.
44:13Does anybody else feel like they've been Kaiser's associate?
44:17This is on the level, I'm sure of it.
44:19But why would the demon have rejected the brain?
44:22I mean, I thought Morgan was the smartest kid in school.
44:24He was. Look at his grades.
44:26All As.
44:28He was even taking college classes.
44:30Wait a second.
44:34Check days.
44:36He was out for, like, half the year.
44:38Check the school nurse's file.
44:43Look at this.
44:45In case of emergency, contact Dr. Dale Liggett,
44:48California Institute of Neurosurgery.
44:51Cancer ward.
44:53Brain cancer?
44:55That's why he had all the headaches.
44:57This means that whatever's out there
44:59still needs a healthy, intelligent brain.
45:01In other words, I'm safe.
45:03I'm looking for the smartest person around.
45:10If you calibrated the units of weight,
45:12then you could calculate
45:14the specific maximum velocity achieved
45:16before the point of impact.
45:18Gee, Mr. Giles, you're really smart.
45:20Could you do me a favor?
45:22What could a demon possibly want from me?
45:25What's the square root of 841?
45:29Oh, yeah.
45:31Don't worry, Willow.
45:33As long as you're with us, there's absolutely no way
45:35that demon is gonna get what he wants.
45:40Oh, my.
45:42Pretty cool, huh?
45:47Are you sure there's no one else who could help you out?
45:50My assistant got sick.
45:52You won't have to say anything.
45:54I'll show you. Lie down.
45:56How exactly does it work?
45:58A good magician never tells his secrets.
46:05Come on. We haven't got much time.
46:07This is ridiculous.
46:09We can't just sit here and wait for him to come to us.
46:12We have to figure out who we're dealing with.
46:14I still vote dummy.
46:18Okay, so we ruled out all the people in the talent show.
46:21That's because they were all there.
46:23But that's before we found the brain.
46:28So it probably is one of them.
46:31And Giles doesn't know it.
46:33He's with them all right now.
46:35Giles can handle himself.
46:37I mean, he is really...
46:52Should we be aiming at my neck?
46:57Your scalp gets sliced off,
46:59and your brain's just come pouring out.
47:05What exactly is the trick?
47:46Too far!
47:59Where are the keys?
48:01Mark's got it.
48:26How do you lock this thing?
48:36What's happening?
48:49I found you!
49:05Let go!
49:21I must say, all of you,
49:23your timing is impeccable.
49:27And now for the big finish.
49:30What are you doing?
49:33It's not enough.
49:36He'll come back.
49:39You have to get the heart,
49:41then all of this will be over.
49:45Let me.
49:47I got it.
50:17It's over.
50:48I don't get it.
50:51What is it?
50:59O ruler of my country Oedipus,
51:01you see our company around the altar,
51:03and I the priest of Zeus.
51:05Ha, ha.
51:06They prophesied that I should kill my father,
51:09but he is dead and hidden deep in the soil.
51:12But surely I must fear my mother's bed.
51:15O Oedipus, Oedipus, unhappy Oedipus,
51:18that is all I can call you,
51:20and all that I ever shall call you.
51:23Darkness, and horror of darkness,
51:26unfolding, restless, visitant,
51:28sped by an ill wind in haste.
51:31Madness, and...
51:33madness, and stabbing pain,
51:36and... and...
51:45Memory of ill deeds I have done.
52:00Grr, argh.
