• last year
I love making videos. It helps my prospective client understand who I am, and how I work, and they get to ‘know’ me a little before they get in touch. It’s vital for my business, and it should be for you too.

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/using-video-in-your-business
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00:00I get asked about how I make my videos about my videos how I record them what
00:06apps I use what do I use for sound obviously this microphone and I thought
00:12maybe I'll make a video about it I just came off of a clubhouse room I was in
00:20there and just listening in and there was a guy that came in his name is dr.
00:25Darrell dr. Darrell I'm gonna call him dr. Darrell really cool guy he's got a
00:31great presence I just saw him on his social medias and his question was does
00:37video sorry does showing my face on video constantly hurts what I'm doing
00:46should I switch it up the answer is basically you should switch it up but if
00:50you are into video you can create videos I think video is the way to go
00:57whether it's live streaming or recording like this as you know I do daily videos
01:01gone back into daily doing daily videos and I don't have an issue with my face
01:07being shown now that sounds like a big headed thing to say but I don't have a
01:12problem with it many do so if your forte is writing please write I'd love to be
01:19able to know how to write better but I can't I have other things to do so I do
01:25video because that's better for me also I find video is in a way video gets you
01:34known more does that make sense so the person watching the video kind of seems
01:40to know you before they even reach out for any kind of help they know how you
01:46talk they know what your mannerisms are what I would say is be yourself in video
01:51this is me I'm I talk like this when I'm with my clients whether they're
01:56prospective clients or my clients right now so don't change yourself be yourself
02:01because everyone else is taken right and video kind of embodies for me embodies
02:11who I am if I try to write something as an email for instance if I have an issue
02:18with a piece of software I always make a video because I can explain it better
02:22they see my face and actually they see the problem if I get an email and they
02:28sometimes they need help the client needs help I'll make a video of it
02:33because that's so much easier and it's personalized so videos really important
02:39for your business if you are a coach or consultant or mentor or whatever it's so
02:47nice to be able to show yourself show what you can do for your prospective
02:53clients and the best way to do that is via video text is great but it's kind of
02:58one-dimensional pictures great you know stories and reels and so on in Instagram
03:07but to actually make a video if you can hone it down and do it relatively
03:12quickly I think your mileage will be a lot better that weird you know what I
03:21mean anyway if you have any questions about making videos what stuff I use how
03:26I do it let me know because I think this week I'm gonna be talking more and more
03:31about video and the things I use but if you have a question there'll be a link
03:36down below ask me a question it'll be an audio thing or just put a comment
03:42below wherever you're watching this have a great day I'll see you then ciao