• last year
We’re inundated with apps and tools. However, most are full of bloat and feature we never need. And because of that, we often stop using them. I wish developers reached out to users before they start building.

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/search-for-a-simpler-app
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00:00So I'm on this website called product hunt where people
00:06New apps and they kind of promote them to get them up on the on top basically
00:13People up vote them. You can comment on things and I find a lot of apps there which
00:19Are actually really good, but there is a bunch of
00:23Rubbish there as well. So yeah part of my job is to go out and search for
00:30good apps new apps things that are interesting things that are simple things that take friction away and
00:37Recent times I've been looking for a really simple
00:42Notetaking app just something simple. I use Apple notes. I use craft for project things. I
00:50have used drafts and there is obviously bearing etc, but I
00:56think drafts is
00:58Starting to get a bit complicated
01:01So I was really looking for something really quite simple now. I've gone in the past couple of days
01:07I've gone through so many apps
01:09Many of them on product hunt some of them. I've just found through tweets and people talking about them
01:17But I just cannot find
01:20anything, that's just
01:23literally a notepad and
01:26I found one that hits the mark really close
01:32but again, they've
01:34Complicated it with certain features that just don't need to be there
01:39They obviously have a use case for it because they've spoken to I'm hoping I'm hoping that they've spoken to their
01:46Users about well, they've done some sort of research as to why they've added these features
01:52But there's so much bloat in these apps and I just it's beyond me why
02:00These founders I
02:02Don't know these app makers make things so so complicated
02:07So I've gone back to using Apple notes and I've created a shortcut to add a simple quick note
02:13that's all I
02:15kind of needed
02:17but I use Apple notes is my
02:20As kind of like my
02:23My archive I have everything in Apple notes. I
02:27Don't want
02:29My notes and and things all over the place. What I wanted was a place
02:34where I can
02:36simply add notes and
02:39Then send it or and then put it into Apple notes as like an archives things that I need to keep
02:46But it's they're so hard to come by because again
02:52makers make things
02:56complicated and it's insane, so
03:01What's the point of this the point of this is don't make things more complicated than it needs to be
03:08for yourself, so if you have
03:13You know a notes app and and
03:15Task management app and this happened at that app
03:18just see which ones that you can actually get rid of so you don't have that friction between you and
03:24Where you want to place that note if you have an interim place, which is something that I'm looking for. Okay, great
03:31Because then you don't
03:33Mess up
03:34Wolf is going down the stairs again. You don't mess up your workflow
03:39but app makers really do need to
03:42Simplify a lot of these apps that are out there
03:47Anyway something on my mind. I wanted to share with you. What do you think?
03:50Do you think these apps are complicated? Do you have an app that you hope?
03:55Was simpler let me know. Anyway, have a great day and I'll see you in the next one. Ciao