Hamlet - Laurence Olivier - Shakespeare - 1948 - Part II - HD Restored 2024 - 4K

  • 2 days ago
Laurence Olivier's Hamlet was made four years after his rousingly patriotic Henry V (1944), and is a very different proposition. Unsurprisingly, given the tone and content of the play, the overall mood is that of brooding introspection - tellingly, in a phrase not in Shakespeare's original, Olivier opens by telling us that it is "the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind", foregrounding the film's central theme, a neat metaphor for the uncertainty of the immediate postwar years.

He also largely eliminates the play's political intrigue: Fortinbras is banished, and so too are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern - the three characters most indelibly associated with the world outside Elsinore. These cuts focus attention on the play's central theme: the relationship between Hamlet, his lover Ophelia, mother Gertrude and stepfather Claudius.

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Hamlet - OLIVIER, Laurence
Gertrude - HERLIE, Eileen
Claudius - SYDNEY, Basil
Ophelia - SIMMONS, Jean
Polonius - AYLMER, Felix
Horatio - WOOLAND, Norman
Laertes - MORGAN, Terence
Gravedigger - HOLLOWAY, Stanley
Osric - CUSHING, Peter
Bernardo - KNIGHT, Esmond
Marcellus - QUAYLE, Anthony
First Player - WILLIAMS, Harcourt
Francisco - LAURIE, John
Sea Captain - MacGINNIS, Niall
Player King - TROUGHTON, Patrick
Player Queen - TARVER, Tony
Priest - THORNDIKE, Russell

Olivier was forty when he played the part, old by Hamlet standards, but a side-effect of this is to intensify the latent eroticism of the scenes with his mother, most notably following Polonius' murder, but also at the climax, when it's made clear that she knowingly drinks the poison to kill herself.

Stylistically, Hamlet is quite different from Henry V. Shot in high-contrast black and white, it's not quite as overtly Expressionist as, for instance, Orson Welles' Macbeth (also 1948), but it's certainly a similarly claustrophobic, stifling experience, with none of the opening-out of its predecessor, or any continuation of Olivier's explorations of the contrast between film and theatrical performance.

The following year Hamlet became not just the first British but the first non-American film to win the Oscar for Best Picture, along with Best Actor (Olivier), Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design.

Copyright - All rights reserved to their respective owners.

Read the unabridged plays online: https://shakespearenetwork.net/works/plays


Screen Adaptation - Co-Production : MISANTHROPOS – Official Website - https://www.misanthropos.net
Adapted by Maximianno Cobra, from Shakespeare's "Timon of Athens", the film exposes the timeless challenge of social hypocrisy, disillusion and annihilation against the poetics of friendship, love, and beauty.


00:00:00Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue.
00:00:08But if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as leaf the town-crier spoke my
00:00:15No, do not soar the air too much with your hand thus, but use all gently, for in the
00:00:23very torrent, tempest, and, as I may say, whirlwind of your passion, you must acquire
00:00:28and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness.
00:00:32Oh, it offends me to the soul to hear an obustious, periwig-painted fellow tear a passion to tatters,
00:00:39to split the ears of the groundlings, who, for the most part, are capable of nothing
00:00:43but inexplicable dumb shows and noids.
00:00:46I would have such a fellow whipped, but out-herods, herods, pray you, avoid it.
00:00:51I warrant your honour.
00:00:55Be not too tame, neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor.
00:00:59Suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this special observance that
00:01:04you o'er-step not the modesty of nature, for anything so overdone is from the purpose
00:01:10of playing, whose end, both at the first and now, was and is to hold, as it were, the mirror
00:01:17up to nature, to show virtue her own feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and
00:01:26body of the time, his form and pressure.
00:01:32Now this overdone, though it make the unskillful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve,
00:01:38the censure of which one must, in your allowance, outweigh a whole theatre of others.
00:01:43O, there be players that I have seen play, and heard others praise, and that highly,
00:01:47not to speak it profanely, that, having neither the accent of Christian, nor the gait of pagan
00:01:53Christian, nor man, have so strutted and bellowed, that I have thought that some of nature's
00:01:58journeymen had made men, and not made them well, they emitted it humanity so abominable.
00:02:02I hope we have reformed that indifferently with us, sir.
00:02:05O, reform it altogether, and let those that play your clown speak no more than is set
00:02:10down for them.
00:02:11For there be of them that will themselves laugh, to set on some barren quantity of spectators
00:02:16to laugh too, though in the meantime some necessary question of the play be then to
00:02:20be considered.
00:02:21That's villainous, and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it.
00:02:40Go, make it ready.
00:02:47How now, my lord, will the king hear this piece of work?
00:02:58And the queen too, and that presently.
00:03:00Bid the players make haste.
00:03:01Aye, my lord.
00:03:11Here, sweet lord, at your service.
00:03:12Observe my uncle, give him heedful note.
00:03:13Well, my lord.
00:03:14They are coming to the play.
00:03:15I must be idle.
00:03:16Get you a place.
00:03:18Here, sweet lord, at your service.
00:03:19Observe my uncle, give him heedful note.
00:03:20Well, my lord.
00:03:21They are coming to the play.
00:03:22I must be idle.
00:03:23Get you a place.
00:03:47Here, sweet lord, at your service.
00:04:16How fares our cousin, Hamlet?
00:04:37Excellent, if faith, of the chameleon's dish.
00:04:39I eat the air promised cram.
00:04:41You cannot feed capon, so.
00:04:43I have nothing with this answer, Hamlet.
00:04:44These words are not mine.
00:04:46No, nor mine now.
00:04:47My lord, you played once at the university, you say?
00:04:49There did I, my lord, and was accounted a good actor.
00:04:52What did you enact?
00:04:53I did enact Julius Caesar.
00:04:55I was killed in the capital.
00:04:56Brutus killed me.
00:04:57It was a brute part of him to kill so capital a calf.
00:05:01Be the players ready.
00:05:02Aye, my lord.
00:05:03They stay upon your patience.
00:05:04Come hither, my dear Hamlet.
00:05:05Sit by me.
00:05:06No, good mother.
00:05:07Here's metal more attractive.
00:05:09Lady, shall I lie in your lap?
00:05:17No, my lord.
00:05:26I mean my head upon your lap.
00:05:27Aye, my lord.
00:05:30You think I meant country matters?
00:05:31I think nothing, my lord.
00:05:33That's a fair thought, to lie between maid's legs.
00:05:35What is, my lord?
00:05:39You are merry, my lord.
00:05:40Who, I?
00:05:41I, my lord.
00:05:42Oh, God, you're only jigmaker.
00:05:43Why, what should a man do but be merry?
00:05:45For, look you, how merrily my mother looks, and my father died within two hours.
00:05:50Nay, it is twice two months, my lord.
00:05:53So long? Nay, then, let the devil wear black, for I'll have a suit of sables.
00:05:58Oh, heaven, died two months ago, and not forgotten yet.
00:06:01Why, then, let's hope a great man's memory may outlive his life half a year.
00:06:07For us, and for our tragedy, here stooping to your clemency, we beg your hearing patiently.
00:06:23Is this a prologue, or the posing of a ring?
00:06:31Tis brief, my lord.
00:06:34As woman's love.
00:06:37You are keen, my lord, you are keen.
00:06:40It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:07:03It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:07:33It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:08:03It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:08:23It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:08:53It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:09:23It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:09:48It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:10:09It will cost you a groaning to take off mine edge.
00:10:40Give me some light!
00:10:50Lights! Lights!
00:11:01Lights! Lights! Lights!
00:11:10Lights! Lights! Lights!
00:11:19Let the streak and the echo beat the heart and all it play.
00:11:24For some must watch while some must sleep, thus runs the world away.
00:11:29Oh, good Horatio, I take the ghost's word for a thousand pounds.
00:11:33Very well, my lord.
00:11:34Upon the act of the poisoning?
00:11:35I did very well, my lord.
00:11:36God bless you, sir.
00:11:37Good my lord, now say me a word with him.
00:11:38Sir, a whole history.
00:11:39The king, sir.
00:11:40Ay, sir, what of him?
00:11:41He's in his retirement, marvellous distemper.
00:11:43With drink, sir?
00:11:44No, my lord, rather with collar.
00:11:45Your wisdom should show itself more richer to signify this to the doctor.
00:11:48For for me to put him to his purgation will perhaps plunge him into far more collar.
00:11:51Good my lord, put your discourse into some frame and start not so wildly from my affair.
00:11:55I am tame, sir, pronounce.
00:11:57The queen, your mother, in most great affliction of spirit has sent me to you.
00:12:01You are welcome.
00:12:02Nay, my lord, this courtesy is not of the right breed.
00:12:04If it should please you to make me a wholesome answer, I will do your mother's command.
00:12:07But if not, your pardon and my return shall be the end of my business.
00:12:10Sir, I cannot.
00:12:11What, my lord?
00:12:12Make you a wholesome answer.
00:12:13My wit's diseased.
00:12:14But, sir, such answer as I can make, you shall command.
00:12:17Or rather, as you say, my mother.
00:12:18Therefore, no more but to the matter.
00:12:19My mother, you say.
00:12:20She desires to speak with you in her closet ere you go to bed.
00:12:23We shall obey, were she ten times our mother.
00:12:25Have you any further dread with us?
00:12:26My lord, the queen would speak with you, and presently.
00:12:31Do you see yonder cloud that's almost in shape of a camel?
00:12:35By the mass, and it is like a camel indeed.
00:12:38It thinks it's like a weasel.
00:12:41It is bet like a weasel.
00:12:43Or like a whale.
00:12:45Very like a whale.
00:12:48Then I will come to my mother by and by.
00:12:51I will say so.
00:12:58By and by is easily said.
00:13:05Leave me, friend.
00:13:30It is now the very witching time of night.
00:13:33When churchyards yawn, and hell itself breathes out contagion to this world.
00:13:43Now could I drink hot blood,
00:13:46and do such bitter business as the day would quake to look on.
00:13:55Now to my mother.
00:14:03O heart, lose not thy nature.
00:14:07Let not ever the soul of Nero enter this fern bosom.
00:14:15Let me be cruel,
00:14:17not unnatural.
00:14:20I will speak daggers to her,
00:14:24but use none.
00:14:33My lord.
00:14:36He's going to his mother's closet.
00:14:39Behind the arrows I'll conceal myself to hear the process.
00:14:42I'll warn, and she'll text him home.
00:14:44And as you said,
00:14:47and wisely was it said,
00:14:49tis meet some more audience than a mother,
00:14:51since nature makes them partial should o'er hear the speech of bondage.
00:14:55Fare you well, my liege.
00:14:56I'll call upon you ere you go to bed, and tell you what I know.
00:14:59Thanks to you, my lord.
00:15:11O, my offence is rank.
00:15:14It smells to heaven.
00:15:17It hath the primal eldest curse upon it.
00:15:22A brother's murder.
00:15:23Pray, can I not,
00:15:25though inclination be as sharp as will?
00:15:35What if this cursed head were thicker than itself with brother's blood?
00:15:40Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens?
00:15:45O, my lord.
00:15:47O, my lord.
00:15:50O, my lord.
00:15:53To wash it white as snow?
00:16:00O, what form of prayer can serve my turn?
00:16:04Give me my foul murder that cannot be,
00:16:08since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder.
00:16:12My crown,
00:16:13my known ambition,
00:16:15and my queen.
00:16:19O, wretched state.
00:16:20O, bosom black as death.
00:16:28Help, angel.
00:16:32All may yet be well.
00:16:43Now might I do it better.
00:16:46Now, here's pray.
00:16:50And now I'll do it.
00:17:06And so he goes to heaven.
00:17:09And so am I revenged.
00:17:12That would be thought on.
00:17:15A villain kills my father,
00:17:17and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven.
00:17:23For this is hire and salary, not revenge.
00:17:27He took my father, for all his crimes, full-blown, as flush as may.
00:17:32And how his audit stands, who knows, save heaven.
00:17:36But in our circumstance and course of thought, it is heavy with him.
00:17:40And am I then revenged to take him in the purging of his soul
00:17:44when he is fit and seasoned for his passage?
00:17:51Upsword and know thou a more dark intent when he is drunk, asleep, or in his rage,
00:17:57or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed,
00:18:00at gaming, swearing, or about some act that has no relish of salvation in it.
00:18:05Then trip him that his heels may kick at heaven
00:18:09and that his soul may be as damned and black as hell where to it goes.
00:18:13My mother stays.
00:18:16This physic but prolongs thy sickly day.
00:18:26My words fly up.
00:18:29My thoughts remain below.
00:18:34Words without thoughts never to heaven go.
00:18:43He will come straight. Look, you lay hold to him.
00:18:47Tell him his pranks have been too broad to bear with
00:18:50and that your grace hath screened and stood between much heat and him.
00:18:54I'll silence me in here.
00:18:58Pray you, be round with him.
00:19:19I'll warrant you, fear me not.
00:19:21Withdraw, I hear him coming.
00:19:33Now, mother, what's the matter?
00:19:35Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.
00:19:38Mother, you have my father much offended.
00:19:39Come, come, you answer with an idle tongue.
00:19:42Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue.
00:19:44How not, Hamlet?
00:19:46What's the matter now?
00:19:48Have you forgotten?
00:19:50No, by the rule, not so.
00:19:52You are the queen, your husband's brother's wife,
00:19:55and would it were not so, you are my mother.
00:19:57Nay, then I'll set those to you that can be.
00:19:59Come, come, and sit you down. You shall not budge.
00:20:01You go not till I set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you.
00:20:10What could that do?
00:20:12Thou wilt not murder me.
00:20:14Help, help, help me.
00:20:16I don't know. A rat.
00:20:18Gage, for a jacket.
00:20:24Tell me, what is the matter?
00:20:27Nay, I know not.
00:20:31Is it the king?
00:20:33Oh, what a rash and bloody deed is this.
00:20:37A bloody deed.
00:20:39Almost as bad, good mother, as kill a king and marry with his brother.
00:20:46Kill a king?
00:20:49Ay, lady,
00:20:51it was my word.
00:20:53Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool.
00:21:00I took thee for thy better.
00:21:03Take thy fortune.
00:21:06Thou find'st to be too busy is not a good thing.
00:21:09I know not.
00:21:11I know not.
00:21:13I know not.
00:21:15I know not.
00:21:17I know not.
00:21:19I know not.
00:21:20Thou find'st to be too busy is some danger.
00:21:26Leave wringing of thy hands.
00:21:28Peace, sit you down, and let me wring your heart.
00:21:30For so I shall, if it be made of pennies or of stuff.
00:21:32What have I done that thou darest wag thy tongue in noise so rude against me?
00:21:35Such an act that blurs the grace and blush of modesty,
00:21:38calls virtue hypocrite,
00:21:40takes off the rose from the fair forehead of an innocent love,
00:21:42and sets a blister there,
00:21:44makes marriage vows as false as dice has owed.
00:21:46I mean what I...
00:21:48Look here upon this picture, and on this.
00:21:50The counterfeit presentment of two brothers.
00:21:52See what a grace was seated on this brow.
00:21:55An eye like Mars to threaten and command.
00:21:57A statue like the herald Mercury,
00:21:59new lighted on a heaven-kissing hill.
00:22:01A combination and a form indeed,
00:22:03where every god did seem to set his seal
00:22:05to give the word assurance of a man.
00:22:07This was your husband.
00:22:09Look you now what follows.
00:22:11Here is your husband, like a mildewed ear,
00:22:13blasting his wholesome brother.
00:22:15Have you eyes?
00:22:17You cannot call it love,
00:22:18for when the blood is tame,
00:22:20it's humble and waits upon the judgment.
00:22:22And what judgment would step from this to this?
00:22:24What devil was that thus hath hoodwinked you?
00:22:26O shame, where is thy blush?
00:22:28If hell can rise up in a matron's bones
00:22:30to flaming youth, let virtue be as well.
00:22:32O Hamlet, speak no more.
00:22:34Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul,
00:22:36and there I see such black and grainy spots
00:22:39as will not lose their stain.
00:22:41Nay, but to live in the rank sweat of a lascivious bed,
00:22:44stewed in corruption,
00:22:45cunning and making love over the nasty side.
00:22:47Speak to me no more.
00:22:49These words, like daggers entering my ears,
00:22:51no more, sweet Hamlet.
00:22:53A murderer and a villain,
00:22:55a slave that is not twentieth part the worth
00:22:57of your true lord,
00:22:59a cutlass of the empire and the throne,
00:23:01that from his shelf the precious diadem
00:23:03stolen put it in his pocket.
00:23:05A king of sleds and passes.
00:23:34Save me and hover over me with your wings,
00:23:36your heavenly guards.
00:23:43What were your gracious figure?
00:23:46Alas, these men.
00:23:48Do you not come, your tardy son, to chide,
00:23:51that lapsed in time and passion?
00:23:54Let's go by the important acting of your dread command.
00:24:00O say.
00:24:03Do not forget.
00:24:05This visitation is but to wedge thy almost blunted purpose.
00:24:16But look.
00:24:18Amazement on thy mother sits.
00:24:21O step between her and her fighting soul.
00:24:26Speak to her, Hamlet.
00:24:30How is it with you, lady?
00:24:32Alas, how is it with you
00:24:34that you do bend your eye on vacancy
00:24:36and with the incorporeal air do hold discourse?
00:24:39O gentle Hamlet,
00:24:40upon the heat and flame of thy distemper
00:24:42sprinkle cool patience.
00:24:44Whereon do you look?
00:24:47On him.
00:24:49On him.
00:24:51Look you how pale he glares.
00:24:53His form and cause,
00:24:55conjoined preaching to stones,
00:24:57would make them sensitive.
00:24:59Do not look upon me,
00:25:01lest with this piteous action you convert me.
00:25:04O Hamlet,
00:25:06do not look upon me,
00:25:08lest with this piteous action you convert my stern intents.
00:25:12So I shed tears, not blood.
00:25:17To whom do you speak this?
00:25:28Do you see nothing there?
00:25:36No, nothing at all.
00:25:38Yet all there is, I see.
00:25:40Nor do you nothing here.
00:25:42No, nothing but ourselves.
00:25:47Why, look you there.
00:25:49Look where it steals away.
00:25:51My father, in his habit as he lived.
00:25:53Look where he goes, even now, out at the portal.
00:26:06This is the very coinage of your brain.
00:26:09This bodiless creation, madness, is very cunning in.
00:26:17My pulse as yours doth temperately keep time
00:26:20and makes us healthful music.
00:26:22Mother, for love of God,
00:26:24do not be angry with me.
00:26:26I am not mad.
00:26:28I am not mad.
00:26:30I am not mad.
00:26:32I am not mad.
00:26:34Mother, for love of grace,
00:26:36lay not that flattering unction to your soul
00:26:38that not your trespass but my madness speaks.
00:26:41Confess yourself to heaven.
00:26:44Repent what's past.
00:26:47Avoid what is to come.
00:26:49And do not spread the compost on the weeds
00:26:52to make them rancor.
00:26:57Forgive me this, my virtue.
00:26:59O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain.
00:27:05Throw away the worse a part of it
00:27:08and live the purer with the other half.
00:27:13Good night.
00:27:15But go not to my uncle's bed.
00:27:20Assume a virtue if you have it not.
00:27:23Refrain to-night,
00:27:25and that shall end a kind of evil.
00:27:27And that shall end a kind of easiness
00:27:30to the next abstinence,
00:27:32the next more easing.
00:27:34For use can almost change the stamp of nature.
00:27:38Once more, good night.
00:27:41And when you are desirous to be blest,
00:27:44I a blessing beg of you.
00:27:51I must be cruel
00:27:53only to be kind.
00:27:57Good night.
00:28:05I must to England, you know that?
00:28:08Lack I had forgot.
00:28:11This so concluded on.
00:28:14There's letters sealed.
00:28:18This man shall send me packing.
00:28:22I'll lug the guts into the neighbor room.
00:28:27Good night.
00:28:39Indeed, this counselor is now most still,
00:28:43most secret,
00:28:45and most grave
00:28:47that was in life
00:28:49a foolish, prating knave.
00:28:52Come, sir.
00:28:54We draw toward an end with you.
00:28:58Good night, mother.
00:29:21Now, Hamlet, where's Polonius?
00:29:24At supper.
00:29:25At supper?
00:29:28Not where he eats,
00:29:30but where he is eaten.
00:29:32A certain convocation of politic worms
00:29:34are even at him.
00:29:36Your worm is your only emperor for diet.
00:29:39We fat all creatures else to fat us,
00:29:41and we fat ourselves
00:29:43for worms.
00:29:45Your fat king and your lean beggar
00:29:47is but variable service,
00:29:48two dishes but to one table.
00:29:49That's the end.
00:29:51Alas, alas.
00:29:53A man may fish with the worm
00:29:54to eat of a king
00:29:55and eat of the fish
00:29:56that have fed of that worm.
00:29:58What dost thou mean by this?
00:30:00but to show you how a king
00:30:01may go a progress
00:30:02through the guts of a beggar.
00:30:04Where is Polonius?
00:30:05In heaven.
00:30:06Send thither to see.
00:30:08If your messenger find him not there,
00:30:09seek him in the other place yourself.
00:30:11But indeed, if you find him not
00:30:12within this month,
00:30:13you shall nose him
00:30:14as you go up the stairs
00:30:15into the lobby.
00:30:16Go, seek him there.
00:30:19He will stay till you come.
00:30:27for thine is special safety,
00:30:29which we do tender,
00:30:30as we do deeply grieve
00:30:32for that which thou hast done.
00:30:34This deed must send thee hence
00:30:36with fiery quickness.
00:30:38Therefore prepare thyself.
00:30:40The bark is ready,
00:30:41the wind sets fair,
00:30:42and everything is bent for England.
00:30:44For England.
00:30:46Ay, Hamlet.
00:30:50So is if thou newst our purposes.
00:30:52I see a cherub that sees them.
00:30:56But come,
00:30:58for England.
00:31:01Farewell, dear mother.
00:31:04My loving father, Hamlet.
00:31:09My mother.
00:31:12Father and mother
00:31:13is man and wife.
00:31:15Man and wife
00:31:16is one flesh
00:31:19and soul.
00:31:23My mother.
00:31:41for England.
00:31:43Follow him close.
00:31:44Tempt him with speed.
00:31:45Abort him. Lay it not.
00:31:46I'll have him hence tonight.
00:31:48For everything is sealed and done.
00:31:49That elderly man
00:31:50Everything is sealed and done.
00:31:51Else leans on the affair.
00:31:53Pray you, make haste.
00:32:02And England,
00:32:03if my love thou hold'st at aught,
00:32:05thou mayst not coldly treat
00:32:07our sovereign order
00:32:09which imports at full
00:32:11the present death of Hamlet.
00:32:16Do it, England,
00:32:17like the fever in my breast.
00:32:20With blood he rages.
00:32:22Thou must cure me.
00:32:24Till I know it is done,
00:32:26howe'er my haps, my joys,
00:32:28would ne'er be done.
00:33:20Where is the beauteous majesty of Denmark?
00:33:23Why, how now, Ophelia.
00:33:27Say you?
00:33:30Nay, pray you, mark.
00:33:33He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:37He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:40He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:43He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:46He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:48He is dead and gone, lady.
00:33:52At his head a grass green turf,
00:33:58at his heels a stone.
00:34:12Nay, but Ophelia.
00:34:14Pray you, mark.
00:34:18Why did he shroud as the mountain snow
00:34:23blood of his heart?
00:34:24Alas, look here, my lord.
00:34:27Which bewept to the grave did go
00:34:32with true love shall.
00:34:39How do you, pretty lady?
00:34:45Well, Guardiolue.
00:34:49They say the owl was a baker's daughter.
00:35:01Lord, we know what we are,
00:35:03but know not what we may be.
00:35:14Guardi, at your table.
00:35:19Distraction for her father.
00:35:23I hope all will be well.
00:35:29We must be patient.
00:35:34But I cannot choose but weep
00:35:37to think they should lay him in the cold ground.
00:35:49My brother shall know of it.
00:35:54And so I thank you for your good counsel.
00:35:56Come, my coach.
00:36:00Good night, lady.
00:36:03Sweet lady.
00:36:07Good night.
00:36:09Good night.
00:36:12Follow her, Klaus.
00:36:13Give her good watch, I pray you.
00:36:18Good night.
00:36:43Oh, Gertrude, Gertrude.
00:36:46When sorrows come,
00:36:47not a single spy is within battalions.
00:36:50First, her father slain.
00:36:53Next, her son gone.
00:36:56The people muddied, thick and unwholesome
00:36:58in their thoughts and whispers.
00:37:02For Ophelia,
00:37:04divided from herself,
00:37:06an unfair judgment.
00:37:09Last, and more dangerous than all of these,
00:37:12her brother is in secret,
00:37:14come from France and wants not buzzers
00:37:15to infect his ear with pestilence
00:37:17speeches of his father's death.
00:37:19He himself not hesitates
00:37:21to threaten our own person.
00:37:33Oh, my dear Gertrude.
00:37:37This, like to a murdering peace
00:37:39in many places,
00:37:41gives me superfluous death.
00:37:46How now? What news?
00:37:58Letters, my lord, from Hamlet.
00:37:59From Hamlet?
00:38:01This to your majesty,
00:38:03this to the queen.
00:38:06Who brought them?
00:38:07Sailors, my lord, they say.
00:38:09Leave us.
00:38:15Leave us.
00:38:46God bless you, sir.
00:38:48Let him bless thee too.
00:38:50He shall, sir.
00:38:51And it please him.
00:38:53There's a letter for you, sir.
00:38:55Comes from the ambassador
00:38:56that was bound for England.
00:38:59The name be Horatio,
00:39:00as I am led to know it is.
00:39:13ere we were two days old at sea,
00:39:17a pirate, a very warlike appointment,
00:39:19gave us chase.
00:39:21Finding ourselves too slow of sail,
00:39:24we put on a compelled valour.
00:39:29And in the grapple,
00:39:31I boarded them.
00:39:36On the instant they got clear of our ship,
00:39:38so I alone became their prisoner.
00:39:43They have dealt with me
00:39:44like thieves of mercy,
00:39:46but they knew what they did.
00:39:48I am to do a good turn for them.
00:39:51Prepare thou to me
00:39:52with as much speed
00:39:53as thou wouldst fly dare.
00:39:55These good fellows
00:39:56will bring thee where I am.
00:39:59He that thou knowest thine,
00:40:37Come, that you may direct me to him
00:40:38from whom you brought this.
00:40:41I'll not be jumbled with.
00:40:42To hell with allegiance.
00:40:43Vows to the blackest pit.
00:40:45I dare damnation.
00:40:46Only I'll be revenge
00:40:47most throughly for my father.
00:40:49If you desire to know
00:40:50the certainty of your dear father's death,
00:40:52is it written in your event
00:40:53that Swoopstake will draw
00:40:54both friend and foe,
00:40:55winner and loser?
00:40:56None but his enemies.
00:40:57But you know them then.
00:40:58To his good friends thus wide
00:40:59I'll open my arms.
00:41:00Why, now you speak
00:41:01like a good child
00:41:02and a true gentleman.
00:41:03But I am guiltless
00:41:04of your father's death
00:41:05and am most sensibly in grief for it
00:41:06which shall appear as clearly
00:41:07to your judgment
00:41:08as day doth to your eyes.
00:41:10You must sing.
00:41:11Oh, no.
00:41:12What noise is this?
00:41:16Kind sister.
00:41:19Sweet Ophelia.
00:41:21It's the false steward
00:41:22that stole his master's daughter.
00:41:24Oh, he drive my brains.
00:41:29Oh, rose of May.
00:41:31Oh, heavens.
00:41:32Is it possible
00:41:33a young maid's wit
00:41:34should be as mortal
00:41:35as an old man's life?
00:41:38By heaven,
00:41:39thy madness shall be paid by weight
00:41:42till our scales turn the beam.
00:41:50Fare you well, my darling.
00:41:58There's room for one more.
00:42:00There's rosemary.
00:42:03That's for remembrance.
00:42:27Pray you, love.
00:42:45There is penance
00:42:47that's for thoughts.
00:42:54There's fennel for you
00:42:55and columbines.
00:42:59There's rue for you
00:43:02and here's some for me.
00:43:04We may call it herbal grace on Sunday.
00:43:09Oh, you must wear your rue
00:43:10with a difference.
00:43:15There's a daisy.
00:43:20I would give you some violets,
00:43:22but they withered all
00:43:23when my father died.
00:43:26They say he made a good end.
00:43:30For bonnie's people,
00:43:31it is all my fault.
00:43:34Do you see this, O God?
00:43:35And will he not come again?
00:43:39And will he not come again?
00:43:43No, no, he is dead.
00:43:46Go to thy death bed.
00:43:50He'll never come again.
00:43:53He'll never come again.
00:44:09And of all Christian souls,
00:44:10I pray to God.
00:44:23God be with you.
00:45:17There is a willow grows a slant a brook
00:45:20That shows his four leaves in the glassy stream,
00:45:24There with fantastic garlands did she come, Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long
00:45:33There on the pendant boughs, her coronet-weeds Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke,
00:45:44Went down her weedy trophies, and herself Fell in the weeping brook.
00:45:50Her clothes spread wide, and murmured like A while, and they bore her up.
00:46:13But long it could not be, till that her Garments, heavy with their drink,
00:46:21Pulled the poor wretch from her melodious lay To muddy death.
00:46:30Alas, then she has drowned.
00:46:44In youth, when I did love, did love, Me thought it was very sweet to contract
00:46:53All the time for, oh my behove, Me thought there was nothing me.
00:47:04But age, with his stealing steps, Had clawed me in his clutch.
00:47:15Whose grave is this, sirrah?
00:47:18Mine, sir.
00:47:20I think it be thine indeed, for thou liest in it.
00:47:24You lie, I don't, sir, therefore it is not yours.
00:47:26For my part I do not lie in't, and yet it is mine.
00:47:29Let us lie in't, to be in't, and say it is thine.
00:47:32It is the dead, not the quick, therefore thou liest.
00:47:35It is a quick lie, sir, till away again from me to you.
00:47:38What man dost thou dig it for?
00:47:40For no man, sir.
00:47:42For what woman, then?
00:47:43For none neither.
00:47:45Who is to be buried in't?
00:47:48One that was a woman, sir, but rest her soul, she's dead.
00:47:55How absolute the name is!
00:47:57We must speak by the card, or equivocation will undo it.
00:48:03How long hast thou been grave-maker?
00:48:07Of all the days in the year, I came to it that day
00:48:10That our last King Hamlet all came fought in brass.
00:48:13How long is that, sir?
00:48:15Cannot you tell that?
00:48:16Every fool can tell that.
00:48:18It was the very day that young Hamlet was born.
00:48:20He that is mad and sent into England.
00:48:22I am mad.
00:48:24Why was he sent into England?
00:48:26Why? Because he was mad.
00:48:30He shall recover his wits there.
00:48:32But if he do not do, no great matter there.
00:48:36Do not be seen in him there.
00:48:38There the men are as mad as he.
00:48:41How came he mad?
00:48:43Very strangely, they say.
00:48:46How strangely?
00:48:49In by losing his wits.
00:48:51Upon what ground?
00:48:52Why, here in Denmark.
00:48:55How long will a man lie here at the earth?
00:48:58There he rots.
00:49:00In faith, if he be not rotten before he die,
00:49:02He will last some eight year or nine year.
00:49:05A tanner will last you nine year.
00:49:07Why he more than another?
00:49:09Why, sir? His hide is so tan with his trade.
00:49:12It will keep out water a great while.
00:49:15And your water's a sordid clear of your awesome dead body.
00:49:18Here. Here's a skull now.
00:49:21This skull hath lain in the earth three and twenty year.
00:49:24Whose was it?
00:49:26Horse and mad fellow's it was.
00:49:28Who do you think it was?
00:49:30I don't know.
00:49:32A pestilence on him for a mad rogue.
00:49:35He poured a flag and a rainish on me head once.
00:49:39This same skull, sir, was Yorick's skull.
00:49:42The king's jester.
00:49:50E'en that.
00:49:54Let me see.
00:50:00Alas, poor Yorick.
00:50:03I knew him, Horatio.
00:50:06A fellow of infinite jest,
00:50:09Of most excellent fancy.
00:50:12He hath borne me on his back a thousand times.
00:50:18But now, how abhorred in my imagination it is.
00:50:20My gorge rises it.
00:50:23Here hung those lips that I have kissed.
00:50:26I know not how oft.
00:50:29Where be your jibes now?
00:50:32Your song? Your gamble?
00:50:35Your flashes of merriment that were wont to set the table on a roar?
00:50:40Not one now to mock your own grinning.
00:50:43Quite chop-fallen.
00:50:47Now get you to my lady's chamber.
00:50:50Tell her, let her paint an inch thick.
00:50:54To this favour she must come.
00:50:59Make her laugh at that.
00:51:05What's after?
00:51:17The king.
00:51:19The queen. The courtier.
00:51:22Who is this they follow?
00:51:24And with such meagre right.
00:51:27This doth betoken the corpse they follow.
00:51:29Did with desperate hand take its own life.
00:51:38What ceremony else?
00:51:40That is Laertes, a very noble youth.
00:51:44What ceremony else?
00:51:46Her obsequies have been as far enlarged as we have warranty.
00:51:50Her death was doubtful.
00:51:53And but that great command or sways the order,
00:51:57she should be ground unsanctified of lodge till the last trumpet.
00:52:02Must there no more be done?
00:52:05No more be done?
00:52:08We should profane the service of the dead.
00:52:11We should profane the service of the dead
00:52:14to sing a requiem and such rest to her
00:52:17as to peace parted souls.
00:52:24Lay her in the earth.
00:52:35And from her fair and unpolluted flesh
00:52:39may violence spring.
00:52:44I tell thee, churlish priest,
00:52:46a ministering angel shall my sister be when thou liest howling.
00:52:53The fair Ophelia.
00:52:59Sweets to the sweet.
00:53:06I hope thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife.
00:53:10I thought thy bride bed to have decked, sweet maid,
00:53:15and not have strewed thy grave.
00:53:18Oh, treble, woeful, ten times treble on that cursed head
00:53:22whose wicked deed thy most ingenious sense deprived thee of.
00:53:27Hold off the earth awhile till I have caught her once more in my arm.
00:53:31Now pile your dust upon the quick and dead
00:53:34till of this flat a mountain you have made.
00:53:36What is he whose grief bears such an emphasis?
00:53:40This is I, Hamlet the Dane.
00:53:42Devil, take thy sword.
00:53:44Thou pray'st not well?
00:53:45I pray thee, take thy kingdom from my throat.
00:53:47Hold off my hand.
00:53:48God give us your mercy.
00:53:50Why never fighteth him upon this theme
00:53:53until my eye is fuller on the wag?
00:53:54Hear, my son, what theme.
00:53:56I love Ophelia.
00:53:59Forty thousand brothers
00:54:00could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum.
00:54:03What wilt thou do for her?
00:54:04He's mad, Laertes.
00:54:05Don't show me what thou wilt do.
00:54:07Would weep, would fight, would fast, would tear thyself,
00:54:10would drink of poison, eat a crocodile, I'll do it.
00:54:13Dost thou come here to whine,
00:54:14to outface me with leaping in her grave?
00:54:16Be very quick with her, and so will I.
00:54:18Or if thou pray'st a mountain,
00:54:19let them throw millions of acres on us.
00:54:21Nay, in thou mouth I'll rant as well as thou.
00:54:24This is mere madness,
00:54:26and thus awhile the fit will work in him.
00:54:28And none as patient as the female dove,
00:54:30his silence will sit droopy.
00:54:33Hear you, sir.
00:54:35What is the reason that you use me thus?
00:54:38I loved you ever.
00:54:42But it is no matter.
00:54:44Let Hercules himself do what he may.
00:54:47The cat will mew,
00:54:50and dog will have his day.
00:54:53I pray you, good Horatio, wait upon him.
00:54:57Good Gertrude, set some watch o'er your son.
00:55:22Here it is.
00:55:23I must commune with your grief.
00:55:26Or you deny me right.
00:55:28And you must put me in your heart for friend.
00:55:33Where the offence is, let the great axe fall.
00:55:37It shall be so.
00:55:39But tell me why you have proceeded not against him.
00:55:42Oh, for two special reasons,
00:55:44which may to you seem much unsinewed.
00:55:47Yet to me they're strong.
00:55:50The queen, his mother, lives almost by his looks.
00:55:54For myself, my virtue or my plague, be it either way,
00:55:59is she so conjunctive to my life and soul,
00:56:03that as the star moves not but in his sphere,
00:56:06I could not but by her.
00:56:10The other motive is the great love the general people bear him,
00:56:14who, dipping all his faults in their affections,
00:56:17convert his sins to graces.
00:56:21And so have I, a noble father lost,
00:56:25a sister driven to a desperate end,
00:56:29whose worth, if praises may go back again,
00:56:33stood challenger on mound of all the age for her perfections.
00:56:44But my revenge will come.
00:56:46Break not your sleeps for that.
00:56:50You must not think that we are made of stuff so flat and dull
00:56:54that we can let our beard be shook with danger and think it pasta.
00:57:10As he be now returned, I'll work him to an exploit,
00:57:13now ripe in my device,
00:57:15under the which he shall not choose but fall.
00:57:19And for his death, no wind of blame shall breathe,
00:57:24and even his mother shall uncharge the practice and call it accident.
00:57:28My lord, I will be ruled more willingly if you devise it so
00:57:31that I might be the instrument.
00:57:33It falls right.
00:57:40You have been very kind to me.
00:57:43You have been talked of since your travel much,
00:57:46and that in Hamlet's hearing,
00:57:48for a quality wherein they say you shine.
00:57:51Two months since, here was a gentleman of Normandy.
00:57:54He made confession of you,
00:57:56gave you such a masterly report for art and exercise in your defence,
00:58:00and for your rapier most especially,
00:58:03that he cried out, would be a sight indeed if one could match you.
00:58:08Sir, this report of his did Hamlet so envenom with his envy
00:58:12that he could nothing do but beg and wish your sudden coming o'er to fence with him.
00:58:18Now, out of this.
00:58:24What out of this, my lord?
00:58:29Laertes, was your father dear to you,
00:58:32or are you like the painting of the sorrow,
00:58:34a face without a heart?
00:58:38Will I ask you this?
00:58:42That we would do, we should do, and we would.
00:58:48This would changes at abatements and delays,
00:58:52as many as there are words or thoughts or accidents.
00:58:57And then this should is like a spent with sigh.
00:59:04To the quick of the author.
00:59:07We'll put on those shall praise your excellence,
00:59:11bring you each short together and wager on your heads.
00:59:16Hamlet, being guileless, will not peruse the sword,
00:59:21so that with ease or with a little shuffling
00:59:25you may choose a sword unbated
00:59:28and in a pass of practice requite him for your father.
00:59:33I will do it.
00:59:35And for that purpose I'll anoint my sword.
00:59:38I bought an unction of a mounty bank, so mortal,
00:59:42that if I dip a knife in it, where it goes blind,
00:59:45no medicine so rare can save the thing from death
00:59:48that is but scratched with oil.
00:59:52If this should fail,
00:59:54Sartre, let me see it.
00:59:57You'll make a solemn wager on your cunning.
01:00:05I have it.
01:00:07When in the action you are hot and dry,
01:00:10and that he calls for drink,
01:00:12I'll have prepared him a chalice for once,
01:00:14whereon but sipping,
01:00:16if he perchance escape your venom to point,
01:00:19our purpose may hold there.
01:00:30thou art he and as just a man, as e'er my conversation coped with all.
01:00:34Oh, my dear lord.
01:00:36Nay, do not think I flatter.
01:00:40For thou hast been as one in suffering all that suffers nothing.
01:00:44A man that fortunes by,
01:00:46a man that is not by,
01:00:48a man that is not by,
01:00:50a man that is not by,
01:00:52a man that is not by,
01:00:55a man that fortunes, buffets, and rewards
01:00:58has tamed with equal thank.
01:01:01And blessed are those whose blood and judgment
01:01:04are so well commingled that they are not a pipe
01:01:06for fortune's finger to sound what stops she pleads.
01:01:13Give me that man that is not passion's slave,
01:01:18and I will wear him in my heart's call.
01:01:22I and my heart are part,
01:01:25as I do thee.
01:01:29Something too much of this.
01:01:31But I am very sorry, good Horatio,
01:01:33that to Laertes I forgot myself.
01:01:36For by the image of my cause I see the portraiture of his.
01:01:39I court his favors.
01:01:41But sure the bravery of his grief did put me into a towering passion.
01:01:45He is who comes here.
01:01:48Ah, your lordship is right welcome back to Denmark.
01:01:53I humbly thank you, sir.
01:01:54Dost know this water-fly?
01:01:56No, my good lord.
01:01:57Thy state is the more gracious.
01:01:58Sweet lord, if your lordship will the pleasure,
01:02:01I should impart a thing to you from his majesty.
01:02:03We shall receive it, sir, with all diligence of spirit.
01:02:05Put your bonnet to his right use. Tis for the head.
01:02:07I thank you, lordship. Tis very hot.
01:02:08No, believe me, it is very cold. The wind is northerly.
01:02:10It is indifferent cold, my lord, indeed.
01:02:12And yet methinks tis very sultry and hot for my complexion.
01:02:14Exceedingly, my lord. It is very sultry, as it were.
01:02:16I cannot tell how.
01:02:18But, my lord, his majesty bade me signify to you
01:02:21that he has laid a great wager on your head.
01:02:23Sir, this is the matter.
01:02:25I beseech you, remember.
01:02:27Nay, good my lord, for mine ease in good faith.
01:02:30Sir, here is newly come to court Laertes,
01:02:34who will he be an absolute gentleman,
01:02:36full of the most excellent differences of very soft society and great showing.
01:02:40Indeed, to speak feelingly of him,
01:02:42he is the card or calendar of gentry.
01:02:44Concernancy, sir.
01:02:46Why do we wrack the gentleman in our more rarer breath?
01:02:50Is it not possible to understand in another tongue?
01:02:52You'll do better, sir, really.
01:02:54What imports the nomination of this gentleman?
01:02:56Of Laertes.
01:02:58Of him, sir.
01:02:59I know you are not ignorant of what excellence Laertes is.
01:03:02I mean, sir, for his weapon.
01:03:05What is his weapon?
01:03:06A rapier and a dagger.
01:03:08That's two of his weapons, but what?
01:03:10The king, sir, hath waded with him six barbary horses,
01:03:13against the which he has empawned, as I take it,
01:03:15six French rapiers and poniards,
01:03:17with their assigned as girdle and hanger and so.
01:03:19Afraid the carriages, if they are very dear to fancy,
01:03:22very responsive to the hilt,
01:03:24most delicate carriages, and of very liberal design.
01:03:28What call you the carriages?
01:03:30Carriages, sir, are the hangards.
01:03:36The phrase would be more germane to the matter
01:03:38if we could carry a cannon by our side,
01:03:40that would it might be hangers till then, but of.
01:03:42The king, sir, hath later,
01:03:44that in a dozen passes between yourself and him
01:03:46he shall not exceed you three hits.
01:03:48He hath laid on twelve for nine,
01:03:50and it would come to immediate trial
01:03:51if your lordship would vouchsafe the answer.
01:03:55How if I answer no?
01:03:57I mean, my lord, the opposition of your person in trial.
01:04:09Sir, I will walk here in the hall.
01:04:11If it please his majesty,
01:04:12it is the breathing time of day with me.
01:04:14Let the swords be brought.
01:04:15The gentleman willing, and the king hold his purpose,
01:04:17I will win for him if I can.
01:04:19If not, I shall gain nothing but my shame and the odd hits.
01:04:22Shall I re-deliver you even so?
01:04:24To this effect, sir, after what flourish your nature will.
01:04:27I commend my duty to your lordship.
01:04:29Your lordship.
01:04:31I have a letter for you.
01:04:33If it please your majesty,
01:04:34it is the breathing time of day with me.
01:04:36It will be well done.
01:04:37After what flourish your nature will.
01:04:39I commend my duty to your lordship.
01:04:44your lordship.
01:04:48wholly happen.
01:04:50You will lose this wager, my lord.
01:05:00I do not think so.
01:05:03Since he went into France, I have been in continual practice.
01:05:06I shall win at the odds.
01:05:11Thou wouldst not think how ill all's here about my heart.
01:05:17But it is no matter.
01:05:18Nay, good my lord.
01:05:19It is but foolery.
01:05:21But it is just such a kind of misgiving as would perhaps trouble a woman.
01:05:25If your mind dislike anything, obey it.
01:05:27I'll forestall their coming here and say you're not fit.
01:05:29Not a whit!
01:05:31We defy your giri.
01:05:32There is special providence in the fall of a sparrow.
01:05:36If it be now, tis not to come.
01:05:38If it be not to come, it will be now.
01:05:41If it be not now, yet it will come.
01:05:45The readiness is all.
01:05:48As a divinity that shapes our end, rough-hew them how we will.
01:05:53Let be.
01:06:18Come, Hamlet, come, and take this hand of me.
01:06:48Give me your pardon, sir, I've done you wrong.
01:06:53But pardon it, as you are a gentleman.
01:06:56This presence knows, and you must needs have heard, how I am punished with a sore distraction.
01:07:02What I have done, that might your nature, honour, and exception roughly awake, I here
01:07:07proclaim was madness.
01:07:10Wast Hamlet wrongly irtied?
01:07:13Never Hamlet.
01:07:15If Hamlet from himself be ta'en away, and when he's not himself, does wrongly irtied,
01:07:19then Hamlet does it not.
01:07:20Hamlet denies it.
01:07:22Who does it then?
01:07:24His madness.
01:07:25If it be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wronged.
01:07:29His madness is poor Hamlet's enemy.
01:07:32Sir, in this audience, let my disclaiming from a purposed evil free me so far in your
01:07:38most generous thoughts, that I have shot my arrow o'er the house, and hurt my brother.
01:07:55Give us the foils.
01:07:56Come on.
01:07:58I be your foil, Laertes.
01:07:59In my ignorance, your skills shall, like a star in the darkest night, shine fiery indeed.
01:08:04You mock me, sir.
01:08:05No, by this hand.
01:08:06Give him the foils, young Osric.
01:08:07Cousin Hamlet, you will owe the waiter.
01:08:08Very well, my lord.
01:08:09Your grace has laid the odds of the weaker side.
01:08:10I do not fear him.
01:08:11I have seen you both.
01:08:12Since he is better, we have therefore odds.
01:08:13This is too heavy.
01:08:14Let me see another.
01:08:15This likes me well.
01:08:16These salts have all a length.
01:08:17I am a good lord.
01:08:18Set me the stoops of wine, and I will give you a drink.
01:08:19If Hamlet give the first or second hit, let all the battlements their ordnance fire.
01:08:45The king shall drink to Hamlet's better breath, and in the cup a jewel shall he throw, richer
01:08:53than that which four successive kings in Denmark's crown have worn.
01:09:01Give me the cup, and let the kettle to the trumpet speak, the trumpet to the cannoneer
01:09:13the cannon to the heavens, the heavens to earth, and now the king drinks to Hamlet.
01:09:22Now the king drinks to Hamlet.
01:09:30Come, begin.
01:09:31And you, the judges, bear a wary eye.
01:09:35Come on, sir.
01:09:36Come, my lord.
01:09:42Come, my lord.
01:09:43Come, my lord.
01:09:44Come, my lord.
01:09:45Come, my lord.
01:09:46Come, my lord.
01:09:47Come, my lord.
01:09:48Come, my lord.
01:09:49Come, my lord.
01:09:50Come, my lord.
01:09:51Come, my lord.
01:09:52Come, my lord.
01:09:53Come, my lord.
01:09:54Come, my lord.
01:09:55Come, my lord.
01:09:56Come, my lord.
01:09:57Come, my lord.
01:09:58Come, my lord.
01:09:59Come, my lord.
01:10:00Come, my lord.
01:10:01Come, my lord.
01:10:02Come, my lord.
01:10:03Come, my lord.
01:10:04Come, my lord.
01:10:05Come, my lord.
01:10:06Come, my lord.
01:10:07Come, my lord.
01:10:08Come, my lord.
01:10:09Come, my lord.
01:10:10Come, my lord.
01:10:27A hit, a very palpable hit.
01:10:28Well again, Then?
01:10:38Give me drink.
01:10:41Hamlet, this pearl is thine.
01:10:47Here's to thy health.
01:11:01Give him the cup.
01:11:04I'll play this bout first. Set it by your wife.
01:11:41Another hit, what say you?
01:11:54A touch, a touch, I do confess.
01:11:57Our salve shall win.
01:12:00He's hot and scant of breath.
01:12:02Here, Hamlet, take my napkin, rub thy brows.
01:12:07Good God, you do not drink!
01:12:11I will, my lord, I pray you, pardon me.
01:12:16The queen carouses to thy fortune, Hamlet.
01:12:20Good, madam.
01:12:24It's too late.
01:12:26My lord, I'll hit him now.
01:12:28I do not think it.
01:12:32It is always against my conscience.
01:12:36Let me wipe thy face.
01:12:41Come to the third lair to eat, you do but deli.
01:12:51I pray you, pass with your best violence.
01:12:53I'm afeard you'll make a wanton of me.
01:12:54Say you so.
01:12:55Come on.
01:13:11Nothing, neither way.
01:13:41Have it, you know.
01:14:41Part them, they're incensed.
01:14:43Come again.
01:15:11How is the Oedipus?
01:15:23I've justly killed with mine own treachery.
01:15:34How is it, my lord?
01:15:35How is the queen?
01:15:38Be swooned to see them bleed.
01:15:40No, no, drink, drink.
01:16:00Oh, villain.
01:16:05Oh, let the door be locked.
01:16:06Treachery, seek his eyes.
01:16:13Here, Hamlet.
01:16:16Hamlet, god slain.
01:16:19Indeed, there is not half an hour of life.
01:16:22The treacherous instrument is in thy hand, unbated and envenomed.
01:16:28The foul practice has turned itself on me.
01:16:32No, here I lie, never to rise again.
01:16:36Thy mother's poisoned.
01:16:44The king, the king's to blame.
01:16:51The point and venom too.
01:16:55Then venom to thy wits.
01:17:37Exchange forgiveness with me, noble Hamlet.
01:17:45Mine and my father's death come not upon thee, nor thine on me.
01:17:52Heaven make thee free of it.
01:17:55I follow thee.
01:18:06I am dead, Horatio.
01:18:37Wretched queen, adieu.
01:18:59You that look pale and tremble at this chance.
01:19:02You that are but mutes, or audience to this act.
01:19:09Adieu but time, as this fell sergeant death is strict in his arrest.
01:19:18Oh, I could tell you, but let it be.
01:19:23I die, Horatio.
01:19:36The potent poison quite outgrows my spirit.
01:19:46If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, I've sent thee from felicity of mine.
01:19:54And in this harsh world, draw thy breath in pain, to tell my story.
01:20:08The rest is silence.
01:20:23Let four captains bear Hamlet like a soldier to the stage, for he was likely, had he been
01:20:41put on, to have proved most royal.
01:20:44And for his passage, the soldier's music and the rites of war speak loudly for him.
01:20:55Go, bid the soldiers shoot.
01:21:10Good night, sweet prince.
01:21:14And flights of angels, sing thee to thy rest.
01:23:14Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu
01:23:44Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu, Adieu
