• last year
KEYS To Achieve SUCCESS your life
00:00Everyone here is either a self-made millionaire or you intend to be in the future.
00:04Everybody loves the subject of becoming wealthy.
00:07And then I'm going to give you seven keys to becoming an outstanding leader in this industry
00:13and to becoming one of the highest paid people in our society and becoming wealthy.
00:18And the wonderful thing is they're not complicated.
00:21In order to become a millionaire, you have to become a completely different person.
00:25You have to develop character beyond 99% of the people in the world.
00:29You have to develop honesty and discipline and quality relationships
00:34and the willingness and the ability to work and set priorities and all kinds of stuff
00:39because without that nothing is possible.
00:42It's the first one of all is dream big dreams.
00:46You couldn't believe it.
00:48Every single person who finally made it said the turning point in their life.
00:52They were driving down the road of life not making much progress
00:55which is at the 80-20 rule that you hear.
00:5880% of people make 20% of the money.
01:02And I'm sorry 20% of the people make 80% of the money.
01:06And what happens at a certain point in life they change and go on a different road.
01:11And here's the turning point.
01:13It is making a decision.
01:15Make a decision that I'm going to become wealthy.
01:19I'm going to become a millionaire and I will work hard long hours.
01:23I will sacrifice.
01:24I will pay the price.
01:26I will do everything that is necessary.
01:29So I wanted to share with you what I call the seven C's.
01:33So the first C is the CSE of clarity.
01:36Clarity is my favorite word in success.
01:39It's my favorite word in business.
01:42I have done consulting for more than a thousand corporations,
01:46large companies, worldwide companies like IBM, General Motors, PepsiCo, Bank of America.
01:52I mean big companies.
01:53I've also worked with more than 10,000 small and medium-sized companies.
01:58And what I found is in every single situation problems occur when the company becomes unclear
02:02about what it is they're doing or how it is they're doing it.
02:05And so I've developed a program which is really just a fun program for me.
02:09It's actually called the two-day MBA and it shows ten different factors of a company.
02:14And these are the ones that I learned when I went back to the university in my 30s.
02:19And I find that all problems come from a lack of clarity.
02:23What is your product?
02:25The first question you ask.
02:27Who is your customer?
02:29What is your customer considered to be more valuable than anything else?
02:33How are you superior to your competitors?
02:36What can you do to attract more customers?
02:39How can you close those customers?
02:41Number two is write it down. Write it down. Write it down.
02:44There's nothing more important than writing down your goals
02:47because if it's not written down, it's merely a fantasy.
02:50Now they've done a whole series of studies at Harvard and Yale and Cornell and so on,
02:54but the difference between students who type their notes and students who write their notes,
02:58the students who write their notes all get straight ass.
03:02Students who type their notes forget everything before the end of the day
03:05because writing forces you to use three abilities.
03:08Your kinesthetic ability, your physical ability of writing, your audio ability.
03:14You see it when you're writing it and your auditory ability,
03:17you say it to yourself when you're writing.
03:20So you activate the three major parts of your brain simultaneously
03:23like a laser beam from a space station onto a piece of paper
03:27and your subconscious mind accepts it as a command.
03:30As a command and your super god is just mind starts to work on it 24 hours a day.
03:36Just write it down. Write it down and it's the most amazing darn thing.
03:41If all you did was write down one goal and leave this conference,
03:45your life will be different forever.
03:47And because there are all kinds of things will start to happen
03:50and you'll say, well, that's a coincidence.
03:52I just wrote that goal down when I was in that meeting this afternoon
03:57and then I get this phone call or something in the mail or I saw something on TV
04:01or so it was just, it's just phenomenal, phenomenal.
04:04So step number one, right? Decide what you want.
04:08Number two, write it down.
04:10Number three, set a deadline.
04:12Tell yourself when you want it.
04:14I want this by such and such a date.
04:16So every goal always ends with a use by date.
04:21As in I achieved this goal by this date and you write it in the present tense.
04:27Step number four is make a list of everything that you could think of to do.
04:31Just make a list.
04:33And as you think of more things, add it to the list.
04:36Keep writing it down, writing it down.
04:41And sometimes you think of something in the middle of the night, write it down.
04:47Keep a pad of paper next to your bed and quickly write it down.
04:50So you don't forget it.
04:52Just write it down, write it down.
04:54That's number four.
04:56And this is really important.
04:57It's the great turning point, like a massive ship turning in the ocean.
05:01Your whole life starts to turn when you write down a list of the steps
05:04you're going to have to take.
05:06I don't recommend other people's books because I've heard so many myself.
05:08And I summarize hundreds of books that I've read over the years.
05:11But there is one book that had a great influence on me.
05:14And it's called The Checklist Manifesto.
05:18Has anybody read this book?
05:19The Checklist Manifesto?
05:21It was written by a doctor, an emergency ward doctor.
05:24And he talks about the value of checklists when you are trying to accomplish a goal,
05:30build a business, raise a child, whatever you want to do.
05:34He says, create a checklist.
05:37He said, everything in the world, this room, car, or swimming pool,
05:41everything follows a checklist.
05:43Everything requires a checklist to build it.
05:46And the wonderful thing about organizing a checklist before you begin work on a project,
05:50it has an extraordinary effect on your life.
05:52And what he does is he teaches in the most entertaining way
05:55how people who do not use checklists died like bankrupt,
05:59the most successful people in finance in the world,
06:02how they use checklists in order to organize their financial life, business people.
06:07Anyway, it's the one book that I would recommend.
06:11It's a short book.
06:12It's just fascinating reading.
06:14It's called The Checklist Manifesto.
06:17Anyway, so take your list of rules and organize.
06:21Here, this is my priority.
06:25Make a checklist with what's number one, what's number two, what's number three, and so on.
06:30And as you get more information, change the list.
06:33Reorganize it.
06:34Write it.
06:35Move things up and down.
06:36Step number five or step number six is to take action on your list.
06:41Take action on the most important thing on your list.
06:44Do something.
06:46Get going.
06:47Do it now.
06:48Do it.
06:49Do it immediately.
06:50Get up and do something.
06:52It doesn't have to be a lot.
06:54It can be revising your papers.
06:56It could be making a phone call.
06:57It can be ordering a book.
06:59It could be something.
07:00But do something, which is sort of like the kickoff in a football game.
07:05Just kick the as far as you can.
07:06And number seven, and this is going to make you rich, happy, popular, and thin.
07:11Number seven is do something every day on your most important goal.
07:17Do something every day on your most important goal.
07:20So here's the exercise I'm going to give you to take home with you and do when you leave us.
07:26And by the way, from now on, whenever you bring on a new person, put them through this exercise.
07:33If they will not go through this exercise, do not waste a minute of your time with them
07:39because they will never be successful if they won't follow your guidance.
07:44And here's the exercise.
07:45Take a clean sheet of paper and write down goals and today's date.
07:50And then write down ten goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 12 months.
07:54Don't worry about two years or ten years or five years.
07:57Just ten goals you'd like to accomplish in the next 12 months.
08:01And write them in the present tense, almost like you're submitting an order.
08:04And just write that I earn, I achieve, I weigh, I drive such and such a car, I own whatever.
08:09It happens to be and the goals will be financial goals, family goals, physical goals, and so on.
08:14Write down ten.
08:16And then you take this list of ten.
08:20And you say, if I had a magic wand and I could wave this magic wand
08:25and I could have any one goal on my list within 24 hours,
08:28which one goal would have the greatest positive impact on my life?
08:32Over it.
08:33And usually this will jump out at you.
08:36Jump back down at you like a spider in a horror movie.
08:38It will grab you and put a circle around that goal.
08:41And that's a goal you transfer to a clean sheet of paper.
08:44And then you follow the seven steps.
08:46Write it down.
08:47Set a deadline.
08:49Make a list of everything you have to do to accomplish it.
08:52Organize the list into a checklist.
08:54Take action.
08:55And then do something every day.
08:57If you'll just do this simple exercise, then you'll all be rich.
09:00Nothing, nothing can stop you but yourself.
09:04So number two, the second C, is the C of competence.
09:09And the C of competence says it's very simple.
09:12It's that you can only earn a lot of money if you're very good at what you do.
09:16One of the most important things you do is you break down your work into skills.
09:21And you say, what are the most important skills I need to have to be successful?
09:26And recruiting is a very important skill.
09:30Training is an important skill.
09:32Managing, motivating is an important skill.
09:35Leading, supervising, important skills.
09:37So what you do is you think, what are the skills that I will need to be in the top 10% of my field?
09:43You don't have to be in the top 1%.
09:45Just be in the top 10 because there are no successful people who are not good at what they do.
09:49They're good at what they do.
09:51And they are good at what they do because they work at it all the time.
09:54Whether you're in sports or whether you're in music or chess or anything else,
09:57there's a wonderful study that's been written up.
10:00It'll come to me in a second.
10:02I find that when I...
10:04Because of these pains, my memory slips and it goes around in a circle like a merry-go-round.
10:10And it comes around again and it'll come back and there it is.
10:13But basically, what it said was studying the most successful people is that
10:18these people spend four more hours becoming good at what they do than average people.
10:24The other people don't do it and that everybody has natural abilities.
10:27But the ones who use those abilities transform themselves by really, really working hard
10:32and becoming good one skill at a time.
10:35This is another thing that's really important.
10:37Don't try to be good at everything because what happens is just breakdown.
10:41You're just overwhelmed ourself and you just give up.
10:44You say, oh, I tried that before.
10:46And because all skills are learnable and you can learn any skill that you want to learn.
10:50And if you just simply find out what others have done before you and practice it.
10:54And then I began to recruit other salespeople and teach them the same thing.
10:58I said, here's the product.
11:00Here's the advantages and benefits for our customers.
11:03And here's how to ask them to make a decision.
11:05And they became successful.
11:07Many of them today are millionaires and multi-millionaires.
11:10Many of them own multiple businesses.
11:13And they've told me, they said, your training when I was in my 20s going nowhere broke,
11:17changed my life forever.
11:19And the most important thing was I got people just to make a decision.
11:23I asked them to make a decision.
11:25So many people in this room I know have a challenge with closing.
11:30We all do when we start off.
11:32But that's where you are now.
11:34But that's not where we're going to be three months from now.
11:37Three months from now, you're going to be so dangerous,
11:39you need to be restrained for yourself and the safety of society
11:43because you'll be able to close anybody on anything.
11:45And I'm not talking about pressure.
11:47I'm not talking about pressure.
11:49Do you know what good business is?
11:51Here it's helping.
11:52What you are is you are great helpers.
11:55You're helping people to improve the quality of their lives
11:58and their health and their family.
12:00And so when you start to see yourself as a helper,
12:02your job is to help people understand how much better off their lives can be
12:07if they take your advice and guidance.
12:10That's what you do.
12:12Earl Nightingale said something many years ago.
12:14He said, you don't get what you want in life.
12:17He said, you get what you deserve.
12:20And so I began to study that get what you deserve, deserve, deserve.
12:25And I found that deserve comes from the Latin and it comes from the words do,
12:30which means from service, which means from service.
12:33And so you get what you want in life from service to other people.
12:38And so the people who serve the most people the very best
12:40are the ones who make the most amount of money in the shortest period of time.
12:44But here's something else.
12:46When you help other people improve the quality of your life,
12:49your self-esteem goes up and your self-confidence goes up
12:53and you feel happy and you like yourself more and you like other people.
12:57It's the most amazing darn thing.
13:00You just put your life on this wonderful upward spiral
13:02by deserving that people will buy from you by looking for ways to help them.
13:07How can I help this person to improve the quality of their life
13:10and their family and their work?
13:12So see yourself as a helper and your job is to deserve more.
13:16And you'll find you look at the Steve Jobs and the Bill Gates
13:19and the multimillionaires who are individuals and you think these people focus.
13:24They had this obsession with a product of some kind
13:27that would really help people to improve the quality of their lives.
13:30And that's all they think about and all they talk about.
13:33And the only people who succeed in those companies
13:35are people who have the same obsession with customer service.
13:38Tom Peterson in his book In Search of Excellence many years ago
13:41said the most important principle of all was the obsession with customer service.
13:46It's these most successful and highest paid people just serving people
13:50and helping people improve their lives all the time.
13:52So that's the most important level of competence that you want to achieve.
13:56First of all, you have clear goals and then you say,
14:01what is it that I really, really love to do
14:05that really helps other people to improve the quality of their life?
14:09And how can I become really, really good at doing that more?
14:14The third C is the C of concentration.
14:17And these are not necessarily in order, but in a way these are.
14:21The C of concentration is your ability to focus, which we talked about before.
14:25It's your ability to focus single mindedly on one thing at a time
14:29and to work on that one task until it's complete
14:32and to discipline yourself not to do anything else
14:34or to become distracted by emails and bells and bips and noises and things like that.
14:39It's just the ability to focus like a laser beam on a single task.
14:44Clarity, be absolutely clear about your goals
14:48and what you need to do to achieve them
14:50and confidence become very good at your tasks.
14:53And number three is concentration.
14:56Concentrate single mindedly on your most important task
15:00and stay with it until it's complete.
15:03By the way, I could speak for two days just on concentration.
15:08And I have taught these principles all over the world.
15:11That's all that you need.
15:13Start and finish your most important task.
15:16Number four is constraints.
15:18Now, constraints are a concept that was developed in Tel Aviv
15:22by a management consultant many years ago.
15:24And it says that between where you are today
15:27and where you want to be sometime in the future,
15:30a goal, there is always one constraint or choke point
15:33that determines the speed at which you get from here to here.
15:37That's the constraint.
15:39So the art of life is to identify the constraints
15:42that are holding you back from achieving the goals.
15:44And it could be something simple like finding a parking space.
15:47It could be something simple like getting your shopping done and so on.
15:52Continually ask, what is the constraint or limiting factor?
15:56It's what they call the limiting factor
15:59between here and where you want to go.
16:01So you say to yourself, all right, you want to achieve a particular goal.
16:05So you ask yourself, what is the one factor
16:09that determines the speed at which you achieve that goal?
16:12What is the one factor that determines the speed at which you achieve it?
16:16And work with your downline, work with your consultants,
16:19work with other people and help them to be absolutely clear.
16:22And don't try to change the world.
16:25Try to change one thing, one factor.
16:27Try to alleviate one time and that'll change your whole life.
16:30So I'm going to give you the other principles that we have.
16:33Number five, number four is constraints.
16:36Number five is continuous learning and development.
16:40Dedicate yourself to becoming better and better at what you do.
16:44It must be a part of your life.
16:46You must breathe in, breathe out and learn new things.
16:51Self-made millionaires, self-made billionaires
16:55spend 60 to 90 minutes every day,
16:58spend 60 to 90 minutes every day studying their feel.
17:03Warren Buffett was just relegated from number three
17:06to number four richest man in the world.
17:08And Warren Buffett reads 500 pages a day.
17:12Warren Buffett reads five to eight hours a day.
17:15Warren Buffett reads eight hours, eight, seven days a week.
17:18He reads all the time.
17:20Number six is commitment.
17:22And we know this because you've talked about it a lot.
17:25Commitment is pretty important.
17:27There's no success without commitment,
17:29without you putting your whole heart into what you're doing
17:31and putting your whole heart into what you're doing for a long time.
17:34But if you do, there is no limit on what you can accomplish.
17:39You get up in the morning and you make a decision that,
17:42my gosh, I am going to succeed in this business,
17:45no matter how long it takes, no matter how many hours a day.
17:49And number seven is courage.
17:51And courage, Winston Churchill said,
17:54warrior courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues,
17:58for upon it all others depend.
18:01And in courage, what you have is two parts.
18:04The first part of courage is the courage to begin,
18:07to launch, to take a chance, to face failure and rejection,
18:10to try something with a very great possibility that you will fail
18:14and you'll feel embarrassed and upset.
18:16And your self-esteem will go down and so on.
18:19But the second part of courage is persistence.
18:22It's the power to keep going and keep pushing yourself and driving yourself.
18:27So how do you develop this unshakable quality of persistence,
18:32which will guarantee your success in life?
18:35Nothing could stop you if you don't quit.
18:38If you don't quit, then the only alternative is you must succeed.
18:43And eventually, you must succeed greatly.
18:46Well, great rule.
18:48You become what you think about, but you become what you say to yourself.
18:53So what you do is you say to yourself these magic words.
18:57You say, I never give up.
19:00Say it. Say, I never give up.
19:03Never give up.
