
  • 2 days ago


00:00Frankfurt in the German League.
00:04Bundesliga, ladies and gentlemen,
00:06here are the matches.
00:07We left the first half ending with its details and events
00:10with a negative balance.
00:12The goals were not attended and were not recorded at all.
00:15Therefore, the balance continued until the end of the first half
00:19of these matches.
00:20We come to you, our viewers and followers everywhere
00:24through Bnsports to the second half of this confrontation.
00:28We wish to see a change in the atmosphere
00:32on both sides, on both teams.
00:35Borussia Dortmund in the first half and the first half.
00:39Oh, what a pass.
00:41It was very good.
00:42The pass was beautiful.
00:44Then the attack to the front, where the ball was sent.
00:48But, oh, Sater, on the ball.
00:50It passed and ended completely outside the field.
00:53Outside the field.
00:56Yes, this is a pass.
00:58But Julianne Brandt forgot the ball
01:01and forgot how to receive the ball.
01:03So she went on her way outside the field.
01:06A side shot to Frankfurt.
01:09This is an attempt, then, to the front.
01:12Then, after that, we had another contact shot.
01:15The names did not change.
01:17The names that attended did not change.
01:20They are the same names and they are the same elements
01:23The game started on both sides.
01:27Kevin Trapp in the goalkeeper of the Frankfurt team.
01:30And we have Thiaz, Toto, Robbenkoch, Christensen,
01:34Hugo Larsson, Elias Skheiri, Fares Shaibi, Mario Gota,
01:39Omar Marmouche and Hugo Eketiki.
01:42Here in the front.
01:44This is the situation, our viewers and followers everywhere,
01:48through Bnsports.
01:49On the other side, there is Borussia Koppel in the goalkeeper.
01:53And there is Schlotterbeek, Sola, Antoine Grosz.
01:57Of course, there was Rejerson and we have Malen
02:00next to Brandt, Sabitzer and Ademi.
02:03This is an attempt.
02:04Thiaz from the left side.
02:05Dangerous for Frankfurt's interest.
02:07But the last ball also went and passed and passed
02:11to be returned again to the team's interest.
02:14Eintracht Frankfurt.
02:17This is the situation.
02:18Our viewers and followers through Bnsports.
02:22Time passes and time goes by.
02:24Since this confrontation, no change at all
02:27for this confrontation at all.
02:30And therefore, it is one of the matches
02:34that continues here as a result of non-targeted equalization.
02:39The ball is returned to the back of Frankfurt's court.
02:42This is Thiaz's turn.
02:45Then Sola in the process of sending the ball.
02:48Malen after that was in front.
02:50Here is the rest.
02:51Here is the passage.
02:52At this time of the match.
02:54He is looking for a reach.
02:55He is looking for a cross.
02:56But it passed.
02:58This opportunity was not taken.
03:00This ball was not taken at all.
03:03It lasted, it went, it passed.
03:05To a side throw from the right side.
03:07For Borussia Dortmund's interest.
03:09In the ball from the right.
03:11This is a try for Borussia Dortmund.
03:13Niklas Sola.
03:14Sola returns the ball to the back.
03:16Then he advanced again.
03:18With a ball here in front.
03:20The work continues through it.
03:25At this time.
03:28This ball.
03:30From behind.
03:31Through Schlotterbeek.
03:33He plays the ball to Borussia.
03:35To Schlotterbeek again.
03:38The ball returns again.
03:40This attempt has arrived.
03:43Then the ball returns.
03:45To Borussia Dortmund.
03:47The time passes.
03:49From this time of the match.
03:51Schlotterbeek plays the ball.
03:53The ball returns again.
03:57To Borussia Dortmund's interest.
03:59This ball to the front.
04:01Then an attempt from the right.
04:03Then a cross.
04:05On a ball.
04:07Strong by Julian Brandt.
04:10But Brandt went up.
04:12To Marma's kick.
04:14It was strong, yes.
04:16But it was out of focus.
04:18Out of focus.
04:20It went.
04:22Out of the pitch.
04:24In the last shot.
04:26And in the last ball.
04:29Frankfurt tried to go back.
04:32In the second shot of the match.
04:34It was.
04:36The best in the first shot.
04:38Let's say 25 minutes.
04:41After that, things changed.
04:43Things passed between the teams.
04:45To a state of confrontation.
04:47For a period.
04:48It was not long.
04:49For a short period of time.
04:50And after that.
04:51It was Borussia's advantage.
04:54The team that was asking for a penalty.
04:56With the end of the first shot of the match.
04:58But it.
04:59It did not happen.
05:01This ball.
05:03To the front.
05:07This ball.
05:09Returns from behind.
05:11For the benefit.
05:13For the benefit of Borussia Dortmund.
05:15To the front.
05:17An attempt.
05:18In front of this ball.
05:20After passing the minutes.
05:21From the time of the second shot of the match.
05:23We have this ball for the benefit of Schlotterbeek.
05:25Schlotterbeek in front.
05:27Schlotterbeek in an attempt.
05:29Schlotterbeek for the benefit of Borussia.
05:31The return to the back.
05:33Then the raised eye here.
05:35Julian Brandt in the right corner.
05:37Excellent safety.
05:39He is waiting for his teammate.
05:41Julian Brandt.
05:43This ball is for Borussia.
05:45Then Schlotterbeek.
05:47Schlotterbeek plays the front ball.
05:49Then the attempt in the left corner.
05:51Donal Mullen.
05:53Mullen returns to the back.
05:55To watch and follow.
05:57The goals of the yellow team.
05:59In the last season.
06:01How it was.
06:03But Thiad.
06:05Thiad was the related name.
06:07Who was present in this ball.
06:09And in this attempt.
06:11The ball returns again.
06:13This is a front.
06:15An attempt in the left.
06:17The work through it.
06:19Still here.
06:21But the last ball passed.
06:23Returned again.
06:25For the benefit of Borussia.
06:33A player who scored.
06:35In the last season.
06:37Many goals.
06:39He scored many goals.
06:41In the last season.
06:4345 goals.
06:45He scored in the last season.
06:4915 goals.
06:51Julian Brandt.
06:5310 goals.
06:559 goals.
06:57Marco Reus.
06:59The man of absence.
07:01He is gone.
07:03He is gone.
07:05He is gone.
07:07He is gone.
07:09Days and nights.
07:11Marco Reus.
07:13The player who was.
07:15And still has a great value.
07:17For Borussia.
07:21In the last season.
07:23Back to the front.
07:25This is an attempt.
07:27From the right.
07:29But there is a mistake.
07:31At this time.
07:33This is the forward.
07:35Niklas Sola.
07:37In an attempt.
07:39In the 53rd minute of the match.
07:45Omar Marmouch.
08:23The ball has reached Marma's knee, Grigor Kovel plays the ball to Schlotterbeck
08:38Schlotter to Borussia Dortmund, Dortmund through Niklas Sola
08:43Sola to Emre Can, Borussia Dortmund still looking for the first goal
08:52Rielsen goes back to the back, then looks at his teammate
08:56who is in front of him, he plays the ball in the left corner
09:00this is a forward pass, Donnell Mullen receives the ball
09:04then he plays the ball to his other teammate, Schlotterbeck
09:08on the side of the penalty area, this is a forward pass, this is a try
09:12then a pass, then he returns as a defender
09:14Omar Marmouch, Omar went, Omar passed, Omar advanced, Omar from this place
09:19he tried to pass through this ball, but there is the power of the project
09:24it reached Omar, Omar again, still maintaining his ball
09:28after that it reached Julian Brandt, the ball for the benefit of the Frankfurt team
09:35from the same right-hand side, which reaches, but it is removed
09:40then it reached Julian Brandt, to the front
09:44this is a try, the ball is dangerous
09:46here is the pass, here is the pass
09:50Oh my God, on the ball, on the ball
09:54Hugo Eketeki went here, he passed to the front
09:57he advanced again, after that Albeinia
09:59and from there the defense, when will the goal come?
10:02when will the goal be scored in the first match?
10:05a special salute, then a great ball, Robin Koch
10:09he passed the ball in an amazing way, honestly
10:12in the last turn, Ilyas Kheiri
10:14the match began to rise in its level
10:16this confrontation began to rise in its level
10:19between the two teams, Julian Brandt to the far right
10:23for the benefit of Marcel Sabitzer
10:26Sabitzer sends the ball to Schlotterbeek
10:28Schlotterbeek, Beek here in an attempt
10:31Schlotterbeek in the ball, Schlotter here sends the ball
10:34in the far right, through Anton
10:37on the right, to Valdemar
10:39and Valdemar returns it to the back
10:42this is a forward attempt
10:44then it returns to the back
10:47with a kick and a ball from the right
10:51this is a ball behind the defense
10:53from the same left side
10:55to the team's goalkeeper Borussia Dortmund
10:58this team is still trying
11:00this team is still silent here
11:02this team is still running
11:04this team is still here in these matches
11:07this team is still looking for a way
11:10to get to the goal
11:13and to get to the net
11:15this is a forward attempt
11:17for Valdemar Anton
11:19Anton with a forward kick
11:21behind the defense, it is sent
11:23in the far left
11:25through the forward Malen
11:27Malen to Pascal
11:29a wide pass, it reached the goalkeeper
11:32another shot
11:34almost in the same way
11:36and in the same way
11:38in the first match
11:40matches are played like this
11:42presented in this way
11:44and presented in this way
11:46and up to this moment
11:48there is no team
11:50oh the magician of the lights
11:52oh the thief of the lights
11:54oh Hogo, oh Iketiki
11:56in the last shot
11:58oh the thief of the lights
12:03Malouba to the front
12:05with a shot from the far left
12:07Arthur Thiat
12:09Arni Malatiki-Omar
12:11a forward attempt
12:13but there is Grigor Kubel
12:15Grigor Kubel with Omar Marmouche's ball
12:18Omar Marmouche's ball
12:20Omar was about to score the goal in the first match
12:24but the goalkeeper
12:26was in the right place
12:33the attempt is back to the front
12:35this is a new ball
12:37the ball reaches the goalkeeper again
12:39with a shot from the same side
12:41the right ball for Hogo
12:43Hogo with a ball
12:45but with a special cross
12:47a cross that reaches the far left
12:49I don't think the matches will end 0-0
12:53I doubt that
13:03goals, goals, goals
13:05Goals, Goals, Goals
13:07Goals, Goals, Goals
13:09Goals, Goals, Goals
13:11This attempt is dangerous
13:13the ball enters the area
13:15but it's out of the field
13:17in the last shot
13:19in the last ball
13:21it's down to Marmouche's goal
13:23for the sake of Borussia Dortmund
13:25what a ball
13:27what a goal in the last shot
13:29I think the goal
13:31I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know what's going to happen, I don't know what's
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