Sexy Hot Romantic Scene - The Difference Between Sex and Fucking

  • 2 days ago
Sexy Hot Romantic Scene - The Difference Between Sex and Fucking
00:00Last season on Teenagers.
00:07I want to feel something, you know.
00:14I have chlamydia and I'm pretty sure you gave it to me.
00:22Chlamydia is 100% curable.
00:24You wouldn't believe the amount of kids your age that I get walking through here.
00:28This is your fault and because of you I'm going to have pelvic pains and my fallopian tubes are going to be all fucked up.
00:35Oh God, I cried too much.
00:38I need to get a break.
00:40I'm so sorry.
00:42I'm so sorry.
00:44I'm so sorry.
00:46I'm so sorry.
00:48Oh God, I cried too much.
00:50I need to get high right now.
00:52I want some deep shit right now, okay?
00:54I just want to be a pound of weed.
00:56Trust you, man.
01:00I've got some weed.
01:19What the fuck were you doing with them?
01:23I could kill you.
01:27You are hot.
01:42Listen, Jeremy and I are done and I...
01:49I'm sorry.
01:59Take care of him for good.
02:06Hey baby brother, you still got that big sack of dope I gave you?
02:10Yo, if she doesn't get it today, man, they will fuck me, okay?
02:12They will fuck me up.
02:14Man, just please let me get...
02:15Ricky, fuck, stop, okay?
02:16Look, stop.
02:17Are we safe here?
02:36Look, I think we should keep this on the DL.
02:40For your sake.
02:42I live like right by a mall, so if you wanted to get like a bite to eat or something...
02:46Yeah, I guess so.
02:48You know what? Let's do it.
02:52Yeah, why not?
02:58Olive, there's been something I've been meaning to...
03:00What, Sarah? Can it wait? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now.
03:16Give me my fucking weed.
03:18In the bag, man.
03:32What did you do?
03:35Please, Olive, help.
03:46I'm sorry.
04:02What are you thinking about?
04:15Snakes terrify me.
04:19What? Why?
04:21Because they're inescapable.
04:26Land, water, trees, where are you going to go?
04:29Oh, trees? Are you spending a lot of time in trees?
04:33Just the one outside your bedroom window.
04:37That was good.
04:42Did you know that they don't have eyelids?
04:45Like, it says here that they have these thin, clear layers that just go over their corneas so they don't sleep.
04:51And they just go into this like catatonic-like state.
04:54So they can't dream.
04:56Animals can't dream anyways.
04:58You don't know that.
05:10Look how cool.
05:12Yeah, can you film that?
05:15All the distractions just disappearing.
05:22Okay, but I have so much homework to do tonight.
05:28Are you kidding?
05:29What? I actually did.
05:32Are you kicking me out right now?
05:44You are cold-blooded.
05:48I'm sorry.
06:06So you gonna see Gabriel again?
06:10I don't know.
06:12I can't, like, really tell if he's a good guy.
06:16So why are you having sex with him?
06:18Well, we're just fucking.
06:21What's the difference?
06:23There's a huge difference.
06:25I read this thing online about...
06:28Okay, so if you're fucking someone, it's kind of just like...
06:32Okay, so if you're fucking someone, it's kind of just like...
06:36a means to an end.
06:38Whereas if you're having sex with someone, it's, like, real and you feel things.
06:43And, um, I guess you don't want it to end.
06:48Have you ever felt that?
06:57Have you heard from, you know, lately?
07:09Humans are the worst.
07:32Hey, T.
07:34Your mother's on the phone.
07:43I know you're in there.
08:09I can't expect you to understand why I'm doing this.
08:13I just need some time away from all of this.
08:17For myself.
08:19I'm your mother, I know, but I...
08:23I'm not invincible.
08:27Your uncle will be taking care of you while I'm away.
08:32Maybe a change of scenery will be good for you.
08:38I love you, baby.
08:42Be safe.
08:57I love you.
09:28I love you.
09:53I'm pregnant.
09:57I'm pregnant.
10:01I'm pregnant.
10:28I'm pregnant.
10:40You know, I don't even know why you feel like you got to visit that fuckbag.
10:44I didn't leave you.
10:46He doesn't even know you're there.
10:48His brain is fucked.
10:51He's lying there practically lifeless.
10:54Yeah, he'd probably be doing your little friend a favor if he just pulled the fucking plug.
11:06I see people.
11:11They don't know they're dead.
11:24I see people.
11:44What about the wife?
11:47Where are you going?
11:48I'll be right back.
11:51You want me to pause it?
12:06Did you get a new cell phone or something?
12:08Because I've been trying to call you for weeks.
12:15Listen, Olive.
12:17I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am about everything that's gone down.
12:22I didn't mean for you to-
12:23Stop. I don't want to hear it.
12:27I never meant to hurt you, Olive.
12:31I want you to leave.
12:33Come on, it's-
12:34I want you to fuck off my property now.
12:39Please, Olive.
13:09What the fuck?
13:15What are you doing?
13:30Alright then.
13:38Heavenly Father.
13:41We're here today with my nephew.
13:45Under some very stressful circumstances.
13:48Choke me.
13:50Choke you.
13:52Please give us guidance.
13:54Lead us in the right direction.
13:58Please give us strength and courage to walk through these days.
14:04Like that.
14:09Please forgive him for all the sins that he has done.
14:16Help my nephew to see the light.
14:21Lord, we pray.
14:33What the fuck is wrong with you?
14:35I took it too far.
14:38You started that shit.
14:40I'm sorry.
14:43I'm sorry.
14:44Yeah, whatever.
15:32What happened?
15:34I got a little carried away.
15:44This is not fucking normal.
15:47What's normal anyway?
15:56You're always there for me. Why?
16:04Olive, I...
16:08I love you.
16:17Prove it.
