IC 814 Cabin Crew Chief Anil Sharma को Plane के Hijack का पता कब चला?

  • 2 weeks ago
अनिल शर्मा भारतीय विमान कंपनी इंडियन एयरलाइंस के विमान आईसी 814 के केबिन क्रू चीफ थे। वे 24 दिसंबर 1999 को अफगानिस्तान के कंधार में हुए विमान हाईजैक के दौरान विमान में ही मौजूद थे। अनिल शर्मा ने अपनी सूझबूझ से विमान में सवार यात्रियों की जान बचाने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी। उन्होंने अपहरणकर्ताओं को शांत करने का प्रयास किया, जिससे यात्रियों को सुरक्षित निकालने में मदद मिली। भारत सरकार द्वारा अनिल शर्मा की बहादुरी और सूझबूझ के लिए उन्हें कई पुरस्कारों और सम्मानों से नवाजा गया था, जिनमें भारत सरकार द्वारा दिया गया अशोक चक्र पुरस्कार भी शामिल है। क्या आप हमें बता सकते हैं कि उस दिन क्या हुआ था? आपको कब एहसास हुआ कि विमान का अपहरण हो गया है? आपको शुरुआती जानकारी क्या मिली थी और आपको कब लगा कि वाकई हमारा अपहरण हो गया है? इस पर आईएएनएस के साथ अनिल शर्मा ने दिया जवाब

#Kandhar #IndianAirlines #IC814 #CabinCrew #FlightHijack #Aviation #Emergency #AnilSharma


00:00Initially, these people tried to provoke us that your government is on holiday, Christmas parties are going on, etc.
00:12Because it happened on the night of the 24th, there was no action on the 25th, not even on the 26th.
00:17The thing is, if you look at it in an unbiased way or if I detach myself and look at it,
00:27Of course, the systems and practices were not that advanced, but the technology has improved and the communication is a lot better.
00:40So, on the 27th, that is, on Monday, the relief team came.
00:45Now, in that relief team, there were so many top officials, there was Mr. Dogal, there was Mr. Karjun, there was Mr. Sandhu,
00:52and there were people from the Intelligence Bureau, there were two Commandos, there were so many doctors and nurses,
01:01the whole team came, a whole relief team from the Indian Alliance had come to operate it.
01:08So, these things, as you say, did happen.
01:12I mean, you could say that there was a delay of one day, it should have been on the 25th.
01:18But you also have to look at the response. After all, they have put a gun on your neck, India is a mighty nation.
01:27So, either you are like Israel, you are permanently ready to swing into action.
01:34That was not the case. So, in my opinion, it is fine.
01:38I would say that definitely something should have been done on Amritsar.
01:43Why didn't it happen? There are many other aspects to it.
01:46It has been discussed a lot.
01:48Nothing is going to change if I don't make a tip.
01:52But by and large, I don't think the government has any such thing that, oh, it was...
01:59Now, I want to apologize that it is very easy for Jaswant Singh to go there and criticize that they took him and raped him.
02:07I assure you that I am a very small person.
02:11My thinking matters a lot.
02:14But if Mr. Singh had not gone, those people would have been released.
02:19And then they would have said, no, we have more fresh demands.
02:21So, what would you have done?
02:22At least, by going there, they felt a little shame.
02:25They felt that they would get a favorable impression of India from the Taliban's point of view.
02:35So, those things are there.
02:39It was a shameful thing to leave those three.
02:41After that, India has paid such a big price.
02:45We know that there have been attacks.
02:47Jaish-e-Mohammad, they have done all kinds of things.
02:53That is a system that will continue to run in our neighboring country.
02:58They rectified it.
03:00It was good.
03:01But did they have a choice?
03:02Because we all know that with the power of the Internet,
03:09the digital newspapers, platforms, awareness levels have increased a lot.
03:16Now, by saying that Mr. Anupam Sinha was happy that there is so much viewership,
03:22the matter does not stop there.
03:24They had no choice.
03:25And it should have been done in the first place.
03:27Why did it happen?
03:28Will they come up with it?
03:30What would have happened to our system?
03:32If someone puts a wrong allegation on you, it will become so big.
03:36When the disclaimer has become so small,
03:39I am sorry, we regret and all that.
03:41The damage has already been done.
03:43Still, this is a fact.
03:45If no one had said anything like this,
03:49if there had been no protests,
03:50we would all have been sitting like decent Indians.
03:52A few years later, people would not even have known
03:55that Bhora and Shankar were their real names.
03:57It feels good that the Indian public is very aware at the moment.
04:01Both good and bad happen.
04:05But at least,
04:06it will not be the same as before,
04:08that we will sit like fools and do nothing.
04:10That will not happen.
04:11And also,
04:12one of our aviation experts, Sanjay Lazar,
04:16had said that the disclaimer is so small,
04:19it is not even visible.
04:21You said, based on Adityan's book.
04:23Adityan himself,
04:25I do not know how true it is.
04:27I do not know.
04:28I was told that the plumbing incident was shown wrongly.
04:42it was very important to put pressure on them.
04:48I say, it is high time.
04:54Some sort of,
04:55like a censor board is a big thing,
04:58but there should be a division that can work with them.
05:02Even before this,
05:03in many series,
05:04it has been shown,
05:05like what is happening in society,
05:07something is happening.
05:08On both sides,
05:09I say,
05:10I mean,
05:11whatever side they are on,
05:13they should have some sort of control over them,
05:17that they should not exaggerate,
05:19they should not provoke.
05:22They should not contribute to
05:24undermining the peace of the country.
