This robot could be solution for Brit farmers hit by Brexit fruit picker shortage

  • 3 weeks ago
British farmers have been presented with a solution to beat the shortage of fruit pickers post-Brexit - hiring a robot.

The machine, developed by Dogtooth Technologies, is said to be able to harvest to 200kg strawberries a day - and it doesn't need a visa or a toilet break.

Even before Brexit, farmers had been complaining that they were finding it increasingly hard to recruit labour to pick their summer harvests.

And last week a party of growers - including wine producers - attended a demonstration of robotic fruit picking organised by Produced In Kent to learn how the robots might help them in future.

Founder and CEO of Dogtooth Technologies, Dr Duncan Robertson, said: ”Go back a few hundred years, before the Agricultural Revolution, and farming used to employ about one person for every hectare.


