• last year


00:01Hello, excuse me. I
00:03Am so sorry to interrupt. I just saw you from like a mile away and then I had to come and tell you that you're
00:09Very beautiful. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you hear that all the time. But is it cool if I grab your Instagram or email?
00:15You're I'll grab your email
00:18You don't use email. I want to keep it professional and just different, you know
00:24Okay, it's where you from
00:26Get your day you'll be in Caracas or mess
00:29You say Boliviano?
00:31You see a lot a lot of fun. I was always curious a lot of a pass the Columbia or the Venezuela
00:37Okay, well I don't want to waste too much of your time, you know you got to do but is it cool if I grab your
00:41Your number awesome. Oh, yeah
00:45Here you can put it in right here
00:51Yeah, your name was
00:55Mariska that's a cool-ass name. Oh, yeah
00:59but yeah
01:01You want to grab a repo sometime? Oh, you're famous
01:05Certify a personal trainer love that so you can I need I want to get my uh, my traps bigger
01:10So hopefully you can help me out with that
01:13Yeah, the traps is hard it's mainly genetics no
01:17It's hard
01:18Okay, let me be honest. All the answers are online. They're all online. Yeah
01:24What about calves though if you have no calves you're great, okay calves
01:29Like for example, if you have no calves like my friend
01:32He wants to get calves, but like it's just genetics, you know, like if you have no calves
01:36Yeah, like you're screwed if you have yeah
01:38Still won't look the best
01:41Yeah, what's uh, would you listen? Yeah. All right. I love you. Bye
01:46Eddie yeah, what was your name? Or can I call you mine?
01:49Better. Okay. All right. Bye
01:54It's so random, but where'd you get that smile, it's beautiful
01:58What's your name? Thank you. Appreciate where you from? I hear an accent Chicago, but your background I think background
02:05You speak Greek
02:06Suck up. Oh
02:09Thank you. Well, uh, since you love me, can I grab your number?
02:16You you said Greek and what?
02:19Wow, that's a cool-ass mix. Do you speak Spanish as well? You don't I could teach you then I could be your teacher
02:24Yeah, love that. All right. Well, uh, what are you doing later?
02:28You don't know do you like you like frosted flakes?
02:33Yeah, they're
02:35They're great, you know frosted flakes. They're great. Yeah. Yeah, I could buy you a lot of frosted flakes if you're down
02:40Yeah, well, I like your little necklace or bracelet. Is that the evil eye?
02:44Okay. Well, I love you. I'll text you. Okay. All right. Ciao. Bye. It's like a boat
02:51Sue me. This is so random. But where did you get that?
02:54The smile is beautiful
02:56I'm married. Nice to meet you
02:58What's your name?
03:00Actually, nice and you were absolutely beautiful. Your smile is very radiant precious
03:05Your smile. Well, I made you smile then I saw
03:08Yeah, where are you from?
03:10Yeah, Cuban. What's your background?
03:14She speaks Spanish. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, of course. I'm a Bolivian. You know where that is
03:19Are you uh, are you sick? Huh? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Are you uh, are you single?
03:30Oh, really? Okay. Well, do you need a rebound by any chance?
03:37At home
03:39What about you? I
03:41live in Brickell
03:42Yeah, yeah, well, uh, I don't know you I want to is it cool if I grab your number I
03:48Am how old do you want me to be?
03:51I'm a July 18. How old do I look?
03:56Really 32 33. I'm a 27 you
04:0228 okay, so you're a year older
04:04Okay. Well, uh
04:09You smell so good by the way
04:12What are you doing later?
04:17You want to grab a dinner if you're free no, no, okay. Well, I'll slide in a I'll text you and
04:25We'll see what works
04:27You like a lucky charms
04:30You want to go they're magically delicious, no
04:33All right. Well, I'll text you if you want to grab lucky charm sometime. You're beautiful. All right. I love you. Bye
04:38Excuse me, what's your name?
04:41Eric nice to meet you do it is the London Columbia and we don't know but oh, yeah, man. La Policía
04:50Okay, man, Rosa Corazón
04:53Yeah, are you single?
04:59Are you happy single, okay
05:01Are you happy single, okay
05:06Como dice esta canción está soltera esta de moda
05:11Yo soy Boliviano Boliviano mexicano
05:16Ahora vivo acá y hago vende vende raíces
05:23Si tú tienes algo aquí en la
05:26Yeah, you got it
05:30Pues será que puedo ganar tu número
05:36On Instagram
05:39Si mi mamá siempre me dijo que tengo que seguir mis sueños
05:46Claro no see
05:56De Medellín
05:59Bogotá roda
06:01Mucho gusto siempre quería una chica colombiana, pero nunca tuve la oportunidad
06:07Mucho gusto. Yeah, I love you
06:15Excuse me, this is so random, but where'd you get that?
06:18The smiles beautiful. Yeah, what's what's your name?
06:23What's your name?
06:25Where you from from Miami? Oh, yeah. Well, uh, I like you
06:31Oh, really really you're taking okay, is it FBO is it FBO?
06:39Facebook official
06:43What was he crazy like if I grab your Instagram that's harmless no, no
06:48Okay. Well, uh, I'm gonna awkwardly awkwardly walk away. I'm gonna go up cry
06:59See me this is so random, but where did you get that? Where'd you get that the smiles beautiful? What's your name?
07:09Very nice. We from we from other spaniel. What's your background? You seem like foreign?
07:18See you speak Arabic. No. Okay. Well, I saw you from a mile away and I thought you're really beautiful. So yeah, is it cool?
07:27Yeah, well lucky guy, um, do you want a better one by any chance?
07:32All right. Well take it as a compliment, right? All right. Have a good day. Bye
07:36All right
07:40Hey last thing I'm just shooting like a little YouTube video where I'm trying to show my subscribers
07:45You could talk to pretty girls without being scared of them. Um, my cameraman is right there. Um, you're loyal
07:50But is it cool if we use that for a video?
07:54Now I thought you guys were asleep
07:59Yeah, awesome awesome my channel is uh, Eric Rinaldo the pickup line was good though, right?
08:06Well, have a good day. All right. Bye. Excuse me. Give me a quick question. Do you mind pausing the music real quick?
08:11You might puzzle, okay, perfect. Are you familiar with the area? Yes. I'm just curious. Do you know where our South Point is?
08:18Yeah, so point
08:21Okay, so point I'm just joking I know where it is. I just thought you're beautiful. Yeah. What what's your name?
08:29Nice to meet you. That's my brother's name. I love that. I hear an accent you Russian Ukrainian
08:36Montenegro hell yeah, what do they speak over there? I
08:39I don't know any Montenegro. What about you from Montenegro as well? Love that you just visiting
08:45Okay. Well, I thought you're beautiful. So I'm here to get your number if that's cool with you. No
08:50Damn it. Why?
08:53Oh, I mean you do you want a better one by any chance?
08:57No, he's a good boyfriend
08:59Okay. Okay. He told you this morning. You were beautiful how beautiful you were great boyfriend
09:04Five minutes ago. Well, you're lucky guy. Well, uh, take it as a compliment. Um, I'm gonna go get hit by a car. All right. Bye
09:16This scooping means that it's for the castle don't sell Banyo and Banyo see for it. So
09:28I'm just joking. I speak English. I just thought you're really beautiful
09:31Yeah, what's your name?
09:33I'm Eric. Nice to meet you your name
09:36Where you guys from?
09:37Yeah, what about like background? I think the background you look at European
09:43Did I guess it my mom is Greek Greek my father Polish do you speak Greek or Polish Greek Greek I learned Malacca
09:55Really Mika knows
09:58Okay, I was in the same spot as well, what else did I learn I see soccer pool I love you yeah, I
10:05Didn't learn that much. My memory is terrible. But yeah, I thought you're really pretty is it cool for every number?
10:13Your email I'll grab your name I'll be different
10:16No, is it cuz I'm ugly
10:20Okay, I'm gonna go in the water and get killed by a shark, okay, bye
10:28Donde conseguis que eso
10:30Que cosa?
10:34Como te llamas?
10:38Can I get your number?
10:42Eric nice to meet you
10:44What's your name?
10:46Where are you from?
10:50That's all I know
10:54I thought you were really beautiful.
10:57Is it cool if I grab your WhatsApp?
10:58I'm very cool.
11:00We'll take it as a compliment.
11:01Disculpe, amiga?
11:03Disculpe, tú sabes dónde está el baño, por si acaso?
11:04El baño?
11:05O por allá?
11:06Mentira, I speak English.
11:07I just thought you were really beautiful.
11:08What color are your eyes?
11:09I have a boyfriend.
11:10You have a boyfriend?
11:12Well, do you by any chance want a better one?
11:14We'll take it as a compliment.
11:15You're beautiful.
11:16All right.
11:17Have a good day.