• last year
Mad About the Boy Narrated by Alan Cumming Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The extraordinary life of playwright, singer, actor, composer, and director Noël Coward, who rose from poverty to stardom while keeping his sexuality a secret. Featuring Laurence Olivier, Maggie Smith, Frank Sinatra, Michael Caine and Lucille Ball. Narrated by Alan Cumming. With Rupert Everett as the voice of Noël Coward. Directed by Academy Award Nominee Barnaby Thompson.
00:00That first evening in New York, I sauntered down Broadway alone
00:04as I dreamt of seeing flashing in lights my name, Noel Coward.
00:09As an actor, playwright, songwriter, singer, and director,
00:13Noel Coward will become the most talented entertainer of all time.
00:17He was a sensation.
00:22I went on the stage when I was 10, so I didn't have any formal education,
00:26which of course left me free to educate myself.
00:30By the age of 30, he was the highest-paid writer in the world.
00:42Frank Sinatra said,
00:43if you want to hear how songs should be sung, go see Noel Coward.
00:48I was trained when I was very young as a show-off,
00:51and I've continued triumphantly until this moment.
00:55He was a rebel and a patriot who dared to be queer in a very straight world.
00:59The criminal law in this matter is to preserve public order and decency.
01:04When neither of us free to love each other, there's too much in the way.
01:10The long cigarette head and the red silk dressing gown.
01:13Noel's carpet slippers and baked beans.
01:16To see Noel Coward come on board, it went nuts.
01:21Noel Coward molded the spirit of a nation.
01:24So why did this astonishing man end his life,
01:27exiled from the country he came to define?
01:29Music said this was strong-moving and an experience in the theatre.
01:33I'd rather it was a good play.
01:35This is his remarkable story.
01:39What is the word for when one has terrific, prolific qualities?