Eine Videonachricht in FaceTime auf dem iPhone zu hinterlassen - Apple Support
00:00Du kannst eine Video- oder Audionachricht in FaceTime auf dem iPhone oder iPad aufnehmen,
00:05wenn jemand Deinen Anruf verpasst.
00:07Der Empfänger kann diese sogar auf der Apple Watch anzeigen.
00:10So hinterlässt Du eine Videonachricht.
00:13Wenn Dein FaceTime-Anruf nicht angenommen wird, tippe auf die angezeigte Option zum
00:17Aufnehmen eines Videos.
00:19Zeichne nach dem Countdown Deine Nachricht auf.
00:21Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
00:27Miss you.
00:28Call me when you can.
00:29Wenn Du fertig bist, tippe auf Stopp.
00:31Du kannst eine Vorschau Deiner Nachricht anzeigen oder einfach auf Senden tippen.
00:36Um eine Nachricht anzuzeigen, die Du erhalten hast, öffne einfach die Mitteilungszentrale,
00:42tippe auf die Nachricht und tippe auf Wiedergabe.
00:44Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
00:49Miss you.
00:50Call me when you can.
00:51FaceTime ist nicht in allen Ländern oder Regionen verfügbar.
00:59Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:00Miss you.
01:01Call me when you can.
01:02Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:03Miss you.
01:04Call me when you can.
01:05Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:06Miss you.
01:07Call me when you can.
01:08Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:09Miss you.
01:10Call me when you can.
01:11Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:12Miss you.
01:13Call me when you can.
01:14Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:15Miss you.
01:16Call me when you can.
01:17Hey, I'm just thinking about the last time we were here at the park.
01:18Miss you.