Actors Karan Wahi, and Rithvikk Dhanjani have shared a glimpse of sculpting eco-friendly Ganpati idol, ahead of the auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi. Taking to Instagram Stories, Karan, who has 3.3 million followers shared a picture in which we can see a half made Ganesh idol, which is being made of clay. The image has a caption: "Bringing him to LIFE".He also shared a video giving an overview of the statue.
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00:00Television actor Karan Wahi and Ritwik Dhanjani have shared a glimpse of sculpting eco-friendly
00:07Ganpati idol ahead of auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi.
00:11Taking to Instagram stories, Karan, who has 3.3 million followers, shared a picture in
00:16which we can see a half-made Ganesh idol which is being made of clay.
00:21The image has a caption, bringing him to life.
00:25He also shared a video giving an overview to the statue.
00:29Ritwik, who has 3 million followers on Instagram, shared a snap of the story section in which
00:34we can see the feet of Ganpati statue which is in the making.
00:38He wrote the caption, bringing him to life.
00:40Meanwhile, Karan is best known for his roles as Ranveer in teen drama series Remix and
00:46Dr. Siddhant Modi in the medical youth show Dil Mil Gai.
00:50He has also participated in Fear Factor Khatron Ke Khiladi season 8 and Fear Factor Khatron
00:56Ke Khiladi Made in India.
00:58The 38-year-old actor has been a part of TV shows like Shraddha, Baat Hamari Pakki
01:03Hai, Teri Meri Love Story, Kahani Hamari, Dil Dosti Diwanapan Ki and Channa Mereya.
01:09He has also appeared in movies like Dawate Ishq and Hate Story 4.
01:14Karan was seen in web series, I Don't Watch TV, Scared Games, 100, Never Kiss Your Best
01:20Friend season 2 and Half Love Half Arrange.
01:24Meanwhile, Ritwik was last seen as a host of Jhalak Di Khiladi season 11 and Super Dancer
01:29chapter 4.