Jeannie Lewis & Margret Roadknight - "The Moth" (live) (1997)
00:00The other night I met a mother who liked to play with fire
00:12She was trying to get into a hundred watt bulb to fry herself on the wire
00:24So I said to her, hey girl, if you keep that up, you know, your year's gonna be painfully few
00:35Tell me, do you play with fire cause you like it
00:42Or because it's the conventional thing for you moths to do?
00:52She looked at me all starry-eyed, fluttered her wings and softly cried
01:00Have you ever seen the secret heart of a flame?
01:12How many creatures have ever seen the secret heart of a flame?
01:24We moths would rather know beauty once and then just cease to be
01:36Than never know any beauty at all and live an eternity
01:48So we warm up our lives into one little ball and into the flames we shoot it all
02:00Into the flames we fly, what a wonderful way to die