Accidentally Married To Secret Billionaire FULL MOVIE

  • 2 weeks ago
Accidentally Married To Secret Billionaire FULL MOVIE
00:00:07I was only messing around.
00:00:19Get off me.
00:00:22No real rights for drinks.
00:00:27It's none of your business.
00:00:32Are we done here?
00:00:34Okay, yep.
00:00:37Get out of here.
00:00:41You alright?
00:00:52I'm alright.
00:00:54I slept with an escort.
00:00:58Let me, um...
00:01:00Oh, no.
00:01:01No, no, it's okay.
00:01:02I understand how this works.
00:01:04Just give me a moment.
00:01:07Oh, no, honestly.
00:01:08Thank God, Amelie.
00:01:09No, no, no.
00:01:10It's okay.
00:01:11It's okay.
00:01:12It's okay.
00:01:13It's okay.
00:01:14It's okay.
00:01:15It's okay.
00:01:16It's okay.
00:01:17It's okay.
00:01:18It's okay.
00:01:19It's okay.
00:01:20It's okay.
00:01:21It's okay.
00:01:22It's okay.
00:01:23It's not my fault that you couldn't get him.
00:01:26Are you just here to stalk me?
00:01:28Oh, no, no.
00:01:29I'm here to share really good news.
00:01:33Kevin and I had a beautiful ceremony last night.
00:01:37So it's official!
00:01:40You haven't.
00:01:42Au contraire.
00:01:43Strike while the iron's hot.
00:01:45I say.
00:01:47And this,
00:01:49this really is just insurance.
00:01:51Because me, married,
00:01:53and you running around with third escorts.
00:01:56That fortune is mine.
00:01:58Oh, uh, escorts?
00:02:03No, no.
00:02:04This is my new fiancé.
00:02:07Um, his name is...
00:02:10Liam Garrison.
00:02:11Liam Garrison.
00:02:13He's of French nobility.
00:02:15Hence why we had to keep it quiet.
00:02:17Of course.
00:02:18Yeah, he's mine and he's very happy.
00:02:29We'll see about this.
00:02:31If I find out anything, I swear,
00:02:36you two aren't going to chill me out.
00:02:39What's mine!
00:02:49Well, um, quite the sisterly bond you two have.
00:02:54Well, welcome to the Quinn family.
00:02:57You're a Quinn?
00:03:00Tamara Quinn.
00:03:02Please don't tell your friends about this.
00:03:04It's quite embarrassing.
00:03:06But, um, thank you for going along with all of that.
00:03:10Oh, well, you know, anything to see that look on her face.
00:03:14What is it?
00:03:16She won't let it go.
00:03:18She'll be making phone calls right now.
00:03:21She'll know we're lying.
00:03:23What shall we do?
00:03:27Um, I've got a bit of a big favour to ask.
00:03:33If the price is right.
00:03:35Would you mind pretending a little while longer?
00:03:40Would you mind pretending a little while longer?
00:03:47With you? I'd do it.
00:03:50So, obviously, it won't be a real marriage.
00:03:54We'll just get the paperwork signed and, um...
00:03:58Oh, no, no, no, don't worry.
00:04:00I'll completely reimburse you, you know, for your services.
00:04:03I'm not here for your services, for your...
00:04:06I'm not here for your services, for your...
00:04:08husband services.
00:04:10Husband experience, if you like.
00:04:14Sorry, I'm just listening to myself and...
00:04:17you must think I'm crazy.
00:04:19Well, I mean, it does sound odd.
00:04:22But, um, having met your sister,
00:04:24if your father's anything like her,
00:04:26then I understand where you're coming from.
00:04:31Well, you know what? I'm not doing anything this week.
00:04:34Yes, let's get married.
00:04:37Thank you very much.
00:04:39Yes, that's great.
00:04:41I will see you at 11.30.
00:04:43The town hall. Tomorrow.
00:04:45At, um, 11.30.
00:04:56Mr Harrington.
00:04:58There you are. I've been worried sick.
00:05:01Good to see you up.
00:05:05I've been worried sick.
00:05:07Good to see you, Alex.
00:05:19I had a wild night last night.
00:05:21In case you've forgotten,
00:05:23you're supposed to be researching the Quinns.
00:05:25They might be the best fashion company to invest in,
00:05:28but we need more information about the owners.
00:05:31Private information.
00:05:33If you don't want to make a choice, you'll regret it.
00:05:36Well, let's just say I've made some progress on that.
00:05:39Already? How? But you...
00:05:41I'm marrying the eldest daughter tomorrow.
00:05:46Why do you look so surprised?
00:05:50I'm going to need you to do some digging.
00:05:52Find out everything you can on this girl.
00:05:54Favourite food, first family pet.
00:05:56I need to make an incredible first impression.
00:06:08What are you doing? Put me down!
00:06:10Get off of me!
00:06:12Crossing the threshold!
00:06:14Put me down!
00:06:16Doing a pretty good job of selling it, aren't you?
00:06:18Like I said,
00:06:20I know the best divorce lawyers in town.
00:06:23They'll get us out of this mess no problem.
00:06:25But in the meantime, you are...
00:06:29Liam Garrison, the eldest member of the renowned Garrison family,
00:06:33holds a degree in politics and economics from Oxford,
00:06:36specialising in art collection and investment.
00:06:43No, nothing. I just didn't think you'd learn it that quickly.
00:06:46This all must be quite new for you.
00:06:50So, if you need any money transferred to, you know,
00:06:54look the part, I can send that over.
00:06:57But in the meantime, one condition.
00:07:00If we're going to do this, you must not be seen with any other women.
00:07:04My family are very proud, and trust me, that shit will not fly.
00:07:09Don't worry, I will be the model husband.
00:07:12Get off me!
00:07:21Shit, it's my dad!
00:07:24What's this I'm hearing about a marriage?
00:07:28Dad, no, don't worry.
00:07:30Oh, I am worried.
00:07:32You've done enough to drag this family into disrepute.
00:07:35He'd better not be a wastrel.
00:07:37No, Dad, he's from good stock.
00:07:40He's the last of a long line of French aristocrats.
00:07:45I don't care where he is.
00:07:47Socrates, he says.
00:07:49Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to meet the chap.
00:07:52Very well. I'll see you both tomorrow at the banquet.
00:07:55Oh, wait, no, hang on.
00:07:59All good?
00:08:02Um, I have another favour to ask.
00:08:05It's not quite as big as the last one, but...
00:08:09My dad has invited us to a banquet.
00:08:13Oh. Well, um, we'd better get started on turning me into nobility, haven't we?
00:08:23How's your French?
00:08:26Only the basics, baby.
00:08:29Focus. If my family catches you out, I'm done for.
00:08:34It was some time early in 1980.
00:08:43I'm exhausted. How do you live like this?
00:08:46Trust me, this is the easy part.
00:08:49This is the easy part.
00:08:51Waiting till we meet them.
00:08:53But look, if you're exhausted, we can try out your new skills.
00:09:03Ah, you're usual, I've missed that.
00:09:09Sorry, can we just have a couple of minutes?
00:09:11Of course.
00:09:15Hey, people.
00:09:18Um, this is a very strict members-only club.
00:09:25How on earth does he know who you are?
00:09:41I come here all the time.
00:09:44With clients.
00:09:46Right. Yes, okay.
00:09:49But why does he call you Mr. H?
00:09:52Well, I let them call me whatever they want.
00:09:55H for handsome, D for daddy.
00:09:58You can call me whatever you like.
00:10:02Yeah, whatever floats your boat.
00:10:04Oh, my ex-husband, Kevin.
00:10:06As in, married to my sister, Bella.
00:10:10Don't worry about them. Let's just enjoy our evening.
00:10:13Enjoy our... They're sitting right there!
00:10:15Listen, I've got to go to the toilet.
00:10:17What? No, don't leave me!
00:10:19One second.
00:10:36I am terribly sorry, Mr Carter.
00:10:38There seems to have been a mix-up and this table is reserved.
00:10:40Well, then, get us another.
00:10:42Unfortunately, we're fully booked tonight.
00:10:44How is that possible?
00:10:46Well, one of our platinum club members reserved the entire restaurant.
00:10:55That is her, isn't it? She sent you over here.
00:10:58I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss our paying guests.
00:11:01Now, if you would not mind...
00:11:03Let's... Let's leave.
00:11:09If you would not mind leaving, madam.
00:11:14I'm sorry.
00:11:30I guess their lunch will be fine.
00:11:41That bitch.
00:11:43I better not bring that family garrison with her.
00:11:48Whatever her name is.
00:11:50You'll be fine. I didn't care anyway.
00:11:52I thought you only wanted me.
00:11:54I just don't like her way.
00:11:56That's so fancy.
00:11:59Is that the last husband?
00:12:02Garrison's husband?
00:12:04You know...
00:12:06I don't really believe in the last chance of sort of getting a quiz.
00:12:09I don't know if there's any more honest men.
00:12:19It's gorgeous to see you.
00:12:21This is my new husband, Mr Garrison.
00:12:24Good evening, Mr Garrison.
00:12:26Mr Garrison.
00:12:28Do you speak French?
00:12:31Of course.
00:12:33I was waiting to say that...
00:12:36You like to play golf?
00:12:54You seem to look like the real deal.
00:12:59Being a French nobleman...
00:13:01You surely have good taste in wine, don't you?
00:13:11What's this?
00:13:44It's rich.
00:13:47And a bit spicy.
00:13:51I think that's...
00:13:53Romane Conti.
00:14:01He's right.
00:14:05It is Romane Conti.
00:14:09I never thought that Tamara would find someone as well-bred as our Kevin.
00:14:14But I think she might have done it.
00:14:16And George Quinn, Tamara's father.
00:14:26If I can have all of your attention...
00:14:28As you can see, both of my beautiful daughters are now betrothed.
00:14:32Meaning that they are both now one step closer to my fortune.
00:14:37As you'll remember, their late mother was a brilliant designer.
00:14:42A generational talent.
00:14:44So, to prove that they are worthy of her name...
00:14:49I have devised a design contest.
00:14:52And the prize is...
00:14:55The entire Quinn fortune.
00:14:59The winner of the competition will inherit the entirety of my fortune and the house.
00:15:08This may seem a little cruel...
00:15:11But, as my late wife always used to say...
00:15:15What's life without a little competition?
00:15:19But why would he do that?
00:15:21That's so fucked up.
00:15:22He's your dad.
00:15:23Doesn't he want you both to be happy?
00:15:25He's a fucking maniac.
00:15:27Always has been.
00:15:29And what about this new fella of yours?
00:15:32Can I see him?
00:15:34Invite you to his pen.
00:15:39He's nice, isn't he?
00:15:41He's so cute.
00:15:44He's so cute.
00:15:46He's nice, isn't he?
00:15:54No fucking way.
00:15:57That's him.
00:16:01Then who the hell is she?
00:16:03Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
00:16:05I can't believe you've been in touch with this whole time in Paris.
00:16:08You know grandmothers can use to take you up on somebody.
00:16:11She might not have to anymore.
00:16:13Wait, Liam, what aren't you telling me?
00:16:15It's a funny story.
00:16:17Hi, hubby.
00:16:19Nice to see you.
00:16:21Introduce me to your friend.
00:16:29Introduce me to your friend.
00:16:31This is...
00:16:36My friend.
00:16:39From uni.
00:16:41And Stella, this is Tamara Quinn, my wife.
00:16:48So funny, he's never mentioned you before.
00:16:52Well, I'm just glad he's finally found somebody.
00:16:54He couldn't date anyone for longer than a week in uni.
00:16:59Well, I like to think I keep him sane.
00:17:02Can I just follow him for a moment?
00:17:10What's the matter?
00:17:12Are you jealous?
00:17:14You do remember that this is a fake marriage, right?
00:17:18I know, it's just...
00:17:22Today my family has got eyes everywhere.
00:17:25I was just a little too careful.
00:17:28Well, she's just a friend.
00:17:30I promise you have nothing to worry about.
00:17:32Okay, I believe you.
00:17:35Are you still coming to my fashion show?
00:17:39Would I ever let you down?
00:17:58Nothing, just enjoying the view.
00:18:01What good is a fake marriage without some of the perks?
00:18:39A bit more.
00:18:45Steady on, are you alright?
00:18:49Yes, I'm having a lovely time at this amazing fashion show with all these amazing designs.
00:19:08You okay?
00:19:18Remember where Bella is?
00:19:23Yeah, right.
00:19:27I can't compete with that.
00:19:39All good?
00:19:41Yeah, I'm just a bit stressed out.
00:19:45Can we go home?
00:19:53I'll bring the car around, shall I?
00:19:58Fancy seeing you here.
00:20:03Fancy seeing you here.
00:20:05You miss me?
00:20:07Fuck off.
00:20:09I'm just tired and I'm pissed and I just want to go home.
00:20:13Oh, I can help with that.
00:20:15Same address?
00:20:17Fuck off.
00:20:19I'll wait for my husband, thank you.
00:20:21You know, the one with the status and the money.
00:20:25Other thing, you know, dick in his pants for five minutes around my fucking sister.
00:20:31Oh, you're still as feisty as ever.
00:20:34Hey, how about we just forget about all this ever happening?
00:20:38I'll divorce Bella and we can live the life that we're meant to live together.
00:20:42You could have the whole Carter estate and you wouldn't have to play any of your father's games.
00:20:47I think you can have it all, don't you?
00:20:50Well, I'll let you in on a little secret.
00:20:54Have I missed something?
00:20:56No, we were just...
00:20:58He was trying to get me back.
00:21:00That's preposterous.
00:21:04What could I possibly want with...
00:21:06You can't possibly believe her, can you?
00:21:16He's here.
00:21:24Come on then, shall we?
00:21:29You don't need... I can walk on my own.
00:21:33Oh, can you? Come on.
00:21:35I can do it on my own.
00:21:38You're so nice, helping me.
00:21:41Easy does it. Come on.
00:21:44It's very unnecessary.
00:21:46You all right?
00:21:47I'm fine.
00:21:49My hero.
00:21:51Now, let's just get comfy, all right?
00:21:54You're so handsome.
00:21:56Well, you're not too bad yourself.
00:21:58I bet all the girls tell you how handsome you are.
00:22:03They do, don't lie.
00:22:06Why don't you tell me the truth?
00:22:08Get comfy.
00:22:09I am comfy.
00:22:15Oh, so nice here.
00:22:17So comfy.
00:22:38Trail the ex.
00:22:40Make sure he never bothers her again.
00:22:45Get whatever you can on this guy.
00:22:47I don't care.
00:22:48Why do you need to sell these berries?
00:22:50Find them!
00:22:51Who the fuck are you?
00:22:53Maybe you've been messing with the wrong people.
00:22:55If this is about Tamara, I didn't touch her.
00:22:57Oh, really?
00:22:58Apologies if I don't quite believe you.
00:23:01I have some incentive here to make sure you leave her alone.
00:23:05If you're willing to offer us some benefits,
00:23:09I can ensure you will get the top position in the show.
00:23:15If you don't want Carter's corruption to go public in the national press,
00:23:19I suggest you leave her alone.
00:23:33Ow, ow, ow, ow.
00:23:35Quit whining.
00:23:36You shouldn't have let this happen to you in the first place.
00:23:39I was ambushed.
00:23:41Didn't stand a chance.
00:23:47So, you don't want them to play?
00:23:53Oh, no, slow down.
00:23:55The guy did say...
00:23:56Oh, so you are really scared?
00:24:00Maybe I did choose the wrong husband.
00:24:07You're right.
00:24:09I'm Kevin fucking Carter.
00:24:12Let's get these bastards.
00:24:14That's my boy.
00:24:24Last season, profits by 30%.
00:24:27We hope spring-summer line will bring new growth to the company.
00:24:33Their investors are not happy.
00:24:37Sorry we're late.
00:24:39Miss, wait.
00:24:40I must do it in the most irregular.
00:24:42It's your husband.
00:24:46He's well aware of the challenges.
00:24:48Please continue.
00:24:49As I was saying, it's not been a great year for us.
00:24:52Some analysts think our boutique designs just won't cut it during a coat-of-living crisis.
00:24:58However, we don't want to lose as much of our production brand.
00:25:03In other words, we are fucked.
00:25:10I'm sorry.
00:25:11I'm sorry.
00:25:12I'm sorry.
00:25:13I'm sorry.
00:25:14I'm sorry.
00:25:15I'm sorry.
00:25:22I've got it.
00:25:23Don't lose your image.
00:25:25Don't lose your brand.
00:25:26Do a limited edition at a lower price.
00:25:30Keep your current customers happy.
00:25:32And branch out to a broader market.
00:25:35It makes sense.
00:25:43How I came up with that.
00:25:45Thank you.
00:25:46Thank you.
00:25:54Where did that come from?
00:25:57You know, a bit of this, a bit of that.
00:25:59So, I was thinking, why don't we step up this?
00:26:09Wouldn't that make it too real?
00:26:11I'm sure we can keep our professionalism.
00:26:15Is that a yes?
00:26:16Why not?
00:26:18What's up with you?
00:26:19Why do you keep going along with all this shit?
00:26:21Well, I'm a good actor, I suppose.
00:26:28So, make yourself at home.
00:26:33Time to see how the other half live.
00:26:37Speaking of other halves, I'm sleeping...
00:26:41On the couch.
00:26:44Well, it's not too bad, I guess.
00:26:51I'm just kidding.
00:26:55Oh, yeah?
00:26:58Um, you're in the spare room.
00:27:12Spare room.
00:27:38There you go.
00:27:41Bon appétit.
00:27:44This is...
00:27:49Is something wrong?
00:27:52No, it's just...
00:27:56This is my favourite meal.
00:27:58How did you know that?
00:28:01Lucky guess, I suppose.
00:28:07Why would you do this for me?
00:28:09I mean, Kevin used to barely peel me a banana, and you're...
00:28:15Seriously, what do you want from me?
00:28:21What do I want from you?
00:28:39When this first started, it was just a bit of fun.
00:28:58I'm not that easy.
00:29:23Looks good.
00:29:24Thanks, but you don't have to lie.
00:29:26They're terrible.
00:29:28My mum was this, like, amazing designer.
00:29:31I just wanted to be like her.
00:29:33I'm never going to win with this.
00:29:35Maybe Bella deserves it.
00:29:37These are really good.
00:29:39Yeah, those are my mum's.
00:29:41We did design something together.
00:29:43It's really beautiful, actually.
00:29:46But it all got lost after she died.
00:29:49Well, if you did it before, why can't you do it now?
00:29:53Because it was all her. I'm nothing.
00:29:56Besides, George is a real hard arse.
00:30:02He's got the same name as you.
00:30:05I wonder if all Liams are arseholes.
00:30:07I wonder if all Liams are incredibly good-looking.
00:30:11I'd love to meet him,
00:30:13but apparently he's this, like, social recluse,
00:30:16and nobody's seen him or pictured him.
00:30:21Maybe he's a vampire.
00:30:23I'm sure he's just 100 years old.
00:30:25Why do you want to meet him?
00:30:27Are you kidding? He's a genius.
00:30:30Now I'm jealous.
00:30:32Well, if I ever meet him, he'll be the first to know.
00:30:40The competition's really starting to stress me out.
00:30:43Oh, but...
00:30:45Nothing a little bit of retail therapy can't fix.
00:30:51Lovely to see you here again, sir, Mr...
00:30:54Oh, no, I don't think, um...
00:30:56My apologies.
00:30:57Have you been here before?
00:30:58No, I've certainly not.
00:30:59Have we?
00:31:01My apologies, I must have gotten a little messed up with something.
00:31:04Someone else?
00:31:05Yes, correct.
00:31:06This suit is wonderful.
00:31:10Please, this way, sir.
00:31:12What do you think, darling?
00:31:13Uh, yes.
00:31:14Um, I think I'd like to try this on, please.
00:31:18Jess, what do you think of this?
00:31:20Yes, lovely.
00:31:21Perfect. Please, follow me.
00:31:24You're paying for this, right?
00:31:26Oh, uh, yeah, of course.
00:31:40Oh, wow.
00:31:43Oh, you look fantastic.
00:31:45I'm too shabby, eh?
00:31:46No, I know.
00:31:48Well, well, well.
00:31:50You almost look like an artist.
00:31:53Who would have thought this dress scraps up well?
00:32:01Is she going to have to pay for this as well?
00:32:06Oh, come on.
00:32:08Oh, come on, Kev.
00:32:09We're really dying to be shopping around this river.
00:32:13I'll take it.
00:32:15On second thought,
00:32:17I'll take the shop.
00:32:23On second thought,
00:32:24I'll take the shop.
00:32:28What are you doing?
00:32:31Yes, hello.
00:32:32Thank you so much for shopping with us today.
00:32:33And have a great day.
00:32:34You're welcome anytime.
00:32:35Thank you.
00:32:36Thank you.
00:32:37Well, there's no use standing there gawping, darling.
00:32:39You've still got Bulgari to go.
00:32:41Uh, yes.
00:32:43Uh, yes, we do.
00:32:44You could have said something.
00:32:45It was your idea to come here.
00:32:47Hiya, mate.
00:32:51buy you this scarf.
00:32:53It would look beautiful on you.
00:33:07Well, I suppose this is ours now.
00:33:13Um, Liam.
00:33:17How did you pay for all of this?
00:33:19Well, being your husband has its perks.
00:33:21My credit is practically limitless.
00:33:27But what about the shop assistant?
00:33:29What was going on there?
00:33:31Are you jealous?
00:33:36Not in here.
00:33:39Sorry to disturb.
00:33:40You forgot your card, sir.
00:33:47Thank you.
00:33:48Thank you.
00:33:55Tamara, stop.
00:33:57Will you listen, please?
00:33:58I can explain.
00:33:59It's all perfectly normal.
00:34:00Perfectly what?
00:34:02None of this is normal.
00:34:04What are you?
00:34:05Some kind of secret billionaire?
00:34:08Is that how you knew about the wine?
00:34:10And how you knew about the company?
00:34:18Just tell me who you really are.
00:34:20And no more lies.
00:34:25It's complicated.
00:34:28My family did have money.
00:34:30And I grew up with it.
00:34:32But then there was an accident.
00:34:34And we lost everything we had.
00:34:36That's why I was working in that pub.
00:34:39Why should I believe you now?
00:34:44I'm your husband.
00:34:51Tamara, have you seen the news?
00:34:53Apparently you cheated with Kevin.
00:34:58What happened?
00:34:59Tam, the competition.
00:35:01It's tomorrow.
00:35:02Of course.
00:35:03Trying to get me disqualified.
00:35:07I'm not going to make it easy.
00:35:11Come on.
00:35:15Does that...
00:35:16mean I'm forgiven?
00:35:26Ten minutes, girls.
00:35:27Please hurry up.
00:35:28Right, OK.
00:35:29Thank you.
00:35:31Where's Emily?
00:35:38She's not answering.
00:35:43Oh, there she is.
00:35:46Hi, Tamara.
00:35:47I thought you might come in.
00:35:48What with the rumours?
00:35:50Well, no.
00:35:51They're exactly that.
00:35:52Just rumours.
00:35:54Can we get you dressed?
00:35:55Rumours or not,
00:35:56I feel a bit weird working for someone
00:35:57with that kind of energy.
00:35:59It's not good for my image, you know.
00:36:01And besides,
00:36:02she has
00:36:03a new, more suitable
00:36:08Of course.
00:36:09Could you ever win
00:36:10by playing by the rules?
00:36:12No point in taking
00:36:13unnecessary risks,
00:36:15is there?
00:36:16Are you a fucking bitch?
00:36:18Now, now.
00:36:19Control your pets, Tam.
00:36:20We wouldn't want any more controversies
00:36:22following you.
00:36:23Would we?
00:36:24And then,
00:36:25the main event.
00:36:27The dress we've all been
00:36:28looking forward to.
00:36:30Does she have what it takes
00:36:31to win the famous
00:36:32House of Queen
00:36:33from under her sister's nose?
00:36:35Without further ado,
00:36:37the designs of
00:36:53if you want something done,
00:36:56do it to yourself.
00:37:13Miss Quinn.
00:37:15She really could be in trouble.
00:37:17Are you sure you don't want me to...
00:37:18Calm down, Alex.
00:37:20She'll pull it off.
00:37:22Just watch.
00:37:23You really are going soft.
00:37:26I'm not sure.
00:37:28That's Tamara's dress.
00:37:29Is it?
00:37:30It is.
00:37:31No, it's not.
00:37:32That's Tamara.
00:37:33No, it's not.
00:37:34That's Tamara.
00:37:35No, it's not.
00:37:36No, it's not.
00:37:37It's Greg's.
00:37:38music plays
00:38:08music fades
00:38:14Oh my gosh!
00:38:16that was amazing!
00:38:18You are stunning!
00:38:21I think we can't celebrate yet
00:38:23Oh my gosh!
00:38:25My dress!
00:38:27It's all
00:38:28holes in it!
00:38:29I told my assistant
00:38:30to watch it!
00:38:32That who?
00:38:35That evil bitch!
00:38:37She's not worth it
00:38:38and you've got to get out there.
00:38:40And this is Garrison's
00:38:41last design.
00:38:43A saucy white number.
00:38:45Sure to knock your socks off.
00:38:48music fades
00:39:00music fades
00:39:01knock on door
00:39:03It's really hard.
00:39:04It's really hard.
00:39:05It's really hard.
00:39:07It's really hard.
00:39:09music plays
00:39:40Well, ladies and gents,
00:39:41I don't think there's
00:39:42much competition there.
00:39:44With her innovative
00:39:45spiral design,
00:39:46I would like to
00:39:47introduce you
00:39:48to the new head
00:39:49of the
00:39:50Quinn Fashion Corporation.
00:39:55Tamara Quinn.
00:40:05The new head
00:40:07of the
00:40:08Quinn Fashion Corporation.
00:40:09Tamara Quinn.
00:40:11What's that?
00:40:12What are they cheering for?
00:40:21Hey, isn't that your sister?
00:40:23What's it with you?
00:40:25Who even are you?
00:40:26Get out of my face!
00:40:31You don't make me that easy, sis.
00:40:34music plays
00:40:43Now, let's welcome
00:40:44the mysterious
00:40:46for the qualifiers,
00:40:56My friend,
00:40:59music plays
00:41:03if you had him right, Liam,
00:41:04I still would have
00:41:06Stella Harrington.
00:41:07As in,
00:41:09Liam Harrington's
00:41:12The famous
00:41:13fashion entrepreneur.
00:41:15My brother doesn't like
00:41:16to be discussed.
00:41:17How about your Liam?
00:41:18Where is he?
00:41:20Uh, he would
00:41:21come to something
00:41:22like this.
00:41:23But, um,
00:41:26I need to apologize
00:41:27to you
00:41:28for the other night.
00:41:29I saw you two together
00:41:30and I got a bit,
00:41:32you're just so beautiful
00:41:36it's forgotten.
00:41:37I'm just glad he's
00:41:38happy now.
00:41:47can I ask you something?
00:41:48Is there anything
00:41:49I need to
00:41:50know about Liam?
00:41:51It's just,
00:41:53trust me,
00:41:54he's a good guy.
00:41:56I must go.
00:41:57I'll see you at the finals.
00:42:03I'm going to need you
00:42:04to do some ticketing.
00:42:17There she is.
00:42:23you didn't tell me that
00:42:24your friend was
00:42:30I didn't think it was important.
00:42:31You didn't think it was important?
00:42:32Don't you look so beautiful?
00:42:34thank you.
00:42:36where has she gone?
00:42:37I guess she had
00:42:38somewhere else to be.
00:42:39But actually,
00:42:40where have you
00:42:41appeared from?
00:42:43I had to come and support
00:42:44my dear darling wife.
00:42:47that's nice.
00:42:49that's not the half of it.
00:42:50Come on,
00:42:51let's go.
00:42:53Thank you.
00:42:55this is a very
00:42:56fancy restaurant.
00:42:58Clearly you're
00:42:59rubbing off on me.
00:43:00And besides,
00:43:01you were fantastic tonight.
00:43:03You deserve a treat.
00:43:04And that watch,
00:43:06where did you get that from?
00:43:07Will you stop
00:43:08with all of the questions?
00:43:11I'm going to take you
00:43:12to part two of our
00:43:14Alessandro De Luca.
00:43:17how on earth did you get
00:43:18tickets for that?
00:43:19My father can't even
00:43:20get himself into that.
00:43:22he owed me a favour.
00:43:23He owed you a favour?
00:43:30Yes, well,
00:43:31doesn't she know that we're...
00:43:53Go, go, go.
00:44:03I've never...
00:44:04What a beautiful specimen you are.
00:44:10A noble brow.
00:44:12You must have come from
00:44:13good stock,
00:44:14you must.
00:44:16Your cheekbones
00:44:17could open an envelope.
00:44:22it is so wonderful
00:44:23to see you,
00:44:24as always.
00:44:25But what are you doing here
00:44:26in Tamara's house?
00:44:28Is it a crime
00:44:30to want to meet
00:44:31my new
00:44:36I always
00:44:38a granddaughter.
00:44:40And my daughter,
00:44:42bless her,
00:44:44only had sons.
00:44:46And it wasn't as if you
00:44:48were going to do anything
00:44:49about it.
00:44:52it's lovely
00:44:53to meet you,
00:44:56How nice
00:44:57to be appreciated
00:44:59for a change.
00:45:01Well, yeah.
00:45:04When's the wedding?
00:45:09Well, we've actually
00:45:10already signed
00:45:13What's the romance in that?
00:45:15You need
00:45:16a proper wedding.
00:45:19it's just
00:45:21on a page.
00:45:23Well, um...
00:45:25We were thinking
00:45:26we would
00:45:27hold off
00:45:28until spring.
00:45:30You know,
00:45:31no point in getting married
00:45:32in a thunderstorm.
00:45:33Of course.
00:45:35Oh, well.
00:45:37That reminds me.
00:45:39I've got
00:45:40a present
00:45:41for you.
00:45:42For me?
00:45:43Follow me.
00:45:45Thank you.
00:45:46Thank you.
00:45:47After you.
00:45:48After you.
00:45:49After you.
00:45:56Girl talk.
00:45:57No boys
00:46:07Girl talk it is.
00:46:18I never thought
00:46:19that this
00:46:20would ever happen.
00:46:24this ring
00:46:26belonged to Liam's mother.
00:46:29And you'll know
00:46:30that he had
00:46:31a tough upbringing.
00:46:32But she loved him
00:46:34very much.
00:46:35And she always
00:46:37wanted his wife,
00:46:39if he ever had one,
00:46:41to have
00:46:45Oh, wow.
00:46:48It is beautiful.
00:46:50I'm glad you like it.
00:46:52This ring
00:46:53does come
00:46:54with a promise
00:46:56that you will
00:46:59the rest of your life
00:47:01to him forever.
00:47:05Do you think
00:47:06you do that?
00:47:10I knew you were right for him.
00:47:12From the very moment
00:47:13I saw you,
00:47:14I knew.
00:47:17Come on.
00:47:19Wouldn't you like to see
00:47:20if it fits?
00:47:42What's the matter?
00:47:44I thought it looked like
00:47:45it was made for you.
00:47:47Oh, no.
00:47:48It's beautiful.
00:47:49It's just, um...
00:47:50I'm just...
00:47:51I don't want to jinx it.
00:47:53I'm a bit superstitious like that.
00:47:55I understand.
00:47:58Come on.
00:47:59Let's go back to him.
00:48:02Let's go.
00:48:12Maybe you aren't
00:48:13too good to be true.
00:48:16Oh, here we are.
00:48:18Bye, darling.
00:48:19It's fine.
00:48:20It's so lovely to see you.
00:48:21Let me get the door for you, then.
00:48:28Thank you.
00:48:29See you soon.
00:48:31Stay safe.
00:48:50What's up?
00:48:56Oh, wow.
00:48:59That's big for her.
00:49:00I didn't realise quite how much
00:49:01she wanted me to get married.
00:49:02It's not funny, Liam.
00:49:03We're lying to that poor woman.
00:49:05I mean, this is her dead daughter's wedding ring,
00:49:07for God's sake.
00:49:08And I stole it.
00:49:11It's nothing like that.
00:49:12You didn't ask for this.
00:49:14And when the time comes,
00:49:15we'll explain everything to everyone.
00:49:17But for now,
00:49:18this competition is yours to lose.
00:49:22And besides,
00:49:24it looks good on you.
00:49:39Oh, my God.
00:49:40Oh, wow.
00:49:41I'm so sorry.
00:49:42No, it's fine.
00:49:44I didn't feel it coming.
00:49:48No, I know when to take a hint.
00:49:49Do you want me to carry you up?
00:49:52No, if you wish.
00:49:53I can walk.
00:50:13You can come in.
00:51:09We can't do this.
00:51:12I want to.
00:51:14You're only saying that
00:51:15because today was a good day.
00:51:19tomorrow things will go back
00:51:20to the way they were this morning.
00:51:22Different beds,
00:51:23different lives.
00:51:25And no matter how exciting
00:51:28this feels,
00:51:32I know that that will make it
00:51:34too complicated.
00:51:36you don't want to?
00:51:40Of course I want to.
00:51:43Oh, hey.
00:51:46I want to get to know you better.
00:51:48So that it...
00:51:50So that it means something.
00:51:58You really want to know
00:51:59all my deepest, darkest secrets?
00:52:06Okay, then.
00:52:08Where to begin?
00:52:11Well, before I tell you this,
00:52:13I need to ask.
00:52:16Are you afraid of spiders?
00:52:19Because this has a lot of spiders in it.
00:52:20A lot of spiders?
00:52:21In your life story?
00:52:23Where it all began.
00:52:27So that's
00:52:28why your sister hates your guts.
00:52:30Pretty much.
00:52:32Well, that
00:52:33and I barbecued her polypocket.
00:52:35Well, that'll do it.
00:52:37She's always believed that
00:52:39I was my mother's favourite
00:52:40and hated me for it.
00:52:42But what about your dad?
00:52:43Surely he sees
00:52:44what she's up to.
00:52:46My dad
00:52:47can't see past his own belt buckle.
00:52:50I'm pretty sure he only gave me a shot
00:52:51for my mum's sake.
00:52:54What about you?
00:52:55What's your story?
00:52:57You really want to know?
00:53:02truth is
00:53:06you've been on to me for weeks.
00:53:09Everything I've told you
00:53:10has been a lie.
00:53:13I didn't say yes
00:53:14to your proposal
00:53:15because it was fun.
00:53:16I said yes because
00:53:18I needed to know
00:53:19about your company
00:53:20and I thought that was the most
00:53:23efficient way to do it.
00:53:27But you have to believe me,
00:53:28I didn't realise
00:53:29it was going to go this far.
00:53:30I didn't realise the feelings
00:53:31were going to feel this
00:53:43What's your story?
00:53:47it's too boring.
00:53:48Come on.
00:53:49Let's go to sleep.
00:53:51We've had such a long day.
00:53:52It's so late.
00:53:55It's been a good day.
00:53:59It's been a good day.
00:54:12A bit.
00:54:14I'm actually just trying
00:54:15not to think of...
00:54:20Speak of the devil.
00:54:22I hope you enjoyed
00:54:23your moment in the sun.
00:54:24It won't last.
00:54:35Ignore her.
00:54:37I've just got to run
00:54:38to the little boy's room.
00:54:39I'll be back.
00:54:45Tomorrow, Queen.
00:54:46We're going right after Bella.
00:54:47Get ready.
00:54:48Okay, thank you.
00:54:58Thank you.
00:55:14This design
00:55:15is an original piece
00:55:16of Bella Queen.
00:55:25Today's code is handknitting.
00:55:27attention to the artisans that work tirelessly to bring our designs to life. Thank you.
00:55:35If I could just take a moment to explain the design philosophy behind...
00:55:39She's lying!
00:55:46Those are my designs and I can prove it.
00:55:53Those are my designs and I can prove it.
00:55:57As I was saying, in my opinion, fashion cannot just be the refuge of the rich.
00:56:03Instead, it should be a reflection of ordinary people that balances personality and comfort.
00:56:10So, just a quick thing to say...
00:56:14You're really committing to this, aren't you?
00:56:16Committing to what? The truth?
00:56:22She is lying to you and I can prove it.
00:56:27I'm Mia Singh, that's Chris Ollies. If we could just get back to my design.
00:56:42What have you done with the people you cheat?
00:56:47Oh, she's lying to you! You have to believe me!
00:56:51I think we've seen enough. I'm proud to announce that the winner of
00:56:56Queen Designer Competition is, as if there was any doubt, Vega Queen!
00:57:11Thank you very much.
00:57:21You had your chance, Tamara. The House of Quid now belongs to your sister.
00:57:29On my first order, I'll ask one of the companies to banish you from all the Queen premises.
00:57:51Wait, what were you doing backstage? I swear I wasn't doing anything!
00:58:01All right, all right, I'll tell you. Just let go of me!
00:58:06I... I... I need a file. Just a single file. Is that a crime?
00:58:15Who's paying you? I don't know, some guy. He was Irish.
00:58:21Go, don't turn around.
00:58:32I'm sorry, Mum. I let you down.
00:58:41Hello? It's a trap.
00:58:44Tamara? Tamara, where are you? Hello?
00:58:47Liam? Hello?
00:58:51Oh, shit!
00:58:59Too pretty to be walking home alone, aren't you? Whoever that is, just leave me alone.
00:59:05Oh, you've forgotten your ex-fiancée so soon, did you?
00:59:09Kevin! I told you you should have come back to me.
00:59:14You would have won the competition. But here you are, alone and sad as always.
00:59:24Take one more step and I will call the police.
00:59:27With a dead phone? I don't think so. I think you're all mine.
00:59:31Kevin, get off of me! Get off of me!
00:59:35Hey! Hey! What did I tell you about touching my wife?
00:59:39Let me go!
00:59:44Tamara. Morning.
01:00:02But where am I? You're in hospital.
01:00:03She's got a mild concussion. Where's Kevin?
01:00:06He's down the hall. They gave him a slap, he won't soon forget.
01:00:10The police are watching him. How did you know where to be?
01:00:14Well, you know me. I'm always exactly looking at you.
01:00:17You are, aren't you?
01:00:27This is going to sound crazy, but we don't need them. Your father, your sister.
01:00:36What? You've got me.
01:00:40We should just leave. Okay.
01:00:44But there's something I need to do first. Like?
01:00:50I think my sister had something to do with my mother's death.
01:00:57I think my sister had something to do with my mother's death.
01:01:02Are you serious? I mean, I still need evidence,
01:01:07but I don't know, she's so fixated on winning this competition and
01:01:12it just doesn't make sense. She was always so bitter and
01:01:18jealous about how close my mother and I were.
01:01:21But how would she do it? She hardly seems like a master assassin.
01:01:26I need to see my mother's medical records.
01:01:42What are you doing here?
01:02:02You are here to congratulate me on my well-deserved win.
01:02:06Are you teasing? You have a wild imagination, Bella.
01:02:11But no, actually, I'm here to collect my things.
01:02:17So, now that I have them, I can go.
01:02:24I hope that you haven't been sneaking around anywhere you shouldn't have.
01:02:31Because this is my company. This is my house.
01:02:37You should be leaving right now. Like I said, just packing.
01:03:05Have you found anything?
01:03:09All of the medical records from before she died are gone.
01:03:14I need to speak to Vincent. That's our family doctor.
01:03:21And I know just the guy.
01:03:28Hello, Ethan? Yeah, hi.
01:03:31Listen, I've got a job for you.
01:03:41You found the evidence against the Queen?
01:03:50It's time to announce my return. And the partnership. We'll do it at the banquet.
01:03:58Yes, boss.
01:04:06To a job well done.
01:04:08Indeed. That little brat is out of the picture now. And that fortune is all mine.
01:04:15Um, ours?
01:04:18Oh, yeah. Ours, of course.
01:04:23Vinny, be a dear and top me up, please.
01:04:32So when are we going to enjoy the fruits of my labours then?
01:04:41So, Vinny, all I need to do now is get that Liam fella to be mine.
01:04:49And my... our... empire will be cut us off.
01:04:55Yes, out.
01:04:56You can stay quiet a little bit longer, can't you?
01:05:01I've already kept quiet for you. Poisoning your mother. And stealing that file.
01:05:13But yes, we'll start on keeping quiet a little longer.
01:05:17And a few more weeks won't do no harm.
01:05:21For you.
01:05:22Fuck. I've given you cold one this time.
01:05:34I know what you did. Meet me at the Seat Hotel. You have 20 minutes. Oops, now it's 19.
01:06:22Easy, easy now.
01:06:24Bit there. Steady.
01:06:26What do you want?
01:06:28I've done nothing, I swear.
01:06:30Awful shady for a man who's innocent, Vincent.
01:06:42I know exactly who you are.
01:06:44And I know exactly what you've done.
01:06:46You don't scare me.
01:06:54Now that wasn't the worst of it. We're going to have a little chat, you and I. You're going
01:07:17to tell me all about what you've got planned with that dear darling sister-in-law of mine.
01:07:22I don't know anything. The truth is important. Otherwise, you're going to start making mis-engagements.
01:07:35Yes. No, no, no.
01:07:51So, we've seen you.
01:07:57You came!
01:08:02Of course I did. I invited you here. So, did you find anything on the spot?
01:08:12Same old town. Cut into the chase. And here was me, thinking you wanted to see me.
01:08:17No, of course I do. It's been so long, and I just... I'm actually in a bit of trouble.
01:08:25I really need some help.
01:08:30Remember college? That night that we...
01:08:33Look, can we do this another time? It's just, right now...
01:08:37Just play the game, will you? Little quid pro quo. That's not much to ask.
01:08:45Tamara! Sorry, I'm late. What have I missed?
01:08:52Tamara! Sorry, I'm late. What have I missed?
01:08:55Darling! This is Ethan. Ethan, this is my husband, Liam Garrison.
01:09:05What a grip! And how long have you known Tamara?
01:09:11How long have you known Tamara? Not that long. I don't know. What will be, will be.
01:09:16How romantic!
01:09:18So, Ethan, did you find anything on the spot?
01:09:22Well, like I was saying, I might need...
01:09:24I'm so sorry.
01:09:30You're kidding!
01:09:34Apparently there's been an anonymous tip-off about Vincent, and it's all going to go up.
01:09:38It's all going to happen at the banquet tomorrow.
01:09:41Sorry, Ethan, but it looks like my guardian angel has come through again.
01:09:47Okay, so tell me everything.
01:09:51So fast!
01:09:53So, how long has that been going on then?
01:09:57You being in love with her.
01:09:59Is it that obvious? I wouldn't necessarily call it love, but she is a cracking girl.
01:10:05And something tells me she is going to be single very soon.
01:10:09Oh, how so?
01:10:10You can't lie forever, you know.
01:10:12And when you finally come clean, I'll be waiting.
01:10:16I'll be waiting.
01:10:28Okay, I'm going to go in there, and I'm going to say,
01:10:32I demand to speak to somebody from Mr. Harrington's office.
01:10:43Hi! Hello!
01:10:45I was wondering if I could speak to somebody from Mr. Harrington's office.
01:10:49Do you have an appointment?
01:10:51Yeah, sure. I think it should just be right...
01:10:59Liam! What are you doing here?
01:11:03Darling, you're late!
01:11:05I was actually hoping to speak to somebody from Mr. Harrington's office.
01:11:09And I had exactly the same idea.
01:11:11And we're in luck. This is Alex. He's Mr. Harrington's right-hand man.
01:11:17Yes, Miss Quinn. Please have a seat. We can have a discussion.
01:11:22Okay. Perfect.
01:11:29These are my designs.
01:11:35Yes. Very good.
01:11:47Thank you.
01:11:50Actually, this isn't the only reason why I've come to speak to you.
01:11:55I've come to ask you if...
01:12:02I want to expose my sister at your banquet.
01:12:11Your own sister?
01:12:13She's had my silence for long enough.
01:12:15I have very strong evidence that she's not only stole my designs, but...
01:12:22she orchestrated my mother's death.
01:12:38Are you sure it's a good idea?
01:12:40I mean, I know she's a traitorous cow, but think of the company.
01:12:46I know very little about business.
01:12:49But if people see that there's friction at the top of the Quinn brand,
01:12:53maybe they will touch it with a barge pole.
01:12:59Miss Quinn, if I may be so bold,
01:13:02Miss Quinn, if I may be so bold,
01:13:05I think Mr Garrison is worried about your reputation.
01:13:09It is not a good thing to get a name as a scrapper.
01:13:17I'm sorry, I just... I don't care.
01:13:20She's gotten away with it long enough and she needs to pay.
01:13:23Do I have the support of the Harrington Company?
01:13:29No, she's absolutely right.
01:13:31Get your boss on the phone right now.
01:13:32He needs to know that having a strong figurehead at the top of the company is exactly what they need.
01:13:37Hello. Yes, it's me.
01:13:39They are here.
01:13:40They want to do an expose at the banquet.
01:13:44Shall we proceed?
01:13:46Are you certain?
01:13:51Thank you. Thank you so much.
01:13:54Sorry, I couldn't waste any more of your time. Thank you so much.
01:14:02No tomorrow.
01:14:05Will you forgive me when I finally tell you the truth?
01:14:13Okay, settle down, everyone.
01:14:15Introducing the delectable winner of the Queen Design Competition
01:14:20and the newly declared heir to the Queen's fortune,
01:14:24Miss Bella.
01:14:26Thank you. Thank you.
01:14:32And now we're having ten minutes for socialising.
01:14:35Enjoy, guys.
01:14:48Shut it. You've got a job to do.
01:14:51I know, I know. I have to separate Mara from her husband for...
01:14:58Why am I doing this again?
01:14:59Don't worry. You're a hairy little head now.
01:15:01I've got some secrets about Mr Liam that I need to discuss with him.
01:15:10Who knows? Maybe he can even be persuaded to change his taste in clams.
01:15:17Mr Garrison, I have some information that might interest you.
01:15:30You look stunning.
01:15:32Here to catch Mr Harrington's attention.
01:15:35Your husband will be jealous.
01:15:38Oh, your small little mind.
01:15:48Do say hello to your husband for me.
01:15:50I hope he's not terribly uncomfortable in prison.
01:15:58Okay, everyone.
01:15:59I can finally announce the new partner for the Harrington Corporation.
01:16:04And after testing negotiations, I can reveal that...
01:16:12Miss Tamara Quinn is our new partner.
01:16:17Thank you.
01:16:35Well, I don't know what to say.
01:16:38Excuse me. Sorry.
01:16:41Over here.
01:16:42I can see we're all having a wonderful time.
01:16:46But I'm here to puncture your balloons.
01:16:50This slut couldn't have won the collaboration.
01:16:53She flunked the competition.
01:16:56She's always been jealous of me.
01:16:58And now she just wants my thunder.
01:17:00Miss Quinn, please calm down.
01:17:02I think it's Mr Harrington's choice to...
01:17:06The mysterious Mr Harrington.
01:17:10You're a liar.
01:17:11This is a set-up.
01:17:14Dad, tell them it's mine.
01:17:18You know, I was going to give you a chance to come clean.
01:17:21But you just can't help yourself.
01:17:24Ladies and gentlemen, I have one more announcement for the evening.
01:17:28For years, my mother's death has been a mystery.
01:17:32But I've recently fell on a shocking new discovery.
01:17:36Bella Quinn, her own daughter...
01:17:41Poisoned her...
01:17:43Oh, I see what you mean.
01:17:48This is preposterous.
01:17:50This is preposterous.
01:17:51She just can't forgive me for winning the competition fair and square.
01:17:55I have evidence.
01:17:57She knew I was my mother's favourite.
01:18:00And she knew she was going to make me the sole heir.
01:18:03So she killed her.
01:18:05And now she wants to steal my designs and win the competition.
01:18:08I can support this.
01:18:10She was in cahoots with the family doctor, Vincent.
01:18:12He did her dirty work for her.
01:18:14He poisoned your mother and he stole the designs.
01:18:18Honestly, I don't know where she gets these fanciful notions from.
01:18:22Bella, this can't be true.
01:18:24She's framing me.
01:18:26Come on, daddy, you know what she's like.
01:18:28Why would any of this be real when even her husband is fake?
01:18:39Daddy, that's not true.
01:18:41That's it. Sister, save it.
01:18:44You've pushed me far enough.
01:18:46I've found the real heir of the Garrison family.
01:18:59Your husband's an imposter, Tamara.
01:19:11You've been bragging about your noble husband.
01:19:14So I dug into the Garrison family again.
01:19:17And, oh, it seems like their eldest son doesn't look anything like your husband.
01:19:24Care to explain, hon?
01:19:27Daddy, he's not...
01:19:29Sorry about her.
01:19:31I know my own family better than you.
01:19:37There's clearly been a mix-up.
01:19:42She's lying. She's always lying.
01:19:45Tamara, she's telling the truth.
01:19:48No, darling.
01:19:51Tamara, it's time.
01:19:55I've lied to everyone.
01:19:59Most importantly, I lied to you.
01:20:02I haven't told you everything.
01:20:05I lied because I needed to get close to you, close to your family, to...
01:20:11recover data.
01:20:13Data? What do you mean?
01:20:15Because I'm not Liam Garrison.
01:20:24I'm Liam Harrington.
01:20:30Yes, this must be him.
01:20:33I don't think anybody's seen him in the flashing before.
01:20:36How does he keep it under wraps?
01:20:38See? I told you.
01:20:40He couldn't be trusted.
01:20:42What are you laughing at?
01:20:44Police has been already notified about your exploits.
01:20:46Tamara, wait! I can explain.
01:21:57Tamara, please, let me talk. I can explain everything.
01:22:00I've got nothing to say to you.
01:22:02Please, just let me sleep.
01:22:04Just have your stuff out by tomorrow.
01:22:06I'm sure you'll find somewhere to stay as a fancy CEO.
01:22:09Tamara, I just... I'm just waiting.
01:22:11For what? For you to steal my company?
01:22:13Well, well done. You've got it now.
01:22:15You don't need me anymore.
01:22:16It wasn't like that. No, no, you know what? It was.
01:22:20I am sorry. I got carried away.
01:22:22And I didn't realise I was going to fall madly in love with you.
01:22:26I didn't mean to.
01:22:28SHE SIGHS
01:22:34Let go.
01:22:42I'll see you tomorrow.
01:22:48Stop calling me.
01:22:59Oh, I won't forget.
01:23:03It doesn't mean so much to you.
01:23:36Well, here it goes.
01:23:38The Quinn inheritance is officially yours.
01:23:44Thank you for trusting me.
01:23:46I won't let you down.
01:23:58Congratulations. Mind stepping out for a chat?
01:24:03Nice as it is for you to congratulate me,
01:24:07I've got a feeling that's not why you're here, is it?
01:24:11Look, he just wants to talk.
01:24:13Stella, I appreciate you coming down here.
01:24:17But it's done, OK?
01:24:21I can't forgive something like that.
01:24:35He said he won't sign them.
01:24:37He said they're fake anyway.
01:24:39Thank God.
01:24:41Can't you do this one thing for me?
01:24:43I think he's done more than you think.
01:24:45Remember the evidence about the family doctor?
01:24:48The anonymous seller?
01:24:50Why would you do that?
01:24:52Look, I know what you think of him,
01:24:54but he isn't a shark, OK?
01:24:56And he does really care for you.
01:24:59So please,
01:25:01please just see him.
01:25:05For me?
01:26:08You ticklish?
01:26:10Not here?
01:26:12Not here?
01:26:14Get off!
01:26:15Don't get up!
01:26:16Stop, stop!
01:26:17My hair.
01:26:18Your hair?
01:26:19It is good, actually.
01:26:20Shall we take a selfie?
01:26:22Go on.
01:26:25See, it's good you didn't ruin it.
01:26:35Don't want to screw up too badly.
01:27:08I feel like I'm in here somewhere.
01:27:19What's this?
01:27:40My dear Tamara,
01:27:41your older sister was supposed to give you this,
01:27:44so I won't be surprised if it arrived a little late.
01:27:48I'm sorry I had to leave you so soon.
01:27:52I wish we could have spent more time together
01:27:54so I could show you my designs.
01:27:57But you know what?
01:27:58Life isn't all about money, fashion and jewels.
01:28:03Sometimes you find someone who makes you forget all of that.
01:28:07And when you do,
01:28:08promise me you'll never let me go.
01:28:36Tamara, it's Bella.
01:28:38She made bail after rule and...
01:28:41She's out of prison.
01:28:45That's not the worst of it either.
01:28:48She's kidnapped Liam.
01:29:02Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead.
01:29:13She's not here.
01:29:17Oh, fuck.
01:29:18But she might join us later.
01:29:24All of my life,
01:29:27I've been watching her,
01:29:29observing her weaknesses.
01:29:35This is her biggest one.
01:29:42I think she loves me.
01:29:43We haven't seen each other in months.
01:29:45I know she loves you.
01:29:51She couldn't even love her boyfriend for four years.
01:29:54But she could not get enough of you!
01:29:57Which means this is gonna hurt for more.
01:30:03Please, please.
01:30:04I have money.
01:30:06I can give you money.
01:30:09Come away, half-bad.
01:30:12All I want...
01:30:14is to make her suffer.
01:30:20Just like what she's done to me
01:30:22all of these years.
01:30:30You don't have to do this.
01:30:32I know.
01:30:35You don't even have love for yourself, do you?
01:30:56You can't leave us alone.
01:30:58For once, you can't!
01:31:04Okay, this is, um...
01:31:06Let's just...
01:31:08calm it down, okay?
01:31:11Don't do this.
01:31:18Can we just talk?
01:31:23Time stops, sister.
01:31:29Time stops, sister.
01:31:44It's okay.
01:31:45It's okay.
01:31:46It's okay.
01:31:47It's okay.
01:31:48It's okay.
01:31:49It's okay.
01:31:50It's okay.
01:31:52Stop it!
01:31:54Wait, guys!
01:31:56You're taking everything from me.
01:32:00All my life, you're taking everything from me.
01:32:06Mum told me before you came along,
01:32:08she couldn't leave me alone for one minute.
01:32:11And then you arrived!
01:32:13I didn't mean to push her away from you.
01:32:17I never wanted to hurt you.
01:32:21Bella, I just...
01:32:22I just wanted you to love me.
01:32:26Like I...
01:32:27Like I looked up to you.
01:32:34But you really never wanted to hurt me.
01:32:38No, I never wanted to.
01:32:40I didn't.
01:32:41I didn't.
01:32:48I said...
01:32:50I said...
01:32:52That's really sweet.
01:32:56But it's too late.
01:33:23How is he?
01:33:26You know.
01:33:27No, I don't.
01:33:28No one's told me anything.
01:33:31Why don't you let him tell you himself?
01:33:42He's had 15 stitches.
01:33:44I'm sorry.
01:33:48I'm so sorry.
01:33:50You're sorry?
01:33:51Oh my gosh, Liam.
01:33:52I thought I lost you.
01:33:54Oh well.
01:33:55You're going to have to try a bit harder to lose me next time.
01:34:01I hope she rots in jail.
01:34:03She had her chance.
01:34:07Just on the side though.
01:34:09Oh, this.
01:34:13Is that your mother's ring?
01:34:16Well, what good would a proposal be without a ring?
01:34:25I don't know.
01:34:35We're doing it for real this time?
01:34:38Quickly, before I change my mind.
01:34:41Do you, Liam Harrington, take the Tamara Queen to be your wife?
01:34:46Love and cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?
01:34:52I do.
01:34:55And you, Tamara Queen, do you take Liam Harrington to be your husband?
01:34:59Let's just get on with it.
