[5-HD]Tomb of the Fallen Gods 2 English subtitle and sub Indo (神墓 第二季)(สุสานของเหล่าเทพผู้ตกต่ำ 2)

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Tomb of the fallen Gods 2 ,Shen Mu 2 ,神墓 2 ,Tomb of the fallen Gods 2nd Season ,Shen Mu 2nd Season,神墓 第二季,
A teenager who was resurrected from the cemetery of the gods and demons, in the new continent formed by the collision of the East and the West ten thousand years later, searches for the truth of the fall of the gods and demons ten thousand years ago, as well as the pursuit of his lover Yuxin, the whereabouts of his parents and the reason for his resurrection. The protagonist develops, and finally leads to a story about the six paths and the chess game of heaven and earth.



00:00今天前院好像有些吵闹啊 Oh, it seems that there is a little noise in the front yard today.
00:10哎呀,爷爷,一点小事而已。冷风学长已经料理好了。 Oh, grandpa, it's just a little thing. Senior冷风 has already taken care of it.
00:16哦,那就好,可别让谭台派那丫头一来就看了笑话。 Oh, that's good. But don't let the girl from Tan Tai Sect come here and make fun of me.
00:23啊,梦姐姐要来?哎呀,您怎么不早说呀,我去接。 Ah, Sister Meng is coming? Oh, why didn't you say so earlier? I'll pick her up.
00:28哎呀,用不着了。她已经到了。 Oh, there's no need. She's already here.
00:36谭台派孟可,求见东方院长。 I, Meng Ke, from Tan Tai Sect, ask to see President Dong Fang.
00:41啊,梦丫头无需多礼,问你师父好。 Ah, Sister Meng, no need to be so courteous, just ask your master.
01:06啊,梦姐姐,你可算来了。我就说这次谭台派的交流生八成会是你。 Ah, Sister Meng, you're finally here. I told you that you would be the exchange student of Tan Tai Sect this time.
01:11上次一别已有三年,妹妹果然出落得落落大方了。 Ah, it's been three years since we parted last time. You're really a generous person.
01:16姐姐说笑了,走,我带你去吃。 Sister, you must be kidding. Let's go, I'll take you to eat.
01:19妹妹稍等,这是师父带给东方院长的。 Sister, wait a minute. This is what my master brought to President Dong Fang.
01:31你师父这也太客气了,这玉峰穷姜千年酿可是极其珍贵罕见呀。 Your master is too polite. This thousand-year-old wine is extremely precious and rare.
01:41那有什么要求就直说吧。 If you have any requests, just say it.
01:45果然什么都瞒不过院长,此次晚辈确实奉师命前来借阅贵院藏书阁古籍,用以复原我谭台派失传秘法。 Indeed, nothing can be hidden from the president. This time, I did come here on my master's order to borrow the ancient books of the Guiyuan Library to restore the secret method of our Tan Tai Sect.
01:55但临行前,师父交代晚辈需谨守院规,与其他学生无异。 However, before I left, my master told me to follow the rules strictly and not to associate with other students.
02:01哎呀,研学的事儿嘛,小诗一桩,不过按照学院的规矩,借阅藏经阁中的秘籍可是需要学分的。 Well, it's just a small matter. However, according to the rules of the school, it is necessary to learn the secrets of the Guiyuan Library.
02:13学分我有啊,孟姐姐拿去便是。 I have the knowledge. Sister Meng can take it.
02:16嗯,学分不得转让,否则作废。 Yes, the knowledge cannot be transferred, otherwise it will be invalid.
02:21妹妹无需担心,院长只需告诉可儿,有何可以效劳的便可。 Sister, you don't have to worry, all you have to do is to tell Ke'er what you can do for her.
02:28还真有,你看啊,在这片山林之中,万年前曾有神魔交战,在此陨落,这本来没什么稀奇的,直到有人在这里找到了一块神骨。 There really is. Look, in this forest, there was a battle with the devil 10,000 years ago, and it fell here. There was nothing strange about it until someone found a piece of divine bone here.
02:50神骨? Divine Bone?
03:13好霸道的气息,这感觉好熟悉。 Such a domineering breath, it feels so familiar.
03:19倒是和神魔灵源有些相似,难道这里真的埋藏着神魔的尸体。 It does look a bit like the spirit world of the devil. Could it be that there really is a body of the devil buried here?
03:29不对,这战意很强。 No, this is a strong will.
03:35来者不善,你们在这里等我。 Good people, wait for me here.
03:38怎么,看不起人啊,又想自己逞英雄。 What, are you looking down on me? You want to be a hero again?
03:41老大,上次考试我的确受了你们的照顾,这次就让我证明我自己吧。 Boss, I did take care of you in the last exam. Let me prove myself this time.
03:47比起单独留在这儿,还是带上我吧。 Instead of staying here alone, why don't you bring me with you?
03:52那你们可跟紧了。 Then you'd better follow closely.
04:17不行了,本宝宝再不吃东西,可是真没力气再打了。 Oh no, if I don't eat anything, I won't have the strength to fight anymore.
04:30小爷! Xiao Yue!
04:38陈达,这样下去没完没了的,你确定我们走的方向是对的吗? Boss Chen, this is not going to end well. Are you sure we're going in the right direction?
04:43不入骨穴,焉得无子,你走就对了。 If you don't enter the bone cavity, you'll die.
04:47可是我肚子饿啊。 But I'm hungry.
04:49不够,再忍一下,咱们一出去,我请你吃。 Boss Chen, hang in there, I'll treat you once we get out of here.
04:57你再不看路,我们可都要吃蟋蟀了。 If you don't show us the way, we're all going to die.
05:02果然没路了。 There's really no way out.
05:12这可怎么办。 How am I supposed to do this.
05:37老大,你这是 Boss Chen. What are you doing?
05:39只有我感应到了吗? Only I felt it?
05:41It seems that this place is really the place where the demons of the gods have fallen.
05:44Step aside. Step aside. Step back.
05:47Here they come again.
05:48So mysterious.
06:04It's actually a hidden barrier.
06:06Chen Nan, how did you find it?
06:09I'm gifted.
06:11If you want to find something, it should be right there.
06:15But how are we going to get there?
06:18Just fly over.
06:20Just wait.
06:21I'll get the sea of gods back soon.
06:38It doesn't look like a princess.
06:48Oh, no.
06:54I can't go any further.
06:59Why isn't the princess back yet?
07:09A dragon!
07:15This way! We'll cover you!
07:18Something's not right.
07:19They're not hiding from the dragons.
07:21They seem to be coming at us.
07:26What's going on?
07:27Where did those dragons come from?
07:38I can't do this anymore.
07:48Why won't the princess recognize me?
07:50The little demon girl seems to be under control.
07:52It looks like she's been bewitched.
07:55No matter who the black dragon is,
07:57it's a good thing that the power of the Houyu Palace can restrain this evil.
08:01Fatty, split up and deal with them.
08:21Chen Nan!
08:22Are you trying to kill the princess?
08:25I'm trying to save her.
08:50Leave this to me!
08:55What's going on?
08:59Why are you holding me?
09:03You were out of your mind.
09:04You chased after us with Xiaoyu and destroyed half of the land.
09:06If I hadn't used the Houyu Palace to purify your mind,
09:08you wouldn't have woken up.
09:11We'll talk about this later.
09:13They're here again!
09:16Look away!
09:30Xiaoyu, watch out!
09:43Chen Nan, what are you doing?
09:46At this point, I can't protect her anymore!
10:04Look! There's a lake down there!
10:06A lake?
10:08Protect the princess!
10:09Don't let her drown!
10:19You're so greedy!
10:20Do you want money or your life?
10:23It's not money in this bag,
10:25but it's my life.
10:28Your life?
10:29What is it?
10:31It's all chili powder.
10:33The cold water will change the flavor.
10:36You have a strong taste.
10:38Chili powder?
10:44I'm not done with you yet!
10:46Our dragon tribe hates chili powder the most!
10:48How dare you...
10:53Aren't you going to eat the whole world?
10:55Why are you still picking on food?
10:56You don't understand.
10:58Chili powder is the enemy of the dragon tribe.
11:00Once you eat it, you'll get allergic.
11:02It can't be cast in a short time.
11:05It can't be cast?
11:07How long can it last?
11:10Even if it's a powerful dragon,
11:11it needs at least one minute to...
11:15One minute?
11:21Guan Hao.
11:22How much chili powder do you have?
11:24I'm weak, heavy, and perverted.
11:26I don't have enough.
11:30I have an idea.
11:32What idea?
11:34Are you going to provoke those three evil dragons again?
11:38It's not me.
11:39It's you.
11:53Don't look at that eye again.
11:54Don't look at that eye again.
11:57Sister Huang has avenged me.
11:58I'm finally on the right track.
12:22Little Dragon, run!
12:49I got it.
13:07Xiao Bai, over here.
13:27This giant beast is really something.
13:29The divine fruit must be here.
13:31But what was that noise just now?
13:49Is it down there?
13:51Mr. Chen, hold on.
14:04Miss Meng?
14:06Why are you here too?
14:07Are you here to look for the divine fruit too?
14:13Miss Meng,
14:14why are you here too?
14:15Are you here to look for the divine fruit too?
14:18This place where the gods and demons fight
14:20is indeed a little strange.
14:22It's just that those giant dragons
14:24have already evolved their powers.
14:27It's really a lot of work.
14:29Miss Meng, let's make this clear.
14:31The divine fruit is very important to me.
14:33Don't fight with me.
14:37Mr. Chen, you have a lot of riddles on you.
14:40The Houyi Palace is a divine weapon
14:42given to the Eastern State by my ancestors.
14:44Why can you pull it out?
14:47Good guy.
14:48You're asking for my body.
14:50Mr. Chen, where did you lose it?
14:52What do you have to do with the Houyi Palace?
14:55Can you tell me the truth?
14:57You won't believe it even if I tell you.
14:59Maybe Tan Taixuan from your sect knows.
15:01It's a pity that he doesn't seem to be here.
15:03Mr. Chen, you know the names of my ancestors.
15:05It's really a little too much.
15:07In that case,
15:08please forgive me for not being able to give you the divine fruit.
15:13You have your own skills.
15:14Mr. Chen, this treasure is quite to my liking.
15:17If you insist on stopping me,
15:18I'll give it a try.
15:28It's a heavy blow.
15:45Huang Tu Xiu Sao.
16:15She's so stubborn.
16:16She's as stubborn as a dog.
16:23What is this?
16:29This girl is so stubborn.
16:30She won't kill anyone, will she?
16:32The divine fruit is still mine.
16:35No, it's not that simple.
16:37You want to compete with me?
16:38Let's win first.
16:40So despicable.
16:43Have you seen Meng Ke'er?
16:44I was tricked by that guy.
16:46I must expose his real identity.
16:48Trust me.
16:49What I said is the truth.
16:51I knew he wasn't a good person.
16:54What a nuisance.
