No Escape from my Ruthless Alpha -Full HD

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00:00I can't marry Logan. He's cruel and killed his mate. I already promised him.
00:00:12He just wants Ford's daughter. Remember my younger sister Ella? Oh I'm so sorry I
00:00:20didn't mean to interrupt you guys. I'm just gonna go. Oh guys I wish I could
00:00:26find my mate so I can escape this horrible place.
00:00:52That's weird. I don't remember getting hurt.
00:01:13He's dead Alpha.
00:01:17Disposing. Now we have most of the northern packs. Perfect. After you killed
00:01:25Alpha Derek, none dared against us. They fear your anger. What's wrong? Alpha Chris
00:01:37will have Ford Beta's daughter marry you. Interesting. He had to. After the war
00:01:45Silvermoon was weak. He'd avoid conflicts with Darkblood at any cost.
00:01:51Giving his daughter seemed right. Are you marrying for revenge? Eighteen years ago
00:01:59Ford killed your mother by accident. Then you best forget that Beta. And say yes to
00:02:07Chris's birthday party. I will let him know. Good.
00:02:16I can't wait to see my fiance. Who did you say I was going to marry? Who did you
00:02:32say I was going to marry? Darkblood's Alpha Logan? Yes the ruthless Alpha Logan
00:02:38that likes to kill people. Dad you agreed to this? The pack's needs come first. Scarlet has
00:02:49more value than you. But if you marry him it will benefit the pack right? Maybe this
00:02:57is my chance to escape this terrible place. Fine I will marry him. You didn't
00:03:05have a choice anyway. Chris and Dad always take my side. Scarlet, for which I
00:03:12need you to leave. Excuse me? I said leave!
00:03:21Why did you say yes to marrying Alpha Logan? Are you jealous? You are jealous aren't you?
00:03:35Why did you say yes to marrying Alpha Logan? Say yes? You're forcing me to marry.
00:03:44You're with Scarlet and because I'm her sister I'm the only one you can use in
00:03:49your deal against Alpha Logan. Are you jealous? You are jealous. Do you want to know why I
00:04:03agreed to marry Alpha Logan? Because I can leave Silver Moon. I hate this place. Take that back
00:04:10Ella Park. Sorry Alpha but Alpha Logan just agreed to go to your birthday party.
00:04:20Why would he do that? He never comes to parties. True but I have a feeling that
00:04:27he's coming for a different reason. Maybe to see his fiance. You think that's funny?
00:04:37Fine. Go ahead. Marry Alpha Logan. Yes Alpha.
00:04:57Who are you? Why are you here? Break into Pact territory and you'll be killed.
00:05:06No one can kill me. You summoned me. Me? You seduced me here. No I didn't. You don't even
00:05:17know what seduction is. I know it.
00:05:48Take it easy girl. I'm coming for you soon.
00:06:00Ella it was just a dream. Don't be afraid. I'm here now. I'm Lily your wolf.
00:06:10Oh I have a wolf. Hi Lily. Happy to meet you. Happy to meet you too Ella. The big
00:06:18news. Our mate Alpha Chris is here for us. Alpha Chris is our mate? Exactly. I am your
00:06:27mate. Why are you here? Because of the full moon. With the full moon and your wolf it's
00:06:44all very tempting. I can barely control myself. What do you mean? She wants to
00:06:52mate with us silly. I'm not Scarlet or one of your other mistresses. If you're in heat
00:07:03go find them. Did you forget you married me to Alpha Logan? If you won't have me then
00:07:09I'll reject you and you'll become weak unless you... I accept your rejection. I still have
00:07:24you for two more days. Behave like the good servant that you are.
00:07:39Is something wrong Ella? I can smell her. My mate.
00:07:51I can't find my earrings anywhere. Scarlet must have tricked me. Oh I'm so sorry I didn't...
00:08:21What are you doing? I'm Alpha Logan's woman. Alpha Logan's woman? Exactly. So if you're smart
00:08:36you'll let me go because he's a ruthless murderer. Funny. I'm Alpha Logan. What?
00:08:52Alpha did I miss something? I think I just found my mate. Really? I thought you were done with the
00:09:00mate. Judging by her outfit she looks like one of Alpha Chris's maids. She claims to be my woman.
00:09:05Really? That's bold. Indeed. If she truly is my mate then this will be interesting. Let's go.
00:09:22Hello. Alpha Logan. I'm glad you're here. Were you able to check out the gardens?
00:09:29Chris rebuilt the Silver Moon Mansion and garden with a lot of money after the war.
00:09:35Have you been finding everything all right? Wait a minute.
00:09:40Oh my god that's the gamut I wanted your Alpha title Chris. Logan? What's this? A birthday gift. I killed him when I found him on our land. What do you think?
00:10:00Nice. I appreciate it. I was after him too.
00:10:09I bought you something. Nathan.
00:10:13Wow. It's gorgeous. Thanks Alpha Logan. I wasn't expecting a gift. I wanted to get you a gift for my future wife.
00:10:29Oh um well you're marrying my sister Ella not me. Sister? I didn't know Ford had two daughters.
00:10:40You're not pawning off some sort of maid onto me are you?
00:10:48Everyone in the pack knows that Ella's my sister. Even though we don't share the same mom. She's my dad's daughter. And I'm with Chris. So you can marry her instead.
00:11:00And what do you have to say about this Chris?
00:11:04Yes. Ella is Ford's daughter. So swapping brides should be okay.
00:11:13The feast is ready. Shall we head in? Sure. Find out what's going on.
00:11:22Thank you for coming to my birthday. Cheers to the silver moon. To the silver moon.
00:11:34Yes. I see. Thank you.
00:11:40Where's Ella? My intended I haven't seen her all night.
00:11:44She's shy. She'd rather stay in her room over these parties.
00:11:48Don't worry Logan. If Ella is not to your liking then there's plenty of stunning she-wolves here.
00:11:57She is my mate. I want to see Ella.
00:12:04That's impossible. And why not?
00:12:07Because she is my mate. And I rejected her two days ago.
00:12:13What? Why didn't you tell me that?
00:12:15It's not important.
00:12:17How can she be your mate? Now she's going to be Alpha Logan's mate. She's nothing.
00:12:24I don't want to hear any more insults about my fiancΓ©e.
00:12:28But you really want it.
00:12:31But you really want it. Throw it.
00:12:37Beta, let's go.
00:12:43Scarlett? Chris gave me some vintage wine. I thought we could share.
00:12:55Let's not start like this Ella.
00:12:57My name is Ella. I'm your sister. And you're getting married soon. Let's make up.
00:13:04Okay. Do you really mean it?
00:13:07Yes. We're family.
00:13:24Why do I feel so hot? What is in that?
00:13:28A spell. From a witch. That'll turn you into a whore.
00:13:35Why are you doing this?
00:13:37I'm helping you. Since Alpha Logan can't have sex, I'll find you a man that'll satisfy you before your wedding.
00:13:58Daniel, I've been looking for you.
00:14:00What's up?
00:14:01Ella, she looks very sick. Can you go check on her?
00:14:06Why don't you get Dr. Wood?
00:14:08Alpha Chris wanted you to do it.
00:14:12Alright. I'll go.
00:14:32You really ought to knock first.
00:14:35What? It's not like I haven't seen you before.
00:14:40Or are you regretting not choosing my sister as your mate?
00:14:44Of course not.
00:14:47What are you doing here?
00:14:49Come with me. I have something fun to show you.
00:15:14I need to get out of here.
00:15:44Alpha, Knight follows the last northern pack in our lab while we're with us.
00:15:57Alpha Luke's pack?
00:15:59Yes. Alpha Luke is the last remaining royal family member. Without him, the conservative south won't join.
00:16:04Have you contacted them yet?
00:16:06Yes, but no reply. After his wife Christine's death and his daughter's disappearance, he's gone quiet.
00:16:13Maybe we can help them find his daughter.
00:16:16That's a good idea. Alpha Luke deeply cares for her. Plus, she's of royal descent.
00:16:24Thank you. I'll handle that.
00:16:40Nathan, you come back so soon. Look, I don't think...
00:16:44Ella, what are you doing here?
00:16:50Ella, I don't think we should be doing this.
00:16:56If you're trying to seduce me, it's working.
00:17:36Oh my God, were you drunk?
00:17:40Ella, come with me. Come with me. Ready? One, two, three.
00:17:44Okay. There you go.
00:17:47Watch your feet.
00:17:49Here, here, here. I got you.
00:17:51One, two, three.
00:17:53Watch your head. Okay.
00:17:57Oh my God.
00:18:01It's so hot.
00:18:07Do you know what you're doing? You're my maid. It's so hard to resist you like this.
00:18:17Shit. You need to wake up. Okay? Wake up. I'm going to take you.
00:18:27Why are you holding back? She's our maid.
00:18:30Not now, Mark. You're not helping.
00:18:32I'm trying to. I just want to mate with her.
00:18:34As your wolf, I know the moon goddess gave us another shot.
00:18:37I'm not going to mate with her. She's drugged. I'm not taking advantage of her.
00:18:41Oh, come on. What happened to the fearless alpha?
00:18:45Or are you just scared because you're still a virgin?
00:18:48Shut up, Mark.
00:18:50I'm not afraid of you.
00:18:52I'm just scared because you're still a virgin.
00:18:55Shut up, Mark.
00:19:08Damn. What are you doing?
00:19:10Come on.
00:19:21What are you doing?
00:19:23I'm a...
00:19:31I am so sorry for slapping you, Alpha Logan.
00:19:36I just... I thought you were trying to...
00:19:39Anyway, thank you.
00:19:41It's okay.
00:19:44If you were my fiancΓ©, you'd be dead right now, though.
00:19:48You know who I am?
00:19:50I know who you are.
00:19:52Ella Park, I do.
00:19:55And you're even more stunning in person.
00:19:58God, he is terrifying.
00:20:01But if Scarlett was right, his ED might explain why he didn't do anything.
00:20:06Do you want to find out?
00:20:11Find out.
00:20:28God, knock Daniel out.
00:20:30What's going on, Scarlett?
00:20:32I have to find that kid.
00:20:34Scarlett's after me. I have to go.
00:20:36Wait, did she drug you?
00:20:40No. She's my sister. I'll deal with her.
00:20:46Where is Daniel?
00:20:48Why didn't you say you were...
00:20:49You bitch! What did you do to Daniel?
00:20:51You drugged me and sent him to my room.
00:20:53I had to knock him out in order to escape.
00:20:55You disgust me!
00:20:57How dare you speak to me like that?
00:20:59Didn't you just try to hit my fiancΓ© in front of me?
00:21:01Do you want to die?
00:21:02Alpha Logan.
00:21:05Chris, explain now.
00:21:07Don't worry, Logan. I'll take care of it.
00:21:09Let's go.
00:21:48You drugged Ella.
00:21:50You sent Daniel to her room.
00:21:53Chris, you're mad at me?
00:21:55Call me Alpha.
00:21:59But you said I was special.
00:22:02That I could call you by your first name.
00:22:07I get it.
00:22:09You care for that bitch.
00:22:11You love her.
00:22:13That's why you're angry.
00:22:17And now she's Logan's mate.
00:22:19Because you rejected her.
00:22:21I saw her wearing his t-shirt.
00:22:23They must have already slept together.
00:22:25Shut up!
00:22:27Daniel, get her out of here.
00:22:29Lock her in the dungeon for a week.
00:22:31What? You can't do this to me.
00:22:35He defended me against Scarlett.
00:22:38Maybe he's not so bad.
00:22:40Do you like him?
00:22:44But I do feel something around him.
00:22:47Because he's our mate.
00:22:51No, Chris just rejected me.
00:22:53He was our true mate.
00:23:05You are drunk.
00:23:11You slept with him, didn't you?
00:23:13That is none of your business.
00:23:15Alpha Logan is different.
00:23:17He doesn't just sleep around with everyone.
00:23:21He's different.
00:23:23He is useless in bed.
00:23:26Even if he were to drug you,
00:23:30he would be able to do anything.
00:23:32My God, you are horrible.
00:23:36Well, at least I'm capable.
00:23:39You should forget all about Alpha Logan.
00:23:43You should be with me.
00:23:45I could satisfy you more than he ever could.
00:23:49Chris, I'm not staying with you.
00:23:51You disgust me.
00:23:53What did you just say?
00:23:55Do you remember how you treated me?
00:23:58I was nothing more than a slave to you.
00:24:01And after hearing all of that?
00:24:04Hearing your desire makes me sick.
00:24:11I regret that.
00:24:15I shouldn't have pushed you away.
00:24:19I have. I've always loved you.
00:24:24You think I buy that?
00:24:26Save it for your mistresses.
00:24:28Listen to me.
00:24:30The only reason that we can't be together
00:24:32is because you are the servant's daughter.
00:24:36Listen to me!
00:24:38I know that you feel the same way.
00:24:42We grew up together.
00:24:46And besides, you've always,
00:24:48always wanted my attention, right?
00:24:53My God, you are so full of yourself.
00:24:57Now listen to me.
00:24:59I have never had feelings for you, not once.
00:25:01You and Scarlett are just bullies
00:25:03who don't respect me.
00:25:05What do you mean?
00:25:07I'm saying that I hate you.
00:25:16Get your hands off my wife.
00:25:18We're all in our deal.
00:25:20And stick your hand on a pike.
00:25:33Is Alpha Curse gonna be okay
00:25:35with me leaving Silver Moon now?
00:25:37I don't need his permission.
00:25:39Ever since we signed our marriage contract,
00:25:42you were mine.
00:25:44But you were meant to marry my sister Scarlett.
00:25:47She's from Beta. She's stronger and better than me.
00:25:50I don't care.
00:25:52You were my mate.
00:25:56You might still reject me.
00:26:00you were my second chance.
00:26:02Rejecting you would only mean that
00:26:04I'd be losing my mate forever.
00:26:11Bags are packed, Alpha. Ready to go?
00:26:20Is all this place yours?
00:26:30Is all this place yours?
00:26:32Yes, and Nathan can show you around if you want.
00:26:36A movie theater?
00:26:38Oh, and a supermarket?
00:26:40I've only ever heard of those.
00:26:42I knew Darkblood was big,
00:26:44but I didn't know it was this big.
00:26:46After the war,
00:26:48Alpha welcomed rogues who had lost their pact.
00:26:51Since then, Darkblood has been thriving.
00:26:56You've taken war refugees.
00:26:58Shows me that you're kind.
00:27:00I'm not, Ella.
00:27:03Darkblood needs to survive.
00:27:06I only accept them because they're strong enough to help us grow.
00:27:11Even with my wolf, I'm still weak.
00:27:15I was wondering if maybe you could train me.
00:27:22And why would I help you do that?
00:27:32Because you're my mate.
00:27:39Being seen as weak by Darkblood would shame you.
00:27:44You think so.
00:27:48All right.
00:27:50I'll train you.
00:27:57Alpha, we're here.
00:27:59Nathan will show you to your room.
00:28:01Let's go.
00:28:12Ella is resting in her room as you requested.
00:28:17But isn't this marriage for revenge?
00:28:21Why train her?
00:28:23Now what's your point?
00:28:25Did you fall for Ella?
00:28:33She's simply too weak to kill.
00:28:37And it wouldn't be fun to torture her.
00:28:40If she were to gain her strength back, then that might be interesting, wouldn't it?
00:28:52My own bathroom?
00:28:59So soft.
00:29:01This place is just heavenly.
00:29:10There is a bedroom.
00:29:13And a bed.
00:29:15And just the two of us.
00:29:19What do you think is next?
00:29:21He wants to mate with us!
00:29:23Shut up!
00:29:25Sorry, I was talking to my wolf, Lily, not you.
00:29:28I know.
00:29:30She should be excited just like you are.
00:29:32I'm not excited.
00:29:42Meet me at the gym at 8 a.m. tomorrow for training.
00:29:51And don't be late.
00:29:58Thank God he didn't make a move.
00:30:02But I thought he couldn't even have sex.
00:30:06Yes, absolutely he can.
00:30:20You're training me?
00:30:28What did you expect?
00:30:30I thought Nathan would train me.
00:30:32You're my mate, so I'll personally train you.
00:30:36Over here.
00:30:40For training?
00:30:42Yes, ma'am. I put these on to add weight.
00:30:45That sounds hard.
00:30:48Run or stay weak.
00:30:50Your choice.
00:30:54Okay, I'll do it.
00:30:56I'll put these on.
00:31:08Are you ready?
00:31:10I think so.
00:31:23Come on.
00:31:46Come on.
00:31:54You can quit now if you want. It's only going to get tougher.
00:32:02I'm not giving up.
00:32:04Then we'll continue tomorrow.
00:32:23Touch him.
00:32:25You got it?
00:32:27There you go.
00:32:29Give me two more.
00:32:31You got it.
00:32:46Now, take me down.
00:32:50Use the skills that I taught you.
00:32:52No way. You're too strong.
00:32:55So you're just going to give up?
00:32:59Fine. I'll try it.
00:33:08Try again.
00:33:13Try again.
00:33:15Try again.
00:33:27Are you okay?
00:33:29Let me see.
00:33:33That is cheating.
00:33:38Even all your tricks can't outweigh my strength.
00:33:41Still, I caught you off guard.
00:33:46I'm sorry.
00:33:56You should get back to training.
00:33:59I'm not in any rush.
00:34:02I'm sorry.
00:34:20That was a mistake. I should have done that. I'm sorry.
00:34:23You don't need to apologize. We're mates, right?
00:34:27True. It's just the mate bond.
00:34:30Okay. We're done for today.
00:34:32Really? We just started.
00:34:34I said we're done. Okay?
00:34:36Wait. Can I take the day off tomorrow?
00:34:40It's my birthday.
00:34:43It's fine.
00:34:54Happy birthday, Ella. What are you doing today?
00:34:57I was thinking of going for a walk.
00:34:59Why not see Alpha Logan?
00:35:01Lily, you just want me to sleep with him.
00:35:04And he probably doesn't care about birthdays anyway.
00:35:10Come in.
00:35:16Happy birthday, Ella.
00:35:20Happy birthday, Ella.
00:35:22Thanks. I didn't expect you to visit me.
00:35:24Oh, no. This isn't for me. Alpha Logan sent it for you.
00:35:30Wow. This looks pricey.
00:35:38Alpha would like you to wear it for lunch with him. He's in the dining room now.
00:35:45Alpha Logan killed his first mate?
00:35:48Everyone says she just disappeared.
00:35:50Well, you're new here, and that's just a rumor.
00:35:55That's scary.
00:35:57That's scary?
00:35:59I already found another mate. What'll happen to her?
00:36:02She'll die as well.
00:36:09Shh. Listen, you can't tell this to anyone, okay?
00:36:12I found out by accident.
00:36:14But the Alpha married Ella to kill her because he's basically trying to pop me off.
00:36:20You didn't get my permission to spread rumors about the Alpha.
00:36:24I'm so sorry. It will not happen again.
00:36:27You better not.
00:36:29You're aware of the consequences.
00:36:43Oh. Hi, Nathan.
00:36:46Hey, Ella. You okay?
00:36:48Yeah. I was just lost on my way to dinner.
00:36:52Dining room's that way.
00:36:55Make sure you don't keep the Alpha waiting for too long. The Alpha's not patient.
00:37:21You look, uh, great in that dress.
00:37:26Thanks. I think it's a bit too fancy for me.
00:37:31Why don't you take a seat?
00:37:47Have some steak.
00:37:59That's delicious.
00:38:01Did you just get a new chef?
00:38:03No. I cook that all by myself.
00:38:07I didn't realize Alphas could cook.
00:38:10Yeah. I like to cook in my free time.
00:38:15So you do something other than killing people?
00:38:27Some rumors.
00:38:29Let's forget about it.
00:38:33You seem to know a lot about me.
00:38:37What else have you heard?
00:38:42What happened to your last mate?
00:38:45Did she die?
00:38:47Or disappear?
00:38:50I don't know.
00:38:52Did she die?
00:38:54Or disappear?
00:39:09You really want to know?
00:39:13Damn it. He won't kill me for knowing his secret.
00:39:26Calm down.
00:39:28What did you think? I was going to hurt you?
00:39:31Choke you?
00:39:43If I wanted to attack you, I wouldn't do it from behind.
00:39:57It's gorgeous.
00:40:00I know it is.
00:40:02I picked it out because it especially reminded me of you.
00:40:06As a birthday present.
00:40:09Happy birthday, Ella.
00:40:23Thank you, Logan.
00:40:26This is my first birthday celebration and first meal cooked by somebody else.
00:40:32I've always just done it alone.
00:40:36Well, you're my mate now, so you'll never have to eat alone again.
00:40:48That necklace.
00:40:51What's wrong?
00:40:53Nothing. I apologize.
00:40:55But I do have some news for you.
00:40:58What is it?
00:41:06It's fine. We've already eaten.
00:41:10Did I ever tell you that you were gorgeous?
00:41:17Oh, and you were wondering about my ex-mate.
00:41:21Don't worry. I won't harm you.
00:41:25For now.
00:41:29Let's go.
00:41:43Seems Logan hired new mates a while away.
00:41:46I'm not.
00:41:48Never mind.
00:41:52That necklace.
00:41:55Oh, my gosh.
00:41:57You're Ella Park, my brother's new fiance, right?
00:42:03If Logan finds out I made you do dishes, he'll kill me.
00:42:06Oh, don't worry. He won't do that for me.
00:42:09No. You don't get it.
00:42:12Wearing that necklace means you're very important to him.
00:42:27Why can't I get it?
00:42:30It's done all up.
00:42:32I'm sorry. I think maybe shooting isn't for me.
00:42:36No, you're just in more focus.
00:42:38Raise the weapon.
00:42:44Now look down the sights.
00:42:49Now see the bullseye.
00:42:53Take aim.
00:42:56Breathe in.
00:43:03I did it!
00:43:05Good job.
00:43:07That was nice. See? That's all you needed.
00:43:13We have news about Alpha Luke's daughter.
00:43:16Keep practicing.
00:43:33Are you okay?
00:43:36It's fine. Let's go.
00:43:38Take care of that.
00:43:43I didn't mean to kill him.
00:43:46If you hadn't, I wouldn't be here.
00:43:49You saved me.
00:43:54Alpha, the werewolf targeting you is from Silverman.
00:43:57He's the brother of the Gamma you killed, and he wanted revenge.
00:44:00Tell Chris to get his pack under control!
00:44:03Yes, Alpha. Will do.
00:44:19Ella, are you alright?
00:44:22I heard about Logan's attack and you were there.
00:44:25I'm okay.
00:44:27You're just calling to see if I'm still alive?
00:44:29Don't say that, Ella.
00:44:32I care about you.
00:44:34Chris, she's with me now. You don't need to worry.
00:44:38Stop. I need to spend time with my fiancΓ©e.
00:44:46I don't want you flirting with another man in front of me again.
00:44:51You hear me?
00:44:58You hear me?
00:45:00You think that's flirting?
00:45:03I hate Chris. You have no idea how badly he treated me.
00:45:07I know he pushed you away and hurt you deeply.
00:45:10I know exactly how that feels. I've been rejected, too.
00:45:14Wait. By who? Your ex-mate?
00:45:23And that led the Moon Goddess to give me a second chance, to you.
00:45:27I thought that you rejected her.
00:45:35I never thought I'd find a mate until I met you.
00:45:40And after Chris rejected you, I felt for you.
00:45:43And I didn't expect to feel this attracted.
00:45:48Are you safe?
00:45:55I think I'm falling for you, Ella.
00:45:58And you saved me in so many ways.
00:46:11Damn it!
00:46:13You hung up on me!
00:46:16And how dare he touch Ella! Bastard!
00:46:21Beta Nathan said that Ella saved his life.
00:46:26That's impossible!
00:46:28Hard to believe she did that.
00:46:31Wow, Chris. Falling for my sister?
00:46:35Get out!
00:46:46Wow. This looks stunning, too.
00:46:49I have to show my brother how gorgeous you are.
00:46:53Oh, Logan said he'll be here soon.
00:46:56I thought he'd be busy all day.
00:46:59So, you and Logan had sex yet?
00:47:04I'm asking because I've heard rumors about my brother having bedroom issues.
00:47:16I mean, we've kissed a little bit, but he always just stops there.
00:47:23Maybe he's nervous.
00:47:25Would you help me with this?
00:47:28Do you need help, my love?
00:47:36Can you help me zip up?
00:47:39Of course.
00:47:46God, his touch makes me so nervous.
00:47:49Feeling nervous?
00:47:51I just didn't think you'd come in here.
00:47:55So, it sounds like you're worried about my sex issues.
00:48:01I don't worry about them.
00:48:04Maybe a little bit.
00:48:08Well, let's see.
00:48:16Wait. Not here.
00:48:46Do you want to help me with the last one?
00:48:49Do you want to help me?
00:50:05You never met your mom, correct?
00:50:13I never got the chance.
00:50:16My father won't share anything about her because she was just a maid.
00:50:21Everyone knows I'm his servant's daughter.
00:50:26Noah, it's not your fault, okay?
00:50:31It's not your fault, okay?
00:50:36You're mine right now, and no one will disrespect you.
00:50:42But are you sure your mom was just a maid?
00:50:47What makes you ask?
00:50:49I don't know. The past couple days when I've been training you, you just seem unique.
00:50:58Sorry to disturb, Alpha. I've got urgent news.
00:51:03Yes, I'll be right there.
00:51:14Silver River.
00:51:19Eighteen years ago during the war, they saw a little girl at Silver River.
00:51:24Looks like Alpha Luke's daughter.
00:51:27And back then, Silver River was the only pack that lived nearby.
00:51:31Exactly. Someone rescued her. She might be alive.
00:51:48Was Alpha Luke's girl, Ella?
00:51:52Yeah. Ella Kingston.
00:51:55Her mother, Christine, was the only White Wolf, and...
00:52:00the daughter of the Moon Goddess.
00:52:03Isn't my mate Ella called the same?
00:52:07You think Ella could... No, she's supposed to be Fort's family.
00:52:13Well, maybe she's not related to the Forts at all.
00:52:16I mean, she's gone beyond our expectations just from two weeks of training.
00:52:19She's special. We both know it.
00:52:26You were with my brother last night, weren't you?
00:52:29How was it?
00:52:31Any issues in bed?
00:52:34Sorry. I'm just very curious.
00:52:39He's fine.
00:52:43Okay, he's really good in bed.
00:52:46Happy to hear that.
00:52:48So, how many rounds last night? Six?
00:52:53Or seven?
00:52:56Come on. I didn't count.
00:52:59Let's change the subject.
00:53:01Okay, okay.
00:53:03Well, I need to use the restroom, and then we will keep talking.
00:53:11Alpha Logan is only marrying you for revenge.
00:53:14Your father, Fort, killed his mother during the war.
00:53:17He seems... He means to torture you because of it.
00:53:21Come back to me, Ella. I can still make you mine.
00:53:25We can even... get married.
00:53:28This can't be true!
00:53:31No messages from Ella.
00:54:02Chris, do you want to come to my room tonight? We can...
00:54:06What do you think that you're doing?
00:54:11You proposed to Ella?
00:54:14I come from a good family, and my wolf is stronger.
00:54:17What does this bitch have that I don't?
00:54:19I am the Alpha!
00:54:21Just because I slept with you does not give you the right to tell me what to do.
00:54:25I will decide who to marry.
00:54:32This is all her fault!
00:54:35She'll pay for this!
00:54:48It's Scarlet.
00:54:50I need a favor.
00:54:53Someone needs to be handled.
00:54:56And yes, you'll get paid.
00:55:00And yes, you'll get paid well.
00:55:12Should I just ask Logan directly?
00:55:16Maybe Chris isn't telling the truth.
00:55:23Will you tell Ella about Fort killing your mom?
00:55:27What are you saying about it?
00:55:30And if she finds out you're marrying her only for revenge...
00:55:34We'll keep that from her.
00:55:37Yes, I plan to make her suffer after marrying.
00:55:40She is Fort's daughter, and it makes sense I dislike her.
00:55:44So... he does hate me.
00:55:48But why act so nice before?
00:55:51Was it all just to humiliate me?
00:55:54Did you just try to hit my fiancΓ©e in front of me?
00:55:56Do you want to die?
00:55:58And look down the sights?
00:56:06I think I'm falling for you, Ella.
00:56:09And you've saved me in so many ways.
00:56:14Goodbye, Logan.
00:56:22Marrying Fort's daughter was about revenge.
00:56:25But learning that Ella was my mate, that changed everything.
00:56:29You know, for me, she's irreplaceable.
00:56:34I'm sorry, Logan.
00:56:38You know, for me, she's irreplaceable.
00:56:43And I now realize that I'm in love with her.
00:56:47You're only just realizing this, Alpha.
00:56:51Don't mock Beta, or you're going to be next in the training.
00:56:58But Alpha, what's your plan for Fort?
00:57:03We ignore him.
00:57:05And we focus on Alpha Luke's daughter instead.
00:57:09Ella cannot be Fort's daughter.
00:57:12Logan, have you seen Ella today?
00:57:14No, no. What happened?
00:57:16I think she's missing.
00:57:18I've searched the whole castle and she's nowhere.
00:57:25What's wrong?
00:57:28She always had that necklace on.
00:57:30Do you think she just left?
00:57:32Alpha, she may have heard what we said about her earlier.
00:57:45That's the tie Ella picked for you.
00:57:49She truly loves you.
00:57:53Nathan, find her now.
00:58:02What are you doing?
00:58:22No, I have no money.
00:58:24Catching you means money for us.
00:58:26Getting into Logan's castle is tough.
00:58:28We didn't think we'd get you.
00:58:30There's a car standing right in front of us.
00:58:32Did somebody send you to kidnap me?
00:58:34Yes, a beauty. Now come with me quietly.
00:58:37Damn, she can fight.
00:58:45Let me go!
00:58:46It's behind us!
00:58:49It was me!
00:59:00Where am I?
00:59:08No idea.
00:59:10Think of it as your end.
00:59:14Why are you doing this?
00:59:16You dare ask me why?
00:59:18Your slave mother took my dad.
00:59:20Now you want my Chris?
00:59:23I hate you, Ella Park!
00:59:27You want Chris?
00:59:30So now you're pretending not to care.
00:59:34That's your game?
00:59:36Acting distant but flirting with him.
00:59:39God, you're awful.
00:59:41I did nothing!
00:59:43This is your fault, Scarlett, not mine.
00:59:45Do you ever think Chris is just a jerk who doesn't love you?
00:59:47Shut up!
00:59:49Chris loves me.
00:59:54No, she hasn't come back yet. Why?
01:00:01That was Alpha Logan, right?
01:00:05He was wondering why Ella hadn't come back yet.
01:00:10He must have had a good reason.
01:00:15Maybe something's wrong with Ella.
01:00:18Go get Scarlett, now! Now, go!
01:00:20Yes, Alpha.
01:00:26Chris loves me.
01:00:29You did this.
01:00:42What is that?
01:00:46Very potent.
01:00:48It's for you.
01:00:50Are you insane?
01:00:52I'm your sister!
01:00:54You're not my sister!
01:00:56You make me sick every time I see you!
01:01:02Go to hell!
01:01:15Ella's not with Silver Spoon either.
01:01:17Where is she?
01:01:18I don't know.
01:01:19Could someone have kidnapped her?
01:01:23You've made enemies with the Alliance, Logan.
01:01:25They'd hurt you by taking Ella.
01:01:27Nathan, I want you to search for Ella.
01:01:30And if anyone has harmed her, I want them dead!
01:01:32Yes, Alpha.
01:01:34Logan, you'd feel it if she's in trouble. She's your mate.
01:01:36I know. I know that's exactly what I would...
01:01:40Oh, my God.
01:01:42Oh, my God.
01:01:44What's happening?
01:01:49Ella, she's in danger.
01:01:51We have to go.
01:01:59It's over for you, sister.
01:02:11What did you do to her?
01:02:13It's too late, Chris.
01:02:15I gave her Wolfsbane.
01:02:17She's dead now.
01:02:18Scarlet! You're insane!
01:02:20If she dies, I swear to God, I will kill you!
01:02:28If it wasn't for her, would you have ever married me?
01:02:33Did you ever love me?
01:02:49There's no cure for Wolfsbane.
01:02:51We can't save Ella.
01:02:55She could be an Alpha, and she could heal.
01:02:57If so, she would have been awake already.
01:03:00I'm sorry, Alpha.
01:03:02Only a miracle can save her now.
01:03:06Get out.
01:03:08Both of you. Now.
01:03:10Let's go.
01:03:33Please don't go.
01:03:36I love you.
01:03:38And I can't live without you.
01:03:52Alpha, you've been down here for three days.
01:03:54You need some sleep.
01:03:56I'm fine.
01:03:59Do you think she'll wake up?
01:04:01What are you trying to say?
01:04:03What if we're wrong?
01:04:05Okay, what if she isn't Luke's daughter?
01:04:08And she has enough noble blood, there's no way she could possibly...
01:04:14You don't think I haven't thought about that.
01:04:17I can't bear to see her die like this.
01:04:24Why are you here?
01:04:27The two thugs that kidnapped Ella were found guilty of two charges of murder.
01:04:30They've been executed.
01:04:32I need your orders to deal with Scarlet Park immediately.
01:04:38I want her and her father dead.
01:04:42They've caused pain to the ones I love.
01:04:47Please, don't kill them.
01:04:58Hey, just breathe.
01:05:00That's impossible.
01:05:03Promise me that you won't kill them.
01:05:05They're the only family I have left in the world.
01:05:09You're so kind hearted.
01:05:13They don't see you as family.
01:05:17And I don't even know if they are your real family.
01:05:20What do you mean?
01:05:24I'm just so happy that you're here.
01:05:29I'd be so lost without you.
01:05:48You know, I could sense you.
01:05:53Sense me? How?
01:06:09When I was unconscious, I felt you there the entire time.
01:06:13I felt you there the entire time.
01:06:17It's because I bombed.
01:06:19Because I'm your mate.
01:06:28I'm sorry.
01:06:30I couldn't protect you.
01:06:32That day when you heard that...
01:06:33I know.
01:06:35My dad killed your mom and you married me for revenge.
01:06:38That's not the whole story.
01:06:41I wanted to get revenge on Ford's daughter.
01:06:43But when I met you, that changed everything.
01:06:46I fell hard for you.
01:06:50What if you just wanted another mate after your last one?
01:06:54That's not it at all.
01:06:56Mate or not.
01:07:05I love you.
01:07:08I need you.
01:07:18Sorry to interrupt, Alpha, but we have urgent news.
01:07:22I'm sorry, I have to go.
01:07:32That is excellent news.
01:07:38Oh, he'll agree to the alliance.
01:07:41If Ella is his daughter.
01:07:43And he'll even join the Southern Pacts.
01:07:46That's amazing.
01:07:48Your father always wanted this alliance. He'd be proud.
01:07:57With Ella here, I can't let anything harm her.
01:08:00No wars between the Pacts.
01:08:03No wars between the Pacts.
01:08:06Should we inform Ella of Alpha Luke coming?
01:08:10Not now.
01:08:12Let it be a surprise.
01:08:16Thank the Moon Goddess. You healed.
01:08:19You have no idea how scared Logan was.
01:08:21If you die, he'd probably destroy the Silver Moon.
01:08:24A war would ruin everything that he's built.
01:08:27This alliance is literally his everything.
01:08:30Now yours is everything.
01:08:32After locking Scarlet up, he beat up Alpha Chris for losing control of her.
01:08:38Yeah. Chris stays in bed for days, even with his quick healing.
01:08:44I'm downstairs, Ella. Can we meet?
01:08:46I have something very important to tell you about your father, Fort.
01:08:50I'm going to use the bathroom, excuse me.
01:09:03You look terrible.
01:09:08Logan did this to me.
01:09:11I don't want to talk about it.
01:09:16I'm glad you're here.
01:09:18Yeah, they said it was some kind of miracle.
01:09:22I should have told you.
01:09:24I'm glad you're here.
01:09:26Yeah, they said it was some kind of miracle.
01:09:29I shouldn't have pushed you away.
01:09:32You should have been with me.
01:09:34What are you doing?
01:09:36Did you lie to me about my dad to get me here?
01:09:39You wouldn't have shown up otherwise.
01:09:42Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you.
01:09:45Can I just...
01:09:48Can I just have a hug before you go?
01:09:50No, I am done with you, Chris.
01:09:53If you give me a hug,
01:09:56then I'll let you go.
01:10:04I'm sorry, I'm just...
01:10:07I love you, Ella.
01:10:10I'm sorry, I'm just...
01:10:13I love you, Ella.
01:10:39I'm sorry, I'm just...
01:10:45Emily, what took you so long?
01:10:48I'm sorry. Is everything okay?
01:10:50Just Logan being Logan.
01:10:53He's super protective since you were kidnapped.
01:10:55Thinks danger's around every corner and wants us home early.
01:10:59Well, we're just shopping. How bad could it be, right?
01:11:02He worries too much.
01:11:04I thought the Alpha's fiancΓ© was supposed to be tough.
01:11:07Seems like she's just another woman relying on him.
01:11:12What are you doing here?
01:11:14Calm down, Joyce.
01:11:15I just wanted to say hi to Ella.
01:11:17Since, you know, we're both with Logan.
01:11:20Wait, you're Logan's former mate?
01:11:23Yes. I'm Tyler Brewster.
01:11:25And I have some very good news to share.
01:11:29I'm carrying Logan's baby.
01:11:36It just came back from the doctors.
01:11:38The baby's perfectly healthy. I can't believe it's already been 22 weeks.
01:11:41That's a lie!
01:11:43You can't be carrying Logan's baby.
01:11:45What, you dumped him and ruined his name and now you lie to Ella?
01:11:49Ella, don't believe her.
01:11:52I'm not lying.
01:11:54I've done some bad things in the past, I admit it.
01:11:57But I'm trying to fix it.
01:11:59That's why my baby needs a father.
01:12:02Why are you telling me this?
01:12:04Because I need you to leave Logan.
01:12:07So that he can be the father of my child.
01:12:12You're just a maid's daughter.
01:12:14You don't belong in this world with us.
01:12:17Especially not with an Alpha.
01:12:19Besides, your father, Fort, killed Logan's mom.
01:12:27Your dad killed my mom?
01:12:29Joyce, I am so sorry. I didn't...
01:12:31It's not your fault, Ella.
01:12:33I just...
01:12:35I just need time to think this over.
01:12:40Even Joyce can't forgive you.
01:12:42So I suggest you leave Logan.
01:12:45And give him back to me and my baby.
01:12:57You're here early.
01:12:59Since we have time, I guess that means that we can do another type of workout.
01:13:04You know, the kind in the bedroom.
01:13:10Forget it.
01:13:11Find someone else.
01:13:14Joyce said that Tyler's coming back into town.
01:13:17I don't think he's coming back.
01:13:19I don't think he's coming back.
01:13:21I don't think he's coming back.
01:13:23Joyce said that Tyler's coming back into town.
01:13:28Why would I be?
01:13:29Some other woman is having my fiancΓ©'s baby.
01:13:32Should I be happy?
01:13:34Be her bridesmaid?
01:13:35Ella, I'm not marrying anyone.
01:13:37Tyler is pregnant!
01:13:41Okay, and...
01:13:43What if it is my child?
01:13:46It's my child.
01:13:47Then you need to step up.
01:13:49Marry her and be there for the child.
01:13:52And what about us?
01:13:54I'll leave.
01:13:56Back to Silver Moon.
01:13:58And get back with Mike's.
01:14:00Hey, hey, hey, listen to me.
01:14:02I'm not marrying anyone else.
01:14:03You're not marrying anyone else.
01:14:04Ella Park, you are meant to be my wife.
01:14:07Let's go.
01:14:08Let me go!
01:14:18We need to have a serious talk.
01:14:23If this is about Chris, you can forget it.
01:14:25It's not about that.
01:14:26I just...
01:14:27I have to say...
01:14:29I was my dad's secret child.
01:14:32His mistake.
01:14:35Okay, and?
01:14:37Being called an illegitimate child is tough.
01:14:40Everybody looked down on me.
01:14:42Nobody cared for me.
01:14:44I don't want Tyler's baby to feel like that.
01:14:48I wish I had met you sooner.
01:14:51But I swear to you, Tyler's baby is not mine.
01:14:57But she said she's 22 weeks along and five months ago she was still your mate.
01:15:01So, you guys didn't...
01:15:05I was a virgin before I met you.
01:15:07That's what I'm saying.
01:15:12Why are you laughing?
01:15:13Sorry, it's just...
01:15:15You're too experienced to have been a virgin.
01:15:18Okay, you know, I did my homework before we slept together, okay?
01:15:24So when you stopped before, it was because you couldn't...
01:15:27What are you...
01:15:28You are adorable, Logan.
01:15:29Stop calling me adorable.
01:15:32All right.
01:15:34I believe Tyler's baby isn't yours.
01:15:40So, you want me to thank you for believing me then?
01:15:49Do you want me to show you how good in bed I really am?
01:16:17Joyce found out my dad was behind your mom's death.
01:16:22She's so mad at me.
01:16:27It's okay.
01:16:30I talked to her.
01:16:31She'll understand in time.
01:16:34Logan, aren't you upset?
01:16:37My dad killed your mom.
01:16:40Are you sure there's no hatred between us?
01:16:46I might have been upset in the past.
01:16:52But I almost lost you.
01:16:54And that changed everything for me.
01:17:01And Fort was never really a dad to you.
01:17:04And maybe you were never his.
01:17:11What he did has nothing to do with you.
01:17:15So don't feel guilty.
01:17:17No, shh.
01:17:20Ella, just stop.
01:17:22That I love you.
01:18:08What was that?
01:18:11Be careful!
01:18:13I'm so sorry.
01:18:15It's okay.
01:18:17Off you go.
01:18:21You kept my dress from getting ruined.
01:18:24How did you know she'd hit me?
01:18:26I just had this vision of you getting bumped and wine spilling all over your dress.
01:18:31Oh my.
01:18:32So you can see the future.
01:18:35But that's a special alpha thing.
01:18:39What's going on here?
01:18:41Come on, my beautiful bride.
01:18:43It's time.
01:18:49You look absolutely stunning, my dear.
01:18:54You are so handsome, my dear alpha.
01:19:01Alpha Lucas Deluxe.
01:19:09Alpha Lucas delayed, but I was right of the way.
01:19:13Alpha Luke from the Nightfall Pack?
01:19:15The royal survivor is coming to our wedding?
01:19:18He's coming to marry us himself.
01:19:20Alpha Luke officiating?
01:19:22That's amazing.
01:19:23Such an honor for the bride.
01:19:27I want our wedding to be memorable.
01:19:29You're my mate.
01:19:30Blessed by the Moon Goddess.
01:19:32And I love you.
01:19:33Nothing else will change that.
01:19:40This wedding cannot proceed.
01:19:46What are you doing here?
01:19:47You shouldn't marry her.
01:19:49I'm the one carrying your baby.
01:19:56That baby isn't mine.
01:19:58Ella is my mate and the only one.
01:20:02That I'll marry.
01:20:05You should see these.
01:20:16She's a cheater and a slut.
01:20:18Just like her mom.
01:20:20How would you marry someone like that?
01:20:25No, no, that was...
01:20:27Logan, please.
01:20:28It was not like that with Chris.
01:20:30See what kind of woman she is, Logan?
01:20:33She can't be your wife.
01:20:35Stop lying to me.
01:20:36Tell me.
01:20:39Tell Ella to meet you.
01:20:41I'll take pictures to prove she's cheating.
01:20:46You promised!
01:20:48You really think I would let you hurt Ella?
01:20:51You tried to set up my fiance.
01:20:54Alpha Logan.
01:20:56Despite the truth,
01:20:58Ella is still just a maid's daughter.
01:21:02A leader needs a high status, you know.
01:21:06Not to mention,
01:21:08your father, Fort, killed your mother.
01:21:11Then what do you suggest, Luna Margaret?
01:21:14As an ally and current Luna,
01:21:19I say Ella is wrong for you.
01:21:22My daughter, Tyler,
01:21:24is your perfect mate.
01:21:27Logan loves me,
01:21:29but his dream is to unite this alliance.
01:21:32What if they don't agree?
01:21:34Why isn't my daughter good enough for Alpha Logan?
01:21:40Alpha Luke, what do you mean?
01:21:43Ella's my daughter.
01:21:44She's inherited royal blood.
01:21:46She's the only one fit to marry Alpha Logan.
01:21:48This is the surprise I wanted to tell you.
01:21:50That's impossible!
01:21:52He's lying!
01:21:54Are you sure, Alpha Luke?
01:21:56Everyone knows Ella as the daughter of Fort Park.
01:21:59Nothing more.
01:22:02My daughter Ella disappeared 18 years ago.
01:22:05She just turned 19.
01:22:07My daughter has a moon mark on her shoulder.
01:22:23You're my daughter.
01:22:26Alpha Luke, if she's your daughter,
01:22:28how could Fort be mistaken?
01:22:30Her mother was just a maid!
01:22:32How dare you disrespect my wife!
01:22:33Ella's mother is Christine, a rare white wolf.
01:22:35She died protecting me,
01:22:37and I will not allow you to be rude to her!
01:22:39I'm sorry, Alpha Luke.
01:22:41I was fooled.
01:22:43My wife had a maid,
01:22:47During the Civil War,
01:22:49she escaped with our baby.
01:22:51They were attacked at the Silver Moon border.
01:22:53Olive died.
01:22:55My daughter disappeared.
01:23:00you know the maid at Fort Park.
01:23:01You know the maid that Fort vanished.
01:23:06Her name was Olive.
01:23:11Fort confused Ella for Olive's daughter,
01:23:13and took her.
01:23:15What he didn't know
01:23:17is Olive lost her baby soon after finding out about the pregnancy.
01:23:19And I have the medical records to prove it.
01:23:22Is this true?
01:23:24I can't be royal.
01:23:26I'm too weak.
01:23:28I only got my wolf powers when I was 19.
01:23:29You are not weak.
01:23:32You remember surviving Wolfsbane poison.
01:23:34You can only do that if you're an Alpha's child.
01:23:37I'm not any Alpha's child.
01:23:39You're mine and Christine's,
01:23:41from a noble lineage.
01:23:54And there's more.
01:23:56Ella has a gift.
01:23:57She can predict the future.
01:23:59Not sure, just brief visions.
01:24:02Ella, believe in yourself.
01:24:04You can do so much more.
01:24:10on behalf of the royal family,
01:24:12bless Ella Kingston
01:24:14and Alpha Logan's union.
01:24:22I can't believe this is happening.
01:24:24I won't be left behind again.
01:24:25I won't!
01:24:27Go to hell!
01:24:31What have you been up to?
01:24:33I had a vision of Logan dying to save me.
01:24:39you saved me again.
01:24:43take them away. Take them to jail.
01:24:45No, Alpha Logan, please.
01:24:49She's carrying your child.
01:24:51That is a lie.
01:24:53That child is not mine.
01:24:55Bring me the evidence.
01:25:01The real father is a rogue.
01:25:05Tyler chose him over me.
01:25:07He left her,
01:25:09and her plan was to get back with me
01:25:11to save her reputation.
01:25:13No, no, no, no.
01:25:15Just let me see.
01:25:17Take them away, Nathan.
01:25:19I don't want to see them ever again.
01:25:21Logan, please.
01:25:23Please, Alpha Logan.
01:25:25Without you,
01:25:27Logan Hermes and Ella Kingston,
01:25:29husband and wife,
01:25:31blessed by the moon goddess,
01:25:33till death do you part.
01:25:40Wait, that's the...
01:25:42It was my mother's,
01:25:44and I want you to wear it.
01:26:00thank you so much
01:26:02for being in my life.
01:26:05I love you.
01:26:17I'm here now.
01:26:19Nobody can harm you.
01:26:21Come with me.
01:26:23Come with me.
01:26:42Nathan, what did I tell you
01:26:44about calling me when I'm with my Luna
01:26:46on my honeymoon?
01:26:50Yes, understood.
01:26:52What did he say?
01:26:54He said that Joyce found a new mate.
01:26:56That's great. Who is it?
01:26:58Somebody that I don't like,
01:27:00but if Joyce is happy,
01:27:02then there are more important things
01:27:04to do right now.
01:27:23There's something
01:27:25I have to tell you.
01:27:28What is it?
01:27:31We knew each other
01:27:33a long time ago.
01:27:36Three years ago,
01:27:38I was attacked by some rogues.
01:27:40I ended up fleeing
01:27:42to the silver moon land,
01:27:44and you found me
01:27:46injured by the river.
01:27:48That was you?
01:27:50Back then,
01:27:52you looked like a wild,
01:27:54dangerous man from the woods.
01:27:56I was so scared.
01:27:58You were scared,
01:28:00so scared you couldn't even
01:28:02look me in the eye,
01:28:04and you still saved me.
01:28:06And that's why,
01:28:08when I found out
01:28:10that you were my mate,
01:28:12I had to marry you,
01:28:14and you replaced Scarlett.
01:28:16I have something
01:28:18I need to tell you, too.
01:28:23I'm pregnant.
01:28:30Oh my God.
01:28:34I'm going to be a dad.
01:28:46Scarlett, my dear.
01:28:50help me.
01:28:51I can't take this anymore.
01:28:53Don't worry, sweetheart.
01:28:54You'll be out soon.
01:28:57Yes, we have to leave
01:28:58silver moon.
01:29:00The alliance is set,
01:29:01and Logan is leading.
01:29:03If he finds out
01:29:05that I joined the vampires
01:29:06to kill his mother,
01:29:07we're done for.
01:29:09Why help the vampires?
01:29:11Because if I hadn't,
01:29:12they would have killed me.
01:29:13Please, don't worry.
01:29:14Hang on
01:29:15for two days,
01:29:16and then you'll be free.
01:29:25Ella Kingston,
01:29:27once I'm free,
01:29:28I'm coming for your head!
