• last year
00:00And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
00:30And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
01:00And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
01:30And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
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02:25And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
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07:00And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:05And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:10And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:15And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:20And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:25And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:30And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:35And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:40And we're ready for our WWE World Championship match!
07:45Weighing 210 pounds...
07:49Daniel Bryan!
08:04From Washington, D.C.
08:06Weighing 278 pounds...
08:10The Animal Batista!
08:23From St. Louis, Missouri.
08:25Weighing 245 pounds, he is the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion...
08:33The Viper, Randy Orton!
09:03Daniel Bryan!
09:06Daniel Bryan!
09:09Daniel Bryan!
09:12Daniel Bryan!
09:15Daniel Bryan!
09:18Daniel Bryan!
09:21Daniel Bryan!
09:24Daniel Bryan!
09:27Daniel Bryan!
09:30Guys, a Daniel Bryan pull-off miracle!
09:33If he's going to do it, he needs to do it early!
09:36He's got to feed off this early adrenaline from the crowd-
09:40And there's the arm!
09:42You know damn well Randy Orton is watching that first match in the locker room!
09:47And he's going to target the shoulder...
09:49You heard Daniel Bryan just scream!
09:52And now Batista!
09:54He's a six-time world champion.
10:00This is gonna be a great match, I'm certain of that.
10:05But I gotta admit, I got the same feeling of concern about Daniel Bryan's
10:10chances that I had about Undertaker's.
10:13Randy, there's a backbreaker.
10:18Randy Orton sees Daniel Bryan making his way back up on the apron.
10:22And blast Daniel Bryan off.
10:25Watch Batista from behind, and Orton goes over the top rope.
10:32No count outs, no disqualifications, triple threat rules.
10:40Is Daniel Bryan so hurt he's not even trying to become both at match right now?
10:45Triple H took so much out of him early, and
10:47that was the danger of having the first match.
10:49And now Batista, look out, right out here in front of us.
10:52Randy Orton bounced off our announce table.
10:54You know, Batista and Orton have been complaining for a number of weeks that
10:58this match was gonna be a triple threat.
11:00That they were really promised a one-on-one match.
11:02Well, it's funny how things work out, because this is actually
11:07turning into a one-on-one match.
11:10It's been a non-factor.
11:12Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista, Batista.
11:16Well, Daniel Bryan wanted the game, he got the game.
11:18Yeah, but it was a shame the way the game conducted business.
11:23What we're seeing right now is what was originally intended to be the main event
11:28here at WrestleMania XXX, and Orton driven into the stiff steps by the animal.
11:32Batista coming back, winning the Royal Rumble.
11:37It was supposed to be he against Randy Orton.
11:41Triple H kick is questioned whether Batista could be the animal of old, but
11:45we've seen over the past couple of weeks that he can be.
11:48And he's taking every advantage of triple threat rules.
11:54Batista said he came back for one thing, to become champion.
12:00Doesn't care what everybody thinks about him, doesn't want to be cheered,
12:03doesn't care, wants to win the title.
12:05Look at this.
12:06He's gonna go for a Batista Bondo right here.
12:08Batista spying first on the steps.
12:11Well, there's what Randy Orton thinks about Batista's
12:17statement that all he's back for is to become champion.
12:22Watch this, Batista backdrop, down into the steel steps.
12:27And that was great strategy, John, by Orton.
12:29Because I'm not sure if he could quite see it, but we noticed it here at ringside.
12:32Daniel Bryan was starting to stir and make his way back to his feet.
12:35Orton again takes him out of the equation.
12:39And now back to Batista.
12:42I'm not sure if I were Randy Orton, I wouldn't stay with Daniel Bryan right now.
12:46He's the one that's hurting so badly.
12:48That might be what Orton's doing.
12:52Take out Batista, and move back to Bryan.
12:55Said all along, big mistake to underestimate the champion.
12:59He is dominating right now.
13:02You know, that's a good point, King, cuz it's funny over the past couple of weeks
13:05with the stuff going on with Triple H and Daniel Bryan and Batista getting in Stephanie's face.
13:09Randy Orton, in many ways, almost became an afterthought in the last couple weeks.
13:13Exactly right.
13:14It's hard to believe the first ever WWE World Heavyweight Champion is an afterthought, but
13:18you guys are right.
13:19And here's Randy Orton slides to the cover, hooks the leg on Batista for
13:22the title, and a kick out by The Animal.
13:27Randy Orton may be one of the most malicious,
13:29one of the most vicious superstars we've ever seen in WWE.
13:33The old Garvin Stomp.
13:36No absence of malice at all for this man.
13:40He's called the Apex Predator for a reason.
13:42Said all along, if we had a sports entertainer from the ground up,
13:47it would look exactly like Randy Orton.
13:49There's a reason that Stephanie and Triple H have made him the face of WWE.
13:55Cover on Batista, hook of the leg again, and a two count.
14:00Randy Orton comes out on top in this match.
14:02That'll, I think, settle the entire issue.
14:04He will be, without a doubt, the face- Guys, guys, guys, guys, Daniel Bryan's
14:09top rope, double missile drop kick, but landed on his shoulder.
14:12Can you imagine if Daniel Bryan was the face?
14:17He'd be like Chewbacca, kind of going crazy.
14:20WWE fans again backing Bryan, Orton on one knee.
14:28Batista on his knees as well, look at Bryan go.
14:30And look at Bryan go.
14:34This is phenomenal, I can't believe he feeds off this yes movement.
14:38Yeah, we talked about it the first match.
14:40Bad arm, but we forget Daniel Bryan is just as dangerous with his feet.
14:44And Randy Orton dangerous as well.
14:49Right on that shoulder.
14:51Cover by Orton to keep the title.
14:53Batista's in the now.
15:01Now it's a slam by Batista, cover, hooks the leg on Orton.
15:05And Daniel Bryan's got to break it up.
15:10Slam with authority by Batista.
15:13You're right, Daniel Bryan.
15:2175,000 plus tonight in New Orleans have been on an emotional ride throughout.
15:27Daniel Bryan upset the first match tonight, the Undertaker.
15:32Well, you're right.
15:32A haunted streak, defeated by Lesnar.
15:36Daniel Bryan, Triple H, it proved anything can happen here in the WWE, and
15:41especially at WrestleMania.
15:43But when the streak was broken.
15:44And now Bryan back and forth, like a ping pong ball.
15:54Where does he get all this energy?
15:56This little farm animal can go.
15:57Do you see the way he's avoiding landing on his shoulder?
16:01He better do that.
16:03Batista's been dropped.
16:05Orton's out of it as well.
16:18Daniel Bryan pulling out all the stops, cover,
16:20hooks the inside leg this time of Orton.
16:22And Orton at two and a half.
16:24Should have hooked the outside leg, but
16:25he couldn't have done it because of his shoulder.
16:27Speaking of The Undertaker, number one trend worldwide on Twitter.
16:32Thank you, Taker.
16:33And it should be.
16:35And now Batista.
16:37You talk about The Undertaker and Batista.
16:40Undertaker made Batista's career, John.
16:44Daniel Bryan launched over the top rope.
16:47Think about the series of matches Undertaker and Batista had.
16:51Culminating in Hell in a Cell.
16:55And that was Batista there.
16:56Guys, that was- And now Orton.
16:59That would be devastating to Daniel Bryan.
17:01It's like a standing suplex almost, just dropping Daniel Bryan onto the floor.
17:07Now Randy Orton takes advantage.
17:08And again, Bryan's out of the equation, and we're back to a one-on-one match.
17:18Orton looks like he's going for a superflex.
17:20Batista blocks.
17:27Headbutts from Orton.
17:29He's still in a precarious position here.
17:31He got him.
17:33Come on.
17:37Both men shaking off.
17:40Where did Bryan go?
17:41Where did he come from?
17:42He disappears.
17:44How is he even still around?
17:47The resilience of Bryan.
17:48Yes, lock on Orton.
17:49Yes, lock on Randy Orton.
17:51Tap out time, perhaps, for the champion.
17:52Can Daniel Bryan be closing out of the gold?
17:55Yeah, not only is Daniel Bryan still around, he may witness this.
17:57Wait, wait, wait.
17:58Wait a minute.
17:59That's Triple H and Stephanie.
18:04There's no disqualification.
18:05There's nothing referee like you can do.
18:07Oh, come on now.
18:10Now this is ridiculous.
18:13This is an absolute outrage.
18:19This has been going on for months and months and months.
18:22Oh, my gosh.
18:25Is Triple H really that desperate?
18:29Is he really that much of a narcissist?
18:31I think he's doing what's best for business.
18:33Oh, please.
18:34And now Batista off the distribution of the spinebuster to Bryan.
18:42The authority's really not afraid of Daniel Bryan.
18:44Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
18:45What the?
18:45Who the hell?
18:46No, come on.
18:47That's that crooked referee, Scott Armstrong.
18:51That's that crook Armstrong Triple H has used in the past to screw Bryan.
18:57And now Batista bomb.
19:00There will be a fast count.
19:01One, two.
19:03And Daniel kicks out.
19:07The fix was in.
19:08Bryan didn't let it happen.
19:09And all that did was anger.
19:18Triple H questioning the referee.
19:20Come on.
19:21The referee can't make it look that obvious.
19:24Are you kidding me?
19:26He pulls the referee out, brings in Scott Armstrong.
19:28It's pretty obvious, Keith.
19:30I know, but at least Scott Armstrong had to do somewhat of a legitimate count.
19:34This is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen.
19:40Oh, no disqualification.
19:43No disqualification.
19:44That's right.
19:45Normally, that wouldn't be ruled Daniel Bryan out of the match by kicking the referee.
19:48Well, Daniel Bryan's been wanting to do that months to that crook Armstrong.
19:53Scott's not that bad.
19:55He just kicked his lights out.
19:56And look at this.
19:57He's got it.
19:57Daniel Bryan taking out all the authority.
20:00The entire authority.
20:02Stephanie McMahon is down.
20:03Stephanie taken out.
20:06She's injured.
20:07Oh, that had to feel good.
20:11Daniel Bryan set on all the scores.
20:13There's not a way Lightman strikes twice.
20:21Now Triple H, he's living.
20:23Watch Daniel Bryan taking out everybody, including Stephanie.
20:26You see the look on Triple H's phone now.
20:28Oh, no, no, no.
20:30Not the sledgehammer.
20:33The gang saw his wife get knocked down.
20:35And Triple H was going to make Daniel Bryan pay.
20:39Bryan's got the sledgehammer.
20:40Oh, my God.
20:43Get out of the way, Triple H.
20:44Game to the game.
20:53Head up.
20:54Don't go, Randy Orton.
20:56Referee Mike Chioda back into the game.
20:58But Randy Orton saving his championship.
21:03Oh, man.
21:06Now look at Randy Orton.
21:07Randy Orton almost rabid here.
21:09Trying to pick a spot.
21:10Pick his moment.
21:11And now Triple H shoulder first again in the barricade.
21:21Look at this.
21:22Now Batista and Orton working as a team?
21:24Are you kidding me?
21:25They know they got to get rid of Daniel Bryan.
21:28No, they think they know.
21:29They got to impress the authority.
21:31No, they got their own cockroach.
21:32He just won't go away.
21:34That protective wrap.
21:34Get rid of him and then fight each other.
21:36This is a great strategy.
21:37That wrap that was stabilizing the shoulder of Bryan has been ripped apart.
21:40And now Batista and Orton in a feeding frenzy right now on Bryan.
21:47Yeah, but look at what happened to McMahon.
21:48Look at what Daniel Bryan has done.
21:49Well, they should have been out here in the first place.
21:52They own the company.
21:53Oh, no, no, no.
21:53Look at this.
21:54Look, it's coming.
21:57Watch out.
21:57Step to the shoulder.
22:04This wasn't fair from the beginning.
22:12Now it's the one-on-one match they wanted.
22:23Is the ring actually conferring here?
22:31Randy Orton and Batista are working together.
22:35Look out.
22:44He's not even moving out here, guys.
23:00Oh, no, no.
23:00Wait, wait.
23:14Chaos here at ringside.
23:15Daniel Bryan's help was dragged up by us here by Batista.
23:31This doesn't end well at all.
23:34Daniel Bryan will not get up from this.
23:38Look at Randy Orton.
23:39Now, they're not gonna try this-
23:40Oh, are you kidding me?
23:40Wait a minute.
23:41Wait a minute.
23:41Batista bombed into an RKO.
23:42You're kidding me.
23:42You're kidding me.
23:43Batista bombed into an RKO.
23:43You're kidding me.
23:44Oh, my God.
23:55He's done for.
23:59Randy Orton's worse for wear, too.
24:02And this may, this may go Batista's way big time now.
24:10Guys, watch this.
24:11Just watch this today.
24:12Oh, Batista bombed into a RKO.
24:22I don't know.
24:23That had to be Batista's idea.
24:25Of course, it took a lot out of Randy Orton.
24:27No kidding.
24:28Batista needs to get Daniel Bryan.
24:31Somebody in the ring can cover him.
24:34Now, we have the ringside doctors over here checking on him.
24:44Watch this one more time.
24:46Look at Randy catching the camera.
24:58Orton struggling to try to get to his feet.
25:01Has Daniel Bryan moved, John?
25:03You got the best manager.
25:03No, not at all.
25:04Daniel Bryan has not moved since the moment he hit the table.
25:10Randy Orton has an either.
25:12And Batista just.
25:13I think Daniel Bryan is out.
25:15I think Batista needs to pick somebody up, put him in the ring and cover him.
25:19Watch this.
25:19Look at this.
25:22Follow Batista and grab Daniel Bryan right now.
25:24Throw him in the ring and cover him.
25:25Hey, guys, we got medical help coming out here.
25:35Well, Batista and Orton got what they wanted.
25:38Triple H and Stephanie, the authority, they all got what they wanted.
25:42Look at that, Batista.
25:43I told you.
25:46Time to capitalize.
25:47If I were Batista, I'd grab Daniel Bryan right now and I'd put him in the ring and I'd cover him.
25:51Daniel Bryan's now in a neck place.
25:53I know that.
25:53That's why I would cover him.
25:55Batista now trying to walk into the barricade.
26:06Daniel Bryan hasn't moved.
26:08The doctors over here got a backboard now.
26:11Oh, man.
26:12Bounced off the steel post.
26:14Batista's in complete control.
26:17Daniel Bryan is being rolled onto a backboard here at ringside.
26:21He's in a neck brace.
26:22He hasn't moved like John said since he was put through the table.
26:26Because he hadn't even opened his eyes.
26:34Early gobs again.
26:37This has been all Batista.
26:42He got what he wanted.
26:43He complained.
26:45They worked together and Randy Orton got the worst of that going to that table.
26:49Batista claimed for weeks on end that he was due a one-on-one match.
26:52Well, he's got it here tonight.
26:53Batista claimed for weeks that he came here for one reason.
26:55To win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.
26:57And I think Big Dave's about to win it.
27:03WWE fans trying to somehow.
27:08Well, Daniel Bryan has to take one more look at what happened to Dave.
27:11Straight to the table.
27:12Batista bombing the RKO.
27:13But look at Randy Orton.
27:15Suddenly Randy Orton's dug down deep and he's turned the tables momentarily.
27:21Orton back landing on his feet.
27:22He takes Batista out.
27:24Randy's not going down without a fight.
27:31Oh, he plashed Batista.
27:33Off the DDT.
27:35Oh, man.
27:37It's a war of attrition.
27:45What's Daniel Bryan doing?
27:46Daniel Bryan's trying to get him on that, on that stretcher.
27:48Daniel Bryan's out of his mind.
27:50Daniel Bryan's trying to stay in this match.
27:52Is he nuts?
27:57You can't even stand up.
27:58Doctor's begging him not to go back.
28:00Daniel, don't do this.
28:02And Randy Orton is slithering into position here.
28:05One RKO and Daniel Bryan's done.
28:11Come on, Daniel.
28:11Just somebody get him out of there.
28:19Randy Orton is going to do exactly what you said he should do, JBL.
28:23Easy pickings.
28:26Just cover him, Randy.
28:27Cover him.
28:28Randy Orton wants to make everybody in this Superdome suffer.
28:37Randy Orton is going to bask in this.
28:45Look at him.
28:46Let him play final response.
28:47Let him pay final respects to their hero.
28:50Orton wants the WWE Universe to pay final respects to its hero.
28:54There's the face of the WWE, Randy Orton.
28:58And he's feeling it.
28:59And he's going to rub it into the face of the Yes Movement.
29:03The Yes Movement dies tonight.
29:05Went for the RKO.
29:06Daniel Bryan caught him.
29:07Wrestling Orton down to the ground.
29:09Looking for the Yes Line.
29:10Desperately trying to get in the Yes Line.
29:11One last chance.
29:13One last chance for Bryan.
29:14One last chance for Bryan.
29:16Will Orton tap out?
29:17Will Orton tap out?
29:19Daniel Bryan may do this.
29:21Is Orton going to tap?
29:23Is Orton going to tap?
29:24Daniel Bryan.
29:24And Batista saves himself.
29:29Saving the title.
29:33Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
29:34The Animal's caught.
29:36Animal caught in the trap.
29:37Caught in the trap for Bryan.
29:39The Yes Line.
29:40Bryan with the Yes Line.
29:41Is Batista going to tap out?
29:43Can Bryan do it?
29:44He's going to tap.
29:45He's going to tap.
29:50And it's just a problem with a triple threat.
29:56Don't know what you got to do to get Daniel Bryan to go away.
30:00You put him on a stretcher.
30:01You had the doctor tell him to leave.
30:03Daniel Bryan has come this far.
30:04He's not going to go away.
30:08He's already been through hell tonight.
30:16And now Orton going to turn his attempts into the Animal.
30:20Put away the big dog.
30:23Oh, went for the RKO Batista counter.
30:25That was the strength of Batista.
30:29Everybody's been rocked.
30:32Oh, with the spear.
30:33Man, right in the head.
30:39There it is.
30:40Randy Orton.
30:41Orton retains.
30:43How did he get it?
30:44How did he get it?
30:46Two and a half.
30:51Look at that.
30:52And you could have taken out Daniel Bryan's head off.
30:56I'll tell you, that sure looked like a three count to me.
30:58But Chiodo was in perfect position.
31:02Orton can't believe it.
31:04Can't believe it.
31:10Those guys are doing everything they can.
31:12Yeah, they're one another.
31:17As long as there's life left in any one of the three,
31:20it's going to be difficult for anybody to pin anybody.
31:23One of the three is going to break it up.
31:28Oh, no.
31:30Randy Orton.
31:32As he's going to that place.
31:35Randy Orton sent Batista to the door.
31:37Oh, Daniel Bryan with a knee.
31:38Daniel Bryan with a knee.
31:40Marks down the knee that beat Triple H.
31:43And now Batista looking to steal the victory.
31:45To steal the championship.
31:47Orton kicks out.
31:57Oh, I thought Batista had it.
31:59Batista did, too.
32:07And now Batista looking for the Batista Bomb
32:10to put Randy Orton in the ring.
32:14And win the championship.
32:16There's the Batista Bomb.
32:18Daniel Bryan.
32:20Daniel Batista.
32:22Come on, Bryan.
32:24Come on, Daniel.
32:26Come on, Daniel.
32:28Tap out Batista.
32:30Tap out Batista.
32:32Batista's going to tap.
32:34He did it.
32:36He did it.
32:38The miracle can.
32:40The miracle can.
32:44A miracle on Bourbon Street.
32:50And new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan.
33:00The impossible dream has become reality.
33:14Can anyone expect this?
33:16Absolutely not.
33:18They hoped for it.
33:20Can everyone want this?
33:28Daniel Bryan has overcome the authority.
33:30There is your new face of WWE.
33:34Daniel Bryan has done it.
33:36Dreams come true.
33:50April 6th, 2014.
33:52The night Daniel Bryan's arrived.
33:55April 6th, 2014.
33:57The night Daniel Bryan's arrived.
33:59The night Daniel Bryan's arrived.
34:01The night Daniel Bryan's arrived.
34:13Tonight marks one of the most incredible performances in the history of WrestleMania.
34:17Not only defeating Triple H.
34:19But defeating Randy Orton.
34:21Not only defeating Triple H.
34:23But defeating Randy Orton.
34:27To win the WWE World Championship.
34:31Oh, look at this.
34:41One of the most
34:47incredible moments
34:54in 30 years of WrestleMania.
35:04What a night for eight months.
35:14For eight long months, Daniel Bryan has battled the authority.
35:20And finally tonight, he wins.
35:26What a celebration.
35:29What a WrestleMania.
35:32And WrestleMania.
35:34This has been the most incredible night I've ever witnessed.
35:48Think about what that young man accomplished tonight.
35:54Think about what he did to win the championship.
35:57I hope he savors this moment.
36:00Drink it in, Daniel Bryan.
36:02This is magical.
36:06Congratulations, Daniel Bryan.
36:11Daniel Bryan.
36:21Even you gotta feel good, JBL.
36:42Dreams come true.
36:47I guess I do believe in miracles.
36:53What just happened?
37:16Only at WrestleMania.
37:23What a night.
37:28For that young man, what a life.
37:32Yes, Mania.
37:35What a WrestleMania moment.
37:42Thank you for joining us.
37:45The Yes Movement rolls.
37:48Good night, everybody from New Orleans.
37:51Good night from WrestleMania.
37:55Good night.
