• 3 months ago


00:00Good evening. I'm Jack Barry. Tonight here on 21, Herbert Stemple, our 29-year-old GI college student, can win $111,500, the highest amount of money ever to be won on television.
00:15But to do this, he's risking much of the money he has won thus far. So right now, let's meet our first two players as Geritol, America's number one tonic, presents 21.
00:28From New York City, Mr. Charles Van Doren. And returning with $69,500 from Forest Hills, New York, Mr. Herbert Stemple.
00:37Gentlemen, welcome back to 21. You are two smiling faces here tonight after that hectic battle you were involved in last week. I'm sure we're in for tremendous excitement here on the program.
00:55How are you tonight, Mr. Van Doren?
00:56I'm all right, thank you.
00:57You're okay?
00:59And Herb, you got your $69,500 riding here at stake. How do you feel? Okay?
01:02Just fine, thank you.
01:04Good enough. Herb, there has been some question raised as to whether or not you knew before going into this game that should there be tie games occur, as they have, that so much more of your money would be risked.
01:16I mean, for instance, right now we're going to be playing for $2,000 a point. Were you aware that this would happen, could happen?
01:23Sure I was, Mr. Barry. I knew it all along since I've been in the game to start with. And as a matter of fact, I have played several tie games. One with Dr. Caballo.
01:33That's right, you did.
01:34Also with Miss Strong. And I know I'm putting an awful lot of money on the line. I'm certainly risking an awful lot of money. But by the same token, I can win a lot of money, too, which is also very important.
01:48Yes, indeed you can. You can win or lose a lot. All I wanted to make perfectly clear was that you knew certainly that this could possibly happen. You had no way to know that it would happen, but that it could possibly happen, as it did with Dr. Caballo.
01:59That is right, Mr. Barry.
02:00Right, Herb. I hope we've cleared that up for some of the viewers who have wondered about it. And if you two fellows are ready, may I question you once again that tonight it will be the biggest game we've ever played here in the program.
02:09$2,000 a point. Be very, very careful before you answer. Take your time. And the very, very best of luck to both of you.
02:33Neither player inside the studios can hear anything until I turn their studios on with switches which I control right here in front of me, nor can they see anybody in the television studio audience because of the way the lights are constructed.
02:45Can you hear me, Mr. Van Doren?
02:46Yes, I can.
02:47Your studio is on, Herb. Can you hear me?
02:48Yes, I can.
02:49All right. Now we're going to go on trying to get 21. I'll be back to you in just a moment, Herb.
02:53Mr. Van Doren, I guess you know pretty well from last week how to play this game. You've got to try to score 21 points. You do it by answering questions that have a point value from 1 to 11.
03:01The high point questions are much more difficult than the lower point questions. And you'll tell us how much you know about the category by grading yourself from 1 to 11.
03:09The first category, the Civil War. How much do you know about it? You tell us from 1 to 11.
03:15That's an awful big subject. I'll try for 8 points.
03:19For 8 points. Because of a disagreement with his commanding general, Ulysses Grant was virtually placed under arrest for a brief time early in 1862. Who was the commanding general of the Union Army at that time?
03:34Oh, yes. I know his name. Halleck. General H.W. Halleck.
03:39You're right, and you have 8 points.
03:41Herb Stempel, $69,500 is at stake. At $2,000 a point, of course, the winner will get the difference at the end of this match. And your score is at $2,000 a point.
03:57The category is the Civil War. How many points do you want?
04:01I'll try 9.
04:04For 9 points. Because he did not sanction secession, this man was the only southerner who refused to leave the United States Senate when his state seceded from the Union in June of 1861. Name him and the state he represented.
04:21Andrew Johnson of Tennessee.
04:23You're right, you have 9 points.
04:25Mr. Van Dorn, you have 8 points. The category is boxing. How many points do you want from 1 to 11?
04:39I'm not sure I should do this. I'll try for 9 points.
04:45For 9 points. Name the three heavyweight champions immediately preceding Joe Lewis.
04:53Well, Lewis defeated James J. Braddock. And before Braddock was Max Baer. And before Baer was either Max Schmeling or Primo Carnera. Let's see. Was it Schmeling?
05:15No, I'm sorry. It was Primo Carnera. I'm sorry. You lose 9 points. You don't go below zero. We'll put you back to zero. And better luck on the next round.
05:29Herb Stemple, you have 9 points. The category is boxing. How many do you want to try for?
05:37For 7 points. One of the most famous promoters in boxing history. The man who promoted the first million dollar gate is largely responsible for price fights being staged out of doors. Name this man.
05:49Tex Rickard.
05:51You're right, you now have 16 points.
06:00Gentlemen, I want to caution you not to speak now because this is the one point when you can be heard. This is the spot, you know, before we've reached 21 when you get a chance to stop the game.
06:10If either of you want to stop the game, you can do so. But I caution you not to do it, particularly at $2,000 a point, unless you really think you are leading at this point.
06:18If either of you stops the game, whoever has the high score at this point will win $2,000 a point for the difference in your scores. If neither of you want to stop, we'll then continue on to 21.
06:28I'm going to give you some time to think it over.
06:34If either player stops the game now, Herb Stempel, who is leading by 16 points at $2,000 a point, will win $32,000 more, bringing him up to $101,500.
06:48But he doesn't know it because they do not know each other's scores. Let's see what happens.
06:56If either of you want to stop the game, you must tell me so right now.
07:04No? Neither of you?
07:07All right, gentlemen. I think I need to breathe in more than you do, so suppose we take time out here for just a second while I talk to the people and then we'll continue on with our game at 21.
07:17Please don't talk because your studios are both on the air.
07:20Oh, questions, questions. I guess I've asked thousands of questions at one time or another here on television.
07:26I don't know, I'm not used to it yet, but there is one simple question that I think almost everybody asks everybody else.
07:32I think you know the question. What's the weather going to be like?
07:35Well, from the reports that we have had from all around the country, especially right here in New York, it's been hot and cold and unseasonable.
07:42It looks like we're really in for a tough, rough winter, and I think you know what that means, too. It means plenty of sickness.
07:49So will you remember, if you feel tired and run down, and especially after a cold, flu, sore throat, or virus, you may suffer from iron deficiency anemia.
08:00That's a very fancy term for what we call tired blood. Tired blood.
08:05You check with your doctor, and to feel stronger fast, take Geritol.
08:11In just 24 hours, Geritol iron is in your bloodstream, carrying strength and energy to every part of your body.
08:18Just two tablespoons of liquid Geritol, or two of the Geritol tablets, contain twice the iron in a pound of a cat's liver.
08:28So remember, if tired blood is your problem, especially in this rough weather after those colds or flu or sore throat or the virus,
08:36take either the good-tasting liquid Geritol, or the handy Geritol tablets, and take it every day.
08:43Believe me, you'll feel stronger fast, within seven days, or you'll get your money back.
08:55All right, gentlemen, we're going on now to 21. Herb, I'll be back to you in just a moment.
09:00Commander, you have no points at the present. The category is Movies and Movie Stars. How many points do you want from 1 to 11?
09:11I think I should take about 7, but I just can't risk it. I'll try for 10 points.
09:16For 10 points, one of the tough questions. In 1954, the Oscars for Best Supporting Actress, Best Director, and Best Story and Screenplay Writer
09:26all went to people who had worked in the film On the Waterfront. Name these people.
09:33Well, the director was Elia Kazan.
09:38That's right.
09:39And the writer was Shulberg.
09:44Bud Shulberg.
09:45And the Best Supporting Actress?
09:46Well, the only woman I can remember in that picture was the one who played opposite Brando,
09:52but I would have thought that she would have got the Best Actress award.
09:57She's the only one I can remember. Let's see. She was that lovely, frail girl. Eva Marie Saint.
10:04Right. You have 10 points.
10:14Herb Stemple, you have 16 points. The category is Movies and Movie Stars. How many points do you want to try for from 1 to 11?
10:22I'll try five.
10:24Which would give you 21 points if you get this right, and you will be the winner again,
10:29because this is a critical moment. If you need some extra time, you can have it.
10:33Let me make it sure again. You asked for five points. All right.
10:36What motion picture won the Academy Award for 1955? You need some extra time to think about it?
10:47I sure do.
10:49I'll tell you when your time is up.
11:02Your time is up, Herb Stemple, for five points, which would give you 21.
11:05What motion picture won the Academy Award for 1955?
11:09I'm sure it's not on the waterfront, but it's in my film, I remember.
11:25I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
11:29You really want to take a guess at it?
11:31If not, I'll have to call it wrong, Herb.
11:34On the waterfront?
11:36No, I'm sorry. The answer is Marty.
11:39Marty, you lose five points. It puts you back down to 11.
11:43Better luck on the next round.
11:47Mr. Van Doren, you have 10 points.
11:49The category, Explorers.
11:51Explorers, how many points do you want to try for?
11:55I'm going to go all the way to 21. Let me try for 11 points.
11:59You want to try to hit 21 by 11 by answering an 11-point question.
12:02That's right.
12:03If you do answer this, you'll have 21, but you'll still have to wait for Herb Semple to get another crack at it.
12:07And you can have some extra time if you need it.
12:09Here is your question.
12:10Pizarro, P-I-Z-A-R-R-O, was an early Spanish explorer who discovered and conquered an advanced civilization.
12:17Tell us the civilization he discovered, the country this civilization was in,
12:22and the leader of the civilization at the time of the conquest.
12:27Would you like time to think it over?
12:29As much as you can spare.
12:32I'll tell you when your time is up.
12:45Your time is up.
12:47Tell us the civilization he discovered, first of all, if you can, or take it anywhere you want.
12:52Pizarro discovered the Incas.
12:55And the Incas lived in Peru.
12:58You are right.
12:59And the leader of the civilization, which would give you 21 points if you get this right.
13:02That's right.
13:03Let's see.
13:04There was this fellow named Monco.
13:07He was crowned by Pizarro, but he had a brother, Atahualpa.
13:13That was a man who had a room full of gold.
13:17So I guess that Atahualpa was the leader of the Incas at the time of the conquest.
13:23That's your answer, Atahualpa?
13:24That's right.
13:25Then you've scored 21 points.
13:33Mr. Van Doren.
13:36You have the desired number of points, 21, but Herb Stemple still has to get a chance at it.
13:41Now I'm going to allow you to listen in, so please do not speak.
13:46Herb Stemple, you have 11 points.
13:48The category, Explorers.
13:50How many points do you want to try for from 1 to 11?
13:54I'll try 10.
13:56You're going to try to go to 21.
13:58I can tell you now that your opponent has already scored 21 points.
14:02If you answer this next question correctly, you'll have 21 and we'll have another tie,
14:06which means we'll have to play another game at $2,500 a point.
14:10If you miss, of course, he will win,
14:12and I'm not even going to bother to figure it out because it's quite gigantic.
14:15Here is your question, and take your time.
14:16You can have some extra time if you need it.
14:18Four great voyages were made by Christopher Columbus,
14:22and many different places were among his discoveries.
14:25Tell us on which voyage, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th,
14:29each of the following places was discovered.
14:32The Virgin Islands, Martenino or Santa Lucia,
14:36Hispaniola or Haiti, and South America.
14:41Do you need some time to think this over, Herb Stemple?
14:44Sure do.
14:45I'll tell you when your time is up.
14:56Your time is up, Herb, for 10 points,
14:58which will either give you 21 or put your way back down to about 1 point.
15:02Four great voyages were made by Columbus.
15:04Different places were among his discoveries.
15:06Tell us on which voyage, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th,
15:09each of the following places was discovered.
15:11Do you want to take a crack at the Virgin Islands?
15:16I'll try Hispaniola.
15:19All right.
15:20That was on the first voyage.
15:22Hispaniola. All right.
15:23That was on the first voyage.
15:25You're right.
15:27South America was on the third voyage.
15:30That's right for the second part.
15:31What are the other two now?
15:33Martenino or Santa Lucia and the Virgin Islands.
15:44Martenino is on the fourth voyage.
15:48That is right.
15:49What about the Virgin Islands?
16:03Therefore, the Virgin Islands must be the second.
16:05You're right.
16:06You have 21 points.
16:15It happened again.
16:17You both have 21 points.
16:18As you know, in the case of a tie, we play another game.
16:20The stakes go up.
16:21We're going to play in just a moment for $2,500 a point.
16:25I can't even figure out how much this is,
16:27but one of you could win either $50,000
16:29or somewhere around there, win or lose.
16:31And I think at this point, first of all,
16:33I want to say congratulations to both of you.
16:35I don't care who wins or who loses.
16:36You guys really know your onions.
16:38I want to...
16:40I really do.
16:43We're going to take a moment out here now
16:46for you to settle down to get into this,
16:47which will be an even bigger game than the other.
16:49And while you relax a bit, and we all do,
16:52I'm going to call on my good friend Bob Shepard
16:54with some important and helpful news
16:56for anyone who is suffering from common rheumatic
16:58and arthritic-like pains.
17:00Well, thank you very much, Jack.
17:01Now, friends, an important new advance has been made
17:04in the relief of common rheumatic and arthritic-like pains
17:07due to stiff, aching joints.
17:09It's Xeromone.
17:11If common rheumatic and arthritic-like pains
17:13make it difficult to sew, walk, or move about,
17:16try Xeromone.
17:18Xeromone must give you more freedom
17:20from these annoying pains or your money back.
17:23Now, this is a Xeromone pill,
17:25and it offers this new advance.
17:27It is actually a pill within a pill,
17:30and over here is a model of the pill.
17:33Now, as you can see, Xeromone contains an outer pill
17:36that gives fast, effective, temporary relief
17:40and an inner pill that brings more relief hours later,
17:44thus giving longer-lasting relief.
17:47The result?
17:49Once again, you are able to do the things
17:51that pain may have been preventing.
17:54Take Xeromone as directed.
17:56If pain persists, see your doctor.
17:58That's Xeromone at your drugstore now.
18:08Before we go on, I would like to say that all the questions
18:10that are used on 21 have been authenticated
18:12for their accuracy and the order of their difficulty
18:14by the Editorial Board of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
18:17Fellas, you all set?
18:19Mr. Van Doren, Herb Stempel.
18:21$2,500 a point. Take it easy on this.
18:23Be very careful. I'll get back to you in a moment, Herb.
18:26All right, Mr. Van Doren, the first category.
18:31Newspapers. How many points do you want from 1 to 11?
18:35I'll try 8 points.
18:37For 8 points,
18:38grandsons of Joseph Medill,
18:41two of the most successful journalists in the country
18:43from 1914 on,
18:45were the owners and managers of the Chicago Tribune
18:48and the New York Daily News.
18:50Who were they?
18:52Well, the Chicago Tribune,
18:54that would be Colonel Robert R. McCormick.
18:56You're right.
18:57And the Daily News
19:00Wouldn't that be Patterson, Joseph Patterson?
19:02It would be, and you have 8 points.
19:09Herb Stempel, with your $69,500 still at stake,
19:13although now at $2,500 a point,
19:15the category is newspapers.
19:18How many do you want to try for?
19:20I'll try 11.
19:22The toughest question of them all.
19:24One of the most revered names in American journalism
19:27is that of a Kansas newspaper publisher
19:29who died in 1944.
19:32Tell us this man's name,
19:34the name of his newspaper,
19:36and the title of the editorial he wrote,
19:38which made him and his paper nationally known.
19:47The name of the editor is William Allen White.
19:50That is right.
19:52His paper was the Emporia Gazette.
19:54That is right.
19:56Finally, for 11 points,
19:57I'll have to think a little bit about the third.
20:00Herb, you can take a little time.
20:02You go right ahead.
20:13I don't know.
20:15It's the title of the editorial we want,
20:17which he wrote.
20:18It made his paper nationally famous and well-known.
20:20I don't know.
20:22No idea?
20:24Just won't help to guess.
20:26I beg your pardon?
20:27Just won't help to guess.
20:28I don't know.
20:30I'm afraid I'm going to have to give it to you then, Herb.
20:32The editorial, the title was
20:34What's the Matter with Kansas?
20:37I'm sorry you don't answer.
20:38You don't lose any points,
20:39but you stay at zero.
20:40Better luck on the next round.
20:44Mr. Van Doren, you have eight points.
20:46The category, kings.
20:48K-I-N-G-S, kings.
20:50How many points do you want?
20:53I'll try for ten points.
20:56For ten points,
20:58it's well-known that some of Henry VIII's
21:00six wives fared better than others.
21:02He divorced his first wife,
21:04Catherine of Aragon,
21:06married his sixth, Catherine Parr,
21:08just a few years before he died,
21:10named the second, third,
21:12fourth, and fifth wives
21:14of Henry VIII,
21:16and described their fate.
21:18Oh my goodness.
21:21You want me to name the second, third,
21:23fourth, fifth wives,
21:25and what happened to all of them?
21:26That's right.
21:28I'll have to think a minute.
21:34Catherine, you mentioned Catherine of Aragon.
21:37She was the first one.
21:39Now, the second one was Anne Bullen.
21:43That's right.
21:45And, of course, the poor woman was beheaded.
21:48That is right.
21:51Now, the third,
21:53the third was Jane Seymour.
21:57And I believe she died a natural death.
21:59She died in childbirth.
22:01That is right.
22:03After the birth of the future Edward VI.
22:07The third, the fourth now.
22:11Anne of Cleves.
22:16And I don't think he beheaded her.
22:20Did he divorce her?
22:22You'll have to tell me rather than ask.
22:24He divorced her.
22:25He did. You're right.
22:26Finally, the fifth.
22:28The fifth.
22:32One more.
22:38Oh, I think that Henry VIII married three Catherine's.
22:43you mentioned Catherine of Aragon.
22:45Who was the other Catherine?
22:47The sixth wife?
22:49Catherine Poirot was that the sixth one?
22:54Catherine Aragon, Catherine Poirot.
22:58Catherine Howard.
23:00Right. And what happened to her?
23:02Guess what happened to her.
23:06Considering Henry VIII,
23:07he probably divorced her and beheaded her.
23:09Let's see.
23:11Well, he divorced his wife.
23:14Did he behead Catherine Howard?
23:16He did. You've got 18 points.
23:27Herb Stamper, you have no points.
23:29The category is Kings.
23:32How many points do you want from 1 to 11?
23:36I'll try 10.
23:3910 points.
23:40It is well known that some of Henry VIII's six wives
23:43fared better than others.
23:45He divorced his first wife, Catherine of Aragon,
23:48married his sixth, Catherine Poirot,
23:51just a few years before he died,
23:53named the second, third, fourth,
23:56and fifth wives of Henry VIII,
23:59and described their faith.
24:02Second, third, fourth, and fifth?
24:04Right. And described their faith.
24:07Anne Boleyn was the second.
24:11Jane Seymour, the third.
24:13That is right.
24:15Anne of Cleves, the fourth.
24:17Right again.
24:19And Catherine Howard was the fifth.
24:21You're right. You've got all the names.
24:24Now, can you describe their faiths?
24:26Well, they all died.
24:44Herb, I'm going to have to ask you how they died.
24:47I know what you meant.
24:49I know what you meant, Mr. Barry.
24:51Just make a little fun.
24:52First, Anne Boleyn.
24:55Anne Boleyn.
24:58Right. Jane Seymour.
25:06I'm not sure about her.
25:07You want to go on to Anne of Cleves?
25:10All right.
25:11Anne of Cleves.
25:16Right. Catherine Howard.
25:18Catherine Howard.
25:22Right. And finally, back to Jane Seymour.
25:36And executed.
25:40Anne of Cleves.
25:44Catherine Howard.
25:48Catherine Howard. Executed.
25:50Catherine Howard.
25:55Jane Seymour.
26:00Died in childbirth.
26:01You're right. You have three points.
26:07Gentlemen, I'm going to caution you now not to divulge your scores
26:11because you can hear each other.
26:12We're at the point now where you get a chance to stop the game.
26:14If either of you stops the game,
26:16whoever has the high score wins.
26:18So be very, very careful.
26:19I'm going to give you some time,
26:20and I'll tell you when your time is up.
26:25If either player stops the game right now,
26:28Mr. Van Doren, who is eight points ahead at $2,500 a point,
26:32will win back $20,000 from Herb Stemple.
26:35But he doesn't know it because they don't know each other's scores.
26:37Let's see what happens.
26:42If either of you want to stop the game, you must tell me so right now.
26:46I'll stop.
26:47Then you'll win $20,000.
26:49Congratulations, Mr. Van Doren.
26:51Congratulations, Mr. Van Doren.
27:04You deserve congratulations.
27:05And while I'm saying that, I want to say, by golly,
27:07you've had a tremendous run here, Herb.
27:09You had $69,500 when you started.
27:11You lost $29,000.
27:12You're still going home with $49,500, which is a big sum.
27:17Herb, in the few brief moments we have, what are you going to do with the dough?
27:20Well, Mr. Barry, this all came so suddenly.
27:26The first thing I want to do is outfit my family.
27:29And I would also like to make a small contribution to the city college fund
27:35to repay the people of the city of New York for the free education
27:38which they've given me.
27:40And then I'm going to guard the rest of my money, put it in the bank.
27:45I would also like to thank you and the members of your staff
27:49for all the kindness and the courtesy which you've extended to me.
27:53Herb, I want to say one thing.
27:54We may have a lot of contestants in the future,
27:56but I doubt that anybody will ever display the knowledge,
27:59the fighting spirit, and the courage that you have in this program.
28:02We, your friends, all the students at CCNY,
28:05I'm certain are just as proud of you as we are, and deservedly so.
28:09Thank you for being a wonderful contestant.
28:12Herb Semple, ladies and gentlemen.
28:19Well, he went home with $49,500.
28:21You've got $20,000 right now, Charles Van Doren.
28:23Come back next week.
28:24Tell us whether you want to continue playing or quit.
28:26Our congratulations for a wonderful victory.
28:28Good night to Charles Van Doren, ladies and gentlemen.
28:32We don't have time.
28:33Remember, Jericho and Jericho Jr., wonderful products.
28:35Goodbye, everybody.
28:36See you next week.
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29:22Roaring 20s.
29:23The voice of Fred Allen describes the revolution in manners and morals
29:26on the Jazz Age Thursday night on NBC Television.
