
  • 3 weeks ago


00:00Hmm, I must have butt-dialed you. Who is this?
00:03It's Lloyd.
00:04Lloyd Garmadon, your son.
00:08No. My son is totally bald and has no teeth.
00:13I can't hear you!
00:16I know you had a hard life, Lloyd.
00:19Filled with many knocks.
00:21Why don't I play you a song?
00:22Perhaps it will speak to you.
00:24No, no, no, no.
00:27L-L-O-Y-D, his dad is bad and so is he.
00:30Boo Lloyd!
00:32Boo Lloyd!
00:33Boo Lloyd!
00:34You've ruined my life!
00:35How could I ruin your life? I wasn't even there.
00:37We're getting off point a little bit, just a little bit.
00:40You see what I mean about the weak voice?
00:42That's how he talks.
00:43Do it again.
00:44Hello, brother.
00:45Where are your little ninja nerds?
00:48Where are your little ninja nerds?
00:50Where are your little ninja nerds?
00:52Where are your little ninja nerds?
00:54Nailed it.
00:55Man, my mom is on my case all the time.
00:57She's all...
01:02Hey Lloyd, nobody's parents are perfect.
01:04I mean, my mom is weird and collects seashells.
01:07Your dad levels cities and attacks innocent people.
01:10So, they've all got their quirks, you know?
01:15Do you want to be a follower or do you want to be a leader?
01:18Uh, leader?
01:20How dare you?
01:22I mean follower!
01:24Le Lloyd?
01:25That's right. It's me, your son.
01:28And it's Lloyd, dad.
01:32L-L-O-Y-D. I named you.
01:34We got a message from your brother Garmadon.
01:36You want to hear it?
01:37Oh yeah? What did he say?
01:40He says you're a big stupid dum-dum with a dumb face and a big butt
01:43and your butt stinks and you smell like a butt.
01:46That sounds like my brother.
01:48I'm a...
02:02Phew. Just one day to retire.
02:05I'm a follower no- uh an-
02:07No! You don't want to miss school, honey.
02:09These are the best years of your life!
02:11Uhm, have you been to highschool?
02:14It's just a harmless little-
02:16I got puke. It's disgusting.
02:19Should I look?
02:20I looked! I have no arm! I have no arm! No!
02:23Listen, Lloyd, and friends whose names I don't know.
02:26I'm Jay.
02:27It's not a question.
02:29Are you done with him?
02:34Where's Lloyd?
02:37My gosh, what happened to us? I miss that fire.
02:42Do you think you're hiding right now? Do you actually think I can't see you?
02:45Well, if you can see me, why don't you shoot me?
02:52Are you sure there isn't a special reason why you might have called me today?
02:57On this day? Specifically today?
03:00Look, I didn't call you. My butt called you.
03:05Oh yeah? Well, take this!
03:09General No. 4, make the school bus dangle precariously over an overpass or something.
03:13I've never seen that before.
03:14One thing that can drive Meowthra away.
03:17What is it?
03:19The ultimate, ultimate weapon.
03:27I'm gonna pop that arm back into place.
03:29Okay, wait, wait, wait, but it's only gonna hurt for a second, right?
03:33Hurt for a second? No, this is gonna be agony for a while. Who gave you that misinformation?
03:41And get out of my life!
03:44Get out of your life?
03:47Weirdly kind of personal, isn't it?
03:49Hello, students.
03:52Throw like no one's watching except your judging father.
03:55The fate of Ninjago is in your hands. Are you ready?
03:59Yes, I am.
04:02Is that green ninja still staring at me?
04:04Yes, sir.
04:06What a weirdo.
04:07We finally conquered Ninjago.
04:11I'm not certain we did that.
04:15I was being sarcastic!
04:19What a bunch of junk.
04:21They're surrounding you, perfectly hidden, ready to strike.
04:24Oh, really?
04:27Are you hurt? Let me see your fingers and toes.
04:30Okay, you still don't have fingers and toes. That's good.
04:33I'm not gonna cry.
04:43Lloyd was a hero.
04:44Who are you talking to?
04:45He saved Garmadon.
04:47And he saved his family.
04:49We're standing right here.
04:50And the whole city of Ninjago.
04:52Where are you going?
