• last year
00:00:56Quakka deca puesta contra mi perro prepara se hacer un perdedor oye mercer to see sabe ser un perdedor
00:01:04Ya veremos
00:01:10Entrada sano y listo para pelear
00:02:51Una more de cachorros
00:04:15No, no detente
00:04:32Los videos a youtube
00:04:35Es para que puedas tu te hará algo si tiene
00:04:39Oiga en que esta pensando esta bloqueando el camino abuela
00:04:50Que te dijo
00:04:52El solo admiraba mis pájaros
00:04:55Pájaros tú no tienes pájaros porque no te adelantas a estacionar el auto
00:05:18Concentrate declare to put this
00:05:26See yes, I
00:05:28Okay, so solo batte de distancia no digas eso lo arruinarás
00:05:33Travis let al palo tal astilla una lanzada más para lo digas
00:05:52Papa el sujeto de ya está hablando de declin que es un no hit
00:06:22Uno más para la estatal
00:06:29De que me perdí yo perdí el lanzamiento
00:06:32El que te faltó para un juego perfecto porque porque pecho decidió decirme que un buscador estaba ahí
00:06:38Es un lanzamiento pa no te apoyaré si no te digo en que estás mal
00:06:42los buscadores no solo
00:06:45Si pretendes lograrlo debes tener el mejor de los juegos cada vez que juegues
00:07:20Recuerda que el baile de los padres de pecha está cerca sin excusas
00:07:24Solo asegúrate de tener tu agenda libre esa noche y aún no tiene el vestido es una tradición travis el papa compre el vestido
00:07:34Es decir rayos que te hablo de casa oiga déjeme ayudarle o por dios
00:07:41gracias robin eres tan linda hay no hay problema
00:07:44Hola pecho. Hola robin. Oye como haces todo
00:07:48Estoy en un momento de aprendizaje, pero creo que voy a salir de esto
00:07:52Declan llegará a casa en un segundo no comas ansias pequeña tengan un lindo día tú también
00:07:59linda chica
00:08:17Hola dec quieres que te lancé unas bolas hola niña
00:08:23Ahora no entrené dos veces estoy muy cansado de practicar pero he practicado mis lanzamientos
00:08:29creo que el juego de pelota puede ser mi arma secreta
00:08:32tal vez luego
00:08:34te veo adentro little dipper
00:08:43Muero de hambre
00:08:44eso huele bien
00:08:47Que es sorpresa al horno
00:08:50Dejemos el misterio dentro de las novelas también una pista tú arrojas varios ingredientes y esperas que todo sepa bien
00:08:57Para que estoy pagando al canal de cocina el mejor papá de todos
00:09:03Ya envejeciste ya perdiste el toque
00:09:06Cuidado podría renunciar a este ingrato trabajo por el cual no me pagan
00:09:12Qué es lo que sucede
00:09:18Pech quiere entrar al club para jovencitas
00:09:22Hay actividades en el exterior no pero travis
00:09:26La otra vez artes marciales
00:09:28300 dólares luego quiso hacer gimnasia no tenemos dinero como si fuéramos ricos que practique béisbol no bien nada de béisbol
00:09:37Solo creo que debes pasar más tiempo con ella
00:09:42Yo pero que que haría con ella
00:09:57De aquí
00:10:04No ahí estás
00:10:06Tu papá está en su fantasía de béisbol y yo tengo una cita con mis recortes así que pecha está tu carga
00:10:12No la dejes ver nada de terror bien
00:10:15Oye por qué la última vez se escabulló a mi cama si pasa ahora dormirá contigo
00:10:22Disfrútalo nana no sé de qué estás hablando
00:10:31Page ese programa que no te dejan ver hay un maratón
00:10:51Crees que esto asusta
00:10:53Tengo nueve creo que las tormentas asustan
00:10:57Solo no vayas al cuarto de nana cuando tengas miedo me lo advirtió
00:11:10De pagar little deeper no ese fue el trato terror por mis tareas
00:12:06Hola pequeña de dónde saliste quieres pizza
00:12:26Ven conmigo
00:12:34Si cuido page está bien
00:12:37Sí no pierdas el dinero de la comida los ojos de la señora langa dice tuerce en cuando blofea
00:12:44Si también yo adiós
00:12:55Escucha esto será un secreto por un tiempo pero tengo un plan
00:13:33Y que lees libros de cuentos
00:13:49Quieres hacer algo el fin de semana claro soy la genial
00:14:11No importa en serio gran charla
00:14:30You do a t-page
00:15:07No lo entiende cierto
00:15:10En tener que mamá sabes que odio cuando habla sin decir nada no es la culpa de page
00:15:18Estás luchando con una bola doblea
00:15:21en verdad crees que hubieras llegado a las mayores si jolly no se hubiera ido
00:15:30Tienes idea de lo que es ver cómo roban tu
00:15:34Sueño justo frente a ti
00:15:40Pero debes dejar de actuar como si tu vida fuera la única que cambió
00:15:45Yo creí que iba a retirarme en la playa esto
00:15:49ni siquiera se acerca
00:15:52Pero no lo cambiaría ni por un segundo
00:15:56puedes decir lo mismo
00:17:01Ve a cortar el césped ve y cuida page que no ves que ya voy
00:17:13Está bien el es de clín
00:17:15O tú tienes muchos problemas no es mi culpa la encontré
00:17:20Esta herida tenemos que ayudarla bien primero que nada ella es él
00:17:26Cómo lo sabes no eres experto en perros no pero lo sé cómo
00:17:33tiene partes de chico
00:17:36su nombre era duchess
00:17:39creo que ahora será duke
00:17:41Genial ahora debes deshacerte de él lo llevaremos a un refugio bien
00:17:48No me veas con esos ojos
00:17:50Pero él puede ser nuestro tuyo y mío
00:17:54compartirlo quieres que lo escondamos juntos
00:17:57además míralo necesita un veterinario tal vez tiene mucho dolor
00:18:02porque estoy hablando de esto debo poder
00:18:07Se que es lo mejor para ti duke y soy yo
00:18:13Travis te llevaste mi gran tazón de cerámica mamá porque lo tomaría tal vez fue uno de los niños
00:18:35Nana necesita esto tú crees que yo no quiero darle algo especial
00:18:40que piensas de un pez son lindos pero son fríos sólo quiero que lo consideres lleva duke al veterinario
00:18:46por pech por mí por favor ya lo nombró
00:18:53Si tuve tu juego
00:18:56Nada aquí se encuentra bien te llevaste mi tazón de cerámica
00:19:05Estuvimos esperando
00:19:22Aquí en la base necesito un equipo de reyes
00:19:31El buen
00:19:33Solo mi mentor y el mejor lanzador diestro en béisbol
00:19:41Sabes cuando conocí a rey cuando era un mocoso que jugaba street ball
00:19:47a él le gustaba
00:19:49Se daba su tiempo para entrenar a un niño como yo
00:20:01Donde van a
00:20:05Ella dijo algo sobre sus pies
00:20:13Mal olor mal olor
00:20:22Hola si soy yo yo no
00:20:28Lo sé lo que dije que mi mejor perro está perdido
00:20:32Si el viernes no puede estar muy lejos
00:20:45Ha pasado tiempo y eso que significa
00:20:47Significa bueno la infección en su pata está muy mal y tendrá que quedarse y recibir suero y antibióticos
00:20:55Crees que estará bien verdad claro que lo estará
00:20:59Geisel me das un minuto
00:21:07Seré honesta esto es lo que llamamos una situación de rescate
00:21:12Basada en mi experiencia
00:21:15Está muy claro que duque ha sido utilizado en peleas de perros no puede ser no sabía que existieran en esta zona pero
00:21:22Esas cosas pasan en todas partes y eso que significa
00:21:28Estos animales necesitan rehabilitación
00:21:31jamás sabremos por lo que han pasado y
00:21:34a veces se vuelven agresivos
00:21:37Él es tan bueno con page
00:21:40Solo necesito estar segura que entiendes los riesgos
00:21:46Gracias por vernos fuera de tu horario asumo que cubrirás los gastos así es
00:21:59Cuenta 895
00:22:01No, no siento mucho no quiero que sufres encontraré la forma de ayudar para pagar
00:22:12Duque vino a nosotros vamos a cuidar de él lo prometo
00:22:44Me meterás en problemas pequeña que tal amigo
00:22:52No podía esperar para salir de la escuela hoy el final del curso es aburrido te traje algo
00:22:59Se que es tu favorito
00:23:05Page las jaulas no son para los niños está bien doctora foster no me importa eso no es a lo que me refería
00:23:26Creo que el azul combina con tus ojos
00:23:29Ojalá fuera así de simple
00:23:31vine por mi sobrina y tu hija es el baile anual de padre e hija y yo voy a
00:23:38y tu esposa
00:23:42Soy tonta por preguntar que grosera lo lamento tanto no aguarda yo
00:23:48creo que en verdad podrías ayudarme mi esposa se ha ido y no tienes ni idea
00:23:54Esta novia
00:24:03Nana no está bien duque está aquí y no has hablado con papá
00:24:08Si le tienes miedo soy la mamá de tu papá jamás le tendré miedo no es lo que yo escuché
00:24:14Como sea el estará de viaje trabajando porque decirle hoy lo que puedo decirle el jueves
00:24:42Tu papá uno sabe nada sobre duke
00:24:45Y solo en caso de que tenga un accidente creo que este es el mejor lugar
00:24:51Es un lindo lugar no sé cómo una gran jaula de perro para mí
00:24:56creí que duque iba a ser parte de la familia
00:24:58lo es
00:25:01Bueno lo será
00:25:07No siento mucho no puedo creer que alguien quisiera ir
00:25:14Buenas noches
00:25:39Que es lo que la doctora foster dijo que le pasó a duque en la pata
00:25:49Puedes decirme casi tengo 10 cuando limpio la cortada lucía
00:25:59Lucía como una mordida de perro lo era
00:26:05Dijo que duke proviene de un club de peleas de perros
00:26:12Ni siquiera sé cómo le dicen peleas de perros como si boxearan
00:26:22Las personas ponen a dos perros juntos y apuestan por uno algo como el boxeo
00:26:31Como saben quien gana
00:26:35Aquel que logre sobrevivir
00:26:40Uno de los perros tiene que morir
00:26:43o quedar muy herido
00:26:45lo suficiente para dejar de pelear
00:26:48a quien le gusta ver que sufra
00:27:03Suplementos para granjas peculiares
00:27:42I love you, handsome.
00:28:07When are you going to tell dad?
00:28:09I have no idea.
00:28:12It means a lot to Peche.
00:28:16I'm on your side, baby.
00:28:20What am I going to do when you leave me?
00:28:29Two is too much.
00:28:32Blink and you're older.
00:28:35I tried to hold on as a child as much as I could.
00:28:39But nature is cheating.
00:28:45Clean your room, sir.
00:28:57You're a big kick in the...
00:29:23Buenas noches.
00:29:53La próxima vez, yo no intentaría jugar con un perro que no es mío.
00:29:58El muy tonto lo robó de la perrera, ¿puedes creerlo?
00:30:00No sabía que el dueño jugaba.
00:30:02¡Estás mintiendo!
00:30:03¡No es cierto!
00:30:08Si estoy muerto, no puedo seguir en el juego.
00:30:42Tomé prestado un perro de la perrera.
00:30:50Es el perro favorito de Dave.
00:30:52Tiene suerte de estar vivo.
00:30:53¿Quién es Dave?
00:30:54Solamente es el dueño de los lugares de las peleas.
00:30:58Dios, ayúdame a salir.
00:31:06Tengo que encontrar a mi perro.
00:31:09Y tengo un encargo para ti.
00:31:13Más te vale.
00:31:23¿Qué crees?
00:31:25Dave encontró un perro.
00:31:28Bueno, aquí es cuando me pongo intensa.
00:31:30El perro se queda o yo me voy.
00:31:51Gracias por venir.
00:31:58¿Compraste algo?
00:31:59¿Nuevo microondas?
00:32:00Te dije que no necesitamos uno.
00:32:02No, yo no compré nada, lo prometo.
00:32:06Yo llené el tanque en el aeropuerto.
00:32:11Tu gastaste diez centavos más por litro.
00:32:22Gracias, papá.
00:32:27¿Pero qué?
00:32:32Ah, deduzco que no le dijiste a papá.
00:32:34¿Decirme qué?
00:32:36¿Por qué no vas al sótano y te relajas un poco?
00:32:40¿La cena estará lista en un minuto?
00:32:42Suena genial.
00:32:44¿Grabaron el juego?
00:32:45Sí, claro.
00:32:56Al parecer la cena se quema.
00:32:58Ay, no, todo está bien.
00:33:00Nana, dile antes de que pongas algo flamable en el gravy
00:33:03o pasará algo terrible.
00:33:05Sí, lo que dé clínica.
00:33:07Ya le diré en la cena.
00:33:18Solo que se acervas las cosas.
00:33:20Ni siquiera sé lo que significa.
00:33:24¿Qué tal tu viaje?
00:33:27Estuvo bien, estuvo largo.
00:33:29Es bueno estar aquí.
00:33:31¿Me darías un té helado?
00:33:33Aguarda un minuto.
00:33:35¿Cuál es extraño?
00:33:38Creo que es la pobretad.
00:33:52Parece que todos están en un comercial de dentífico.
00:33:54¿Qué pasa?
00:33:56Yo debo decirte algo.
00:33:59Preparé tu postre favorito.
00:34:04Declín, ¿podrías ayudarme?
00:34:06¿Necesitas ayuda para traer el postre?
00:34:08Ayuda a tu abuela.
00:34:14Estás terriblemente alegre.
00:34:17Eso es todo. Eres más tú.
00:34:27¿Y mi pay?
00:34:29Me lo comí.
00:34:31¿Te comiste mi postre?
00:34:33Es que me dio tanta hambre después de esos entrenamientos.
00:34:38Que espero no te molestes.
00:34:40No, eso nunca, pero tal vez debamos llevarte al hospital.
00:34:44¿Por qué tenemos que ir al hospital?
00:34:46Es que tu hermano es alérgico a las fresas, y si se comió el pay,
00:34:49uno con muchas fresas, entrará en shock anafiláctico justo ahora.
00:34:53Oh, sí. Estás muriendo, Declín.
00:34:56Morirás, Declín.
00:35:11Nana, tendrás que decirle a papá.
00:35:13Sé que no usa la lavadora, pero va a descubrirnos.
00:35:20Espero que lo estés disfrutando.
00:35:22Estás comiendo nuestro pay de soborno.
00:35:34Ya no voy a discutir esto.
00:35:36Nada de perros.
00:35:37Es un rotundo no.
00:35:38Ni siquiera lo has visto.
00:35:40No me interesa.
00:35:41¿Qué llama ese perro?
00:35:43No se trata de que merella necesita esto.
00:35:47Lo que necesita es concentrarse en la escuela y en hacer amigos.
00:35:51Esta vez Nana ganará.
00:35:53Es tu turno.
00:35:54Dejarás que se quede.
00:35:57Esto es una prueba.
00:35:59Una prueba que significa que en cualquier momento, por cualquier razón,
00:36:03si yo lo decido, el perro se va.
00:36:06Su nombre es Duck.
00:36:08La veterinaria dijo que puede ser agresivo dada su historia.
00:36:13Además, tendrán que alimentarlo.
00:36:16Tendrán que pasearlo y van a limpiar lo que haga.
00:36:26Gracias, papi.
00:36:29Sí, sí, sí.
00:36:43¡Muy bien!
00:36:46¿En serio tienes un perro?
00:36:49Y muy grande.
00:36:50Él solo llegó a mi patio.
00:36:52Como magia.
00:36:53Eso es genial.
00:36:54Siempre he querido un perro, pero mi papá...
00:36:58Y ahora debo humillarme a mí misma.
00:37:00Vamos, Paige. Lo lograrás.
00:37:13¡Vamos, Paige!
00:37:23Creo que no pudo.
00:37:34Tal vez debamos mudar tu cama hasta aquí.
00:37:37¿Crees que logre entrar?
00:37:41Tenemos el juego de Beckley.
00:37:43Sabes que odio el béisbol.
00:37:49No todos lo saben.
00:37:52Hola, papá.
00:37:54Me enorgullece cómo reaccionaste por lo del perro.
00:38:15El jugador más valioso.
00:38:18El jugador más valioso.
00:38:19Veo unos Royal Blue en el futuro.
00:38:21No te dejes llevar, papá.
00:38:22La próxima semana vamos contra los de Blue Springs.
00:38:24Nada de pensamiento negativo.
00:38:26Tu equipo es muy bueno.
00:38:27Juraría que esos chicos tomaron esteroides cuando estaban en primaria.
00:38:31Oye, no olvidaste el baile del viernes, ¿cierto?
00:38:36Tengo el vestido.
00:38:37Pa, es el baile de padres e hijas.
00:38:39El vestido no importa si no estás conmigo mientras lo uso.
00:38:43Bueno, tengo que arreglar unas cosas antes para hacer el torneo, que es como mi campeonato.
00:38:49Escucha, te llevaré a otro lado.
00:38:51Y ahí podrás usarlo, me pondré una corbata y...
00:38:54Todas las niñas de mi clase irán.
00:38:56Jamás te pierdes un evento de Beckley.
00:38:59Paige, eso no es justo.
00:39:01El primer baile solo sucede una vez.
00:39:23¿Crees que trato a los niños diferente?
00:39:26No intencionalmente.
00:39:28O espero que no sea así.
00:39:31Tú amas el béisbol.
00:39:32Beckley juega béisbol.
00:39:36No ama el béisbol.
00:39:38Es complicado.
00:39:42Lo entiendo.
00:39:44¡Voy a sacar a pasear a Doug!
00:39:46Lo entiendo.
00:39:48¡Voy a sacar a pasear a Doug!
00:40:15Hola, hola.
00:40:17No seas grosera, niña.
00:40:21Juraría que he visto a este perro en algún lugar.
00:40:26Y ese perro no te pertenece.
00:40:46Oye, ¿estás bien?
00:40:48¿Estás bien?
00:41:13Veré cómo se encuentra Paige.
00:41:16Robin, gracias por traer la casa.
00:41:19No hay problema.
00:41:20Son muy divertidos.
00:41:23Me malentendiste.
00:41:25Son adorables.
00:41:26Se verá genial en su vestido.
00:41:29Ya sabes, para el baile.
00:41:33¿Y qué es lo que haces, Robin, cuando no estás rescatando niñas y perros?
00:41:39Bueno, en servicio al cliente.
00:41:41¿Qué hay de ti?
00:41:43Ventas de electrónicos.
00:41:45Yo me encargo de los clientes difíciles que intentan conseguir varias cenas gratis, ¿sabes?
00:41:50Sí, parece que tenemos el mismo trabajo.
00:41:52¿Eso crees?
00:41:53¿Te das cuenta que todo lo que dices, lo dices como pregunta?
00:41:56¿En serio?
00:41:57Sigues haciéndolo.
00:42:02¿Cómo se supone que te conozca si no hago preguntas?
00:42:08¿Aún es pregunta?
00:42:11Será mejor que me vaya.
00:42:13Los clientes no se atenderán solos.
00:42:18¿No vas a contestar?
00:42:21¿Tú crees que deba?
00:42:22Puede ser la oportunidad de tu vida.
00:42:29Soy yo. Paige me dio tu número.
00:42:32Guárdalo bien.
00:42:35Y bueno...
00:42:40Ten una linda noche.
00:42:48Creo que debería sacarte de tu miseria.
00:42:50Tengo más juego que tú.
00:42:52Gracias, mamá. En verdad me llevaste a donde pertenezco.
00:42:55Si necesitas mi consejo para hacer tu movimiento, puedes preguntarme.
00:43:00Creo que prefiero vomitar. Gracias.
00:43:03Ya no lo haré.
00:43:05El detective está en camino.
00:43:08¿Te dijo que el perro no era tuyo, pero no lo reclamó como suyo?
00:43:11No importa. Duke es mi amigo.
00:43:14Cariño, tranquila. El detective está aquí para resolver las cosas.
00:43:18Si necesita llevar al perro en custodia, está bien.
00:43:20¡No, pa!
00:43:22Creo que tu papá no quiere un perro.
00:43:24Como sea, ¿recuerdas algo más sobre él?
00:43:26Entiendo que era un hombre negro, más joven que tu papá, pero más viejo que Declan.
00:43:31Tenía un extraño tatuaje en el brazo.
00:43:34Lucía algo así como un tubo de papel de baño.
00:43:44Ese es.
00:43:47¿Se parecía a este hombre?
00:43:51Sí, es él. Eres un gran detective.
00:43:55Y tú eres una reina.
00:43:57¿Me permites charlar con los adultos, Paige?
00:44:01El sujeto se llama Lyle Barrett.
00:44:03Está en armas, drogas y otras actividades ilícitas, incluidas peleas de perros.
00:44:07Dejé que Paige elija a un perro con afilaciones criminales.
00:44:11¿Por qué no pudo encontrar un lindo y abandonado chihuahua?
00:44:14Esto no es su culpa, hijo.
00:44:16Señor, su familia es lo mejor que le ha pasado a ese adulto.
00:44:19No es su culpa.
00:44:21¿Por qué no puede encontrar a un perro con afilaciones criminales?
00:44:24¿Por qué no puede encontrar a un lindo y abandonado chihuahua?
00:44:26Esto no es su culpa, hijo.
00:44:28Su familia es lo mejor que le ha pasado a ese animal.
00:44:31He estado encubierto en lugares así y son brutales.
00:44:34¿Qué nos aconseja hacer?
00:44:36Estaré alerta. Estas personas se vuelven locas por sus perros.
00:44:39Y si Lyle conoce al dueño anterior, tal vez vengan.
00:44:42Nos dejaremos de él. Punto.
00:44:44Bueno, creo que no debe exagerar.
00:44:46De hecho, esto nos ayudaría a encontrar una red que hemos buscado por mucho tiempo.
00:44:56Esto es para usted.
00:44:58Porque ahora podrá encontrar a ese hombre, ¿cierto?
00:45:00Eso intentaré. Y lo voy a buscar.
00:45:04Toma esto.
00:45:05También le daré una a tu padre.
00:45:07Y si ves algo o alguien te hace sentir incómoda, me llamas.
00:45:10Gracias, señor Brady.
00:45:12Nadie me había dado una tarjeta de presentación antes.
00:45:19El charco de las ranas. Bar y parrilla.
00:45:35Get out of my sight.
00:45:38I don't think you care that I saw your dog.
00:45:42You saw my dog?
00:45:46I don't know.
00:45:48Maybe you have something in exchange.
00:45:53I don't know.
00:45:59Maybe you should tell him. You don't trust him.
00:46:02I swear I did, Logan.
00:46:07Taking a walk.
00:46:09Near the water tower. A girl...
00:46:11Hey, hey, hey.
00:46:12And what did that girl look like?
00:46:14She was a girl.
00:46:16Brown hair.
00:46:18Cute eyes.
00:46:20That's no use to me.
00:46:22Calm down.
00:46:24There's only one elementary school.
00:46:26How hard is it to find a girl with a new dog that looks like a plushie?
00:46:46Hey, Mitch.
00:46:49Do you have a kid at school?
00:46:51His name is Deuce.
00:46:52Sixth grade.
00:46:54Can I buy you a beer?
00:46:57Give me two.
00:47:01This isn't nice at all.
00:47:03Well, it'll only be for a little while.
00:47:05A lot of kids would love not having to go on a stinky bus.
00:47:08No, Nana. Trust me.
00:47:09Being taken to school is like the kiss of death.
00:47:12Nana and I talked about it, and that's how it has to be.
00:47:15And you're going to have to resurrect the kiss of death, okay?
00:47:19It's easy for you.
00:47:20Hey, no kiss?
00:47:22Kiss Nana.
00:47:23Or Declan.
00:47:24I already have your kiss.
00:47:26Of death.
00:47:29I'm worried about leaving, but I can't cancel.
00:47:31As long as you come back for Friday's dance.
00:47:42Cedar Cove.
00:47:43Feline Conservation Center.
00:47:44Open to the public all year.
00:47:46Why don't we talk to your son?
00:47:48Forget him.
00:47:49My son is useless.
00:47:51I'd take one of those to the ring.
00:47:53I don't think they'd let you.
00:48:16Did you find out about the girl and her dog?
00:48:18What will I get if I tell you?
00:48:20My gratitude?
00:48:22Hey, hey, where are you going?
00:48:24I have to get an education.
00:48:26Gratitude won't pay for my new Xbox.
00:48:30I'll give you ten bucks.
00:48:32Come back when you have fifty.
00:48:34That's what she got from her mother.
00:48:36She takes everything from me.
00:48:37I live in a trailer, luckily I have a bathroom.
00:48:39Hey, come back here.
00:48:42Tell me quickly why that teacher is coming.
00:48:45Fourth year.
00:48:46His name is Paige.
00:48:47He lives past the water tower.
00:48:48Last name?
00:48:49Excuse me.
00:48:50You can't be here.
00:48:54Your son is a little swindler.
00:48:56Yes, I'm proud of him.
00:48:58Do you know these gentlemen?
00:49:01You little...
00:49:02I just called security.
00:49:04The authorities are on their way.
00:49:06We take it very seriously that our children don't talk to strangers.
00:49:12Play where you can see them.
00:49:17I have an idea.
00:49:19Jake, your ideas end with me punished.
00:49:22Let's just study.
00:49:23Come on, don't be afraid.
00:49:24Nothing we do will affect us if we graduate.
00:49:27He has a point.
00:49:31It will be our fighting club.
00:49:33What is a fighting club?
00:49:35You need education in film culture.
00:49:38I brought a speaker just in case.
00:49:42So, will they let me play?
00:49:44Yes, girl.
00:49:45You will direct us.
00:49:51You must be ready.
00:50:02Guys, guys, enough.
00:50:04Enough, enough, enough.
00:50:06Enough, enough, enough, enough.
00:50:08I'm ringing the bell.
00:50:10I'm a human banana.
00:50:12You have to respect me.
00:50:16Guys, stop.
00:50:18Guys, I don't like boxing.
00:50:23I have a weak esophagus.
00:50:24You can't do that.
00:50:33You let Jake hit me.
00:50:34Now it's fair that I hit you.
00:50:36Nana says that's called alpha male disease and there's no cure.
00:50:40That's not my fault.
00:50:41That's not true.
00:50:42Can I ask you a question?
00:50:43It won't stop what's waiting for you.
00:50:45I'm going to make you suffer.
00:50:47No, seriously.
00:50:48Fine, but I'll go for you.
00:50:51Why are your friends nerds?
00:50:54I don't believe in those stupidities.
00:50:56You're the star shooter of the school team.
00:50:58But you go out with Cory.
00:51:00I think you've been spying on me.
00:51:02You'll get in trouble.
00:51:03I'll put you in jail.
00:51:05I think observation is my superpower.
00:51:08Then tell me why.
00:51:10I think you're a secret nerd and you don't want dad to find out.
00:51:22It's cold.
00:51:24Better clean that.
00:51:25I heard in science class that soda is corrosive.
00:51:28Is corrosive.
00:51:29Yes, that.
00:51:30Would you feed Duke?
00:51:31Do you want anything else, your highness?
00:51:33I'd like an iced tea with lemon.
00:51:35Three sugars, not four.
00:51:46Hi, dog.
00:51:53Are you okay?
00:51:55Yes, I'm fine.
00:52:00Do you want some?
00:52:08Do you want some?
00:52:16I'll go to bed, my little dipper. I'm dead.
00:52:19Okay, I love you.
00:52:20I love you too.
00:52:30I love you too.
00:52:52You shouldn't scare your poor old grandma like that.
00:52:56Come with me outside for a second.
00:53:02Did you know that Declan was a year younger than you now when you were born?
00:53:09I don't think he'd want to share his affection with a new baby.
00:53:13Well, I don't think he had to worry about that.
00:53:18I told him that we were connected like the stars.
00:53:22He was like the Big Dipper, and the Big Dipper is over the little one.
00:53:28Is that why he calls me Little Dipper?
00:53:33He still forgets history.
00:53:40Enough gossip for one night.
00:53:43Don't tell anyone.
00:53:45Don't worry, grandma. I won't tell anyone that you're sensitive.
00:53:48Dad won't be back on time for the dance, right?
00:54:01You have to be kidding me again.
00:54:05Why did you wait until now to call me?
00:54:11I'm sorry.
00:54:14I'm sorry.
00:54:16He's waiting for you.
00:54:18He's waiting for his dad to come through that door.
00:54:24You already did.
00:54:29He won't come, right?
00:54:39He'll be okay.
00:54:40He'll be okay.
00:54:44Come, my friend. It's dinner time.
00:54:58You better be ready, Little Dipper.
00:55:03Come here.
00:55:11Salon Brierley.
00:55:15Dance of fathers and daughters.
00:55:22Are you sure we'll find her?
00:55:25All the girls in the city will be here.
00:55:28Crystal's shoes are her dream.
00:55:30But you haven't seen her yet.
00:55:31Do you want your dog back or what?
00:55:34I'm here for free, getting bored.
00:55:40Is that her? Is that the girl?
00:55:42She's not empty or combed, but yes, it's her.
00:55:46Now what?
00:55:47What's her plate?
00:55:48There's an A for that.
00:55:50What, like Hungry Birds?
00:56:01She should be upset.
00:56:03I am, but I was expecting it.
00:56:11I'm sorry he didn't come back, but I appreciate you being my brother.
00:56:17You'll always count on me, okay?
00:56:22I understand.
00:56:27Now what?
00:56:29I thought the girls in my class would be very jealous.
00:56:33They'll be with their bald dads, and your hair is great.
00:56:37I have it, right?
00:56:39Not to mention wrinkles and pretty eyes.
00:56:46Are you ready?
00:56:48Are you?
00:57:10You dance very well.
00:57:31Can you do me a favor?
00:57:32Anything for the prettiest girl in the dance.
00:57:34Enough with the formalities.
00:57:36Would you ask that girl to dance with you? Her name is Laura.
00:57:39Is she the girl that bothers you?
00:57:41Yes, but we look a lot alike. Please.
00:57:45Fine, but I know what it is.
00:57:47You can't follow my dance moves.
00:57:54Do you want to dance?
00:57:56I'm Declan.
00:57:57Hi, Declan.
00:58:05That's it.
00:58:08Shall we turn?
00:58:25You dance so well.
00:58:28I'll take care of it. Thanks.
00:58:35And turn.
00:58:37You dance so well.
00:58:57You're Declan Crawley, right?
00:58:59That's me.
00:59:00You have a great curveball. I guess you're full of offers.
00:59:03Are you also looking for sponsors?
00:59:05Or what are you looking for now?
00:59:07Or are you just focused on the draft?
00:59:10What do you think?
00:59:12You can be the next player.
00:59:19Main entrance.
00:59:31I warned you what that animal could do.
00:59:35Now look.
00:59:37He wanted to take part in something that could cost him his future.
00:59:42Don't blame Nana.
00:59:44Declan knew how much I love Doug.
00:59:47All this is my fault.
00:59:49It's all my fault.
00:59:51It's all my fault.
00:59:53It's all my fault.
00:59:55It's all my fault.
00:59:57I know how much I love Doug.
00:59:59All this is my fault.
01:00:05Maybe if you had been here, really here,
01:00:08Declan wouldn't have had to act like a father.
01:00:11Do you want to blame someone?
01:00:13Look in the mirror.
01:00:16This is about a dog.
01:00:18Do you realize that?
01:00:20This dog.
01:00:23It's ridiculous.
01:00:24It's not about that.
01:00:28Maybe you should go to the visitor area.
01:00:30There's Wi-Fi there.
01:00:31You'll keep working.
01:00:58Can I talk to you?
01:01:02Yes, of course.
01:01:10I'm sorry to inform you that Declan has severe nervous damage.
01:01:21But he's a baseball pitcher.
01:01:25He has so much future, more than I did.
01:01:30The dog has to be quarantined in animal control.
01:01:33That's the protocol.
01:01:35Contact the Animal Service of the County of Cass.
01:01:38They'll see you at home.
01:01:42Mr. Crumbly.
01:01:48Thank you, Dr. Allen.
01:01:55Mr. Crumbly, do you have any questions?
01:01:59Yes, even if they're not enough.
01:02:04Second chances.
01:02:13I still can't believe you left me at the dance.
01:02:18What did the doctor say?
01:02:21What did the doctor say?
01:02:29Duke must leave for a while.
01:02:34There are certain things that must happen.
01:02:36No! Duke didn't mean to hurt Declan.
01:02:40It's not in our hands.
01:02:42I have to see him.
01:02:44He'll be very scared.
01:02:46But it's too late.
01:02:50It's too late.
01:03:20It's too late.
01:03:50It's too late.
01:04:11What's wrong? Did someone important die?
01:04:15We were very worried.
01:04:18The whole family.
01:04:21Are you mad at me?
01:04:26Just for a second.
01:04:28Come here.
01:04:40I was wrong.
01:04:44I should have told you everything.
01:04:46It was an accident.
01:04:49It doesn't matter anymore.
01:04:54They must take him away.
01:04:56It doesn't matter. He's calm now.
01:05:02Duke didn't do anything wrong. I'm fine.
01:05:06I'll be fine.
01:05:17Is something wrong?
01:05:20Let's wait for the doctor...
01:05:22Just tell me, am I okay?
01:05:26Maybe you can't throw anymore.
01:05:29Not like before.
01:06:10Maybe it's time to have a dance party.
01:06:18I'm sorry.
01:06:44It's urgent.
01:06:49What happened?
01:06:52I was distracted.
01:06:56I was thinking about Declan, a hospital bed and Paige.
01:07:02It's my fault.
01:07:07I don't even know why I called you. I just saw your number and...
01:07:10Wow. Thank you.
01:07:12I was going to call you, but I...
01:07:16I don't know. I don't have anyone now.
01:07:21Whenever you want.
01:07:27He's a lucky man, Mr. Crowley.
01:07:31He had a concussion. He needs to hydrate and rest.
01:07:43Mr. Crowley, I don't know what I can do.
01:07:45I don't care. I have to do something.
01:07:47The guy who approached my daughter, Lyle...
01:07:50Where do I find him?
01:07:52I know you can help me.
01:07:56The guy who hit me...
01:07:58I could see him. If I see him again, maybe...
01:08:01Listen, I'd like nothing more than to catch that guy.
01:08:04But I'm limited on what I can do.
01:08:06I have to find him.
01:08:08I need to get my dog back.
01:08:10Is he your dog now?
01:08:15Just tell me where I can find him.
01:08:29I'll find our dog.
01:08:34Is anyone going to help me?
01:08:56Are you sure you know what you're doing, Dad?
01:09:01I have jaqueque.
01:09:10What? Did I surprise you?
01:09:12Customer service, huh?
01:09:14I'm making a great gin and tonic.
01:09:18I'm sorry about Duke.
01:09:20Do you know a guy who's a little chubby, short-haired, with a beard?
01:09:23He has a name called Lyle.
01:09:26The guy you're talking about must be Mercer.
01:09:30God, even the name sounds bad.
01:09:34He's my baby.
01:09:36His name is Scout.
01:09:38He's so cute.
01:09:40I think I can help you.
01:09:41I'll ask nicely.
01:09:43You guys go home.
01:09:44If I hear anything, I'll call you.
01:09:47Yes, thank you.
01:09:56Hey, hold on a second.
01:10:13I didn't want to bother you.
01:10:20I wanted to thank you.
01:10:35What are you wearing?
01:10:37A stealthy outfit.
01:10:40I like your style.
01:10:45Paige, is that you?
01:10:48Brandon? What's going on?
01:10:50Who's Brandon?
01:10:52It's about Duke.
01:10:54I know where he is.
01:10:58My dad took him, Paige.
01:11:00We'll go get you. Wait.
01:11:02I'm scared.
01:11:03Everything will be fine. Don't worry.
01:11:05My dad took Duke to a dog fight.
01:11:07And I want you to save him.
01:11:09The address is 5200 Deer Valley Road.
01:11:13Postal code 64078.
01:11:16It's three kilometers from downtown.
01:11:19Brandon? Are you still there?
01:11:22Dad, we have to go.
01:11:28Okay, I'll go.
01:11:30But you stay here. You'll be safe.
01:11:33I'm serious, Paige.
01:12:10I found him.
01:12:12In the cattle pen on W Road.
01:12:39Let's go.
01:13:03You'll never be an agent 0-0.
01:13:05What are you doing here?
01:13:06Getting my dog back.
01:13:08I thought you'd need help.
01:13:10What's there to be safe?
01:13:12When there are rescue missions, you call the troops.
01:13:15Troops? There are no troops.
01:13:17The mothers.
01:13:18One mother calls another, and that one calls another, and then...
01:13:22You can't bring a group of mothers here. It's a dangerous name.
01:13:25Have you seen the mothers from my school?
01:13:29Did you call Detective Brady?
01:13:32They're coming.
01:13:34We can't wait for them.
01:13:37Okay, stay with me, okay?
01:13:59Hi, friend!
01:14:00Hi, friend!
01:14:06Stay away from my dog.
01:14:10Did you hear me? Stay away from my dog.
01:14:12I don't think so.
01:14:14It's just a dog.
01:14:15You risk your life and hers for a stupid dog?
01:14:19It's not just a dog.
01:14:21And it doesn't belong to you.
01:14:31Are you okay?
01:14:33Yes, I think so.
01:14:36Wow, Dad.
01:14:38You shot someone.
01:14:40You're like Batman.
01:14:42With bullets.
01:15:01I'm impressed.
01:15:02Who decided to call the Association of Mothers?
01:15:05They're more armed than the Special Forces.
01:15:07Thank God for the field of America.
01:15:09He didn't mention he was planning an attack.
01:15:12I'm sorry about that.
01:15:18Rita Garland. I'm from Animal Control.
01:15:20Is he Duke?
01:15:21Yes. Will you take him to quarantine?
01:15:22I'm afraid so.
01:15:24I don't want to.
01:15:26I don't want to.
01:15:27Will you take him to quarantine?
01:15:28I'm afraid so.
01:15:30He'll be fine. It's just a precaution.
01:15:33And when he gets out, he'll come back home.
01:15:42You have to go with this lady.
01:15:44But we'll see each other soon.
01:15:52What will happen to the rest of the dogs?
01:15:54The rescue team will come and take them to attention and rehabilitation.
01:15:58You saved them.
01:16:01Did he have to use this?
01:16:03Well, my dad saved us.
01:16:06I only shot him.
01:16:08Well, if he comes back, we'll have to talk officially.
01:16:12I almost forgot.
01:16:15Who's Brandon?
01:16:16He's in my class.
01:16:17His dad is the bad guy.
01:16:19We must go to his house and see if he's okay.
01:16:21No, he'll give me his address.
01:16:22Enough police work for today.
01:17:23Are you ready?
01:17:29But a couple of days on the road will help me.
01:17:36It was my mistake to try to make my dream yours.
01:17:41And despite that?
01:17:43I'm sorry.
01:17:45I'm sorry.
01:17:47I'm sorry.
01:17:49I'm sorry.
01:17:51And despite all the pressure...
01:17:53You know?
01:17:54I loved it.
01:17:55Codes, huh?
01:17:58It's another language that I'm going to have to discover.
01:18:01Just when I thought I understood baseball.
01:18:03I'll always talk about baseball with you.
01:18:06Duke wants to talk about baseball.
01:18:08No, Duke wants to eat his ball.
01:18:11Where's Paige?
01:18:12Chatting with Brandon.
01:18:16Here it is.
01:18:20I'm going to miss you a lot.
01:18:22I'll miss you too.
01:18:25But we have FaceTime and Facebook.
01:18:28You'll see my face more than you saw it when I was here.
01:18:31I hope so.
01:18:33Will you be there?
01:18:35Dad tries.
01:18:37You have Nana, Duke.
01:18:39And you have Robin.
01:18:42It's great.
01:18:45Wait for the luxury edition of Pooper Scooper for your birthday.
01:18:52Something so you don't forget me, Declan.
01:18:55You're very sweet.
01:19:06Don't worry.
01:19:07Don't worry.
01:19:10Don't worry.
01:19:20Have a nice trip.
01:19:26I love you.
01:19:31Let's go.
01:19:34Let's go.
01:19:35Let's go.
01:19:37Let's go.
01:20:07A puppy love.
01:20:38Oh, the places we will go.
01:20:41Maps that will unroll.
01:20:43Darling, anything you want to see.
01:20:48As long as you're with me, we can cross the world.
01:20:52And I will be your girl.
01:20:55Oh, you know.
01:21:01I'll go anywhere you go.
01:21:05Oh, I love you so.
01:21:10I'll go anywhere you go.
01:21:16Anywhere you go.
01:21:22The future is always a mystery.
01:21:27And I'm okay with that.
01:21:30The only thing I need to know right now is you.
01:21:35Because you and I will last.
01:21:38Oh, the places we will go.
01:21:42Maps that will unroll.
01:21:44Darling, anything you want to see.
01:21:48As long as you're with me, we can cross the world.
01:21:53And I will be your girl.
01:21:57Oh, you know.
01:22:03I'll go anywhere you go.
01:22:06Oh, I love you so.
01:22:12I'll go anywhere you go.
01:22:18Anywhere you go.
01:22:20Anywhere you go.
01:22:23Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:22:25Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:22:29Anywhere you go.
01:22:32Every dream we have.
01:22:36We'll place upon a shooting star.
01:22:41Cross our hearts and hope they never die.
01:22:45Promise we'll never grow apart.
01:22:49Oh, you know.
01:22:55I'll go anywhere you go.
01:22:58Oh, I love you so.
01:23:04I'll go anywhere you go.
01:23:07Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:23:10Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:23:12Anywhere you go.
01:23:15Oh, oh, oh, oh.
01:23:18Oh, I love you so.
01:23:21I'll go anywhere you go.
01:23:27Anywhere you go.
01:23:29Anywhere you go.
01:23:34Anywhere you go.
01:23:36Anywhere you go.
