Colonel Bleep | show | 1956 | Official Featurette

  • 3 weeks ago
Colonel Bleep was the first color cartoon ever made for television. It was created by Robert D. Buchanan, and was filmed | dHNfWXk1aTBwRV84REU


00:00And now, stand by for adventure.
00:17Three, two, one.
00:21And the exciting story of the Uncharted Island.
00:36Soon after his arrival on Earth, Colonel Bleak discovered that to thoroughly investigate
00:42the places, people, and customs of our planet would require a long time, because it's almost
00:5025,000 miles around this Earth of ours, and it's filled with many interesting and exciting
00:56things to see. So Colonel Bleak decided they must have a place to live. Bleak suggested
01:02a space platform. Scratch, Bleak's prehistoric friend, wanted a cave. And Squeak, the little
01:10silent puppet, hoped for a house and garden, or to use the one word Squeak wrote on his
01:14magic slate, a home. Colonel Bleak remembered that as he was approaching the Earth from
01:20outer space, he had seen a tiny island which might be ideally suited to their needs. This
01:24island was located in the South Atlantic Ocean at the very center of the Earth. In fact,
01:29according to Bleak, it was on the equator at zero degrees latitude and zero degrees
01:36longitude. This was Zero, Zero Island. That tiny uncharted land, which is to be their
01:44home while Colonel Bleak carries out his mission to investigate the places, people, and customs
01:52of our planet Earth. Bleak, Squeak, and Scratch rapidly covered the distance across the Atlantic
01:57Ocean, then turned south to the equator and on to a spot of land in the South Atlantic,
02:03approximately 400 miles south of the African Gold Coast and 600 miles east of French Equatorial
02:09Africa. Here is the beautiful tropical island which Bleak has named Zero, Zero Island because
02:17it's located exactly at zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude. Here for the first
02:25time, Bleak, Squeak, and Scratch see the delightful little green land that is to be their home
02:30for many exciting adventures. You know, an island is a mass of land smaller than a continent
02:36that is completely surrounded by water, and Zero, Zero Island is such a land. It is shaped
02:41like a crescent moon around a calm blue lagoon. The trees are filled with brilliantly plumaged
02:46birds, the woods abound with tropical fruit of many kinds, and a sparkling stream flows
02:52across the island from the eastern end to the lagoon at the center. It is here that
02:56Colonel Bleak, Squeak, and Scratch decide to establish headquarters on the planet Earth.
03:02On this pleasant island, they could work and rest, but already forces of evil are at
03:06work and danger, great danger, lies ahead.
