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The Genesis Order Puzzles Walkthrough 18-21
00:00Welcome back to the Genesis Order Puzzles. We have four more puzzles to get through.
00:06Please remember to hit like and subscribe, it greatly helps me out.
00:09Let's jump through this one by starting off with number 18.
00:12Number 18 just takes a little bit of setup and then we're fine.
00:15We're going to shove the fan up and then to the side.
00:18This one down and across, this one down and across.
00:22So they are like so.
00:24We're going to pop this one up and then across as well.
00:28We're then free to go over to the left hand side and hit the red button.
00:32That should then bring the red demon into this area.
00:35We're then going to step in here, hit the blue button and let the blue guy come and trap us.
00:40That doesn't fear us.
00:41We're going to shove this guy up too and we can then push him out of the way.
00:45Collect the bomb and then hit the teleporter.
00:48Make sure you hit the bomb first because if you don't, you can't get back in here to collect the bomb.
00:54So make sure you do that.
00:55You are then free to come to the left hand side to pop him down into that little gap.
00:59Shove that up, fire the fan across, select the second bomb.
01:04You can then grab the fan, the fan and blow your way out of puzzle number 18.
01:10Puzzle number 19 takes a little bit of setup.
01:13It probably looks way more complicated than it actually is, but don't fear.
01:17We'll get there.
01:18We'll shove this one across at first and then up where they're going to come inside here.
01:23Drop this block down.
01:25We can then grab this guy and shove him across and up to make this little L shape.
01:32That is exactly what we need.
01:34We can then come across here and shove him across and then we are free to come step into this lane.
01:41Then down and then the red demon is going to come in here.
01:43We can then just walk around the edge, shove the fan up and then he is going to be trapped in that cul-de-sac.
01:48That just means we need to hit these buttons and then have it so these blue demons don't trap us in a position that we don't want.
01:55Just grab them, drag them wherever you want just so you can get through.
02:00We've done the left hand side.
02:02The right hand side is going to be a little bit more annoying because there is a green guy who gets in the way a little bit.
02:07Don't worry.
02:08Again, grab that.
02:10Make sure the blue demons don't trap you somewhere.
02:12I got caught in a corner last time.
02:14That was not fun.
02:16Collect that bomb and then you can blow your way out of puzzle 19 as well.
02:21Puzzle number 20 is going to teach us a little bit of mechanics when it comes to the blue guy and red guy.
02:28We are going to use it first.
02:29First we are going to come over to this side and hit red button.
02:32Doing that we can then drag this guy into this little cul-de-sac.
02:36We can come in here and shove him up just like so.
02:40We can then drop this guy out of my way to the right hand side.
02:44We can shove this block up as well.
02:46Then hit the blue button.
02:48From there we can come down and go all the way around here and shove him back in so he blocks off that red demon.
02:56So he can never get through to us ever again just in case.
02:59Then we are going to stand here and wait for the blue guy and red guy to be in line.
03:03Then step to our left.
03:05That is going to trap the red guy in this little cul-de-sac.
03:08We can then come up here and sneakily grab the bomb.
03:11You cannot make your path this way to the bomb.
03:14Instead you have to go all the way back round.
03:16So come round, come through here and just shove this block out of your way.
03:21Then you are free to blow up this bomb and make your way out of puzzle number 20.
03:27Puzzle number 20.
03:29There is at least one of each demon in this puzzle.
03:32Don't fear it is not as hard as puzzle 16 from last update which was not enjoyed by a lot of people.
03:37I thought it was a clever puzzle.
03:39There you go.
03:40We are going to get the green demon in our way while we shove this block into that position.
03:45We are going to come stand in the bottom left corner.
03:48Trap him like so.
03:50That is him done.
03:51That is that bomb collected and that is this side sorted.
03:53All the way over to the other side.
03:56We are going to bring this one down a couple and pop him there.
03:59We are going to drag this one all the way down.
04:02Clickity clickity clickity.
04:05Over to the right and then up once.
04:07We are then going to come stand here.
04:10Down one and then step to the left.
04:12Blue guy will come down.
04:15Then he is in this position.
04:16We then need to come up to here and then in one click click that.
04:19That will push it once.
04:21Then repeat the process.
04:23Come back here.
04:24You are going to need green demon to stay out of your way.
04:26If you can.
04:27If you could you could just put green demon in the way a little bit.
04:31That would be nice.
04:33He is not going to play ball with me.
04:34He actually might.
04:35So there we can go.
04:36Just click that one more time.
04:37Green demon has helped us out.
04:39If not.
04:40If he is not there.
04:41Don't fear.
04:42The red demon doesn't catch you in time.
04:43You can just do that yourself.
04:45Before you go and hit the blue button.
04:47Just go and make sure you block up the top right corner.
04:51Grab the bomb.
04:53Blow yourself up.
04:54Then it is one, two bombs.
04:56Out of here for puzzle number 21.
05:00That will be that for this one.
05:02Thank you very much for watching.
05:03I will catch you in the next one.
05:05Please remember to hit like and subscribe.
05:07Peace out.
