The Sound Of Music (1965) HD Full Movie

  • 2 weeks ago
The Sound Of Music (1965) HD Full Movie
00:02:47With the sound of music
00:02:51With songs they have sung for a thousand years
00:02:56The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
00:03:06My heart wants to sing every song it hears
00:03:14My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise from the lake to the trees
00:03:23My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies from a church on a breeze
00:03:32To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over stones on its way
00:03:40To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray
00:03:48I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
00:04:00I know I will hear what I've heard before
00:04:09My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
00:04:23And I'll sing once more
00:09:21Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
00:09:32Reverend Mother.
00:09:33Sister Bernice.
00:09:34I simply cannot find her.
00:09:38She's missing from the abbey again.
00:09:40Perhaps we should have put a cowbell around her neck.
00:09:43Have you tried the barn? You know how much she adores the animals.
00:09:46I have looked everywhere, in all of the usual places.
00:09:49Sister Bernice, considering that it's Maria,
00:09:51I suggest you look in some place unusual.
00:09:59Well, Reverend Mother,
00:10:01I hope this new infraction ends whatever doubt you may still have about Maria's future here.
00:10:07I always try to keep faith in my doubts, Sister Bertha.
00:10:11After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.
00:10:14We are not talking about sheep, black or white, Sister Margaretha.
00:10:19Of all the candidates for the novitiate, I would say Maria is the least likely.
00:10:23Children, children.
00:10:26We were speculating about the qualifications of some of our postulants.
00:10:30The Mistress of Novices and the Mistress of Postulants
00:10:33were trying to help me by expressing opposite points of view.
00:10:39Tell me, Sister Catherine, what do you think of Maria?
00:10:43She's a wonderful girl, some of the time.
00:10:47Sister Agatha?
00:10:48It's very easy to like Maria, except when it's difficult.
00:10:53And you, Sister Sophia?
00:10:54Oh, I love her very dearly, but she always seems to be in trouble, doesn't she?
00:11:00Exactly what I say.
00:11:02She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee, her dress has got a tear.
00:11:07She waltzes on her way to Mass and whistles on the stair.
00:11:11And underneath her wimple, she has curlers in her hair.
00:11:16I've even heard her singing in the abbey.
00:11:21She's always late for chapel, but her penitence is real.
00:11:26She's always late for everything, except for every meal.
00:11:31I hate to have to say it, but I very firmly feel
00:11:36Maria's not an asset to the abbey.
00:11:41I'd like to say a word in her behalf.
00:11:44And say it, Sister Margarita.
00:11:46Maria makes me laugh.
00:11:53How do you solve a problem like Maria?
00:11:57How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
00:12:01How do you find a word that means Maria?
00:12:05A flippity-dippity, a will-o'-the-wisp, a clown.
00:12:09Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her.
00:12:13Many a thing she ought to understand.
00:12:17But how do you make her stay and listen to all you say?
00:12:21How do you keep a wave upon the sand?
00:12:25Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?
00:12:29How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
00:12:41When I'm with her, I'm confused, out of focus and bemused.
00:12:45And I never know exactly where I am.
00:12:49Unpredictable as weather.
00:12:51She's as flighty as a feather.
00:12:53She's a dolly.
00:12:54She's a demon.
00:12:55She's a lamb.
00:12:56She'll outpest any pest.
00:12:58Drive a hornet from its nest.
00:13:00She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl.
00:13:04She is gentle.
00:13:05She is wild.
00:13:06She's a riddle.
00:13:07She's a child.
00:13:08She's a headache.
00:13:09She's an angel.
00:13:11She's a girl.
00:13:15How do you solve a problem like Maria?
00:13:19How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?
00:13:24How do you find a word that means Maria?
00:13:28A flibbity-jibbit.
00:13:29A will-o'-the-wisp.
00:13:30A clown.
00:13:32Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her.
00:13:36Many a thing she ought to understand.
00:13:40But how do you make her stay and listen to all you say?
00:13:44How do you keep a wave upon the sand?
00:13:48Oh, how you solve a problem like Maria.
00:13:51How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
00:14:20You may go in now, Maria.
00:14:51Come here, my child.
00:14:59Now sit down.
00:15:01Oh, Reverend Mother, I'm so sorry.
00:15:03I just couldn't help myself.
00:15:05The gates were open and the hills were beckoning,
00:15:07and before I...
00:15:09Maria, I haven't summoned you here for apologies.
00:15:11Oh, please, Mother, do let me ask for forgiveness.
00:15:13It'll make you feel better.
00:15:17Well, you see, the sky was so blue today
00:15:19and everything was so green and fragrant.
00:15:21I just had to be a part of it.
00:15:23And the Untersberg kept leading me higher and higher
00:15:25as though it wanted me to go right through the clouds with it.
00:15:27A child.
00:15:29Suppose darkness had come and you were lost?
00:15:31Oh, Mother, I could never be lost up there.
00:15:33That's my mountain. I was brought up on it.
00:15:35It was the mountain that led me to you.
00:15:39When I was a child, I would come down the mountain
00:15:41and climb a tree and look over into your garden.
00:15:43I'd see the sisters at work
00:15:45and I'd hear them sing on their way to Vespers.
00:15:47Which brings me
00:15:49to another transgression, Reverend Mother.
00:15:51I was singing out there today without permission.
00:15:55it is only here in the Abbey
00:15:57that we have rules about postulate singing.
00:15:59I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am.
00:16:01And what's worse, I can't seem to stop saying things.
00:16:03Everything and anything I think and feel...
00:16:05Some people would call that honesty.
00:16:07Oh, but it's terrible, Reverend Mother.
00:16:09You know how Sister Bertha
00:16:11always makes me kiss the floor
00:16:13after we've had a disagreement?
00:16:15Lately, I've taken to kissing the floor
00:16:17when I see her coming, just to save time.
00:16:23when you saw us over the Abbey wall
00:16:25and longed to be one of us,
00:16:27that didn't necessarily mean
00:16:29that you were prepared for the way we live here, did it?
00:16:31No, Mother,
00:16:33but I pray and I try,
00:16:35and I am learning. I really am.
00:16:37And what is the most important lesson
00:16:39you have learned here, my child?
00:16:41To find out what is the will of God
00:16:43and to do it wholeheartedly.
00:16:49It seems to be the will of God
00:16:51that you leave us.
00:16:53Leave you? Only for a while, Maria.
00:16:55Oh, no, Mother, please don't do that.
00:16:57Don't send me away. This is where I belong.
00:16:59It's my home, my family.
00:17:01It's my life.
00:17:03But are you truly ready for it? Yes, I am.
00:17:05Perhaps if you go out into the world
00:17:07for a time,
00:17:09knowing what we expect of you,
00:17:11you'll have a chance to find out
00:17:13if you can expect it of yourself.
00:17:15I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it.
00:17:17I promise I can. Maria.
00:17:21Yes, Mother.
00:17:25If it is God's will.
00:17:29There is a family near Salzburg
00:17:31that needs a governess until September.
00:17:33Until September?
00:17:35To take care of seven children.
00:17:37Seven children?
00:17:41Yes, but I'm seven.
00:17:43I will tell Captain von Trapp
00:17:45to expect you tomorrow.
00:17:47Uh, Captain?
00:17:49A retired officer of the Imperial Navy.
00:17:51A fine man and a brave one.
00:17:53His wife died several years ago
00:17:55leaving him alone with the children.
00:17:57I understand he's had a most difficult time
00:17:59managing to keep a governess there.
00:18:03why difficult, Reverend Mother?
00:18:05The Lord will show you
00:18:07in his own good time.
00:18:37When the Lord closes a door,
00:18:39somewhere he opens a window.
00:18:45What will this day be like?
00:18:49I wonder.
00:18:57Who will it be?
00:19:01Who will it be?
00:19:03Who will it be?
00:19:09What will my future be?
00:19:13I wonder.
00:19:17It could be so exciting
00:19:19to be out in the world,
00:19:21to be free.
00:19:23My heart should be wildly rejoicing.
00:19:29Oh, what's the matter with me?
00:19:33I always longed for adventure.
00:19:35To do the things
00:19:37I've never dared.
00:19:39Now here I'm pacing
00:19:43Then why
00:19:45am I so scared?
00:19:53A captain with seven children.
00:19:55What's so fearsome
00:19:57about that?
00:19:59Oh, I must
00:20:01stop these doubts, all these worries.
00:20:03If I don't, I just know
00:20:05I'll turn back.
00:20:07I must dream of the things I am seeking.
00:20:11I am seeking
00:20:13the courage I lack.
00:20:17The courage to serve them
00:20:19with reliance.
00:20:21Face my mistakes without defiance.
00:20:23Show them I'm
00:20:25worthy, and while I
00:20:27show them,
00:20:29I'll show
00:20:35let them bring on all their
00:20:39I'll do better than my best.
00:20:41I have
00:20:43confidence they'll put me to the test.
00:20:45But I'll make them see
00:20:47I have confidence in me.
00:20:49Somehow I will impress
00:20:53I will be firm, but kind.
00:20:55And all
00:20:57those children, heaven
00:20:59bless them, they will look up
00:21:01to me and mind me.
00:21:03With each step I am more
00:21:07everything will turn out fine.
00:21:09I have
00:21:11confidence the world can all be mine.
00:21:13They'll have to agree
00:21:15I have confidence in
00:21:19I have
00:21:21confidence in sunshine.
00:21:23I have confidence
00:21:25in rain.
00:21:27I have confidence that spring
00:21:29will come again. Besides which
00:21:31you see, I have confidence in me.
00:21:33Strength doesn't lie
00:21:35in numbers.
00:21:37Strength doesn't lie in wealth.
00:21:39Strength lies
00:21:41in nights of peaceful slumbers.
00:21:43When you wake up,
00:21:45wake up, it tells me
00:21:47all I trust I leave my heart
00:21:49to. All I trust
00:21:51becomes my own.
00:21:53I have confidence
00:21:55in confidence alone.
00:22:11Oh, help.
00:22:27in confidence
00:22:33which you see, I have
00:22:37in me.
00:22:39In me.
00:22:53Here I am.
00:22:57I'm from the convent. I'm the new governess,
00:23:01And I'm the old butler,
00:23:05Oh. Well, how do you do?
00:23:17You, uh,
00:23:19wait here, please.
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00:24:49In the future, you'll kindly remember there are certain rooms in this house
00:24:51which are not to be disturbed.
00:24:53Yes, Captain, sir.
00:25:03Why do you stare at me that way?
00:25:05Well, you don't look at all like a sea captain, sir.
00:25:09I'm afraid you don't look very much like a governess.
00:25:13Turn around, please.
00:25:19Hat off.
00:25:22It's the dress.
00:25:24You'll have to put on another one before you meet the children.
00:25:26But I don't have another one.
00:25:28When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor.
00:25:31What about this one?
00:25:33The poor didn't want this one.
00:25:37I would have made myself a new dress, but there wasn't time.
00:25:39I can make my own clothes.
00:25:41Well, I'll see that you get some material.
00:25:43Today, if possible.
00:25:45Now, Fraulein...
00:25:47Maria, sir.
00:25:49Never mind, Maria. I don't know how much the mother abbess has told you.
00:25:51Not much.
00:25:53You are the 12th in a long line of governesses
00:25:55who have come to look after my children since their mother died.
00:25:57I trust that you will be an improvement on the last one.
00:26:00She stayed only two hours.
00:26:03What's wrong with the children, sir?
00:26:07There's nothing wrong with the children.
00:26:09Only the governesses.
00:26:11They were completely unable to maintain discipline.
00:26:13Without it, this house cannot be properly run.
00:26:15Will you please remember that, Fraulein?
00:26:17Every morning, you will drill the children in their studies.
00:26:19I will not permit them to dream away their summer holidays.
00:26:23Each afternoon, they will march about the grounds, breathing deeply.
00:26:26Bedtime is to be strictly observed, no exceptions.
00:26:28Excuse me, sir. When do they play?
00:26:30You will see to it that they conduct themselves at all time
00:26:32with the utmost orderliness and decorum.
00:26:34I'm placing you in command.
00:26:36Yes, sir.
00:27:57Now, this is your new governess, Fraulein Maria.
00:28:03As I sound your signals, you will step forward and give your name.
00:28:06You, Fraulein, will listen carefully, learn their signals
00:28:08so that you can call them when you want them.
00:28:27Now, Gretel.
00:28:33Now, let's see how well you listened.
00:28:36Well, I won't need to whistle for them, Reverend Captain.
00:28:39I mean, I'll use their names, and such lovely names.
00:28:43Fraulein, this is a large house.
00:28:45The grounds are very extensive, and I will not have anyone shouting.
00:28:49Will you take this, please? Learn to use it.
00:28:51The children will help you.
00:28:55Now, when I want you, this is what you will hear.
00:29:00Oh, no, sir. I'm sorry, sir.
00:29:03I could never answer to a whistle.
00:29:05Whistles are for dogs and cats and other animals,
00:29:07but not for children, and definitely not for me.
00:29:10It would be too humiliating.
00:29:13Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey?
00:29:19Oh, much more, sir.
00:29:30Excuse me, sir, I don't know your signal.
00:29:33You may call me Captain.
00:29:49At ease.
00:29:53Well, now that there's just us,
00:29:55would you please tell me all your names again and how old you are?
00:29:59I'm Liesl. I'm 16 years old, and I don't need a governess.
00:30:04Well, I'm glad you told me, Liesl. We'll just be good friends.
00:30:09I'm Friedrich. I'm 14. I'm impossible.
00:30:13Really? Who told you that, Friedrich?
00:30:16Fraulein Josephine. Four governesses ago.
00:30:19I'm Brigitte.
00:30:24You, um, didn't tell me how old you are, Louisa.
00:30:29I'm Brigitte. She's Louisa.
00:30:32She's 13 years old, and you're smart.
00:30:35I'm 10, and I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw.
00:30:39Brigitte, you shouldn't say that.
00:30:41Why not? Don't you think it's ugly?
00:30:43Of course. But Fraulein Hilda's was ugliest.
00:30:47I'm Kurt. I'm 11. I'm incorrigible.
00:30:50What's incorrigible?
00:30:52I think it means you want to be treated like a boy.
00:30:58I'm Marta, and I'm going to be seven on Tuesday.
00:31:02And I'd like a pink parasol.
00:31:04Well, pink's my favorite color, too.
00:31:08Yes, you're gretel.
00:31:10And you're five years old?
00:31:12My, you're practically a lady.
00:31:15Now, I have to tell you a secret.
00:31:17I've never been a governess before.
00:31:19You mean you don't know anything about being a governess?
00:31:22Nothing. I'll need lots of advice.
00:31:24Well, the best way to start
00:31:26is to be sure to tell Father to mind his own business.
00:31:29You must never come to dinner on time.
00:31:31Never eat your soup quietly.
00:31:34And during dessert, always blow your nose.
00:31:36Don't you leave a word they say, Fraulein Maria.
00:31:39Oh, why not?
00:31:41Because I like you.
00:31:43All right, now, children, outside for your walk.
00:31:46Father's orders. Now, hurry up, hurry up.
00:31:48Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick.
00:31:50Fraulein Maria, I'm Frau Schmidt, the housekeeper.
00:31:53How do you do?
00:31:55How do you do? I'll show you to your room.
00:31:57Follow me.
00:32:11Poor little dears.
00:32:25You're very lucky.
00:32:27With Fraulein Helga, it was a snake.
00:32:45Good evening, children.
00:32:47Good evening, Fraulein Maria.
00:32:56Enchanting little ritual.
00:32:58Something you learned at the abbey?
00:33:02No, um, it's, um...
00:33:17Excuse me, Captain, haven't we forgotten to thank the Lord?
00:33:28For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful.
00:33:36I'd like to thank each and every one of you
00:33:38for the precious gift you left in my pocket earlier today.
00:33:44Um, what gift?
00:33:50It's meant to be a secret, Captain, between the children and me.
00:33:53Uh-huh. Then I suggest that you keep it and let us eat.
00:33:56Knowing how nervous I must have been,
00:33:59a stranger in a new household,
00:34:01knowing how important it is to me,
00:34:03knowing how important it was for me to feel accepted,
00:34:06it was so kind and thoughtful of you
00:34:08to make my first moments here so warm and happy and pleasant.
00:34:24What is the matter, Marta?
00:34:40Fraulein, is it to be at every meal
00:34:43or merely at dinner time
00:34:45that you intend leading us all through this rare
00:34:48and wonderful new world of indigestion?
00:34:53Oh, they're all right, Captain. They're just happy.
00:35:04Thank you.
00:35:16Uh, Rolf, good evening.
00:35:18Good evening, Franz. I trust everything is under control?
00:35:21Yes, yes.
00:35:25Are there, uh, any developments?
00:35:27Perhaps. Is the captain at home?
00:35:29He's at dinner.
00:35:31Can I have a telegram at once?
00:35:45A telegram for you, son.
00:35:50Franz, who delivered it?
00:35:52The young lad, Rolf, of course.
00:35:56Father, may I be excused?
00:35:58Hmm. Children,
00:36:00in the morning, I shall be going to Vienna.
00:36:03Not again, Father.
00:36:09How long will you be gone this time, Father?
00:36:12I'm not sure, Gretel, not sure.
00:36:14To visit Baroness Schrader again?
00:36:16Mind your own business.
00:36:18As a matter of fact, yes, Louisa.
00:36:21Why can't we ever get to see the Baroness?
00:36:24Why would she want to see you?
00:36:26Just so happens, Marta, that you are going to see the Baroness.
00:36:29I'm bringing her back with me to visit us all.
00:36:33And Uncle Max.
00:36:35Uncle Max!
00:36:57Oh, Rolf.
00:37:01No, Liesel, we mustn't.
00:37:03Why not, silly?
00:37:05I don't know, it's just that I...
00:37:07Isn't this why you're here waiting for me?
00:37:09Yes, of course. I've missed you, Liesel.
00:37:11You have? How much?
00:37:13So much that I even thought of sending you a telegram,
00:37:15just so I'd be able to deliver it here.
00:37:17Oh, that's a lovely thought.
00:37:19Why don't you? Right now.
00:37:21But I'm here.
00:37:23Please, Rolf, send me a telegram.
00:37:26I'll start it for you.
00:37:28Dear Liesel.
00:37:30Dear Liesel,
00:37:32I'd like to be able to tell you how I feel about you.
00:37:37Unfortunately, this wire is already too expensive.
00:37:41Sincerely, Rolf.
00:37:51Will there be any reply?
00:37:53Dear Rolf, stop.
00:37:56Don't stop.
00:37:58Your Liesel.
00:38:01If only we didn't always have to wait
00:38:03for someone to send Father a telegram.
00:38:05How do I know when I'll see you again?
00:38:09Well, let's see.
00:38:13I could come here by mistake.
00:38:15With a telegram for Colonel Schneider.
00:38:18He's here from Berlin, staying with...
00:38:21Well, no one's supposed to know he's here.
00:38:23Don't tell your father now.
00:38:25Why not?
00:38:27Well, your father's so... so Austrian.
00:38:29We're all Austrian.
00:38:31Well, some people think we ought to be German,
00:38:33and they're very mad at those who don't think so.
00:38:35They're getting ready to...
00:38:38Well, let's hope your father doesn't get into trouble.
00:38:41Don't worry about Father.
00:38:43He's a big naval hero.
00:38:45He was even decorated by the Emperor.
00:38:47I know. I don't worry about him.
00:38:50Me? Why?
00:38:52Well, you're so...
00:38:54Why, you're such a baby.
00:38:56I'm 16. What's such a baby about that?
00:39:01You wait, little girl, on an empty stage
00:39:05For fate to turn the light on
00:39:09Your life, little girl, is an empty page
00:39:12That men will want to write on
00:39:17To write on
00:39:23You are 16, going on 17
00:39:27Baby, it's time to think
00:39:31Better beware, be canny and careful
00:39:35Baby, you're on the brink
00:39:39You are 16, going on 17
00:39:43Fellows will fall in line
00:39:47Eager young lads and roues and cads
00:39:51Will offer you food and wine
00:39:55Totally unprepared are you
00:39:59To face a world of men
00:40:03Timid and shy and scared are you
00:40:07Of things beyond your kin
00:40:11You need someone older and wiser
00:40:15Telling you what to do
00:40:19I am 17, going on 18
00:40:23I'll take care of you
00:40:41I am 16, going on 17
00:40:45I know that I'm naïve
00:40:49Fellows I meet make me happy
00:40:53I am 16, going on 18
00:40:57I'll take care of you
00:41:01I am 16, going on 18
00:41:05I know that I'm naïve
00:41:09Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet
00:41:13And willingly I believe
00:41:17I am 16, going on 17
00:41:21Innocent as a rose
00:41:25Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies
00:41:29What do I know of those?
00:41:33Totally unprepared am I
00:41:37To face a world of men
00:41:41Timid and shy and scared am I
00:41:45Of things beyond my kin
00:41:49I need someone older and wiser
00:41:53Telling me what to do
00:41:57You are 17, going on 18
00:42:01I'll depend on you
00:42:07I am 16, going on 18
00:42:11I'll take care of you
00:42:15I am 16, going on 18
00:42:19I'll take care of you
00:42:23I am 16, going on 18
00:42:27I'll take care of you
00:42:31I am 16, going on 18
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00:46:15Well, God bless what's-his-name.
00:46:17God bless the Reverend Mother and Sister Margaretha...
00:46:21and everybody at Narnberg Abbey.
00:46:23And now, dear God, about Liesel.
00:46:26Help her to know that I'm her friend...
00:46:28and help her to tell me what she's been up to.
00:46:32Are you going to tell on me?
00:46:33Help me to be understanding so that I may guide her footsteps.
00:46:37In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, amen.
00:46:40I was out taking a walk, and somebody locked the doors earlier than usual,
00:46:43and I didn't want to wake everybody up.
00:46:45So when I saw your window open...
00:46:48you're not going to tell Father, are you?
00:46:57How in the world did you climb up here?
00:46:59It's how we always got into this room to play tricks on the governess.
00:47:02Louisa can make it with a whole jar of spiders in her hand.
00:47:10Liesel, were you out walking all by yourself?
00:47:15I was.
00:47:22You know, if we washed that dress out tonight, nobody would notice it tomorrow.
00:47:26You could put this on.
00:47:30Take your dress in there, put it to soak in the bathtub.
00:47:33Then come back here and sit on the bed, and we'll have a talk.
00:47:38I told you today I didn't need a governess.
00:47:41Well, maybe I do.
00:47:45Come on.
00:48:13Gretel, are you scared?
00:48:17You're not frightening a thunderstorm, are you?
00:48:19You just stay right here with me.
00:48:22Where are the others?
00:48:24They're asleep. They're not scared.
00:48:35All right, everybody, up here on the bed.
00:48:39Well, just this once. Come on.
00:48:41Now, all we have to do is wait for the boys.
00:48:43You won't see them. Boys are brave.
00:48:51You boys weren't scared, too, were you?
00:48:53Oh, no. We just wanted to be sure that you weren't.
00:48:57That's very thoughtful of you, Friedrich.
00:48:59It wasn't my idea.
00:49:01It was Kurt's.
00:49:03Kurt! That's the one I left out.
00:49:05God bless Kurt.
00:49:09Why does it do that?
00:49:11Why does it do that?
00:49:13Well, the lightning says something to the thunder,
00:49:15and the thunder answers back.
00:49:17The lightning must be nasty.
00:49:19Not really.
00:49:21Why does the thunder get so angry?
00:49:23It makes me want to cry.
00:49:27Well, now, when anything bothers me and I'm feeling unhappy,
00:49:29I just try and think of nice things.
00:49:31What kind of things?
00:49:33Oh, well, let me see.
00:49:35Nice things.
00:49:41Skies full of stars.
00:49:43Raindrops on roses.
00:49:45And whiskers on kittens.
00:49:47Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.
00:49:49Brown paper packages tied up with strings.
00:49:53These are a few of my favorite things.
00:49:59Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.
00:50:03Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
00:50:05Wild geese that fly with a moon on their wings.
00:50:09These are a few of my favorite things.
00:50:13Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.
00:50:17Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.
00:50:21Silver-white winters that melt into springs.
00:50:23These are a few of my favorite things.
00:50:27When the dog bites.
00:50:29When the bee stings.
00:50:31When I'm feeling sad.
00:50:33I simply remember my favorite things.
00:50:37And then I don't feel so bad.
00:50:43Does it really work?
00:50:45Of course it does.
00:50:47You try it.
00:50:49What things do you like?
00:50:51Pussy roll-up.
00:50:55Bunny rabbit.
00:50:57Chocolate icing.
00:50:59No school.
00:51:03A good snake.
00:51:09Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
00:51:13Bright-colored kettles and warm woolen mittens.
00:51:17Brown paper packages tied up with strings.
00:51:19These are a few of my favorite things.
00:51:25Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.
00:51:27Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
00:51:31Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
00:51:35These are a few of my favorite things.
00:51:41Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.
00:51:45Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes.
00:51:47Silver-white winters that melt into springs.
00:51:51These are a few of my favorite things.
00:51:53I'm like a dog.
00:52:07Did I not tell you that bedtime is strictly observed in this house?
00:52:11The children were upset by the storms.
00:52:13I thought that if I...
00:52:15You did, sir.
00:52:17Do you or do you not have difficulty remembering such simple instructions?
00:52:19Only during thunderstorms, sir.
00:52:25Yes, Father.
00:52:27I don't recall seeing you anywhere after dinner.
00:52:29Oh, really?
00:52:31Well, as a matter of fact...
00:52:35Well, I was...
00:52:37What you would like to say, Captain,
00:52:39is that she and I have been getting better acquainted tonight.
00:52:41But it's much too late now to go into all that.
00:52:43Come along, children.
00:52:45You heard your father.
00:52:47Well, I'm...
00:52:49You have managed to remember
00:52:51that I'm leaving in the morning.
00:52:53Is it also possible
00:52:55that you remember
00:52:57that the first rule in this house is discipline?
00:53:01Then I trust that before I return,
00:53:03you will have acquired some?
00:53:09I wonder if before you go
00:53:11I could talk to you about some clothes for the children
00:53:13for when they play.
00:53:15If I could just have some material.
00:53:17There are obviously many things,
00:53:19not the least of which is repetitious.
00:53:21But they're children.
00:53:23Yes, and I'm their father.
00:53:25Good night.
00:53:51Girls in white dresses
00:53:53With blue satin sashes
00:54:09When the dog bites
00:54:11When the bee stings
00:54:13When I'm feeling sad
00:54:15I simply remember
00:54:17My favorite things
00:54:19And then I don't feel
00:54:21So bad
00:54:43Come on!
00:54:51Get over here!
00:54:57Come on!
00:54:59Come on!
00:55:59Oh, come on!
00:56:23Royal Aunt Maria,
00:56:25can we do this every day?
00:56:27Don't you think it's going to get tired of it, Louisa?
00:56:29Every other day?
00:56:31I haven't had so much fun
00:56:33since the day we put glue on
00:56:35Fräulein Josephine's toothbrush.
00:56:37I can't understand how children as nice as you
00:56:39can manage to play such awful tricks on people.
00:56:41Oh, it's easy.
00:56:43But why do it?
00:56:45Well, how else can we get Father's attention?
00:56:49Oh, I see.
00:56:51Well, we'll have to think about that one.
00:56:53All right, everybody, over here.
00:56:55What are we going to do?
00:56:57Why don't we just sing for the Baroness when she comes?
00:56:59Father doesn't like us to sing.
00:57:01Well, perhaps we can change his mind.
00:57:03Now, what songs do you know?
00:57:05We don't know any songs.
00:57:07Not any?
00:57:09We don't even know how to sing.
00:57:13Well, let's not lose any time.
00:57:15You must learn.
00:57:17But how?
00:57:21Let's start at the very beginning
00:57:23A very good place to start
00:57:27When you read, you begin with
00:57:29A, B, C
00:57:31When you sing, you begin with
00:57:33Do, Re, Mi
00:57:35Do, Re, Mi
00:57:37Do, Re, Mi
00:57:39The first three notes
00:57:41just happen to be
00:57:43Do, Re, Mi
00:57:45Do, Re, Mi
00:57:47Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti
00:57:50Let's see if I can make it easier.
00:57:56Do, a deer
00:57:58A female deer
00:58:00Re, a drop of golden sun
00:58:04Mi, a name
00:58:06I call myself
00:58:08Fa, a long, long way to run
00:58:12So, a needle pulling thread
00:58:16La, a note to follow
00:58:18Ti, a drink with jam and bread
00:58:22That will bring us back to
00:58:24Do, oh, oh, oh
00:58:26Do, a deer
00:58:28A female deer
00:58:30Re, a drop of golden sun
00:58:34Mi, a name
00:58:36I call myself
00:58:38Fa, a long, long way to run
00:58:42So, a needle pulling thread
00:58:44La, a note to follow
00:58:46Ti, a drink with jam and bread
00:58:50That will bring us back to
00:58:52Do, oh, oh, oh
00:58:54Do, a deer
00:58:56A female deer
00:58:58Re, a drop of golden sun
00:59:02Mi, a name
00:59:04I call myself
00:59:06Fa, a long, long way to run
00:59:10So, a needle pulling thread
00:59:12La, a note to follow
00:59:14Ti, a drink with jam and bread
00:59:18That will bring us back to
00:59:20Do, oh, oh, oh
00:59:22Do, a deer
00:59:24A female deer
00:59:26Re, a drop of golden sun
00:59:28Mi, a name
00:59:30I call myself
00:59:32Fa, a long, long way to run
00:59:36So, a needle pulling thread
00:59:38La, a note to follow
00:59:40So, do, la, fa
00:59:42Mi, do, re
00:59:46Can you do that?
00:59:48So, do, la, fa
00:59:50Mi, do, re
00:59:54So, do, la, ti
00:59:56Do, re, do
01:00:00So, do, la, ti
01:00:02Do, re, do
01:00:06Now, put it all together
01:00:08So, do, la, fa
01:00:10Mi, do, re
01:00:14So, do, la, ti
01:00:16Do, re, do
01:00:22But it doesn't mean anything
01:00:24So, we put in words
01:00:26One word for every note
01:00:28Like this
01:00:30When you know
01:00:32The notes to sing
01:00:35You can sing
01:00:37Most anything
01:00:43When you know
01:00:45The notes to sing
01:00:49You can sing
01:00:51Most anything
01:00:56Do, a deer
01:00:58A female deer
01:01:00Re, a drop of golden sun
01:01:03Mi, a name I call myself
01:01:07Fa, a long way to go
01:01:09Ti, a sow
01:01:11A needle pulling thread
01:01:13La, a note to follow
01:01:15So, ti
01:01:17A drink of jam and bread
01:01:19That will bring us back to
01:01:23Do, re, mi
01:01:25Fa, so, la, ti
01:01:27Do, do, ti
01:01:29Fa, so, fa, mi
01:01:31Re, do, mi, mi
01:01:33Mi, so, so, re
01:01:35Fa, fa, la, ti, ti
01:01:38Do, mi, mi, mi
01:01:40So, so, re, fa, fa, la, ti, ti
01:01:42When you know
01:01:44The notes to sing
01:01:49You can sing
01:01:51Most anything
01:01:55A doe, a deer
01:01:57A female deer
01:01:59Re, a drop of golden sun
01:02:03Mi, a name I call myself
01:02:06Fa, a long, long way to run
01:02:10Sow, a needle pulling thread
01:02:13La, a note to follow
01:02:15So, ti
01:02:17A drink of jam and bread
01:02:20That will bring us back to
01:02:24So, do, re, fa, mi
01:02:26Fa, so, la, ti, ti
01:02:28Do, nam, ti
01:02:30Ti, do
01:02:32So, so, re, fa, mi
01:02:36Do, la, ti, li
01:02:40Do, re, mi
01:02:42La, ti, u
01:02:44La, ta
01:02:46Ti, do
01:02:48So, do
01:02:50Fa, ti
01:02:52La, ti, ti
01:02:54Mountains are magnificent, Georg, really magnificent.
01:03:06I had it put up just for you, darling.
01:03:09Even if it's to a height of 10,000 feet, Georg always believes in rising to the occasion.
01:03:14Unless the joke's improved, Max, I'm taking back my invitation.
01:03:18You didn't invite me to your villa.
01:03:19I invited myself.
01:03:22You needed a chaperone, and I needed a place to stay where the cuisine is superb, the wine
01:03:27cellar unexcelled, and the price perfect.
01:03:31Max, you are outrageous.
01:03:34Not at all.
01:03:35I'm a very charming sponge.
01:03:40It's the Klopman Monastery Choir.
01:03:47They're good, very good.
01:03:55I must explore this territory in the next few days.
01:03:57Somewhere, a hungry little singing group is waiting for Max Detweiler to pluck it out
01:04:02of obscurity and make it famous at the Salzburg Folk Festival.
01:04:06They get the fame, you get the money.
01:04:07It is unfair, I admit it, but someday that'll be changed.
01:04:11I shall get the fame, too.
01:04:18What heavens, what's this?
01:04:23It's nothing, just some local urchin.
01:04:31This really is exciting for me, Georg, being here with you.
01:04:45Trees, lakes, mountains.
01:04:46When you've seen one, you've seen them all.
01:04:50That is not what I mean, and you know it.
01:04:52Ah, you mean me.
01:04:54I'm exciting.
01:04:55Is that so impossible?
01:04:57No, just highly improbable.
01:05:00There you go, running yourself down again.
01:05:02Well, I'm a dangerous driver.
01:05:08You know, you're much less of a riddle when I see you here, Georg.
01:05:12In my natural habitat.
01:05:13Yes, exactly.
01:05:15Are you trying to say that I'm more at home here among the birds and the flowers and the
01:05:21wind that moves through the trees like a restless sea?
01:05:24How poetic.
01:05:26Yes, it was, rather, wasn't it?
01:05:29More at home here than in Vienna.
01:05:31In all your glittering salons, gossiping gaily with boars I detest, soaking myself in champagne,
01:05:39stumbling about the waltzes by Strausses I can't even remember.
01:05:43Is that what you're trying to say?
01:05:44More or less, yes.
01:05:45Now, whatever gave you that idea?
01:05:51Oh, I do like it here, Georg.
01:05:53It's so lovely and peaceful.
01:05:55How can you leave it as often as you do?
01:05:57Oh, pretending to be madly active, I suppose.
01:06:00Activity suggests a life filled with purpose.
01:06:04Could it be running away from memories?
01:06:09Or perhaps just searching for a reason to stay.
01:06:14Oh, I hope that's why you've been coming to Vienna so often.
01:06:18Or were there other distractions there?
01:06:20Oh, I'd hardly call you a mere distraction, darling.
01:06:23Well, what would you call me, Georg?
01:06:30Charming, witty, graceful.
01:06:32The perfect hostess.
01:06:33And you're going to hate me for this.
01:06:36In a way, my savior.
01:06:39Oh, how unromantic.
01:06:41Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once
01:06:43that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.
01:06:48Oh, I am amusing, I suppose.
01:06:51And I do have the finest couturier in Vienna.
01:06:54And the most glittering circle of friends.
01:06:56And I do give some rather gay parties.
01:06:58Oh, yes.
01:06:59But take all that away and you have just
01:07:03wealthy, unattached little me
01:07:06searching just like you.
01:07:14More strudel, Herr Detweiler?
01:07:16How many have I had?
01:07:18Make it an uneven three.
01:07:22Still eating, Max, hmm?
01:07:24Must be unhappy.
01:07:25That marvelous mixed quartet I've been trying for months
01:07:28to steal away from Solchiroch.
01:07:30What happened, darling?
01:07:31Yesterday, Sacha Petris told them first,
01:07:33if there's one thing I hate, it's a thief.
01:07:35Max, you really must try and learn to love yourself.
01:07:38For this, I had to call Paris, Rome, and Stockholm.
01:07:41On Georg's telephone, of course.
01:07:42Well, how else could I afford it?
01:07:44Oh, dear, I like rich people.
01:07:47I like the way they live.
01:07:49I like the way I live when I'm with them.
01:07:51I wonder where the children are.
01:07:53Obviously, they must have heard I was coming
01:07:55and went into hiding.
01:07:56I was hoping they'd be here to welcome you.
01:07:59Max, do step out of character for a moment
01:08:01and try and be charming.
01:08:14Well what?
01:08:16Have you made up Georg's mind yet?
01:08:18The wedding bells?
01:08:19Peeling madly.
01:08:21But not necessarily for me.
01:08:23What kind of talk's that?
01:08:24That is none of your business talk, Max.
01:08:26I'm terribly fond of Georg,
01:08:27and I will not have you toying with us.
01:08:29But I'm a child. I like toys.
01:08:31So tell me everything.
01:08:33Oh, come on, tell Max every teensy, weensy,
01:08:36intimate, disgusting detail.
01:08:39Well, let's just say,
01:08:41I have a feeling I may be your unapproval.
01:08:44Well, I approve of that. How can you miss?
01:08:46Far too easily.
01:08:47If I know you, darling, and I do,
01:08:49you will find a way.
01:08:50Oh, he's no ordinary man.
01:08:52No, he's rich.
01:08:53When his wife died,
01:08:54she left him with a terrible heartache.
01:08:56And when your husband died,
01:08:57he left you with a terrible fortune.
01:08:59Oh, Max, you really are a beast.
01:09:01You and Georg are like family to me.
01:09:03That's why I want to see you two get married.
01:09:05We must keep all that lovely money in the family.
01:09:18What are you doing there?
01:09:20Oh, Captain Von Trapp.
01:09:22I was just looking for...
01:09:24I didn't see.
01:09:26I mean, I didn't know you were...
01:09:28Heil Hitler!
01:09:30Who are you?
01:09:32I have a telegram for Herr Detweiler.
01:09:34I'm Herr Detweiler.
01:09:36Yes, sir.
01:09:42I'm a German.
01:09:45All right, you've delivered your telegram.
01:09:47Now get out.
01:09:56Oh, Georg, he's just a boy.
01:09:58Yes, and I'm just an Austrian.
01:10:00What's going to happen is going to happen.
01:10:02Just make sure it doesn't happen to you.
01:10:04Max, don't you ever say that again.
01:10:06You know I have no political convictions.
01:10:08Can I help it if other people do?
01:10:10Oh, yes, you can help it.
01:10:12You must help it.
01:10:28You're far away.
01:10:30Where are you?
01:10:32In a world that's disappearing, I'm afraid.
01:10:36Is there any way I could bring you back to the world I'm in?
01:10:40Is there any way I could bring you back to the world I'm in?
01:11:11Oh, Captain, you're home.
01:11:22Come out of that water at once.
01:11:34Oh, you must be Baroness Schrader.
01:11:41I'm stuck in a stand.
01:11:56Straight line.
01:12:11This is Baroness Schrader.
01:12:17And these are my children.
01:12:21How do you do?
01:12:23All right, go inside.
01:12:25Dry off, clean up, change your clothes, report back here.
01:12:34Fraulein, you will stay here, please.
01:12:38I think I'd better go see what Max is up to.
01:12:52Now, Fraulein.
01:12:55I want a truthful answer from you.
01:12:58Yes, Captain.
01:13:00Is it possible, or could I have just imagined it?
01:13:04Have my children, by any chance, been climbing trees today?
01:13:09Yes, Captain.
01:13:11I see.
01:13:13And where, may I ask, did they get these, um...
01:13:18Play clothes.
01:13:20Oh, is that what you call them?
01:13:22I made them from the drapes that used to hang in my bedroom.
01:13:27They still have plenty of wear left.
01:13:29The children have been everywhere in them.
01:13:31Do you mean to tell me that my children have been roaming about Salzburg...
01:13:36...dressed up in nothing but some old drapes?
01:13:39Mm-hmm, and having a marvellous time.
01:13:41They have uniforms.
01:13:43Oh, straitjackets, if you'll forgive me.
01:13:44I will not forgive you for that.
01:13:45Children cannot do all the things they're supposed to do...
01:13:47...if they have to worry about spoiling their precious clothes.
01:13:49I haven't heard them complain yet.
01:13:50Well, they wouldn't dare. They love you too much.
01:13:52I don't wish you to discuss my children in this manner.
01:13:54Well, you've got to hear from someone you're never home long enough to know them.
01:13:56I said I don't want to hear any more from you about my children.
01:13:58I know you don't, but you've got to.
01:14:01Now, take Liesel.
01:14:02She's not a child anymore.
01:14:04One of these days you're going to wake up and find she's a woman.
01:14:06You won't even know her.
01:14:07And Friedrich, he's a boy, but he wants to be a man like you...
01:14:09...and there's no one to show him how.
01:14:10Don't you dare tell me about my son.
01:14:12Brigitte could tell you about him if you'd let her get close to you.
01:14:14She notices everything.
01:14:15And Kurt pretends he's tough not to show how hurt he is when you brush him aside.
01:14:18That will do.
01:14:19The way you do all of them.
01:14:20Louisa, I don't know about you...
01:14:21I said that will do.
01:14:22...but someone has to find out about her...
01:14:23...and the little ones just want to be loved.
01:14:25Oh, please, Captain, love them. Love them all.
01:14:27I don't care to hear anything further from you about my children.
01:14:29I am not finished yet, Captain.
01:14:30Oh, yes, you are, Captain.
01:14:36Now, you will pack your things this minute...
01:14:41...and return to the Abbey.
01:14:46What's that?
01:14:49It's singing.
01:14:51Yes, I realize it's singing, but who is singing?
01:14:54The children.
01:14:58The children?
01:15:00I taught them something to sing for the Baroness.
01:15:28My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies
01:15:33From the church on a breeze
01:15:38To laugh like a brook where it drips and falls over stones
01:15:44On its way to sea through the night
01:15:52Like a lark who is learning to pray
01:15:58I walk to the hills when my heart is lonely
01:16:09I know I will hear what I've heard before
01:16:20My heart will be blessed with the sound of music
01:16:33And I'll sing once more
01:16:49I'll sing once more
01:17:25You never told me how enchanting your children are.
01:17:37Don't go away.
01:17:49...behaved badly.
01:17:51I apologize.
01:17:54I'm far too outspoken. It's one of my worst faults.
01:17:58You were right.
01:18:02I don't know my children.
01:18:05There's still time, Captain.
01:18:06They want so much to be close to you.
01:18:09Have you brought music back into the house?
01:18:12Music back into the house?
01:18:16I'd forgotten.
01:18:24I want you to stay.
01:18:29I ask you to stay.
01:18:34If I could be of any help.
01:18:36You have already.
01:18:38More than you know.
01:18:42Come on.
01:19:06High on the hill was a lonely goat
01:19:08Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:10Loud was the voice of the lonely goat
01:19:12Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:15Folks in a town that was quite remote
01:19:17Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:20Lusty and clear from the goat herd's throat
01:19:22Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:40A little prince.
01:19:43A prince on the bridge of a castle
01:19:45Mowed her lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:48Men on a road with a load to tow
01:19:50Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:53Men in the midst of a tumble
01:19:55Dowed her lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:19:58Men drinking beer with a foam afloat
01:20:00Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:11One little girl in a pale pink coat
01:20:13Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:16She yodeled back to the lonely goat
01:20:18Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:21Soon her mama with a gleaming glow
01:20:23Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:26What a duet for a girl and goat
01:20:28Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:40Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:43Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:46Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:49Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:52Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:55Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:20:58Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:01Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:04Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:07Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:10Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:13Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:16Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:19Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:22Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:25Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:28Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:31Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:34Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:37Heard a lay, heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:40Soon the US will become a trio
01:21:43Lady-o-day, lady ol' lo
01:21:45Heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:48Heard a lay, heard a lay
01:21:51Heard a lay
01:21:55Heard a lay, heard a lay
01:22:00Heard a lay, heard a lay
01:22:10Very good!
01:22:16Can we really keep the puppets, Uncle Max?
01:22:18Yes, may we, Uncle Max?
01:22:20Of course you may, my darlings.
01:22:22Why else would I have told Professor Conant
01:22:24to send the bill to your father?
01:22:26May we really keep them?
01:22:30Well done, Flora.
01:22:34I really am very, very much impressed.
01:22:36Well done, Captain.
01:22:44My dear, is there anything you can't do?
01:22:47Well, I'm not sure I'll make a very good nun.
01:22:49If you have any problems, I'd be happy to help you.
01:22:56Attention, attention, everyone.
01:22:58I have an announcement to make.
01:23:00Surprise, surprise.
01:23:02Today, after a long and desperate search,
01:23:04I have finally found a most exciting entry
01:23:07for the Salzburg Folk Festival.
01:23:09Congratulations, Max.
01:23:11Who will you be exploiting this time?
01:23:16The St. Ignatius Choir.
01:23:18Guess again.
01:23:20Let me see now.
01:23:22The Clockman Choir?
01:23:24No, no, no, no, no.
01:23:26Tell us.
01:23:28A singing group all in one family.
01:23:30You'll never guess, Georg.
01:23:32A charming idea.
01:23:34Uh, whose family?
01:23:38They'll be the talk of the festival.
01:23:44What's so funny?
01:23:46You are, Max.
01:23:48Expensive, but very funny.
01:23:50But you heard that there'll be a sensation.
01:23:53No, Max.
01:23:55It's a wonderful idea.
01:23:57Fresh, original.
01:23:59Max, my children do not sing in public.
01:24:02Well, you can't blame me for trying.
01:24:04Children, who shall we hear from next?
01:24:21The vote is unanimous.
01:24:23You, Captain.
01:24:27I don't understand.
01:24:39I'm told that a long time ago you were quite good.
01:24:41Well, that was a very, very, very long time ago.
01:24:43I remember, Father.
01:24:45Play us something we know.
01:25:00Why didn't you tell me?
01:25:04To bring along my harmonica.
01:25:08Hedel Weiss
01:25:11Hedel Weiss
01:25:15Every morning you greet me
01:25:22Small and white
01:25:26Clean and bright
01:25:30You look happy to meet me
01:25:37Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
01:25:44Bloom and grow forever
01:25:51Hedel Weiss
01:25:55Hedel Weiss
01:25:58Bless my homeland forever
01:26:10Hedel Weiss
01:26:13Hedel Weiss
01:26:17Every morning you greet me
01:26:24Small and white
01:26:28Clean and bright
01:26:31You look happy to meet me
01:26:38Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
01:26:45Bloom and grow forever
01:26:52Hedel Weiss
01:26:56Hedel Weiss
01:26:59Bless my homeland forever
01:27:16Anytime you say the word, Georg, you can be part of my new act.
01:27:21The Von Trapp Family Singers.
01:27:24I have a wonderful idea, Georg.
01:27:27Let's really fill this house with music.
01:27:30You must give a grand and glorious party for me while I'm here.
01:27:35Yes, I think it's high time.
01:27:37I met all your friends here in Salzburg and they met me.
01:27:40Don't you agree?
01:27:42I see what you mean.
01:27:45It's time to go to bed. Come now, say good night.
01:27:48Good night, Father.
01:27:50Good night, Father.
01:27:51Good night.
01:27:52Good night.
01:27:53Good night, Baroness.
01:27:54Good night.
01:27:55Good night, Father.
01:27:56Good night.
01:27:57Good night.
01:27:58Good night, Max.
01:28:02You'll be my first party, Father.
01:28:15The Von Trapp Family Singers
01:28:38Good evening, Baroness.
01:28:41Good evening.
01:28:45How do you do?
01:29:08I suppose you noticed the obvious display of the Austrian flag in the hallway.
01:29:19The women look so beautiful.
01:29:21I think they look ugly.
01:29:23You just say that because you're scared of them.
01:29:25Silly, only grown-up men are scared of women.
01:29:27I think the men look beautiful.
01:29:30How would you know?
01:29:43Liesl, who are you dancing with?
01:29:48Oh, yes, you are.
01:29:53May I have this dance?
01:29:55I'd be delighted, young man.
01:30:04Why didn't you children tell me you could dance?
01:30:07We were afraid you'd be scared.
01:30:09Why didn't you children tell me you could dance?
01:30:12We were afraid you'd make us all dance together.
01:30:14The Von Trapp Family dances.
01:30:21What's that they're playing?
01:30:23It's the Ländler. It's an Austrian folk dance.
01:30:26Show me.
01:30:27Oh, Kurt, I haven't danced that since I was a little girl.
01:30:29Oh, you remember. Please.
01:30:34All right, come on over here.
01:30:36Now you bow, and I curtsy.
01:30:39Like this?
01:30:41Fine. Now we go for a little walk. This way.
01:30:43One, two, three. One, two, three.
01:30:46One, two, three. Step together.
01:30:48Now, step, hop. Step, hop.
01:30:51Not an under.
01:30:53Not quite. This way.
01:30:55Hop, step, hop, and under.
01:30:58Kurt, we'll have to practice.
01:31:00Do allow me, will you?
01:32:07I don't remember any more.
01:32:12Your face is all red.
01:32:14Is it?
01:32:16Yes, it is.
01:32:18It's all right.
01:32:20It's all right.
01:32:22It's all right.
01:32:24It's all right.
01:32:26It's all right.
01:32:28It's all right.
01:32:30It's all right.
01:32:32It's all right.
01:32:34Your face is all red.
01:32:36Is it?
01:32:38I don't suppose I'm used to dancing.
01:32:43Well, that was beautifully done.
01:32:45What a lovely couple you make.
01:32:47Yes, I think it's time the children said good night.
01:32:49Yes, we'll be in the hall in a moment.
01:32:51We've got something very special prepared, right?
01:32:53Right. Yes, come on.
01:32:55Come on.
01:33:03All that needless worrying, Georg.
01:33:05You thought you wouldn't find a friend at the party.
01:33:11A bit chilly out tonight, isn't it?
01:33:13No, I don't know.
01:33:15It seemed rather warm to me.
01:33:21Ladies and gentlemen,
01:33:23the daughter-in-law of Captain Von Trapp
01:33:25wished to say good night to you.
01:33:41There's a sad sort of clanging
01:33:43From the clock in the hall
01:33:45And the bells in the steeple too
01:33:49And up in the nursery
01:33:51An absurd little bird
01:33:53Is popping out to say cuckoo
01:33:59Regretfully they tell us
01:34:01But firmly they compel us
01:34:03To say goodbye
01:34:07To you
01:34:15So long, farewell
01:34:17Auf wiedersehen, good night
01:34:19I hate to go
01:34:21And leave this pretty sight
01:34:31So long, farewell
01:34:33Auf wiedersehen, adieu
01:34:35Adieu, adieu
01:34:37To you and you and you
01:34:45So long, farewell
01:34:47Au revoir, auf wiedersehen
01:34:49I'd like to stay
01:34:51And taste my first champagne
01:35:01So long, farewell
01:35:03Auf wiedersehen, goodbye
01:35:05I leave and heave
01:35:07A sigh and say goodbye
01:35:15I'm glad to go
01:35:19I cannot tell a lie
01:35:21I flit, I float
01:35:25I flee, flee, flee
01:35:27I fly
01:35:29I fly, I fly, I fly
01:35:31I fly, I fly, I fly
01:35:33I fly, I fly, I fly
01:35:35I fly, I fly, I fly
01:35:37I fly, I fly, I fly
01:35:39The sun has gone
01:35:41To bed
01:35:43And so must I
01:35:45So long, farewell
01:35:47Auf wiedersehen, goodbye
01:35:49I leave and heave
01:35:51A sigh and say goodbye
01:36:27They are extraordinary, what they will do in the festival
01:36:29You, young lady
01:36:35Daughter, daughter
01:36:37You're not going to let this girl get away
01:36:39She has to join the party
01:36:41No, really
01:36:43Stop, stop it
01:36:45Georg, please
01:36:47You can if you want to, Fräulein
01:36:49I insist, you will be my dinner partner
01:36:51This is business
01:36:53Franz, set another place next to mine for Fräulein Maria
01:36:55What have you to say here, gentlemen?
01:37:00Well, it appears to be all arranged, doesn't it?
01:37:02It certainly does.
01:37:03I'm not suitably dressed.
01:37:05You can change. We'll wait for you.
01:37:10Captain, you must be very proud of your youngsters.
01:37:13I am. Thank you, Baroness.
01:37:15Is there a more beautiful expression of what is good in this country of ours
01:37:19than the innocent voices of our children?
01:37:23Oh, come now, Baron.
01:37:25Don't you have us believe that Austria alone holds the monopoly on virtue?
01:37:29Herr Zeller, some of us prefer Austrian voices raised in song
01:37:34to ugly German threats.
01:37:37The ostrich buries his head in the sand.
01:37:41And sometimes in the flag.
01:37:44Perhaps those who would warn you that the Anschluss is coming.
01:37:47And it is coming, Captain.
01:37:49Perhaps they would get further with you
01:37:51by setting their words to music.
01:37:53If the Nazis take over Austria,
01:37:55I have no doubt, Herr Zeller, that you will be the entire trumpet section.
01:37:58You flatter me, Captain.
01:38:00Oh, how clumsy of me.
01:38:02I meant to accuse you.
01:38:12It's very kind of you to offer to help me, Baroness.
01:38:14I'm delighted, Mary.
01:38:16I really don't think I do have anything that would be appropriate.
01:38:21Now, where is that lovely little thing you were wearing the other evening
01:38:25when the captain couldn't keep his eyes off you?
01:38:32Couldn't keep his eyes off me?
01:38:34Come, my dear, we are women.
01:38:37Now, let's not pretend we don't know when a man notices us.
01:38:40Here we are.
01:38:42A captain notices everybody and everything.
01:38:44There's no need to feel so defensive, Maria.
01:38:47You are quite attractive, you know.
01:38:50A captain would hardly be a man if he didn't notice you.
01:38:55Baroness, I hope you're joking.
01:38:58Not at all.
01:39:00But I've never done a thing to...
01:39:02You don't have to, my dear.
01:39:04There's nothing more irresistible to a man
01:39:06than a woman who's in love with him.
01:39:10In love with him?
01:39:12Of course.
01:39:14What's nice is he thinks he's in love with you.
01:39:19But that's not true.
01:39:21Surely you've noticed the way he looks into your eyes.
01:39:25And you know,
01:39:27you blushed in his arms when you were dancing just now.
01:39:31Don't take it to heart.
01:39:33He'll get over it soon enough, I should think.
01:39:36Men do, you know.
01:39:39Then I should go.
01:39:41I mustn't stay here.
01:39:44I must go.
01:39:54Is there something I can do to help?
01:39:56No, nothing.
01:40:01Please don't say a word about this to the captain.
01:40:05No. No, I wouldn't dream of it.
01:40:14Goodbye, Maria.
01:40:17I'm sure you'll make a very fine man.
01:40:44Champagne, darling?
01:40:46I feel like celebrating.
01:40:56You know something?
01:41:00Then if you're so clever, tell me how to get our little fräulein
01:41:02to use her influence with Georg.
01:41:04I want those children in the festival.
01:41:07Elsa, this is important.
01:41:09I want you to tell me
01:41:12Elsa, this is important to Austria.
01:41:14It wouldn't do you any harm, either.
01:41:16I thought of that.
01:41:18Well, if it's a matter of influence,
01:41:21maybe the one you'll have to be talking to is me.
01:42:11© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:44:41© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:45:16Isn't this fun?
01:45:18Um, four?
01:45:20I'm number five.
01:45:22Oh, yes.
01:45:33Baroness Schrader, do you mind if we stop now?
01:45:35We're tired.
01:45:37Oh, whatever you want, dear.
01:45:39We'll do it again tomorrow.
01:45:51The country's so restful, isn't it?
01:45:54Have some lemonade.
01:45:56Oh, there must be an easier way.
01:45:59I get a fiendish delight thinking of you as the mother of seven.
01:46:04How do you plan to do it?
01:46:06Darling, haven't you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?
01:46:12Baroness Machiavelli.
01:46:16Uncle Max, where's Father?
01:46:18I think he's in the house.
01:46:20What's the matter with all you gloomy pussies?
01:46:24I know what we'll do. Let's have a rehearsal.
01:46:26What for?
01:46:27Let's break believe we're standing on the stage at the festival.
01:46:30I don't feel like singing.
01:46:32Not without Fräulein Maria.
01:46:34Liesl, get the guitar. Come on, Marta.
01:46:36Everybody into the group. You know your places in the group.
01:46:39Get into your places. That's right. Now, be cheerful.
01:46:41Give us the key, Liesl.
01:46:45Now, impress me.
01:46:51Friedrich Gretel, why don't you sing?
01:46:53I can't. I've got a sore finger.
01:46:56But you sang so beautifully the night of the party.
01:46:59Come on, Olive. You sing something.
01:47:01Try something you know. Enjoy it. Be cheerful.
01:47:03All right, Liesl.
01:47:07The hills are alive
01:47:13With the sound of music
01:47:21With songs they have sung
01:47:27For a thousand years
01:47:35The hills fill my heart
01:47:41With the sound of music
01:47:49They just wanted to sing for me, bless their hearts.
01:47:52That's lovely, lovely. Don't stop.
01:47:58Something long and cool, Georg?
01:48:00No, thank you, darling.
01:48:03Yes, Rikki-tan?
01:48:05Is it true Fräulein Maria isn't coming back?
01:48:08Fräulein Maria? Yes, I suppose it's true, yes.
01:48:10What have we got here?
01:48:11Pink lemonade.
01:48:13Laced with, uh, lemonade.
01:48:16I don't believe it, Father.
01:48:18Hmm? Don't believe what, darling?
01:48:20About Fräulein Maria.
01:48:22Oh, Fräulein Maria. Didn't I tell you what a note said?
01:48:25Oh, I'm sure I did.
01:48:27She said she missed her life at the abbey too much.
01:48:30She had to leave us.
01:48:32And that's all there is to it.
01:48:36I think I'm brave enough to try some of that.
01:48:39She didn't even say goodbye.
01:48:41She did in her note.
01:48:42That isn't the same thing.
01:48:44Not too sweet, not too sour.
01:48:46Just too, uh, pink.
01:48:49Father? Hmm?
01:48:51Who is our new governess going to be?
01:48:59you're not going to have a governess anymore.
01:49:05We're not?
01:49:10You're going to have a new mother.
01:49:13A new mother?
01:49:16We talked about it last night.
01:49:18It's all settled.
01:49:20And we're all going to have a new mother.
01:49:23And we're all going to be very happy. Hmm?
01:49:53Well, all right, all right, all right. Now run off and play.
01:50:24Yes, my children?
01:50:26Uh, my name is Liesel.
01:50:28Yes, Liesel.
01:50:29We, my brothers and sisters, we want to see Froylein Maria.
01:50:34Froylein Maria?
01:50:37Oh, Maria.
01:50:40Come in, please.
01:50:44Wait here.
01:50:54I'm Sister Margareta.
01:50:56I understand you've been inquiring about Maria.
01:50:58We have to see her. Will you tell her we're here?
01:51:01Yes, I will.
01:51:03I'm going to see her.
01:51:05I'm going to see her.
01:51:07I'm going to see her.
01:51:09I'm going to see her.
01:51:11Maria, we have to see her. Will you tell her we're here, please?
01:51:14I'm afraid I can't do that.
01:51:16Oh, but you've got to. We have to see her.
01:51:18She's our governess. We want her back.
01:51:20She didn't even say goodbye.
01:51:22It's very important.
01:51:24All we want to do is talk to her.
01:51:26I'm very sorry, children, but Maria is in seclusion.
01:51:28She hasn't been seeing anyone.
01:51:30She'll see us. I know she will.
01:51:32I want to show her my fingers.
01:51:34Oh, some other time, dear.
01:51:36I'll tell her that you were here.
01:51:38I'm sure she'll like to see us.
01:51:40Come along, children. Come along home.
01:51:42I'm sure she'll like to see us.
01:51:44Sister Margareta, we want to see you.
01:51:47Goodbye, children.
01:51:49We want to see you.
01:51:54What was that about, Sister Margareta?
01:51:56The von Trapp children, Reverend Mother.
01:51:58They want to see Maria.
01:52:00Has she spoken yet?
01:52:02Has she told you anything?
01:52:04She doesn't say a word, Reverend Mother,
01:52:06except in prayer.
01:52:08Poor child.
01:52:10It's strange.
01:52:12She seems happy to be back here,
01:52:14and yet she's unhappy, too.
01:52:16Perhaps I have been wrong
01:52:18in leaving her alone so long.
01:52:20I think you'd better bring her to me,
01:52:22even if she's not yet ready.
01:52:24Yes, Reverend Mother.
01:52:30Sister Augusta,
01:52:32take our new postulant to the robing room.
01:52:35God bless you, my daughter.
01:52:43Yes, bring her in.
01:52:54You've been unhappy.
01:52:56I'm sorry.
01:52:58Reverend Mother.
01:53:00Why did they send you back to us?
01:53:04They didn't send me back, Mother.
01:53:06I left.
01:53:08Sit down, Maria.
01:53:10Tell me what happened.
01:53:15Well, I...
01:53:17I was frightened.
01:53:21Were they unkind to you?
01:53:23Oh, no.
01:53:25No, I was confused.
01:53:27I felt...
01:53:29I've never felt that way before.
01:53:31I couldn't stay.
01:53:33If I could get away from it, I'd be safe.
01:53:37our abbey is not to be used as an escape.
01:53:40What is it you can't face?
01:53:44I can't face him again.
01:53:50Thank you, Sister Margaretha.
01:53:53Captain Funtrap?
01:54:00Are you in love with him?
01:54:02I don't know.
01:54:04I don't know.
01:54:06The baroness said I was.
01:54:08She said that he was in love with me,
01:54:11but I didn't want to believe it.
01:54:13Oh, there were...
01:54:15There were...
01:54:17There were...
01:54:19I couldn't believe it.
01:54:21Oh, there were times when we would look at each other.
01:54:24Oh, Mother, I could hardly breathe.
01:54:26Did you let him see how you felt?
01:54:28If I did, I didn't know it.
01:54:30That's what's been torturing me.
01:54:32I was there on God's errand.
01:54:34To have asked for his love would have been wrong.
01:54:37I couldn't stay. I just couldn't.
01:54:39I'm ready at this moment to take my vows.
01:54:42Please help me.
01:54:47the love of a man and a woman is holy, too.
01:54:50You have a great capacity to love.
01:54:52What you must find out is how God wants you to spend your love.
01:54:55But I've pledged my life to God.
01:54:57I... I've pledged my life to his service.
01:54:59My daughter, if you love this man,
01:55:01it doesn't mean you love God less.
01:55:07You must find out.
01:55:11You must go back.
01:55:14Oh, Mother, you can't ask me to do that.
01:55:16Please let me stay. I beg of you.
01:55:18Maria, these walls were not built to shut out problems.
01:55:23You have to face them.
01:55:25You have to live the life you were born to live.
01:55:34Climb every mountain
01:55:39Search high and low
01:55:43Follow every byway
01:55:48Every path you know
01:55:53Climb every mountain
01:55:57Ford every stream
01:56:02Follow every rainbow
01:56:07Till you find your dream
01:56:11A dream that will need
01:56:15All the love you can give
01:56:20Every day of your life
01:56:24For as long as you live
01:56:31Climb every mountain
01:56:35Ford every stream
01:56:39Follow every rainbow
01:56:44Till you find your dream
01:56:53A dream that will need
01:56:57All the love you can give
01:57:03Every day of your life
01:57:07For as long as you live
01:57:14Climb every mountain
01:57:18Ford every stream
01:57:23Follow every rainbow
01:57:28Till you find your dream
01:57:45Now, it's not like my children to be secretive.
01:57:49We're not being secretive, Father.
01:57:53And it's not like my children to be late, but enough.
01:57:56We lost track of the time.
01:57:58Ah, I see.
01:58:00All right, now, who's going to be the first one to tell me the truth?
01:58:07Where do you think we were, Father?
01:58:16Well, if you don't believe us, you must have some idea where you think we were.
01:58:23Aha! Marta?
01:58:25Yes, Father?
01:58:26You tell me.
01:58:28Friedrich told you, Father, we were berry-picking.
01:58:33I forgot you were berry-picking!
01:58:38All afternoon?
01:58:40We picked thousands of them.
01:58:42All over the place.
01:58:43What kind of berries?
01:58:44Uh, blueberries, sir.
01:58:49It's, um, too early for blueberries.
01:58:54They were strawberries.
01:58:57It's been so cold lately, they turned blue.
01:59:05Very well.
01:59:06Show me the berries.
01:59:08Um, we, well...
01:59:10Well, show me the berries you picked. Come on.
01:59:12We don't have them anymore.
01:59:13You don't have them anymore?
01:59:15Well, what happened to them?
01:59:16Well, we, we, we ate them.
01:59:19You ate them?
01:59:21We ate them!
01:59:22Oh, they were so good!
01:59:23Very well.
01:59:25Since you've obviously stuffed yourselves
01:59:28full of thousands of delicious berries,
01:59:30you can't be hungry anymore,
01:59:32so I'll just have to simply tell Frau Schmidt
01:59:35to skip your dinner.
01:59:47It's all your fault.
01:59:48We should have told him the truth
01:59:50and made him boiling mad at us.
01:59:52It's better than starving to death.
01:59:54We didn't do anything wrong.
01:59:56We just wanted to see her.
01:59:58My stomach's making noises.
02:00:02The least I could have done was to let her say hello.
02:00:06I wonder what grass tastes like.
02:00:08I feel awful.
02:00:10When Freuda Maria wanted to feel better,
02:00:12she used to sing that song, remember?
02:00:15Let's try it.
02:00:17Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
02:00:24Bright-colored kettles and warm woolen mittens
02:00:31Brown paper packages tied up with strings
02:00:38These are a few of my favorite things
02:00:44Why don't I feel better?
02:00:47Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
02:00:53Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
02:00:59Silver-white winters that melt into spring
02:01:04I'm feeling sad
02:01:08When the dog bites, when the bee stings
02:01:11When I'm feeling sad
02:01:14I simply remember my favorite things
02:01:17And then I don't feel so bad
02:01:27Oh, Sharon, I'm so glad to see you.
02:01:29We missed you.
02:01:30Oh, I missed you.
02:01:31Kurt, how are you?
02:01:35Gretel, what happened to your finger?
02:01:37It got caught.
02:01:38Caught in what?
02:01:39Friedrich's tea.
02:01:41Liesl, are you all right?
02:01:43Just fair.
02:01:44Any telegram has been delivered here lately?
02:01:46None at all, Fraulein, but I'm learning to accept it.
02:01:49I'll be glad when school begins.
02:01:51Oh, Liesl, you can't use school to escape your problems.
02:01:54You have to face them.
02:01:56Oh, I have so much to tell you all.
02:01:58We have things to tell you, too.
02:01:59I'm sure you do.
02:02:00The most important thing is that father's going to be married.
02:02:05Yes, to Baroness Schrader.
02:02:15Oh, I see.
02:02:18Oh, father, look!
02:02:19Father, father, Maria's come back!
02:02:22Maria's come back from the abbey!
02:02:26Good evening, Captain.
02:02:29Good evening.
02:02:32All right, everyone inside, go and get your dinner.
02:02:45You left without saying goodbye.
02:02:49Even to the children.
02:02:51Well, it was wrong of me.
02:02:52Forgive me.
02:02:54Why did you?
02:02:56Please don't ask me.
02:02:57Anyway, the reason no longer exists.
02:03:00Fraulein Maria, you've returned.
02:03:04Isn't it wonderful, Georg?
02:03:09May I wish you every happiness, Baroness.
02:03:12And you, too, Captain.
02:03:13The children tell me you're to be married.
02:03:15Thank you, my dear.
02:03:19You are back to stay?
02:03:24Only until arrangements can be made for another governess.
02:04:03There you are.
02:04:34I really must speak to cook about the wiener schnitzel.
02:04:37It is entirely too delicious for my figure.
02:04:41And it makes you much too quiet at the dinner table.
02:04:44Was it the wine?
02:04:47Oh, undoubtedly the wine.
02:04:51You have no idea what kind of trouble I'm having
02:04:54trying to decide what to give you for a wedding present.
02:04:57Oh, I know, I'm enough.
02:04:59But I do want you to have some little trifle for the occasion.
02:05:02At first, I thought of a fountain pen,
02:05:05but you've already got one.
02:05:07And then I thought, perhaps, a villa in the south of France,
02:05:11where they are so difficult to gift, perhaps.
02:05:13Oh, Georg, how do you feel about yachts?
02:05:16A long, sleek one for the Mediterranean
02:05:19or a tiny one for your goddaughter, hmm?
02:05:23And where to go on our honeymoon, now, that is a real problem.
02:05:26I thought a trip around the world would be lovely.
02:05:29Then I said, oh, Elsa, there must be someplace better to go.
02:05:33Don't worry, darling, I'll...
02:05:36Yes, Georg?
02:05:38It's no use.
02:05:41You and I,
02:05:44I'm being dishonest.
02:05:48You and I.
02:05:51I'm being dishonest to both of us.
02:05:55I'm utterly unfair to you.
02:06:02When two people talk of marriage...
02:06:04No, don't.
02:06:06Don't say another word, Georg, please.
02:06:10You see,
02:06:13there are other things I've been thinking of.
02:06:17Fond as I am of you,
02:06:19I really don't think you're the right man for me.
02:06:22You're, um...
02:06:24You're much too independent,
02:06:27and I need someone who needs me desperately
02:06:32or at least needs my money desperately.
02:06:37I've enjoyed every moment we've had together.
02:06:40I do thank you for that.
02:06:45Now, if you'll forgive me,
02:06:47I'll go inside, pack my little bags,
02:06:49and return to Vienna, where I belong.
02:06:57And somewhere out there is a young lady
02:07:00who I think...
02:07:04will never be a nun.
02:07:17Auf Wiedersehen, darling.
02:07:48I thought I just might find you here.
02:07:56Was there something you wanted?
02:07:59No, no, no. Sit down, please.
02:08:06Uh, may I?
02:08:21You know, I was...
02:08:23I was thinking, and I was wondering two things.
02:08:27Why did you...
02:08:31two things.
02:08:33Why did you run away to the abbey?
02:08:40what was it that made you come back?
02:08:44Well, I had an obligation to fulfill,
02:08:47and I...
02:08:49I came back to fulfill it.
02:08:52Is that all?
02:08:54And I missed the children.
02:08:59Uh, only the children?
02:09:01No. Yes.
02:09:03Isn't it right I should have missed them?
02:09:05Oh, yes, yes, of course.
02:09:07I was only hoping that perhaps you...
02:09:11perhaps you might, uh...
02:09:17Well, uh, nothing was the same when you were away,
02:09:22and it'll be all wrong again after you leave,
02:09:27so I just thought perhaps you might, uh...
02:09:31change your mind?
02:09:35Well, I'm sure the baroness will be able to make things fine for you.
02:09:43There isn't going to be any baroness.
02:09:46There isn't?
02:09:51I don't understand.
02:09:55Well, we've, um...
02:09:57called off our engagement, you see, and, uh...
02:09:59Oh, I'm sorry.
02:10:01Yes. You are?
02:10:03Mm-hmm. You did?
02:10:07Well, you can't...
02:10:10marry someone when you're...
02:10:14in love with someone else.
02:10:20Can you?
02:10:56The reverend mother always says...
02:10:59when the lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window.
02:11:10What else does the reverend mother say?
02:11:14That you have to look for your life.
02:11:18Is that why you came back?
02:11:25And have you found it, Maria?
02:11:30I think I have.
02:11:35I know I have.
02:11:39I love you.
02:11:44Oh, how can this be happening to me?
02:11:49Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
02:11:56Perhaps I had a miserable youth
02:12:02But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past
02:12:10There must have been a moment of truth
02:12:17For here you are, standing there, loving me
02:12:24Whether or not you should
02:12:31So somewhere in my youth or childhood
02:12:39I must have done something good
02:12:48Nothing comes from nothing
02:12:52Nothing ever could
02:12:57So somewhere in my youth or childhood
02:13:06I must have done something good
02:13:17Do you know when I first started loving you?
02:13:22That night at the dinner table when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.
02:13:28I knew the first time you blew that silly whistle.
02:13:32Oh, my love.
02:13:38For here you are, standing there, loving me
02:13:48Whether or not you should
02:13:55So somewhere in my youth or childhood
02:14:03I must have done something good
02:14:12Nothing comes from nothing
02:14:16Nothing ever could
02:14:21So somewhere in my youth or childhood
02:14:32I must have done something
02:15:03Is there anyone I should go to to ask permission to marry you?
02:15:12Well, why don't we ask the children?
02:28:29They've offered me a commission in their navy.
02:28:31I've been requested to accept immediately
02:28:34and report to their naval base at Bremerhaven tomorrow.
02:28:38I knew something like this would happen.
02:28:40I didn't think it would be so soon.
02:28:42To refuse them would be fatal for all of us.
02:28:47And joining them would be unthinkable.
02:28:57Put the children all together.
02:28:59Don't say anything that's going to make them worry.
02:29:01Just get them ready.
02:29:03We've got to get out of Austria...
02:29:07and this house.
02:29:11Good night.
02:30:03It's time you made the announcement.
02:30:05We'll be over the border.
02:30:07I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making.
02:30:09You have no choice.
02:30:11I know. That's why I'm making it.
02:30:14Why doesn't Father turn the motor on?
02:30:17Because he doesn't want anyone to hear us.
02:30:23What will Frau Schmidt and Franz say
02:30:25when they discover we're gone?
02:30:27They'll be able to answer truthfully.
02:30:29They didn't know anything about it if anyone asks them.
02:30:31I hope so, Hazel. I do hope someday.
02:30:34Are Father and Uncle Max going to push the car
02:30:37all the way to Switzerland?
02:31:02Something wrong with your car, Captain?
02:31:05Yes, as a matter of fact, we couldn't get it started.
02:31:14Fix Captain von Trapp's car so that it will start.
02:31:32Excellent, Karl.
02:31:38I've not asked you where you and your family are going.
02:31:42Nor have you asked me why I'm here.
02:31:44Well, apparently, we're both suffering
02:31:46from a deplorable lack of curiosity.
02:31:49You were sent a telegram which read,
02:31:51I'm going to Switzerland.
02:31:53I'm going to get married.
02:31:55I'm going to get married.
02:31:57I'm going to get married.
02:31:59You were sent a telegram which you did not answer.
02:32:02A telegram from Admiral von Schreiber
02:32:04of the Navy of the Third Reich.
02:32:06I was under the impression, Zeller,
02:32:08that the contents of telegrams in Austria are private.
02:32:12At least the Austria...
02:32:15I know.
02:32:17I have my orders.
02:32:19I'm there to take you personally to Bremerhaven tonight
02:32:22where you will accept your commission.
02:32:25I'm afraid that's going to be quite impossible.
02:32:31You see, we...
02:32:33all of us, the entire family,
02:32:35will be singing in the festival tonight.
02:32:39As a matter of fact, that's where we're going now.
02:32:42Couldn't possibly let them down now.
02:32:45I just hope we're not too late.
02:32:49And you ask me to believe this, that you, Captain von Trapp,
02:32:52are singing in a concert.
02:32:54Believe me, it will be a performance
02:32:56beyond anything even I've dreamt of.
02:32:59Like you, Herr Zeller,
02:33:01I, too, am a man of hidden talents.
02:33:04Yes, um...
02:33:06Here. Program.
02:33:13It says here only the names of the children.
02:33:16It says the von Trapp family singers.
02:33:19And I'm the head of the von Trapp family, am I not?
02:33:24And these, um...
02:33:26these travel clothes that you're all wearing?
02:33:29Our costumes, naturally.
02:33:31Herr Zeller, this night air is not good for the children's voices.
02:33:40Well, a slight delay in my orders will not be serious.
02:33:47you will sing.
02:33:50You will all sing.
02:33:53But only because that's the way I want it to be.
02:33:56It will demonstrate that nothing in Austria has changed.
02:34:00And when you have finished singing,
02:34:03you, Captain von Trapp, will be taken to Bremerhaven.
02:34:07Now, if you will all get into your car,
02:34:10we will escort the von Trapp family singers to the festival.
02:34:15No escort will be necessary, Herr Zeller.
02:34:18Necessary? A pleasure, Captain.
02:34:21After all, we would not want you to get lost in the crowds.
02:34:26Would we?
02:34:45So, I need a pulling thread
02:34:48I need a pulling thread
02:34:50A note to follow so
02:34:52A note to follow so
02:34:53A drink with jam and bread
02:34:55A drink with jam and bread
02:35:12With jam, with jam, tea with jam, and bread, with jam, and bread, with jam, with jam, and bread.
02:35:41My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again, perhaps for a very long time.
02:36:12I would like to sing for you now a love song.
02:36:19I know you share this love. I pray that you will never let it die.
02:36:26Edelweiss, Edelweiss, every morning you greet me.
02:36:53Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
02:37:06Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever.
02:37:18Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.
02:37:34Edelweiss, Edelweiss.
02:37:47Small and white, clean and bright, you look happy to meet me.
02:38:00Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever.
02:38:11Edelweiss, Edelweiss, bless my homeland forever.
02:38:42I think it'll work. I shall miss all of you. I shall miss the money I could have made with you.
02:38:54Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, thank you.
02:38:57The festival competition has come to its conclusion, except of course we don't know yet what that conclusion will be.
02:39:04And while the judges are arriving at their decision, I have been given permission to offer you an encore.
02:39:09This will be the last opportunity the Fontraps will have of singing together for a long, long time.
02:39:17Even now, officials are waiting in this auditorium to escort Captain Fontrap to his new command in the naval forces of the Third Reich.
02:39:27And so, ladies and gentlemen, the family Fontrap again, to bid you farewell.
02:39:47There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall, and the bells in the steeple too.
02:39:55And up in the nursery an absurd little bird is popping out to say cuckoo.
02:40:02Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
02:40:05Regretfully they tell us, but firmly they compel us to say goodbye to you.
02:40:18So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night.
02:40:24We hate to go and miss this pretty sight.
02:40:33So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu.
02:40:38Adieu, adieu, to you, and you, and you.
02:40:48So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.
02:40:52We flit, we float, we fleet, fleet, fleet, we fly.
02:41:01So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.
02:41:06The sun has gone to bed and so must I.
02:42:04Ladies and gentlemen, I have here the decision of our distinguished judges.
02:42:08We will start with the award for third prize.
02:42:12For this honor, the judges have named the first soloist of the choir of St. Agatha's Church in Mürbach.
02:42:19Fräulein Schweiger.
02:42:38Second prize.
02:42:59Second prize to the Toby Riser Quintet.
02:43:30The first prize, the highest honor in all Austria, to the Von Trapp Family Singers.
02:43:51The Von Trapp Family.
02:44:07They're gone.
02:44:24Come with me.
02:44:30Quickly, quickly.
02:44:33I have a place you can hide.
02:44:36Slowly, slowly.
02:44:50Open this gate.
02:44:53Good evening.
02:44:57Hurry up, woman.
02:45:19Two men in there. Six of you, come out and cover the yard.
02:45:22You two, cover the corridor.
02:45:39Reverend Mother, we didn't realize we put the Abbey in this danger.
02:45:43No, Maria. It was right for you to come here.
02:45:46We thought we might borrow your caretaker's car.
02:45:48I'm afraid our car would do you no good now.
02:45:50I've been listening to the wireless.
02:45:52The borders have just been closed.
02:46:00All right, the borders are closed.
02:46:04Then we'll drive up into the hills and go over those mountains on foot.
02:46:08But the children.
02:46:09We'll help them. They'll be all right.
02:46:10We can do it without help, Father.
02:46:15You will not be alone.
02:46:17Remember, I will lift up mine eyes into the hills from whence come at my help.
02:46:23Yes, Mother.
02:46:25I'm scared.
02:46:26Me too.
02:46:39God be with you.
02:46:50Would it help if we sang about our favorite things?
02:46:53No, darling. This is one time it would not help.
02:46:56You must be very quiet.
02:46:59Hold tight to me.
02:47:17Thank you.
02:47:47Thank you.
02:48:17Thank you.
02:48:47Come on, let's try the roof.
02:49:47Rock, please.
02:50:18No, wait.
02:50:38It's you we want.
02:50:39Not them.
02:50:41Put that down.
02:50:44Not another move, or I'll shoot.
02:50:48You're only a boy.
02:50:53You don't really belong to them.
02:50:55Stay where you are.
02:50:58Come away with us.
02:51:01Before it's too late.
02:51:03Not another step. I'll kill you.
02:51:08You give that to me, Rolf.
02:51:11Did you hear me?
02:51:12I'll kill you.
02:51:37You'll never be one of them.
02:51:43Lieutenant, they're here!
02:51:44They're here, Lieutenant!
02:51:47They're here!
02:52:18Reverend Mother.
02:52:21I have sinned.
02:52:24I too, Reverend Mother.
02:52:28What is this sin, my children?
02:53:17I have sinned.
02:53:18I have sinned.
02:53:19I have sinned.
02:53:20I have sinned.
02:53:21I have sinned.
02:53:22I have sinned.
02:53:23I have sinned.
02:53:24I have sinned.
02:53:25I have sinned.
02:53:26I have sinned.
02:53:27I have sinned.
02:53:28I have sinned.
02:53:29I have sinned.
02:53:30I have sinned.
02:53:31I have sinned.
02:53:32I have sinned.
02:53:33I have sinned.
02:53:34I have sinned.
02:53:35I have sinned.
02:53:36I have sinned.
02:53:37I have sinned.
02:53:38I have sinned.
02:53:39I have sinned.
02:53:40I have sinned.
02:53:41I have sinned.
02:53:42I have sinned.
02:53:43I have sinned.
02:53:44I have sinned.
02:53:45I have sinned.
02:53:46I have sinned.
02:53:47I have sinned.
02:53:48I have sinned.
02:53:49I have sinned.
02:53:50I have sinned.
02:53:51I have sinned.
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02:54:40I have sinned.
02:54:41I have sinned.
02:54:42I have sinned.
02:54:43I have sinned.
