Satisfaction Season 3 Episode 9 | Bug Crush | Australia (2010)

  • 2 days ago
Plot: Lauren realises the length Kate will go to create conflict between her and John, and Amy gets involved with a client after he brings a bug to their session.

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00:00Previously, on Satisfaction.
00:04What you need to understand is that you're an amusement park ride, aren't you?
00:08And boys go to the amusement park for cheap thrills, but they don't sleep over.
00:11They always go home, don't they, Anne?
00:13My name is Amy.
00:14Hi, Gus.
00:15I just met Lucy.
00:16She's gonna ruin your life.
00:19And you know what?
00:20You deserve it.
00:22You are the straightest person I've ever met.
00:27Maybe that's why I was so attracted to you.
00:29I was trying to kid myself I was a bit more bent than I actually am.
00:32Maybe I was trying to kid myself I'm more straight than I am.
00:36We were never gonna last more than ten minutes, were we?
00:40In the meantime, I wouldn't mind you, um, witnessing a few, um, signatures for me.
00:50Of course.
00:51It's what I'm here for.
00:57Let us talk about your bar tab.
00:58Oh, must we?
01:00Ignoring knock-off drinks, which of course are free, you own $523.
01:05No way.
01:07Rain it in, will you?
01:08It's not a pretty look.
01:11Shove it up your quacker.
01:13That was my daughter, Kate.
01:14She wants to spend her holidays with me.
01:16That's good, isn't it?
01:18You don't understand how good.
01:22But I think I just completely shafted our plans for next weekend.
01:28Can't think of a better reason than to shaft.
01:40So, do you like sex?
01:43I do.
01:45Are you good at it, then?
01:48I'm not.
01:49I'm hopeless.
01:52Sorry, a Dominic.
01:54So what made you decide to come here?
01:56Um, my doctor said I should.
01:59Your doctor?
02:00He said I should try and attempt some sort of human connection.
02:04Physical human connection.
02:06Seems logical.
02:08Yeah, most days I look around at people and just don't understand them at all.
02:16But you know what I do understand?
02:18Tell me.
02:22Love bugs.
02:26Me too.
02:28You mean like platonic?
02:31Like the more platonically?
02:33Yeah, platonic.
02:36Yeah, me too.
02:44Um, so should we just get the touching each other thing out of the way with?
02:48Yes, we should.
02:51Or I could just write you a note for your doctor.
02:57No, I need to do this.
03:09Immerse yourself in me.
03:14In bliss and ecstasy.
03:17Play in your games of passion.
03:23Naked seduction and breathless emotion.
03:29Sea of love and sadness.
03:35I want you.
03:48I want you.
03:56Embrace me.
04:06I want you.
04:11What happens at 232 stays at 232.
04:16Come on, tell me.
04:18What do other women get you to do?
04:20I'm a gentleman, Ruby.
04:22I don't talk out of school.
04:24Let me take that for you.
04:30I know you've probably been told this a million times, but you have.
04:35You have amazing eyes.
04:37They're probably not a million.
04:39It's true, they are.
04:41They are incredible.
04:43Do you always start like that?
04:47Every time, lay on the compliments?
04:49Oh no, sometimes I start with a few insults and then follow that up with a spanking.
04:55Sounds like fun.
04:56We can go that way if you like.
05:00How long do you usually need to spend on foreplay?
05:03Oh, not long.
05:05I'm pretty good at pressing the right buttons.
05:11Is that on-the-job training or does it come naturally?
05:16Why don't you come and hide out with me underneath the sheets and I will share all my secrets with you.
05:25Share your secrets?
05:27Is that what people do, strangers who've just met each other?
05:32I think it's what they should do.
05:37You are incredibly good looking.
05:41Don't you think this would be a lot better without our clothes on?
05:43Would it?
05:46I have to get that.
05:47I don't hear a thing.
05:48I have to get that.
05:58What? No.
06:03No, it's okay.
06:12I have to go.
06:13Oh, come on Ruby, you're torturing me here.
06:16I'm sorry.
06:18But I have to say, your act is good.
06:20There is no act, okay?
06:22I am genuinely disappointed.
06:28Do they always come back for more?
06:48Amy, wait, wait a second.
06:50It feels good, doesn't it?
06:51It's no use, nothing's happening.
06:55I can fix this.
06:56You've just got to lie back and relax.
06:58No, I'm nervous all of a sudden.
07:00Don't be.
07:01I'm thinking too much.
07:05Your home?
07:06Yeah, look, I should go.
07:11Are you thinking about your wife?
07:14What makes you think I have a wife?
07:18Do you?
07:22We don't have sex, alright?
07:24It's hard to explain.
07:25You don't have to.
07:26Sometimes I masturbate in front of her.
07:29Good for you.
07:30You think I'm strange?
07:33I think you should stay.
07:40Oh, that party was great.
07:52I ended up face down, swallowing a mouthful of sand on Waikiki Beach.
07:56Yeah, I woke up to the sun rising and one of those beach sweepers a couple of feet away from my face.
08:00What, the driver didn't see you?
08:02No, I was 17 and nearly blood and bone.
08:05Ew, gross.
08:06You're exaggerating for effect.
08:08No, no, it's a true story.
08:09Well, we just had a nice, lovely, civilised holiday, didn't we, Katie?
08:13Whatever you say, Mum.
08:14We did.
08:17We can do this tomorrow.
08:19Oh, no, I'm puttering.
08:20You go to bed.
08:21Come on, I'll be in in a minute.
08:24Night, Kate.
08:29You've been drinking wine.
08:31No, you and John have been guzzling it.
08:35Oh, while I remember.
08:37You're welcome to bring along one of your friends to the market on Sunday.
08:40Oh, I never keep in contact with any of them.
08:43That's not like you.
08:44I was on the phone to Susie or Lulu or Jack.
08:47We're not into the same stuff anymore.
08:49Hmm, I just thought I'd ask.
08:52Anyway, John and I will keep you company.
08:57What, I did tell you John was coming, didn't I?
08:59No, Mum, you didn't.
09:01I'm sure I did.
09:02You didn't.
09:11The thing is, I'm the one who built up that side of the business, developed the relationships.
09:17Well, you used to be at the conference then.
09:19You know, I could pull rank.
09:23Demand a meeting at least to talk about it.
09:25But then I just look petulant, don't I?
09:27Like I'm being jealous or something.
09:33What do you think?
09:35I think that you should climb on top of me again.
09:39No, really.
09:40You know what these people are like.
09:42No, I don't.
09:44I've never met them.
09:45But I've told you everything.
09:47And your advice is always spot on.
09:49Or am I just being paranoid?
09:58I reckon they're going to fire you.
10:02Well, your boss told me himself.
10:05Him and I have been speaking.
10:12232, how may I help you?
10:15Will, you're booked in for next Wednesday, I believe.
10:18I was wondering, let's maybe hold off on that booking.
10:21You'd like to cancel?
10:24Or how would it be if I were to see a different person?
10:27See a different girl?
10:29Is that bad?
10:30No, of course not.
10:31We have a number of girls for you to choose from.
10:34May I ask, did you have some problem with Tess?
10:36Some way in which we can improve our service?
10:38No problem.
10:39Just would like to see somebody different.
10:43Well, we recommend some alternatives.
10:45How about Erin?
10:46Gorgeous brunette.
10:47What do you mean?
11:01Become uninvolved.
11:05Just a book someone gave me.
11:07I was going to say, you don't seem like yourself out there.
11:09Oh, I'm not, um, I don't know.
11:13Well, I guess it's not something you'd have to worry about.
11:17You know, becoming over-involved with someone.
11:20What do you mean by that?
11:22I mean, you wouldn't let yourself get all bound up by other people's stuff.
11:26Are you calling me selfish?
11:28No, it was a compliment.
11:30It's not a compliment.
11:32I'm sorry.
11:36Actually, I'm not sorry.
11:38It was a compliment.
11:39Take it or leave it.
11:41I'm not selfish.
11:43I do stuff for other people.
11:44Only when it suits you.
11:47I'm just on my way to the bar.
11:49I've got a booking.
11:52Back again.
11:53That's twice in six hours.
11:56It's got to be a record.
11:57Did we not get it right the first time?
12:00Maybe I got it perfect.
12:05To be that sure of yourself, you need to be able to fake it that well.
12:08Listen, Tess, you came into work late again.
12:11I had a meeting.
12:12You seem to have a lot of meetings lately.
12:14Yeah, a few.
12:16So right now, I'm racing against the clock a bit.
12:19How's your session with Will?
12:21The usual.
12:22Okay, I guess.
12:23No problems?
12:26He wants a change of scenery.
12:29Well, he's a bit stressed about his work.
12:32It's your job to de-stress.
12:34Yes, I know.
12:35It doesn't mean I have to listen to his crap if I don't want to.
12:38I should get out then.
12:49I'm glad you came back.
12:52Of course.
12:57Can I turn around now?
12:59Just wait a minute.
13:06There's something unusual about you.
13:11That's not true.
13:12I'm just a normal person.
13:20Okay, Dominic.
13:22So, we just gently put...
13:30What are you looking at?
13:32Tell me.
13:37Dominic, I'm here.
13:39I'm here.
13:42What's with the...
13:43No, don't look at that.
13:47No, Amy, Amy.
13:54It's not what you think.
13:56A bug?
13:59Be careful.
14:01I want to take a look at it.
14:02Okay, well, it was in my bag because I had it at work.
14:06Rhinoceros beetle, right?
14:09And you were looking at it while we were having sex.
14:13Yeah, you were.
14:15It's okay.
14:20I'm not...
14:23I'm not crazy.
14:24I just really like insects.
14:26I just like to look at them.
14:30Yeah, a lot of them are amazing to look at.
14:37Yeah, somehow the...
14:39the connection between the stillness and the intricacy...
14:46just makes me...
14:52I don't know, maybe I am insane.
14:57You're not.
15:05No, did you speak to Ruby?
15:07A client from earlier today.
15:09Her session got interrupted.
15:10I told her she could reschedule and I'd waive the fee.
15:13Didn't say anything to me.
15:15In fact, there is a definite pattern with Tess.
15:19I've checked it through and there is a definite pattern.
15:22Clients last four, maybe five sessions with her
15:25and then all of a sudden they're gone.
15:26They move on to someone else.
15:28Well, that's kosher, isn't it?
15:30No, some girls have clients coming back for ten years.
15:33Well, maybe Tess gets duller for a while.
15:36Does she seem dull to you?
15:38No, there's more to it than that.
15:40So if Ruby calls you...
15:41Hang on, you waived the fee, the whole fee.
15:44It wasn't your fault.
15:46I was feeling generous.
15:47Was she fun?
15:50She was alright.
15:51Maybe she's seeing them outside of work.
15:56She's doing fewer hours here.
15:58She's having strange meetings.
16:00I heard her speaking to Lauren about a hotel.
16:02I bet you she's moonlighting.
16:04I'm going to leave this one with you, Sherlock.
16:07You've been a gigantic help.
16:09As always.
16:35I've got a throbbing headache.
16:40How much did we drink last night?
16:49You got room in there for one more?
16:57I thought the milk bar was as strange as a person.
17:00She always makes some personal comment.
17:03She does have very fresh eggs.
17:05Bet she's not as strange as some people.
17:08I'm going to make omelettes.
17:09Don't even listen.
17:11You speak so fast, how can I?
17:15Well, tell me what you said.
17:17I said your boyfriend's a pervert.
17:21He was looking at me in the shower.
17:25He was in the shower and he was just standing there staring at me.
17:28Are you serious?
17:30Yes, I'm like, can you go away?
17:32He sure took his time getting out of there.
17:35Where is he? Is he here?
17:37He's in your bedroom.
17:38I'll speak to him.
17:39Keep him away from me.
17:41What on earth were you thinking?
17:43I made an honest mistake.
17:45We have an en suite, John.
17:47I know.
17:48I was half asleep, I was heading to the kitchen,
17:50I just thought I'd have a quick pee and...
17:53Lord, tell me you didn't...
17:55Didn't what?
17:56Tell me you didn't expose yourself.
18:00God, no, I just, I thought it was you.
18:02Why would I be showering in there?
18:04I don't know.
18:05Like I said, I was half asleep.
18:09Look, where's Kate? I'll go and apologise to her.
18:11No, keep away from her for the time being.
18:16Lauren, it's me.
18:17It's not some stranger in the house.
18:19She's upset right now.
18:23OK, but you don't think that I did this on purpose, do you?
18:29Just standing there.
18:32That's what Kate said.
18:35You were just standing there.
18:37It's a shock for God's sake.
18:39You are blowing this out of all proportion.
18:41She is my daughter.
18:43You have no business being anywhere near there.
18:45Jesus, I did not for one minute think she might be in there.
18:48You bloody well should have thought.
18:50Make a mistake.
18:51I think you should leave.
18:54We'll talk about this later, OK?
19:02You feel so guilty about that girl, you'll let her say or do anything.
19:07John, leave, please.
19:09Just go.
19:21Nat, I won't actually be able to work today.
19:24It's a bit late for that.
19:26I can't.
19:29Something's come up at home.
19:31Can you do some time tonight?
19:33Even if it's just an hour or two, I need some backup behind the desk.
19:37OK, I'll try and get in.
19:39Thanks, Nat. Bye.
19:44I'm sorry.
19:45It's OK.
19:46It's OK.
19:47It's OK.
19:48It's OK.
19:54He's the bug man.
19:56He's what?
19:57He's the bug man.
19:58You know, he loves his bugs.
20:00And he wants me to go and take a look at his collection.
20:02What, at his place?
20:05And I'm sure he's got cool bugs, I'm just...
20:07I'm not that sure about him.
20:09Yeah, well, I'd say forget about it then.
20:12It'd probably make him feel good.
20:15And what do you get out of it?
20:16Something nice for someone?
20:19Because I can.
20:23Are we talking cockroaches or...?
20:26No, no.
20:29Like, really beautiful, exquisite insects.
20:32Right, and he gets off on them.
20:33Like, he'd probably...
20:34He'd probably fuck one if he could.
20:35No, he wouldn't.
20:37He's a crush freak then.
20:39A what?
20:40A crush freak.
20:41They get off on watching women stomp on bugs.
20:45I don't think so.
20:47It's just...
20:50Hello, bug fuckers.
20:54Hey, Nate.
21:03So you couldn't help yourself, huh?
21:06You could say that.
21:12John, I have to tell you the truth.
21:15I'm a writer.
21:17That's why I was here.
21:21That's lucky, isn't it?
21:22Because, you see, I draw the line at mass murderers.
21:24I think writers just sneak in there with arms dealer somewhere.
21:28I'm serious. I'm writing a book.
21:30What's it about?
21:32Male sex workers.
21:37Well, we'd find out when it was published anyway, wouldn't we?
21:39You okay with that?
21:41I'll change your name, of course.
21:43And what I'd really love to do is meet some of your clients.
21:46No way.
21:47There'll be no identifying details, I can promise you.
21:49It's not going to happen, okay? I wouldn't even ask.
21:51I will be really discreet.
21:53I don't put my clients at risk.
21:58Of course, if you'd like to become one of my clients, I am all for that.
22:02Relax. You don't have to keep up the seduction shtick.
22:05There is no shtick.
22:09Really? It's all natural?
22:13Do you want to have dinner with me sometime?
22:15Like, away from here?
22:19Well, who would I be sharing a meal with?
22:22Sean the private person or Sean the gigolo?
22:26There is a difference.
22:36Thought I heard someone.
22:37Hi. Sorry, I just needed to grab a few things from my room.
22:41You don't have to stay elsewhere. Seriously.
22:44It's okay. I think you and Kate need some space.
22:50I think she needs some space from me.
22:57We had a bit of a morning.
23:00Kate says John behaved inappropriately towards her.
23:05Towards her?
23:07Yeah, you know him.
23:09Do you think it's in his character?
23:12I don't know.
23:13God, I shouldn't be dragging you into this.
23:16I really don't know the guy.
23:17But do you think it's out of character?
23:20He's a guy who visits sex workers, so who knows what.
23:47I'm sorry. I had to call someone.
23:48No, you did the right thing.
23:51I'm in trouble at work.
23:53And I'm useless to my friend Lauren.
23:55Look, you're making progress slowly. Just keep following the program.
24:00It just doesn't feel right for who I am.
24:02You need to change who you are with everyone.
24:05Friends, family.
24:07When you build up some protection and it becomes instinctual,
24:10then you need only focus on the men in your life.
24:14Angela, I don't know if I can.
24:16Ten steps.
24:17Step one, protect yourself.
24:19Disengage, become uninvolved.
24:23Become uninvolved?
24:24Exactly right.
24:27Stay with it, Tess.
24:28You owe it to yourself.
24:58Oh, yes. You're amazing.
25:01You're a god.
25:19Oh, yes. You're amazing.
25:22Oh, you're a god.
25:31You're a god.
25:45Hello, Amy.
25:57It's beautiful.
25:58Oh, thank you.
26:17It's a Pasolid beetle.
26:21Another beetle.
26:26Oh, that's Stephanie.
26:32Do you name each one?
26:36Is there an Amy?
26:38No, not yet. Only you.
26:42You're the first person I've brought here.
26:46What about your wife?
26:47What does she think about all this?
26:49Oh, she's involved.
26:59You know what?
27:00I'm going to go.
27:03I think it's cool, whatever you want to do in your own time and space.
27:08Look, I don't do house calls, okay?
27:10I don't stray outside 232.
27:12Well, you came here.
27:13Yeah, I did.
27:14To see your bugs.
27:16But I probably shouldn't stay.
27:19Amy, wait. One minute, please.
27:21Please, just give me one minute.
27:24I have something I really want to show you.
27:36She's amazing.
27:46She's my wife.
27:49Your wife?
27:52You can touch her if you like.
27:53Put her on your hand.
28:06She's beautiful.
28:11Yeah, she makes me feel good.
28:15Which obviously makes me completely fucked up, according to the rest of the world, but...
28:22Without Isabel...
28:26I wish I could help you.
28:40I thought we'd be at work.
28:43I didn't really feel up to it.
28:47Are you sick?
28:50No, this thing with John.
28:57Whatever you like to call it.
29:01I'd like to resolve it.
29:04If I can.
29:07Resolve it how?
29:09I don't know.
29:12I'm going to need your help on that.
29:15I don't want to get anyone into trouble, Mum. Honest.
29:18If you love John...
29:21I don't know what to say.
29:27Tell me honestly.
29:30Are you certain he wasn't making a genuine mistake?
29:34Do you not believe me?
29:35Do you think I'm making it up?
29:36No, but if he was making a mistake...
29:38He's a pervert.
29:39And you're on his side.
29:40I'm not on his side.
29:42And you were stupid to come back here.
29:44And you were stupid to come back here with him.
29:47You don't give a shit.
29:48All you care about is your pervert boyfriend and I'm supposed to hang around and not get in the way?
29:52Just calm down.
29:53Calm down?
29:54I'm going to get back to LA as soon as I can.
29:56Why? Why would you do that?
29:57Because you don't want me here.
29:58I do.
30:01I love having you here.
30:04I would do whatever it is to make you happy.
30:09I want you to stay.
30:12Just leave me alone and get out of my face.
30:33Meet Amy.
30:36Hello, Charlotte.
30:50And finally...
31:08This is the picture.
31:10It's the picture I've had in my head for so long and now it's real.
31:24I want you to do something for me now.
31:29I want you to focus on me.
31:33Just on me.
31:46I'm here for you.
31:50Yeah, I know.
32:05Look at me.
32:16I can't.
32:20I can't.
32:26I can't.
32:51I can't.
32:53I can't.
32:56I can't.
33:02That's exactly what I needed.
33:04You were great.
33:05I don't know.
33:06It didn't last very long, did it?
33:08You were fantastic.
33:09All this stress.
33:10I just can't switch my mind off.
33:14Old Jackie's still refusing to budge.
33:20You remember.
33:23Gotta get her out of the house.
33:25I took your advice.
33:26You know, I picked out five or six apartments.
33:30Places she'd love.
33:33Now, she's determined to stay where she is.
33:36Fifteen suburbs away.
33:38And her eyesight's still getting worse.
33:41She's gonna need an op.
33:44I've had a second opinion.
33:46Well, you're gonna give me that number, remember?
33:52Yeah, that's him.
33:54Did you give me that number?
33:56Maybe you could call him for me.
34:02Why not turn the air con on?
34:06Turn the air conditioning on.
34:07Open a few windows.
34:09You know, it's winter.
34:11Freeze her out of there.
34:12She can't argue if she's got hypothermia.
34:14That's not funny, Tess.
34:15I say knock her off.
34:17Put the old bag to sleep.
34:21You come home with me, you see my place.
34:23It's so New Age industrial, I swear you will not want to leave.
34:26I'm not coming home with you.
34:28Fair enough.
34:31We could grab some champagne, lay on the driveway,
34:33look up at the stars, read poetry to each other.
34:36You're unbelievable.
34:38You slag me off in your book and I will hunt you down.
34:41You'll have a fake name.
34:44You still know it's me you're attacking?
34:50Is this tape tax deductible?
34:52Can we put the notebook away for five minutes, please?
35:03I am genuinely interested in you.
35:10I am exceptionally interested in you.
35:27Have you ever bought a client back here?
35:29Not once.
35:30You ever slept with your editor?
35:48I'm Lauren.
35:52My mate Colston recommended this place.
35:54He said when you're in town, 232 is the place to go.
36:01Excuse me, I've got a problem here.
36:04I'll go and get Natalie.
36:05No, no, no, come and look at this.
36:07No, I'll go and get the manager.
36:09No, she's not going to be happy about this.
36:11And neither am I.
36:13I knew she would.
36:14She's drunk.
36:16She's out to it.
36:17Completely fucking out to it.
36:20Well, I'm really, really sorry.
36:22She's been on some medication.
36:23I can say that again.
36:24She is off her face.
36:28We'll give you a full refund.
36:29Yeah, alright.
36:30I'm sorry, the door was open.
36:32What's happening?
36:34I was, um...
36:39Liam, if you'd like to go with Tess,
36:41she'll offer you our premium service, free of charge.
36:46Of course.
36:47Where's everybody going?
36:48Sit up.
36:49What the hell is going on here?
37:02I so wasn't planning to do that.
37:05I bet you say that to all your research subjects.
37:10You going to put this in your book?
37:14It's all about sex work.
37:17What are you going to say about me?
37:20That you were charming and...
37:23extremely professional.
37:26Charming and professional.
37:28Is that all I am these days?
37:32I have to go home.
37:34Are you married?
37:36But I just should get going.
37:40Are you alright?
37:44Big day at work tomorrow.
37:46You know it.
37:51So, just give me a call.
37:55I just...
37:57This isn't going to happen again, Sean.
38:01Because there's no point getting involved.
38:05You're scared, Ruby?
38:08I am.
38:10I'd be suspicious and jealous and...
38:12I can't even think of how to...
38:14Are you getting laid?
38:15No, I'm not.
38:16I've made a mistake.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:18You're a prostitute.
38:19No, I'm a sex worker.
38:23Yeah, I'm more than just whatever.
38:30I'm sorry.
38:38I'm sorry.
38:50Okay, we'll see you then.
38:51Thanks, Greg.
38:54Where is she?
38:56Ah, the green room.
38:57We'll get her out of here.
38:58Just take her home.
39:00Matt, honestly.
39:01You have no idea what she's going through right now.
39:03She was drunk.
39:04She hustled a client when she was supposed to be helping me.
39:07And then she goes non-ice.
39:09I can't have her coming in here like that.
39:10I just can't.
39:11Well, it's completely out of character.
39:12You know that.
39:13It'll never happen again.
39:21We need to talk.
39:23What about?
39:24We can wait.
39:25But, um...
39:34Oh, where's Kate?
39:35She didn't see me, did she?
39:37She's asleep in her room.
39:40There we are.
39:41Home safe and sound.
39:45Will you be okay?
39:48If anybody rings, tell them.
39:51Tell them I've given up drinking.
39:54That might be a good idea, Lauren.
39:59I need sleep.
40:30John, hi.
40:32Is this a good time?
40:37I just, um...
40:38I just feel the three of us need to...
40:40get together and...
40:41get the facts straight.
40:43John, that can't happen.
40:45Kate's not telling you the truth.
40:47You know she's not telling you the truth.
40:49John, stop.
40:50Just stop.
40:52I thought we were doing okay.
40:53I, uh...
40:56No, no.
40:57You have to go.
41:06You know it's winter.
41:08Freeze her out of there.
41:09She can't argue if she's got hypothermia.
41:12It's not funny, Tess.
41:13Well, I say knock her off.
41:15Put the old bag to sleep.
41:17You were spying on me.
41:21First time I've ever done that.
41:23Nat, that is completely and totally out of line.
41:26Well, you didn't tell me the truth.
41:28So what?
41:30You don't spy on people.
41:32You don't lie to me.
41:33And what on earth are you saying to those clients?
41:36That's my business.
41:37No, Tess.
41:38This is my business.
41:39And you're driving the clients away.
41:40Now why?
41:41I was just kidding around.
41:43No, you weren't.
41:44And I've checked the pattern with your regulars.
41:46And the story is similar.
41:48You're trying to drive them away.
41:50Nothing gives you the right to put a listening device in the room.
41:55Look, I admit.
41:56The eavesdropping thing was wrong.
42:00Really wrong.
42:01Okay, really wrong.
42:03But what is with you?
42:07I'm getting help.
42:11I've got some problems, alright?
42:12What sort of problems?
42:14It's nothing serious.
42:17I messed up.
42:18I won't do it again.
42:19Well, no, you won't.
42:21What problems have you got?
42:25I get too involved with people.
42:27I get caught up in their lives and then sucked into their problems.
42:32I need to learn to keep my distance emotionally.
42:35You could probably do that without suggesting that they knock off their mother-in-law.
42:40It's a bit extreme, don't you think?
42:42I said I'm getting help.
42:44I'm trying to change.
42:45Just try and be a little bit more subtle next time, okay?
42:55I can't believe you went out there and bought equipment and...
42:58I didn't.
42:59It was my father's.
43:01He used to bug the rooms all the time.
43:03Well, don't do it again, Nat.
43:16Hi, can we talk for a minute?
43:18Sure. Come this way.
43:25Is everything alright?
43:26Yeah, I just wanted to thank you.
43:28Oh, it's alright. Don't worry about it.
43:30No, really, I really want to thank you for helping me.
43:34It's okay.
43:35What you did was really wonderful.
43:37Well, I tried.
43:39I'm sorry it didn't work.
43:41It was pretty special anyway, the gesture.
43:44I just like bugs, not women.
43:48But you are very beautiful as well.
43:53It is a first, you know, being dumped for a bug.
43:59I've got something for you.
44:30I know you've probably been told this a million times,
44:32but you have amazing eyes.
44:35You don't mean that.
44:38No, I probably don't.
44:41I'm sure it pays the bills.
44:46So, tell me, Rebecca, what can I do for you?
44:51How to become uninvolved at work,
44:54surrounded by people with needs, with problems.
44:57That's just your colleagues, never mind the customers.
45:00So, how did we do this week?
45:09I'm... I'm trying.
45:14With customers, I've been using the IR technique,
45:18the inappropriate response.
45:21And I've got to say,
45:22I've come up with some pretty inappropriate ones.
45:25But it's hard.
45:26My work requires sensitivity and listening.
45:31And a big part of me wants to listen and wants to help.
45:34It's a hard habit to break.
45:35I know that one.
45:37But you're getting dragged into other people's crises.
45:40Well, I worry I might lose my job
45:42if I continue to behave like this.
45:44Are you taking home your client's stress?
45:47Not as much.
45:48Are you solving their problems?
45:51Well, it sounds like you're making progress.
45:54One day, Tess, this will all be second nature.
46:11So, what else has been happening?
46:12Well, you know, you missed a party on Saturday.
46:15Oh, my God, I hate you for having that without me.
46:18It was fun.
46:19Kyra and Brock and everyone.
46:21I wish I was there.
46:22Nah, you love your mum.
46:24You love your mum more than us.
46:25Yeah, right.
46:26So much.
46:28So, you got rid of the boyfriend yet?
46:31Yep, did that.
46:32Now I just have to keep him away so he won't tell her the truth.
46:35How are you going to do that?
46:36I don't know.
46:37I'll think of something.
46:38My mum has no idea, so it'll be easy.
46:41Might go to the cops or something.
46:43God, you rock.
46:47So, how's Carter?
46:48Is he pining for me?
47:08Hi, Mum.
47:11I'm making dinner tonight.
47:12I found this amazing recipe for pumpkin lasagna.
47:15You don't have to do that.
47:16I want to.
47:17I want to make dinner for you.
47:19That's very sweet.
47:21Just put your feet up.
47:22I'm looking after you tonight.
