NXT No Mercy 2024 Predictions

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00:00Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my NXT No Mercy 2024 predictions live from Denver, Colorado.
00:11The pre-show is at 4pm Pacific Standard Time, 5 o'clock in the main show.
00:23I have one pre-show match going up.
00:26This is a possible match, Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears vs Malik Blade and Edgars The
00:32Knife after Malik and Edgars attacked Shawn Spears and then Brooks won a match against
00:39Malik or Edgars on NXT so why not throw an attack match into the mix at the No Mercy
00:46Let's get right into things, for the main show, I have for the NXT Women's North American
00:54Championship, Kalani Jordan will take on Riddick Chiu, I feel that Rosemary will be
01:00at ringside, so I feel that Kalani Jordan could have some backup probably Lola Vice
01:08maybe or some Kalani Petrovic or somebody on the good side and it's hard to say but
01:22I want Kalani Jordan to retain the Women's North American title and maybe we may get
01:28the debut of Stephanie Viekir or another woman coming in from another promotion, Stardom
01:36but I feel that Stephanie Viekir could be next in line for the Women's North American
01:40Championship match.
01:43Up next, we have, we don't know if the Tina Extavision title will be on the line but that
01:52Zachary Wentz just won the title yesterday at TNA Wrestling Emergence to become the Extavision
01:57Champion so why not defend the belt against Wesley at No Mercy but if it's not, I do have
02:07Zachary Wentz over Wesley and I feel that Wesley vs. Trey McGill could end up happening
02:14at Halloween Havoc which is the next premium live event so I do have Zachary Wentz over
02:23Up next, the Men's North American title and some grabs, Oba Femme will take on Toni D'Angelo.
02:31I feel that the no-call cash crew and the D'Angelo family will end up brawling that
02:36will lead to a mixed person tag down the road so I have Oba retained in the championship
02:45and either Hammerstone or somebody will end up confronting Oba that will set up a match
02:55down the road.
02:56Maybe, hell, maybe even PCO who worked for WWF in the early 90's as part of Quebecers
03:08and yeah, maybe Pierre Carlisle as PCO could be making an appearance going after the North
03:19American title and maybe three belt PCO who knows but yeah, I have Oba retained.
03:30Up next, the NXT tag titles are up for grabs in the rematch from NXT a couple weeks ago.
03:38Chase Yu, Andre Chase and yeah, Chase Yu will defend the tag titles against Axiom and Nefra
03:54Chase and Ridge are not on the same page so, or Chase and Ridge are on the same page but
04:10I don't know if Ridge, why do I keep saying Ridge?
04:20I don't remember Chase Yu, I'm trippin' now.
04:28Wait, what?
04:36Yeah, Duke. Duke is not happy.
04:41So, can we see a heel turn?
04:44It's in the works but I do see Fredrick and Axiom not getting on the same page either
04:50but it's kinda hard because they have been going back and forth with the same tag team
04:58to NXT so I do have Chase Yu retained in the championships but it's possible that the
05:05Hardys could end up showing up at No Mercy to confront the NXT tag team champions that
05:12could lead to a Halloween Havoc. Chase Yu vs the Hardys if Chase Yu retains, better
05:20than never say never.
05:24Up next, our commentator of the evening for the NXT Women's Championship, Roxanne Perez
05:31the prodigy vs the number one contender who won the No Mercy gauntlet, Jada Parker.
05:39It's going to be an amazing battle but I do have Roxanne retaining over Jada Parker
05:46and then whoever was not seen on camera but she watched Jada slap the hell out of Roxanne
05:53during that interview. I feel like it is Julia making her debut and Roxanne and Julia could
06:01turn the house down at Halloween Havoc so I do have Julia making her NXT debut. Roxanne
06:08Perez retaining the championship over Jada.
06:11And then another main event for the NXT World Heavyweight Championship with Trick Williams
06:18as the special guest referee. Last time we had a ref, there was some miscommunication
06:26that was dumb with Dragunov and Trick and now Trick is in the hot place. Ethan Page
06:33defended the NXT title against the number one contender, Joe Hendry. Do we believe in
06:39Joe Hendry? I sure do but I don't think right now is the time to take the title off of Ethan
06:47Page. That would be amazing if they do put a trigger and give Joe Hendry the NXT World
06:53title but you got to remember Josh Alexander got eliminated by Joe Hendry at Slammiversary.
07:02If they want to continue throwing on some cheating on NXT TV, have Josh Alexander cost
07:08Joe Hendry the title match. Trick Williams just taken out by Pete Dunne. Ethan Page hired
07:16a bogus ref to count the pinfall and Ethan Page retains the NXT World Championship.
07:26And we do know that Trick Williams is entitled for a rematch so would he get it at Halloween
07:33Havoc because he got to deal with Pete Dunne on Tuesday. So I do have a lot of controversy
07:38moments during this bout. Trick getting taken out by Pete Dunne and Joe getting taken out
07:46by Josh Alexander and Ethan Page taking advantage and winning and retaining the NXT World Heavyweight
07:54Championship. So that is my NXT No Mercy 2024 predictions. Leave your best predictions in
08:01the comments down below. Thanks for watching. Peace.