• 2 months ago
a brother and sister find an old journal in the attic


00:00In the dusty warmth of the attic, 12-year-old Emily and her younger brother, 10-year-old
00:05Max, stumbled across an ancient leather-bound journal amid a heap of 4-T-T-E-N boxes.
00:12The attic was their late grandmother's, untouched since her passing a year ago.
00:17As Max sneezed from the dust, Emily gently opened.
00:21The journal, hand-driven dates indicated it was from the 1930s.
00:25Who did this belong to?
00:27Max whispered, his usual boisterous tone softened by the mystery.
00:31They diligently turned the brittle pages, unveiling a series of entries that painted
00:38the youthful days of their great-grandfather, Arthur.
00:42The writings revealed his drea, news of becoming an artist, a path they never knew he pursued.
00:50It was filled with entries of daily life, sketches of the seaside, and poems to his
00:54sweetheart, who they quickly realized was their great-grandmother, Eleanor.
01:00What, Grandpa Arthur was a poet?
01:03Emily laughed, her eyes twinkling.
01:05Max grinned, flipping through pages to find sketches of landscapes and faces, including
01:11a young Eleanor's.
01:13Their fingers traced the dried ink, bridging the generational divide.
01:17They were carried to their garden, Arthur's art room, and his seemingly endless desperation
01:24to capture everything beautiful around him with words and drawings.
01:29Amongst the writings, a folded letter fell out addressed to Eleanor, confessing Arthur's
01:35fear of failure and decision to pursue a law career instead.
01:39Yet, his closing words echoed powerfully.
01:43L-L-Y, my heart shall always dwell in the beauty of this world, promised in paint and
01:49Feeling inspired, Emily looked at Max, we should frame one of these f—
01:54Err, Mom, show her Grandpa's dreams, Max nodded, clutching the journal close, a newfound respect
02:02for their great-grandfather and his concealed passion igniting with.
02:07Among them, they left the attic that day, the journal in hand, hearts swelled with pride
02:13and wonder at the life and dreams carefully etched on its aged pages.
