• 2 months ago
a cat that stows away on a spaceship


00:00Captain Alara checked the readouts one last time before the Starlight Voyager was due
00:05to launch.
00:07Every gauge showed green.
00:08She was moments away from amending the first manned space mission to Mars, yet her mind
00:14was caught on the faint rustling sound she'd heard in the cargo bay earlier.
00:19Assuming I.
00:20T was just her nerves, she dismissed it.
00:23The countdown boomed through the intercom, three, two, one.
00:28With a fierce thrust, they were spacebound.
00:32Once in orbit, Alara decided to inspect the cargo bay, ensuring nothing was amiss before
00:37the long sleep to Mars.
00:40As she floated through, methodically checking each crate, a small, unexpected movement caught
00:46her eye.
00:48Behind a stack of food supplies, two gleaming eyes stared back at her.
00:53A stowaway.
00:56But not just any stowaway, a small, gray cat, trembling in the low gravity.
01:01How in the stars did you get aboard?
01:04Alara whispered.
01:05The cat, unphased.
01:09By her uniform or the odd environment of the spaceship, meowed loudly, as if in response.
01:14Lacking a better name, Alara dubbed him, Cosmo.
01:18Over the days, Cosmo proved not just to be good company but a blessing.
01:24The ship's psychologist had often discussed the benefits of animal companionship during
01:31the isolating journey through space, and it seemed Cosocial was intuitively filling that
01:37When a critical system alert later diverted Alara's attention, it was Cosmo's unexpected
01:44tampering with the control panel that inadvertently led to discovering a malfunctioning oxygen
01:49regulator before it posed a serious threat.
01:54Under the watchful stars, Captain Alara shared her rations with the adventurous feline, grateful
01:59for his unexpected companions.
02:02Hip, Mars grew ever closer, and the crew of the starlet Voyager, though unexpectedly increased
02:08by one, had never felt more prepared or less alone.
