Độc Bộ Vạn Cổ - Tập 86--90

  • last month
Độc Bộ Vạn Cổ - Tập 86--90
00:32Sorry, it's over
00:36Someone's in beach and come with me
00:40So there's a chance you will not want to talk to me. She's a man
00:44Her clothes and when they do
00:47Not you, but me
01:00See how you don't want to show you don't wish anything
01:12Come on you should see what he's in you should be simple. She'll be
01:41So see how she's in the same one book
01:47Say can't watch it. How does it work?
01:48I don't think you said I should have an answer. Oh, man. She's a little punk. Daddy. Yeah, so it was it should we eat you fast?
01:56What about me? What was it?
01:59To go down the phone. Oh, yeah, I don't teach him. There's no one to leave
02:04George you'll see
02:06You shall put it in seeing you
02:08Can't hold on you tell me you're not sure what's wrong with you go
02:14What makes you know? Go get your head. I don't want you
02:18How's all this?
02:20What's up? You will
02:23See and then she took and then she can't come
02:33You for
02:38Mama China Tony
02:40Mama China on Chen Shi
02:44Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
02:49Shit that
02:52Who's one from dahai
03:26you can't come back to my country
03:31come on
03:33you see
03:43that is
03:47some of them to one of
03:49which I'm
03:54who was
04:21Really, in the whole family's battle, you've already lost a lot of vitality, haven't you?
04:26You'll know what it is when you try it!
04:35You really are an unfamiliar little white-eyed wolf.
04:38No wonder your adoptive father treated you so well before.
04:41Heaven's Decree!
04:52What a good trick.
04:55The skill of martial arts.
04:57I've finally seen it.
05:02Do you think you can trap me like this?
05:07The skill of martial arts is mine after all.
05:11Is that so?
05:13Balance the sword!
05:22You did it.
05:26You actually still have a hand left.
05:29Looks like my father will have to teach you a good lesson today.
05:38Five-scent Soul Bow!
05:52Five-scent Soul Bow
05:56As expected, you still haven't fully mastered this Soul Bow.
06:00What are you doing?
06:02Why don't I let you enjoy the feeling of killing each other?
06:09There are two Life-locking Talismans.
06:13You really don't want to live for me.
06:17The whole family is rushing to die like this?
06:20You still can't take my order.
06:24If you want to save him,
06:26you have to see if you have the ability.
06:29You want to control me?
06:31Dream on!
06:32As expected, I taught you.
06:34But do you think this is all right?
06:42Go and kill him.
06:45Hurry up and go!
06:51Five-scent Soul Bow
06:59That's it.
07:01Torture him little by little.
07:14The martial arts world is really lively here.
07:17Why don't you count me in?
07:29Ye Feng,
07:30good that you came.
07:32Otherwise, I would have to look for you in person.
07:39This is the genius who has broken eight or nine bows consecutively.
07:43If so,
07:46Five-scent Soul Bow
07:52Five-scent Soul Bow
07:55This is the power of the five princesses.
07:58If so,
08:00Ye Feng!
08:03My good boy,
08:05your martial arts have reached the second level.
08:08Even your adoptive father can't tell.
08:11Jia Ke,
08:13today is your death day.
08:16One by one,
08:18help him stabilize.
08:19Give me the five princesses.
08:33Don't worry.
08:34Solving it is not a big deal.
08:38Do you really think you are my opponent?
08:44If I'm not mistaken,
08:46in order to deal with Xuan Shi and Tian Yu,
08:48your soul has been disturbed.
08:50Now you are trying your best to suppress it.
08:54So what if I can see it?
08:56I have two great weapons.
08:58It's enough to kill you.
09:00It seems that you never thought that
09:03I can not only track the formation,
09:05but also control other formations.
09:11Demonic Formation, start!
09:23Big brother!
09:25Spiritless Strike
09:29What's going on?
09:31Big brother, you finally came to find me.
09:35Ye Feng!
09:38You are all useless.
09:40If you are dead,
09:42then you will be used by me.
09:45Big brother,
09:46you are so great.
09:49I'll take it.
09:53How is that possible?
09:54Those soul powers can't even transform me.
09:57You actually absorbed it.
10:00Not only that,
10:01I can also force them all out.
10:06Liu Gongzhi
10:12This move can actually attack the soul.
10:27Don't waste it.
10:34Big brother!
10:35Remove the control on him.
10:42once the Daoist Talisman is exposed,
10:44even if you kill me, you can't save him.
10:47No, that's not right.
10:49Didn't you tell us that
10:50the third level of Wuxiang Soul Palace
10:52can be saved even if the Daoist Talisman is exposed?
10:57Third level?
11:00Just like me back then.
11:02What did you say?
11:04There is no third level.
11:06It's just an old thing in the Daoist Palace
11:08to control you and me.
11:09It's just a bait.
11:12Give up.
11:14Once the Daoist Talisman is exposed,
11:16no one in the world can save him.
11:19Ye Feng,
11:20you can't either.
11:28I thought you were a smart person.
11:30Who knew you were a frog in the well?
11:33Do you have a way to save Tianyu?
11:35I didn't say that.
11:37Tell me your condition.
11:42You're rude.
11:44But since you said that,
11:47I want the deity devices.
11:51Don't agree yet.
11:53What I said
11:54also includes the fated wheel of the Xuans?
12:00Why are you staring at me?
12:03Forget it.
12:04Two is enough.
12:09All right.
12:10This is the third level of Wuxiang Soul Palace.
12:14Pass it to your lover.
12:16You know this kind of skill?
12:19I'm not a master.
12:23Don't compare me to that old man.
12:30Don't cry.
12:31I have a way.
12:39The third level of Wuxiang Soul Palace.
12:41Ninghuo Wuxiang.
12:43Ye Feng, kneel down.
12:47It's hard to explain.
12:48Save your brother first.
12:51With one body and one mind,
12:53I'll transform into Wuxiang.
12:55I'll give up my soul
12:57and become Wuxiang.
13:02Qiu Er.
13:05How can she use the third level skill?
13:10It's impossible.
13:12I almost forgot
13:13that there is this supplement.
13:15Who are you?
13:29He's dead.
13:30Ye Feng.
13:31I owe you again.
13:33Ye Xiaoyao.
13:34I owe you, too.
13:36It's not over yet.
13:37There's someone else behind the martial arts.
13:46Ye Feng.
13:47Xun Yu was taken away by Jiutian Daoist School.
13:51You take them back first.
13:53Leave Xun Yu to me.
14:21Liuyun Mirror.
14:23It's really here.
14:46This is...
14:48The power of the Wheel of Fate.
14:50It seems that it's a magic controlled by Xun Yu.
14:54If they don't move,
14:55are they going to die?
14:57They're still alive.
14:59The soul of the dragon won't kill them.
15:01What is the person behind this doing?
15:04The person behind this?
15:05Where is he?
15:06You'll know when you see it.
15:14As expected.
15:15The Sword of Destruction.
15:25The formation is confused.
15:27It seems that if we want to break the formation,
15:29we have to find the person who arranged it first.
15:32There are so many crows.
15:33The Blood Depth.
15:45Blood Depth?
15:47It's the third attack.
15:48It's a soul-revealing blow.
15:50What a good play.
15:59The Sword of Destruction.
16:00下眼见气 It's your eyes that are seeing things.
16:03是你呢 It's you.
16:04这乌鸦越来越多了 There are more and more crows.
16:06这不可能 这不是办法 This is not going to work.
16:14大光灵 Big light.
16:24走开 Go away.
16:25剑如龙发 Sword like dragon's hair.
16:27看 Look.
16:31你们还好吧 Are you all right?
16:32红姐姐 Sister Hong.
16:34下眼见 It's your eyes that are seeing things.
16:42坟天之燕 The Flame of Heaven.
16:52怎么出门一趟站都站不稳了 How come you can't even stand when you go out?
16:55现在不是说这个的时候 Now is not the time to talk about this.
16:57叶峰 玉儿被萧嫣抓走了 Ye Feng, Yu'er was taken away by Xiao Ying.
16:59我们要快点找到萧嫣 We have to find Xiao Ying as soon as possible.
17:01放心 Don't worry.
17:02我的本事你还不清楚吗 Don't you know my ability?
17:05别装死了 起来干活了 Don't pretend to be dead. Get up and work.
17:11这里交给你们了 I'll leave it to you.
17:13红莲 我们走 Hong Ling, let's go.
17:29玉儿 再坚持一会儿就好 Yu'er, hang in there a little longer.
17:49等事情结束 师父就送你回去 When it's over, I'll send you back.
17:52不用等了 No need to wait.
17:54我现在就带她回去 I'll take her back right now.
17:59看来压阵还是没挡住你 It seems that the suppression still didn't stop you.
18:13叶峰 你休想破坏我的计划 Ye Feng, don't you dare ruin my plan.
18:17双元剑 Double Sword
18:19这女丫头 得赶紧解决了她 This girl, I have to get rid of her.
18:29好古怪的今日 好古怪的今日 What a strange day today.
18:35控制玄玉神魂的同时保护了她的神魂 While controlling the soul of Xuanyu, I protected her soul.
18:39她到底要做什么 What is she going to do?
18:41当然是师徒情深了 Of course, it's a deep love between master and disciple.
18:47光燃雷鸣 天灵 Thunder and lightning. Heaven and earth.
18:55三星群 雷 Three-starred Thunder. Thunder.
19:09我给你机会 把玄玉身上的镜子解开 I'll give you a chance to break the mirror on Xuanyu's body.
19:17时候到了 我自然会解 至于现在 双元剑阵 When the time comes, I'll break it. As for now, Double Sword.
19:34攻击神魂的剑阵 不过差点火候 龙魂圣剑 A sword that attacks the soul of the god. But it's almost out of fire. Dragon Soul Sword.
19:53开启魂眼大计 却不伤百姓性命 用玄玉控制神器 又用镜子保护她的神魂 Opening the soul eye skill does not harm the lives of the people. Using Xuanyu to control the deity devices and the mirror to protect her soul.
20:01不止如此 乌妖灵山社福 炼制道器 三宫搞了这么多事 到底是为什么 Not only that, but also the Wuyao Lingshan Shifu practices Daoism. Why did you do so many things?
20:13师父的大业马上就要达成了 叶峰 你跟我一起下去吧 Master's great cause is about to be achieved. Ye Feng, go down with me.
20:20门天大计 打不过就自爆 You can't beat it, so you'll explode.
20:30你和乌妖还真是兄弟 You and the Wuyao are really brothers.
20:42用金石容纳秘玄之轮抽取的神魂力量 再传送走 也不嫌麻烦 既然你什么都不敢说 那我就拿走了 Use the crystal to absorb the power of the mysterious wheel to extract the power of the soul and send it away. It won't be a problem. Since you don't dare to say anything, I'll take it away.
20:54休想破坏师父的计划 万物流转 Don't try to destroy Master's plan. Everything will be destroyed.
20:58红莲 照顾千语 Honglian, take care of Qianyu.
21:01主人 Master!
21:11月儿 Yue'er
21:12月儿 Yue'er
21:18红姐姐 快去找小师傅 她和五师傅一起消失了 Hongjiejie, go find Little Master. Little Master has disappeared with Master Wu.
21:42血脉之光 血脉之光 血脉之光 血脉之光 Blood wave of blood.
21:50好强的灵力 好强的灵力 What a strong power.
21:55师父 Master!
21:57师父 你就是萧嫣背后之人 三公主 Master, are you the one behind Xiao Yi, the Third Princess?
22:03叶峰 活下来的天才难得 你走吧 Ye Feng, you're a rare genius to have survived. You should leave.
22:08不 师父 叶峰破坏了魂眼大计 杀 杀了他 No, Master. Ye Feng destroyed the Soul-guarding Spell. Kill... Kill him.
22:17盈儿 他破坏不了计划 你辛苦了 好好睡一觉吧 Ying'er, he can't ruin the plan. You've worked hard. Have a good sleep.
22:28耗费精纯的灵力替她疗伤 你和其他公主倒是不同 You're different from other princesses in that you spent your pure spirit energy to heal her.
22:34别拿我和她们相提并论 传送灵泻就在那 慢走不送 Don't compare me with them. The spiritual energy is right there. Take care.
22:41我杀了巫妖 重伤了萧嫣 你居然要放我走 I killed the witch and hurt Xiao Yi. How dare you let me go?
22:46大业将成 我的徒儿不会白死 你就不一样了 带着这么多天道枷锁这么死了 多憋屈 The great cause is coming. My disciple won't die in vain. You're different. It's sad to die with so many heavenly shackles.
22:57你能看到天道枷锁 你能看到天道枷锁 You can see the heavenly shackles?
22:59看不看得到又与你何干呢 你再不走 今晚死在这儿了 还要麻烦我给你打扶新棺材 It's none of your business whether you can see it or not. If you don't leave now, you'll die here tonight. And you'll have to trouble me to get you a new coffin.
23:07萧嫣 巫妖 联手搞事是为什么 不说清楚 别想走 Why did Xiao Yi and the witch work together? If you don't make it clear, don't try to leave.
23:15封灭剑气 传透了 你到底是谁 Quickly leave. This is not a place for you.
23:29他不杀我 只想赶我走 到底是为什么 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 他不杀我 只想赶我走 到底是为什么 莫非和这些棺材有关 He doesn't kill me, but he wants to drive me away. What's the matter? Is it related to these coffins?
23:37婴儿 都是婴儿 不对劲 这些婴儿血气稀薄 魂魄不全 非生非死 Baby... It's all baby. Something's wrong. These babies have weak blood vessels and a weak soul, neither life nor death.
23:54Could it be that Xiao Ying opened the Soul-gathering Eye to use the soul to wake them up?
24:02You don't seem to want to leave. Are you going to pick a coffin and live there?
24:08There aren't many people who can kill me.
24:10What? Are you afraid?
24:13It's still early. It's a good time to rest.
24:16Someone is coming.
24:32Who is it?
24:36There's nothing here.
24:41What is this?
24:43It seems that this is what the Third Princess said.
24:46Something that can kill me.
24:49The light of blood.
24:53It's penetrated.
24:54It's the same as the Third Princess.
24:57They are those babies.
24:59Could it be that those babies are not humans at all?
25:13The blade can affect them.
25:30It's attacking my soul.
25:34I finally found it.
25:36Your soul is a great supplement.
25:40If your soul was stolen,
25:43whose perfect body would it be?
25:47My soul is not that easy to deviate.
25:51It's so far away.
26:04I see.
26:06What they want is not my soul,
26:08but Daoyuan.
26:10Daoyuan and your soul.
26:36Still not going back?
26:38It seems that the little guy
26:40has taken Daoyuan as a toy.
26:44This is the mark of Daoyuan.
26:47I didn't expect that Daoyuan
26:48can repair his broken soul.
26:55The demon god has broken it.
26:57The flow of time follows the heart.
27:00He is going to wake up.
27:05Soul Blink is just a trick.
27:08Only Daoyuan can wake them up.
27:12I'm not that stupid.
27:21How could this happen?
27:22His face is getting worse.
27:25When will Ye Feng come back?
27:27Don't worry.
27:28As long as we keep inputting spirit energy to resist,
27:31he will be fine.
27:32When Ye Feng comes back,
27:33we can break the restriction.
27:35You're right.
27:37You're back.
27:39How are the people who were taken away?
27:41Candied haws are delicious.
27:43Mr. Jin gave them to me.
27:45You can eat them.
27:46Are the people all right?
27:48Take them and eat them.
27:49Hong Ling and I have been guarding them for a long time.
27:51They are only a little weak.
27:53They are fine.
27:55Does Jiutian Dao Gong still want to deal with Xuan Yu?
27:58They don't want to hurt Yu.
28:03Who is this?
28:04This is the Great Elder of the Xuan family.
28:07I heard about Yu.
28:08He came to see.
28:14What a strong spirit energy.
28:19Then you can play with me.
28:24Great Elder.
28:26It doesn't matter.
28:28It's hard for you to take care of Yu.
28:32I thank you on behalf of the Xuan family.
28:46The spirit energy here is different from yesterday.
28:49It's a bit like...
28:52It's a secret skill of Liu Yun.
28:55There are other similar spirit energy waves.
28:58It seems that there are a lot of fragments of Liu Yun's secret skill here.
29:03It forms a different spirit energy space from the outside world.
29:06Liu Yun's secret skill originates from other continents.
29:08These monsters need a special spirit energy source.
29:11Are they from other continents?
29:14Hao Hao, Xin He, Shen Guang.
29:17Lian Wo, Miao Miao, Di Zi.
29:21Lian Wo, Miao Miao, Di Zi.
29:25Are they going to awaken these monsters?
29:28Floating, rising, spinning.
29:32The Five Ancestors are not alive or dead.
29:35It's hard to enter the soul.
29:38Why is it so painful?
29:41That's the power of the spirit energy that Xiao Yan has obtained in Dajiang City.
29:46Youyou's spirit energy.
29:48There's no cure for it.
29:54With the eternal silence,
29:57there's no end to the Seven Tribes.
30:00The evil spirit energy
30:02will be subdued by us.
30:06The evil spirit energy
30:08will be subdued by us.
30:20Using the formation to force the spirit energy
30:22into the monster's body.
30:24What a genius.
30:25It's a pity.
30:27These baby spirits are too weak.
30:29They can't hold on.
30:33The formation's inner layer is black.
30:37That's great.
30:38Everything is going well.
30:41The children will wake up soon.
30:46When the children wake up,
30:48our Li Clan will have a great future.
30:54I'm so happy to be betrayed.
30:56The formation
30:57is to extract the power of the spirit energy.
31:00The formation is to extract the power of the spirit energy.
31:05Isn't the power of the spirit energy enough?
31:08Master, take my spirit energy.
31:11Young Master, you're the hope of our clan.
31:13Take my spirit energy.
31:19And us.
31:22Stop it.
31:24Ying, stop them.
31:27To wake up the children,
31:29we need someone to sacrifice.
31:32I'll sacrifice myself.
31:35I'll kill you.
31:49Don't be so rude
31:50when you meet me.
31:53Ye Feng,
31:54it's you again.
31:56You ruined the ceremony.
31:59I'll kill you.
32:06You ruined everything.
32:08I'll kill you.
32:12What's wrong with your brain?
32:14No wonder you were beaten.
32:18What are you talking about?
32:20He's right.
32:21I did feel the formation
32:23absorbing my power.
32:27it doesn't matter.
32:29The spirit energy of the children
32:31hasn't been repaired.
32:33won't wake up.
32:41Forgive me.
32:44I'm wrong.
32:46I forgot.
32:51Huya Valley
32:52is a suitable burial ground.
32:54If you want to die,
32:55don't bring me with you.
32:58I'll kill you.
33:04What's this power?
33:06It's just a formation.
33:08Although it's not used for a long time,
33:11it was inherited at that time.
33:16That's the golden age of magic.
33:20Ye Feng,
33:21he's cold-hearted.
33:22He wants you
33:23to be buried with them.
33:26I hate this kind of self-righteous person.
33:42Wuyao and Xiaoying
33:43took the deity devices.
33:44The Third Palace made so many troubles.
33:46Don't they want to revive these evil spirits?
33:50I can do it.
33:56It's no use.
33:57There's nothing to wake them up.
34:00We've surrendered to the Nine Heavens.
34:03But we still end up like this.
34:06The Heavens
34:08can't tolerate me at all.
34:11Since the Heavens are unfair,
34:13I'll break the Heavens.
34:25Wake up.
34:26Wake up.
34:37Behave yourself.
34:41So it's you.
34:45Ye Feng, you...
34:47As long as you're willing to do it,
34:49I can give you
34:50all the luck collected by the Three Palaces.
34:53I don't care.
34:54If you want me to do it,
34:55it's simple.
34:56Just promise me three things.
35:10The Palace has been destroyed like this.
35:13Ye Feng,
35:14you're really blind.
35:17I found it.
35:25Without the seal of the master,
35:28it's hard to remember.
35:37It seems that there are still a few pieces missing.
35:54The End