Pakistan cricket_ Shaheen Afridi starts new battle _ Performance level down but…

  • 2 days ago
00:00In the second test, Shaheen Shah Afridi, who was dropped, has expressed his discontent.
00:07It seems that he is not getting along with a top official of the team management, or let's say that a war has been started on one side.
00:18Along with this, we will also talk about why it has become controversial to drop Shaheen Shah Afridi, and there are many aspects that can be discussed.
00:28Today, Express News, one of the top news agencies in Pakistan, has published a report, which has a lot of important points, and if you talk about those points again and again, you will understand the whole thing.
00:45As far as I know, the journalists who gave this news are very close to Shaheed Khan Afridi for 15 years, and they believe what he says, they speak his language, so I think that Shaheen Shah Afridi is much more involved in this news than Shaheen Shah Afridi.
01:07The point is that Shaheen Shah Afridi has broken his heart after being dropped, and he is constantly worried about his behavior, and he does not like a top official of the team, and in the current decision, he is the official's role.
01:26The first thing is that if Shaheen Shah Afridi has broken his heart, then many of his fans have also broken their hearts, because no one is happy with Shaheen Shah Afridi's behavior and his work.
01:39There are some points in this news on which we can say that Shaheen Shah Afridi is right in his place, that not only is Shaheen Afridi's work not bad, but Bab-e-Azam has not been successful in the test format since 2023, in a way it is a failure.
01:57Shahan Masood as a captain and batsman is a failure, Abdullah Shafiq's performance is in front of you, he is constantly failing, except for two 50 plus innings, he has not been able to show any great performance in the last 19 innings, so there are many other things that can be talked about, so it is important in its place that why only Shaheen Afridi is being targeted.
02:22Now, to this extent, this is something that can be agreed upon, but the things that are coming in front, the things on the background, that is, there are such things happening in the background that the team management cannot tolerate, and that is Shaheen Shah Afridi's attitude, whether he was Bab-e-Azam in the white ball or Shahan Masood in the test format, his attitude is not good.
02:50And because of this, you have seen many videos on social media, and this thing is hurting the team management of Pakistan, and on top of that, I will mention Shaheen Shah Afridi in front of him, that his work has been very bad.
03:04Now, there are many things that have been said in a traditional manner that it was dropped after just one series, this whole issue has been put in that news from the side of that Shafiq who is very close to the Afridi family and is not from now, he is also close in many other matters.
03:25Now, one of them is that the captaincy of the NAB has been deprived, these things are having a very negative effect on Shaheen Afridi, all these things have been given.
03:36Now let's come to the work, with Shaheen Shah Afridi, it can be argued to this extent that the work of Bab-e-Azam, Shahan Masood and Abdullah Shafiq is also not right,
03:49So, even though there are many other players like Amir Hamza, Muhammad Ali, Khurram Shahzad, Naseem Shah have made a comeback, so overall, there was not a single player whose performance was bad, and the reason for this is that Shaheen Afridi has been dropped, this is his attitude.
04:09Now let's talk about the work, Shaheen Afridi scored 5 wickets in any innings for the last time in 2021, and in the test format, Shaheen Afridi's work is always against small teams, so far, out of the 4 times he has scored 5 or more innings, there is not a single big team.
04:33The first performance was against Sri Lanka in 2019, then in 2021, one of the three performances is against Zimbabwe, the second is against West Indies, and the third is against Bangladesh, so there is no performance against big teams, and out of the 4 incidents in which 5 wickets were scored, 6 wickets were scored once, a total of 21 wickets were scored, and out of these 21, 11 wickets were scored by tail-enders batting 6th or lower numbers,
05:00which is not very important in the test format, and out of the 115 players in the career, 65 are top 5, 50 are batting 6th or lower numbers, up to 26 players are batting on the last 3 positions, i.e. 9th, 10th and 11th number tail-enders.
05:20So you can guess how big a question or mark Shaheen Afridi has on the number of wickets, and he has not been able to score 5 wickets against any top team, his average against the Australian team is 38, 51 against England, 53 against New Zealand, and only South Africa is in the top team, against which his average is below 35 or 38.
05:46So overall, Shaheen Afridi is constantly struggling against the top team, and because of this, it can be said that the bad time that is coming on Shaheen Afridi, his attitude and his performance is also a factor in it.
06:02If we look at November 2021, Shaheen Afridi scored 83 wickets in the first 20 test matches, he was part of the 6-51 career best innings, he was part of the bowling card, he had an average of 24, he was getting wickets on every 48th inning, and he scored 5 or more wickets in the innings 4 times.
06:25But from December 2021, that is, after the first 20 test matches, his performance has come down a lot in the last 10 test matches.
06:34In the last 10 test matches, he scored only 32 wickets, his best performance is 4-58, he has given more than 34 runs for free wickets, that is, in comparison to the first 20 test matches, he has given 10 more runs for each wicket, and he has thrown 62 balls for free wickets, that is, 14 more balls, about 2.5 overs more for free wickets, and in any match, he has not scored 5 wickets in the innings.
07:02And especially when he has come back after injury, his performance has deteriorated further, in the last 10 test innings, he has scored only 16 wickets, so this is the level of Shaheen Afridi's performance, so in terms of performance, it can be said that Shaheen Afridi is not delivering as much.
07:24If you look at the number of wickets, then the wickets are getting more on the lower numbers, the top wickets are getting less, like in the last test match against Bangladesh, he could not get a single wicket in the first 162 overs of the Bangladesh innings, and when the last 5 overs of the Bangladesh batsmen came to the end, and he was about to declare the innings or wanted to end, then he got the wickets.
07:54So such a performance can be felt in his overall career, so perhaps due to this, team management cannot say that they are dropping Shaheen Afridi, if suppose there is no problem with his attitude, then his performance is also not of such a level that it is considered a mistake to drop him.
08:17But the important thing is also that other players other than Shaheen Afridi are giving such a performance, so in this case, dropping Shaheen Afridi has become controversial in a way, but on top of that, when his father-in-law will bring such things in the media, he will definitely have an impact on the image of Shaheen Afridi and on Shaheen Afridi himself.
08:45All these things should be discussed carefully, but before that, Shaheen Afridi has to pay attention to his performance, improve his performance, when your performance is good, then such things work, but if your performance is at this level, then there is no point in talking about such things.
