• last year


00:00Sumbal has to come back to this house at any cost.
00:18Murad, didn't you hear what I said?
00:25Yes Noorma, I will talk to Noorbano.
00:28You don't just have to talk, you have to bring Sumbal back.
00:32Look, I just want to say that mom has clearly told me that if you don't come back home, then I will divorce you.
00:42And you know very well that I can't refuse mom.
00:46So, if you don't come back by this evening, then I will have to send you divorce papers even if I don't want to.
00:58I will never leave you.
01:19You called me so early, is everything okay?
01:22Safeer called.
01:24Why? What did he say?
01:26He said that if you don't come home by this evening, then he will divorce you.
01:30He has given you time till evening to decide.
01:35Look Sumbal, whatever you decide, I am with you.
01:41If you want to go back home, then you can go.
01:47But if you want to stay at home, at Baba's house, then that is also your house.
01:51Afshan can stay there forever, I have no objections.
01:56Just know that in every decision of yours, I am with you.
02:03Safeer's style is very bad.
02:06Very bad.
02:08Why do you care about his style?
02:10After all you have been through, you don't deserve this Jumbul.
02:14What will happen at the most?
02:16He is scaring you with divorce.
02:19You were not living a married life in that house.
02:22You were living like a widow.
02:23Jumbul, if you would have come back to the divorce center today,
02:27then think what would have happened to your house,
02:30especially when he is all head over heels with Maha.
02:38It's your call.
02:55Yes Ma.
02:56Did you call Sumbal?
02:58Yes Ma, I did.
03:00Till when did you give him time?
03:02Till this evening, Ma.
03:24Did you tell him what I told you?
03:29Yes Ma, I told him.
03:31Still he didn't come?
03:35Everything is in front of you, Ma.
04:28I have come to pick you up.
04:29Come with me.
04:30Pick up your luggage.
04:32If you don't come with me today, Safeer is going to divorce you.
04:35I have stopped him with great difficulty.
04:38Because I want to save your house.
04:43Which house are you talking about?
04:46In that house, I was just a maid.
04:49Safeer's unwanted wife,
04:51your mischievous daughter-in-law,
04:54neither you nor Safeer ever valued me in that house.
05:01I am tolerating all this nonsense because
05:04you are in shock because of Maha.
05:07And that's why I have come to pick you up because I know
05:10you have no place to stay.
05:13I am aware of this.
05:18You can never be aware of anyone.
05:22And I can never be aware of anyone.
05:25And you have come all the way here,
05:28is this your ego?
05:30Or maybe you can't tolerate the fact that
05:33I am present in your enemy's house right now.
05:37Or is it that you have some work in your house
05:41that you have come all the way to pick me up?
05:44But I will not go with you.
05:48I have started a job from where I get paid,
05:52respect and my post is also clear.
06:09And tell your son that if he wants to divorce me,
06:13then send me.
06:46Hello, Murtaza.
06:48Sorry, did I call you late?
06:51I want those papers on my table in the morning.
06:54Yes, early morning.
06:56I am sending the details right now.
06:59But early morning means early morning.
07:33Good morning.
07:35Good morning.
07:42Here, Sippy.
07:44Sign it.
07:46What is this, mother?
07:48Sumbal's divorce papers.
07:51Mother, what are you saying?
07:54You keep quiet.
07:56She has given him shelter.
07:58And anyway, you will take her side.
08:01She gives you all the land.
08:07What is this, Hunain?
08:09I will tell you later.
08:11What is this?
08:13Safeer is divorcing Sumbal, right?
08:14Sign it.
08:16Nooroo, before making such a big decision,
08:19did you tell that girl or not?
08:23Sign it, Safeer.
08:34We are very loyal to him in this house.
08:37We will definitely inform him.
08:57It's good, mother, that the problem is over.
09:02Anyway, how could Safeer handle two wives?
09:04He had to divorce one.
09:06Hunain, please.
09:08Think before saying anything.
09:11You are going to be a father of a daughter.
09:15That's why we cry for daughters.
09:20I have got this paper signed in front of everyone
09:23so that everyone knows that my sons
09:26don't take a minute to leave their wives on my orders.
09:39And neither do they hesitate to sign on two words.
09:42Seek God's forgiveness, Nooroo. Seek God's forgiveness.
09:53Send this to your Panagazin.
10:04Bring breakfast.
10:08where is my breakfast?
10:29Sumbul, drink water.
10:34What happened?
10:36Stop crying. How long will you cry?
10:43I want to cry for the rest of my life, Noor.
10:50Why do you want to cry for the rest of your life?
10:52I don't understand why you are still crying.
10:55You didn't even have a love marriage
10:57that made you so sad that you cried for the rest of your life.
11:01I tried so hard to save this house.
11:06I did everything for that woman.
11:08Just because I thought I will get something.
11:12But what happened?
11:15I am left empty handed.
11:22What will I have?
11:28I have no one with me.
11:34Why don't you have anyone with you?
11:36I am with you.
11:39Now don't feel alone.
11:44This is a sister's promise to you.
11:48No one can raise a finger on you when I am there.
11:59Drink water.
12:08Drink water.
12:18So, what did you order?
12:21Yes, I ordered what you guessed. Are you happy?
12:30Are you happy now?
12:32I am very happy.
12:35Finally Sumbul's chapter has closed.
12:38But you know what?
12:40I am happy for her.
12:43She will face some difficulties in the beginning
12:46but she will start her life in a new way.
12:53Maybe she will find new ways.
13:34Mom, do you know
13:35Mukhtiar Shah has given all the lands to Murad.
13:39You were saying something but you couldn't complete it.
13:42What happened?
13:44I went to the lands, mom.
13:46Noor Bano has given all the lands to Murad.
13:49He is taking care of everything there.
13:52You saw there, Murad was different.
13:55Everyone was meeting him as if Mukhtiar Shah is standing in front of them.
14:00Yes, so don't consider my hero less than Mukhtiar Shah.
14:03But I am telling you, this is the right planning of Noor Bano.
14:08So that she can completely control Murad.
14:13Let her make a plan.
14:16Let her give all her property to control her husband.
14:21But she is forgetting that he is my son after all.
14:24He will come to me.
14:27How do I bring this into my control?
14:30You keep watching.
14:31You have a solution to every problem, mom.
14:37That's why I am called Noorjahan.
14:49Brother Hunaid.
14:51Brother Hunaid.
14:54Brother Hunaid.
14:55What happened Noor Bano?
14:57Brother Hunaid, it's time we have to take her to the hospital.
15:00You take care of her, I will get the baby bag.
15:03You okay?
15:06Mom, won't you come?
15:46Take out the car.
16:08Brother Hunaid.
16:25Brother Hunaid, be strong.
16:27Everything will be fine.
16:29Everything will be fine.
16:46Son, I wanted to come early.
16:47But the traffic in Karachi is too much.
16:49How is my daughter?
16:51Aunty, she is still inside.
16:53God will make everything better, son.
16:55Okay, uncle.
17:00Congratulations, God has blessed you with a daughter.
17:12Congratulations, brother Hunaid.
17:14Congratulations to you too.
17:15Do one thing, I will check on Safina.
17:17Please go and tell mom.
17:27Hello, Murad.
17:29Yes, she has a daughter.
17:30Please tell aunty as well.
17:32Okay, fine.
17:47The baby is still in nursing, I will bring you the baby.
17:59Brother, congratulations.
18:08Hello, sister-in-law.
18:09Sister-in-law, congratulations.
18:21Didn't mom come?
18:30You are a son, so what?
18:33Won't you bring sweets for my daughter?
18:44Of course, why not?
18:45I will just get it.
18:47Look, sisters have come and sweets have also come.
19:00Take this.
19:01The baby has also come.
19:02The baby has also come.
19:06Brother Hunaid, she is just like you.
19:08Daughters are always after the father.
19:10No, no, she has gone to her uncle.
19:30Can I pick her up?
19:32Yes, yes, pick her up.
19:34She is your daughter.
19:37She is very young.
19:39Children are always young.
19:48She is just like me.
19:50She will go to her father.
19:51She is a bit like me.
19:59She is a bit like me.
20:00She will go to her father.
20:01She is a bit like me.
20:02She is a bit like me.
20:03She is a bit like me.
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20:51She is a bit like me.
20:52She is a bit like me.
20:53She is a bit like me.
20:54She is a bit like me.
20:55She is a bit like me.
20:56She is a bit like me.
20:57She is a bit like me.
20:58She is a bit like me.
20:59She is a bit like me.
21:00She is a bit like me.
21:01She is a bit like me.
21:02She is a bit like me.
21:03She is a bit like me.
21:04She is a bit like me.
21:05She is a bit like me.
21:06She is a bit like me.
21:07She is a bit like me.
21:08She is a bit like me.
21:09She is a bit like me.
21:10She is a bit like me.
21:11Amma, you didn't distribute sweets when NCR was born.
21:19When Iqtiyar Shah passed away, sweets were distributed before he came to our house.
21:24Then why didn't you distribute sweets when my daughter was born?
21:41When Iqtiyar Shah passed away, sweets were distributed before he came to our house.
21:59Come. Wait for a while.
22:07Greetings, Amma.
22:12Come here.
22:23My daughter.
22:25Did you see?
22:27She is so cute.
22:32Give this to her mother.
22:35Just a minute.
22:38I don't want to do this myself.
22:41It is obvious that your mother wants this, like me.
22:44Have this.
22:46I have a lot of blood.
22:47I canrates are hard to digest.
23:34You didn't ask me, but I have named my daughter Incia.
24:04Shama, take this kettle down, wash it, put hot water in it and bring it up.
24:12My daughter!
24:13Look, auntie has given me such a lovely bed.
24:14My baby is so lovely.
24:15My darling is so lovely.
24:16Who brought this?
24:17Samreen gifted it.
24:18Is it nice?
24:20It's so nice.
24:21It's so nice.
24:22It's so nice.
24:23It's so nice.
24:24It's so nice.
24:25It's so nice.
24:26It's so nice.
24:27It's so nice.
24:28It's so nice.
24:29It's so nice.
24:30It's so nice.
24:31It's so nice.
24:32It's so nice.
24:33It's so nice.
24:34It's so nice.
24:35It's so nice.
24:36It's so nice.
24:37It's so nice.
24:38It's so nice.
24:39It's so nice.
24:40It's so nice.
24:41It's so nice.
24:42It's so nice.
24:43It's so nice.
24:44It's so nice.
24:45It's so nice.
24:46It's so nice.
24:47It's so nice.
24:48It's so nice.
24:49It's so nice.
24:50It's so nice.
24:51It's so nice.
24:52It's so nice.
24:53It's so nice.
24:54It's so nice.
24:55It's so nice.
24:56It's so nice.
24:57It's so nice.
24:58It's so nice.
24:59It's so nice.
25:00It's so nice.
25:01It's so nice.
25:03It's so nice.
25:05It's so nice.
25:09It's so nice.
25:2412 babies.
25:2612 babies.
25:29My baby.
25:30My princess.
25:32She will support her mom when she grows up.
25:35Do you know what kind of a person you have to be when you grow up?
25:38Just like your aunt Noor Bano.
25:41Don't be like your mom.
25:45My baby has to be strong like her aunt.
25:49Has to be brave.
25:50Has to be a big person.
25:53Has to make a career.
25:54Has to support her dad.
25:56Has to be her mom's friend.
25:59Has to be, right?
26:02My lovely baby.
26:05My princess.
26:27My love, I know.
26:30You are under such a big burden right now.
26:34What do you mean, mom?
26:35Daughters are a burden.
26:40Look at Mukhtiar Shah.
26:42He is such a big loser.
26:45But for his daughter's sake, he got his respect in the dust.
26:51Mom, please stop it.
26:54She is just 6 days old and you are comparing her to Noor Bano.
26:57I am just showing you the reality of the world.
27:01This has been happening for centuries.
27:05Mom, I am not feeling well.
27:07Can I go to my room?
27:09Yes, go.
27:11The terrace is very big.
27:14But don't worry too much.
27:17God will bless you with a son very soon.
27:28What are you saying, Noor?
27:32You have hurt the child.
27:34You should have at least let him feel the happiness of a child.
27:38I have only told you the reality.
27:40And the sooner he accepts this reality, the better for him.
27:44How will he feel the happiness of a son?
27:47You have made him a loser.
27:49You have made him a loser.
27:51You have made him a loser.
27:54You have made him a loser.
27:57Haven't you seen your father's face?
27:59Daughters are very sweet.
28:02They understand the pain of their parents.
28:05Okay, enough.
28:06I am not in the mood to listen to the lecture.
28:08You will have to listen.
28:10What you don't want to hear will happen.
28:13Or else, you will break his heart.
28:17Why are you talking nonsense?
28:21What if all the relations break?
28:28What if all the relations break?
28:40How are you, Samina?
28:43I am fine.
28:44How are you?
28:45I am fine.
28:46I was working on her new project.
28:49How are the girls?
28:51The girls are fine.
28:53Just pray that they get married.
28:55God willing.
28:57God will bless them.
28:59I don't see sister Noorja anywhere.
29:01She was not seen in the hospital that day.
29:04You know how busy she is.
29:08She had some important work.
29:10She has gone out.
29:11She will be back soon.
29:13Yes, you are right.
29:15The thing is that in our family,
29:17the groom's family takes the bride straight to their house.
29:20That day you said that your mother didn't see the bride.
29:24That's why you brought Safina and Incia with you.
29:28I wanted to take the princess to our house for a few days.
29:34Yes, uncle.
29:35You must take her.
29:38Our car is small and it doesn't have an AC.
29:43I don't know if the princess can tolerate the heat outside.
29:49She is the daughter of Hunayat Shah.
29:51She is not an ordinary girl.
29:53No, father.
29:55She is Safina's daughter too.
29:57And she will travel in the car without an AC.
30:02Okay, then bring the luggage.
30:03Let's go.
30:10Oh, you are in your grandmother's lap.
30:14She is sleeping.
30:16May God bless you.
30:18This is my prayer.
30:23God bless you.
30:24God bless you.
30:26God bless you.
30:28God bless you.
30:30God bless you.
30:33Okay, that's very good.
30:35And what about the Roberto Jules family?
30:46Khizr, hold on for a second.
30:47The nose is completely on Hunain.
30:50Yes, you are absolutely right.
30:51Uncle, I was saying that you should go.
30:54I will bring Safina and Siya in my car.
30:57Okay, son. As you wish.
31:01Okay, Samina. We will leave now.
31:04Yes, absolutely.
31:06Bring her.
31:07In the name of God.
31:09In the name of God.
31:11Let's go.
31:17Come, son.
31:18Come, son.
31:20Give me this bag.
31:22No, uncle. It's okay.
31:23Son, you are a guest.
31:24It's not heavy.
31:25Come. Come.
31:42Hunain, come.
31:43Why did you stop?
31:44Come. Come. Sit.
31:46Why so much decoration?
31:50All this was their hobby.
31:53They wanted that when their niece comes home,
31:55there should be no delay in welcoming her.
31:59She has become an aunt for the first time.
32:01That's why all this is their hobby.
32:04Listen to him.
32:07He has been with the girls all day.
32:11In fact, not once,
32:12but thrice a day,
32:14he has gone to the market
32:16and has been busy preparing all day.
32:18And this is their hobby.
32:20And you know,
32:22they were eagerly waiting for their niece.
32:27I didn't know
32:29that daughters are celebrated in the same way.
32:32Why not?
32:33Daughters are God's mercy.
32:35The house where daughters come,
32:37God is very happy in that house.
32:39That's why he blesses with daughters.
32:40It doesn't come like that.
32:42You are very lucky, son.
32:44God has blessed you with a daughter like mercy.
32:50Yes, son.
32:51Daughters are God's mercy.
32:54He is so happy for his princess
32:57that he got the AC installed in the house today.
33:01In fact, Mehreen was tired of saying
33:04that father should get the AC installed.
33:05Father should get the AC installed.
33:06But he was scared thinking about the electricity bill.
33:10But for his princess,
33:13he got the AC installed.
33:15And you know,
33:17he has distributed sweets in the whole neighborhood.
33:20If it was up to me,
33:22I would have distributed sweets in the whole city.
33:25She has distributed it only in the neighborhood.
33:27Mother used to say
33:29that the house where daughters are born
33:31and parents celebrate their birth,
33:33God blesses them with good luck.
33:36Give it to me.
33:38Give it to my granddaughter.
33:40God bless.
33:42My doll has come to her grandpa's house.
33:47You are under such a big burden right now.
33:51Daughters are a burden.
34:03Mother, congratulations to you on your granddaughter.
34:05Congratulations to all of you.
34:09The splendor of my house is different today.
34:12I feel as if I have come to heaven.
34:15My blood, my heart,
34:18my Ikhtiyar Shah, my heir has come to this world.
34:36Did you leave your wife and daughter?
34:39Yes, mother.
34:42Mother, you did not distribute sweets when Nsiya was born.
34:50When Ikhtiyar Shah passed away,
34:52sweets came to our house before he came.
34:55Then why didn't you distribute sweets when my daughter was born?
35:06It's not about your daughter, Hunayat.
35:09It's about happiness.
35:11Sweets are distributed on happy occasions.
35:17And in my eyes,
35:19a daughter's birth is not a happy occasion.
35:23Whatever is going on in my heart right now, Hunayat,
35:25there is so much sorrow in my heart.
35:28My heart is shedding tears of blood
35:30seeing your daughter being born.
35:31Now don't sit with her with all your heart.
35:34If she cries, you get up.
35:36Mother, for God's sake, please.
35:38Why would she cry?
35:40This thing.
35:42This thing that is pinching you right now,
35:45it will become a wound.
35:47And then a very big wound.
35:51At that time, when you will have to bow down in front of people
35:54because of her,
35:56you will have to bow down.
35:57At that time, when you will have to bow down in front of people
36:00because of her,
36:04Hunayat Ikhtiar Shah will have to walk with his head bowed
36:07because of his daughter.
36:37Yes, sister.
36:39I have been calling you since so long. Where were you?
36:42Sister, I couldn't hear you.
36:44Okay, now listen. I am going.
36:46When Ikhtiar Shah comes,
36:48I will tell him
36:50that I am going.
36:52I will tell him that I am going.
36:54I will tell him that I am going.
36:55Rukhsana, I am going.
36:57When Ikhtiar Shah wakes up,
36:59you have to bathe him and change his clothes.
37:01Yes, sister.
37:02Bathing is important.
37:04Then you have to feed him. Okay?
37:06Where are you going early in the morning?
37:08My holidays are over from today.
37:10That's why I am going back to college.
37:15I spoke to Safeer.
37:17I had a three-month maternity leave
37:19which got over.
37:20That's why I am going to college.
37:22But Safeer didn't tell me.
37:25You go to Ikhtiar Shah.
37:27Yes, sister.
37:28Don't move from there until he wakes up.
37:35If Safeer didn't tell you,
37:37I will tell you.
37:39I am going back to college.
37:41I am starting a job.
37:43Maha, I had told you
37:45that I don't have the right
37:47to hand over my grandson to the servants.
37:49You can keep him.
37:51You are in the studio, right?
37:53And if he bothers you,
37:55Rukhsana is there to help you.
38:01I am getting late.
38:02I am leaving.