Love for America

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Love from pakistan
00:00Are you originally from Oklahoma?
00:01No, I'm from, I was born in Pakistan
00:04and then I grew up there.
00:06How long have you been in the States?
00:07More than 10 years.
00:09Do you still think of your home country?
00:13Your family there?
00:15You know, we're on social media.
00:19And I get several pieces of correspondence from Pakistan.
00:26You know, we get many comments
00:28and some wonderful letters from people in Pakistan.
00:32Yeah, a lot of people loves you.
00:33Everyone over there, when they come to know
00:35that I live in Providence, oh, do you know Caprio?
00:39We wanna meet him.
00:40Everyone is like, when my friends come over to see me,
00:43they were like, can you take me over there?
00:45I said, well, unless you have a ticket.
00:47Well, we hear so many good things about Pakistan,
00:49you know, so. A lot of good things.
00:50So you must miss it.
00:51What do you miss most about being home?
00:54The food?