For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
For any questions or inquiries regarding this video, please reach out to chucky@mrbeastbusiness.com
00:00In this video, we are going to be eating $100,000 golden ice cream.
00:06I'm blown away, this is so good.
00:09$5,000 mac and cheese.
00:11This mac and cheese is magnificent.
00:13$30,000 banana foster.
00:15Oh, that's incredible.
00:16And so much more, starting off with $100 ice cream and working our way up.
00:20This is $100 ice cream.
00:23It's really good.
00:25This cheese is $500.
00:26That's pretty good.
00:27Oh gosh, I'm excited.
00:28Oh my gosh, this is really good.
00:32All right, we're going to the next door.
00:35This is $1,000 chocolate.
00:37As you can see, there are golden flakes on it.
00:40Oh my gosh.
00:41Oh wow.
00:42This is amazing.
00:43When you eat stuff like this with gold on it, your body doesn't digest it.
00:47You just poop out gold.
00:48And with that knowledge, let's go to the next restaurant.
00:50We're about to eat $2,000 cake.
00:53Each plate is worth $2,000.
00:55Each plate?
00:56So white chocolate, grape juice petite gateau, raspberry coulis, and vanilla genoise in between mousse.
01:02Raspberry reduction sauce and grape juice jelly.
01:04You can tell it's good because of how many words I didn't understand.
01:07I know.
01:08I call dibs on Percy's.
01:09Oh, come on.
01:10Oh my gosh.
01:11Oh, that's so good.
01:12This is good.
01:15Come on.
01:16That's just disrespectful.
01:17Come on.
01:18That's a $2,000 cake.
01:19No, it's so good.
01:20Easily the best dish so far.
01:21Now, this might seem expensive, and it tastes really good.
01:23But imagine what the $100,000 ice cream will taste like.
01:26I'm worried I'm not going to like food after it.
01:29We are now at the next restaurant.
01:30So it's a black skin chicken, which is a very rare chicken.
01:33Biscuits with foie gras, white truffle mash with red eye gravy made with coffee.
01:37Chandler, here's some $3,000 fried chicken.
01:39If you're wondering who this is, it's Michelle.
01:41She's a random subscriber.
01:43Now that we're starting to get into the really expensive food, we're going to bring in random subscribers and let you guys experience it with us.
01:48And don't worry, they all quarantined and got tested.
01:50We're safe.
01:53That is good.
01:54That is really good.
01:55It tastes amazing, but that color is really throwing me off.
01:58Smell the mashed potatoes.
02:00Oh, my gosh.
02:01No, I'm not eating that.
02:03I'm going to take one for the team.
02:07It's good.
02:12Is it jelly and liver?
02:14It's so powerful.
02:15It just lets you know it's in your mouth instantly.
02:18Would you say it was worth it?
02:19I would say so, yeah.
02:21Next restaurant.
02:22We are now at the next restaurant.
02:23This is a random subscriber, Daryl.
02:25At this restaurant, we're going to be eating...
02:27Gawaii Salmon Ecuadorian Chocolate Tart.
02:31It's an Ecuadorian chocolate that comes from an ancient tree.
02:35Each bar that's 50 grams costs about $500.
02:38How scary is it to put a dish together like that?
02:40Don't mess up the recipe.
02:42Wait, what is that?
02:43My man just pulled up an entire rainforest cafe.
02:45What the heck?
02:46Nothing's going to jump out of my meal, right?
02:47That is crazy.
02:49Oh, my God.
02:50That is really good.
02:51I love this.
02:52The caramel sauce.
02:53Genuinely, this is one of the best desserts I've ever tasted in my life.
02:56Aren't you glad you subscribed?
02:58I'm so glad I subscribed.
02:59Daryl, you have five seconds to say whatever you want.
03:02Like and subscribe.
03:03It's great to eat a $4,000...
03:05All right, next restaurant.
03:06All right.
03:07We rented this entire restaurant.
03:09We're being saved.
03:10If anyone tries to come and eat here,
03:11we have someone waiting at the door giving them $1,000.
03:13Play the clip of them getting money.
03:15This next dish is $5,000 mac and cheese.
03:19Oh, my gosh.
03:21I know later in the video, we're eating $100,000 ice cream,
03:24but this is probably going to taste better.
03:25I'm excited.
03:26Can you tell us about this mac and cheese?
03:27I sent someone to Norway to get a live Norwegian red king crab.
03:31We sent someone all the way to Italy to get $4,000 worth of fancy mushrooms.
03:37And I've got a little something for Chandler in the back.
03:39Oh, really?
03:41It's an extra plain macaroni and cheese.
03:44Oh, and it's in a PUBG toy.
03:46Tariq, get a close up of that.
03:47Look at it dripping.
03:48Oh, Tariq.
03:49It's dripping.
03:50I say we all wait and take a bite at the exact same time.
03:52Let me get a scoop.
03:56Carl, we're trying to taste test.
03:58No, this mac and cheese is magnificent.
04:01Oh, my gosh.
04:02This is amazing.
04:03Yeah, this compared to the all black chicken.
04:06Oh, my God.
04:07This is good.
04:08I'm having an intimate moment.
04:09Oh, there's a crab.
04:10I forgot there was crab in there.
04:11Dude, no way.
04:12Tariq, can you film me?
04:13If I film me, I mean switch seats with me.
04:15Tariq, you get to experience the $5,000 mac and cheese.
04:22Do you need a hug?
04:23I'm pissed at how good it is.
04:24I'm mad.
04:25Well, guys, how was it?
04:26This was amazing.
04:28Good job.
04:29Thank you so much, guys.
04:30I'm glad you enjoyed it.
04:31Not only because you made something expensive, that still tasted good.
04:34Which, surprisingly, is very hard.
04:35Pinky touch.
04:38For this next dish, we have another subscriber, Monica.
04:41Chris is wearing the sexy Shabu-Shabu.
04:43And Carl's just wearing Dreamers.
04:44Just blur it.
04:46Blur it and put Shop Mr. Beast text over it.
04:50Oh, hey.
04:51It's all blurred.
04:52It's all blurred.
04:53Oh, now it's blurred again.
04:54We are about to eat $7,000 puff pastry.
04:57Basically, it's a wheel of cheese with 40-year-old sauce on it.
05:00Brie is, like, one of my favorite all-time cheeses ever.
05:02You have favorite cheeses?
05:04My favorite cheese is mac and cheese.
05:06So that's cheese?
05:07Oh, what the heck?
05:08Oh, it's triple C thick.
05:10It's, like, stuck together.
05:11It's so thick.
05:12The sauce smells really good.
05:13You should try it just for the sauce alone.
05:15This doesn't look like poor people Brie that I'm used to.
05:19I don't like the smell of it.
05:20I can tell you're regretting your decisions.
05:22I don't like cheese.
05:23All right.
05:24Are we digging in?
05:25If I have to.
05:27I'm scared of cheese.
05:28I'm scared of cheese.
05:33It really tastes...
05:34It tastes like cheese.
05:36It just tastes like a block of cheese.
05:38Very cheesy.
05:39It's an acquired taste.
05:40Acquired taste is a way of saying it sucks.
05:42I'm not eating it.
05:43Nothing could have prepared me for the explosion of old cheese taste.
05:47I know.
05:48We just got to go through a little bit of pain on our way up.
05:50We got to get through the cheese to get to the ice cream.
05:52This next meal is going to cost $9,000, but not because of the food.
05:56In this video where we gave people who lost their job to the coronavirus a bunch of money,
06:00we donated to a chef.
06:01And now we're currently at his restaurant, and we're going to order the most expensive thing on the menu
06:05and tip him $8,000.
06:06It's been a while.
06:07It's been a while.
06:08How are you?
06:09Because of you, I was able to take care of my hospital bills, continue cooking.
06:14That really means a lot to me, so thank you very much.
06:17This is so heartwarming.
06:18Oh my goodness.
06:19So this right here is $1,000?
06:21We have a Timon stuffed Cornish Heng.
06:24It is a Dutch chocolate.
06:26This stuff on top?
06:28The mashed potatoes is where you'll find a little bit of truffle,
06:31but a lot of garlic and seasoning and whatnot.
06:33It'll hit you.
06:36Mashed potatoes.
06:37Those are good.
06:38Those are very good.
06:39It doesn't overpower it.
06:40Yeah, a lot of this expensive stuff, they just kind of like smear truffles on it.
06:43This is how you're supposed to use truffles.
06:45I really want to try this chocolate chicken.
06:47Chocolate chicken.
06:48That's a weird sentence.
06:50I got a big glob of that sauce in my mouth, and it's good, but it's strong.
06:55What are you doing?
06:56That is so weird.
06:57There's a lot going on in your mouth.
06:59It shouldn't work.
07:00Why does it work?
07:01Since you're generous enough to make us this meal, we brought you a $10,000 tip.
07:07So you like the chicken?
07:08I do.
07:09We're going to finish eating here, and starting now, things get serious.
07:14No more games.
07:15Only food.
07:16It is now time for the $30,000 meal.
07:19Me and the boys had to get all dressed up.
07:21If the suits weren't enough, we brought another subscriber,
07:24and we forgot to tell them to wear a suit.
07:26Tell us about the banana foster.
07:27It's made with a special applesauce.
07:30We have some crystallized honeycomb.
07:32We have honey meringue infused in an oolong tea from 1996.
07:37That's when I was born.
07:38We're obviously going to flambe for you right here on the table,
07:40so we're going to have a nice fireworks.
07:41Oh, really?
07:42Of course.
07:43Aren't you glad you subscribed?
07:44Oh, I am stoked that I subscribed.
07:46I'm excited.
07:47So right here, we have a vanilla panna cotta.
07:51Look at that.
07:52Yo, he brought fire.
07:53Oh, my goodness.
07:54That's probably the coolest thing we've seen so far today.
07:56Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.
07:59Oh, that's good.
08:01Oh, that's incredible.
08:02This is fantastic.
08:03I'm in love.
08:04The middle jiggly thing carries the whole thing.
08:06I would trade anything in this banana foster for these brownies.
08:08These are insane.
08:09Look at these little balls.
08:10Those are hazelnuts.
08:11Oh, I thought they were raisins.
08:13After this, we are eating a $50,000 steak,
08:16and then $100,000 golden ice cream.
08:19The receipt's in a box.
08:20And just so you have proof, that says $30,000,
08:23and then we left a $5,000 tip.
08:25I'm going to go pay the $36,000 bill.
08:27I'll see you at the next restaurant.
08:28This is our final restaurant.
08:30We are about to eat $50,000 steaks,
08:33and the $100,000 ice cream.
08:35And you know the deal we brought a random subscriber in.
08:38What's up, William?
08:39Hello, Jimmy.
08:40Before we eat the $100,000 ice cream,
08:42we want your $50,000 golden steak.
08:45So can you just tell us about that?
08:47So our steak has been aged for four months.
08:49We smoked it for about 15 hours.
08:51We put it in a blanket of gold just to keep it warm and amazing.
08:55We think it might be the most expensive beef in the world.
08:57It's like gold tinfoil wrapped on it.
09:00It's menacing.
09:01Oh, my God.
09:03That is beautiful.
09:04It's like the geographic channel.
09:07All right.
09:08What is the truffle?
09:09What is the truffle?
09:10I'll skip with the truffle.
09:11I'll have a little bit.
09:12I've had a ton of white truffles so far this week.
09:14I can imagine.
09:15Just like, yeah, like two grays.
09:16There we go.
09:17The most expensive salt in the world.
09:18Oh, my God.
09:19You did it like that guy.
09:20On the count of five, take a bite.
09:21One, two, five.
09:25Oh, my God.
09:26Oh, my goodness.
09:28This is so rich tasting.
09:29That's the way to say it.
09:30I mean, yeah.
09:31Truffle's not bad on it.
09:32This is good truffle.
09:33We have a sauce that costs $19,000.
09:35Would you like a little bit?
09:36Oh, my God.
09:37Just please.
09:39Sauce me up, baby.
09:40Matsutake mushrooms with black truffle juice.
09:42Oh, my gosh.
09:43It's like steak sauce, but 500,000 times better.
09:45More, please.
09:47I am so glad I subscribed to Mr. Beast.
09:49Best steak of my life.
09:50We also have some caviar with potato cake.
09:52Oh, so it's like a baked potato, but rich people.
09:55It's a loaded baked potato.
09:58They were right.
09:59It's so good.
10:00Oh, wow.
10:01Oh, my gosh.
10:02I do like it.
10:03In this video, we brought tons of subscribers in to eat lots of expensive food.
10:06And in the past, we've had subscribers compete for cars, houses, even a million dollars.
10:10If you're not already, hit that subscribe button.
10:12There's no reason not to.
10:13And guys, up next is what I've been talking about the entire video.
10:17$100,000 ice cream.
10:21Oh, my God.
10:23As scary as this sounds, we would like to try your most expensive ice cream, the $100,000
10:26ice cream with all the different sauces, which I know get really expensive here.
10:32For the love of God, what am I looking at?
10:35Each one of those ice cream balls that you see costs over $100.
10:39We've got chocolate from South America made from chocolate bars that cost $500 each.
10:43Strawberries that are picked from Japan, flown over last night, first class, just for you.
10:47Wait, from Japan?
10:48From Japan.
10:49We topped those strawberries in a bottle of 99-year-old grape juice that cost over $20,000.
10:56Oh, my God.
10:57Every time you put one of those strawberries in your mouth, it's $75.
11:01We have miniature candied peaches.
11:03Those are the little green parts.
11:04Each one of those peaches costs $500.
11:07For a peach?
11:08Here we have wild huckleberry sauce.
11:10Each one of these spoons is going to set you back about $50.
11:13And with any sundae, you're going to need caramel sauce.
11:16This one's going to set you back about $3,000.
11:19That looks so good.
11:20Butterscotch made with some really, really, really fancy 50-year-old apple juice.
11:25This, my friends, is $45,000.
11:29Oh, my God.
11:31No way.
11:32You're dumping $45,000 on top of the ice cream.
11:35And there you have it, guys, a $100,000 ice cream sundae.
11:39I never thought I'd see it in person.
11:41I personally don't even feel comfortable eating it, so I brought in even more subscribers.
11:45We have three random subscribers here, two of my best friends.
11:49Guys, enjoy the $100,000 ice cream.
11:54I need one of these strawberries.
12:03He said each one of those ice cream balls were made with $500 chocolate bars.
12:07And I just dropped it on the table.
12:10Oh, my God.
12:12That's so good.
12:13Oh, my God.
12:15That's amazing.
12:16I can see $100,000 right there.
12:17Try the baby peaches.
12:18They're so good.
12:19Wait a minute.
12:22I'm blown away.
12:23This is so good.
12:24It's like the king of desserts.
12:26Honestly, I can't even compare it to anything.
12:28It's so crazy.
12:29They do look really good.
12:30Jimmy, nobody's going to get mad at you.
12:32I don't want it.
12:33He's a man of his word.
12:34All the boys over there seem to really be enjoying the ice cream and having a good time.
12:37My personal favorite videos to film are the ones where we help other people.
12:40But sometimes we've got to splice stuff like this in.
12:42Videos like this do help grow my audience.
12:44So when I do give away more money, I have more money to give away.
12:47If that makes sense.
12:48Just wanted to give a little context.
12:49I swear I'm not a snob.
12:50Jimmy, how is this my life?
12:53Are you happy you ruined ice cream for me?
12:55$15,000 for the steak and its sauce.
12:57And then $100,000 for that sundae.
12:59So $170,878.
13:04Hit the subscribe button.
13:05You have to now.
13:06This should be you.
13:07Mr. B6000.
13:12Mr. B6000, yeah, you know his name.
13:15He changed it once or twice, but I think it's here to stay.