Dog The Bounty Hunter's Wife Francie Has Seriously Transformed

  • 8 minutes ago
Dog the Bounty Hunter found new love with his sixth wife Francie. But why did they have to hire Navy SEALs to guard their wedding?
00:00Dog the Bounty Hunter found new love with his sixth wife, Francie, but why did they
00:04have to hire Navy SEALs to guard their wedding?
00:07In his 2007 memoir, You Can Run But You Can't Hide, Dwayne Chapman revealed that he'd been
00:12repeatedly physically abused by his dad as a youngster.
00:15He wrote,
00:16"'I was expected to take it like a man, but I wasn't a man.
00:18I was a young boy looking for love and approval from my father.
00:22I was desperate for his affection, so I ignored the pain.'"
00:25Sadly, his sixth wife, Francie Frayn, also experienced abuse as a child.
00:30While appearing on the Choosing God episode of the podcast Passed to Power with Amy Alain
00:34and LaTan in 2021, the sixth Mrs. Dog opened up about the trauma she suffered in her childhood.
00:40Frayn revealed that she'd been a victim of sexual abuse, but that her experiences were
00:44so traumatic, she'd repressed all memories until adulthood.
00:47The Colorado native was able to draw upon her faith to help deal with all the emotional
00:52damage once they resurfaced.
00:53"'The Lord chased me down and knocked me down later in my life.
00:56I had never experienced a love like this in my life, and I ran to him with arms open.'"
01:01Dwayne Chapman and Francie Frayn have racked up a lot of marriages between them.
01:05It's the sixth for Chapman and the fourth for Frayn.
01:08Unfortunately, Frayn suffered at the hands of her first two ex-husbands.
01:12In 2024, she told Naples Daily News that she was left isolated when she broke free of her
01:17first abusive marriage.
01:19She added that she was also badly treated by her second husband, but luckily, she had
01:23a much stronger support network by that point.
01:26She said,
01:27"'I did have these amazing people that came alongside me and helped me get a place to
01:30live and helped me to start getting into counseling and start getting some healing.'"
01:34Frayn later enjoyed a much happier marriage with an excavation contractor named Robert
01:38Bob Frayn, who sadly died from cancer in 2018.
01:42So what did Francie Frayn do before she became immersed in the crazy reality TV world of
01:47her fourth husband, Dwayne Chapman?
01:49Well, for much of her adult life, she worked as a rancher in her native Colorado.
01:53And judging by her Instagram account, she hasn't entirely abandoned the ranching lifestyle
01:57since getting involved with TV's premier bounty hunter.
02:00Captioning one particular Instagram snap in which Chapman appears to be riding a tractor,
02:05Frayn wrote,
02:06"'Let's see if we can show this bounty hunting tough guy how to run some equipment, like
02:09us country folks do.'"
02:10In another snow-capped pic of her beau, Frayn gleefully explains to her followers how she
02:15managed to persuade Dog to get a snowmobile.
02:18Chapman didn't come alone.
02:19When Frayn married the bounty hunter, she also inherited his massive brood, which keeps
02:23growing and growing.
02:24In 2023, Chapman learned that he had an adult son named John, taking his tally of children
02:29from previous relationships up to an almighty 13.
02:32Luckily, Frayn seems to have a good relationship with the majority of stepchildren she's inherited.
02:37Lisa Chapman told The Sun that Frayn has been respectful of her former stepmother, Beth,
02:41and said of her father,
02:42"'He's the happiest I've seen him in a long time.
02:45He's so in love and wants to spend the rest of his life with Francie.'"
02:48Frayn also has a family of her own, albeit a much smaller one — two sons and a grandson
02:53— and thankfully, they also appear to have welcomed Chapman with open arms.
02:57Discussing their first meeting, she told E.T.,
02:59"'I had them come over and Dwayne shows up at the door and I think my son sat there for
03:03five minutes and couldn't say a word because he was shell-shocked.
03:06Now they love him.
03:07My grandson calls him Grandpa Dog already.'"
03:09"'They love him.'"
03:10Both Chapman and Frayn have struggled with drug problems in the past.
03:14Chapman with crack cocaine in the wake of his mother's death in the mid-1990s, and Frayn
03:18with Adderall.
03:19In a candid 2023 interview with CBS 42, Frayn revealed she'd once been addicted to Adderall,
03:24typically prescribed for those diagnosed with ADHD, and that, once again, she'd found strength
03:29from her religious beliefs in tackling the issue.
03:32The former rancher explained that she'd wrestled with the devil all night long to kick the
03:37Both Frayn and Chapman are now clean.
03:38Indeed, thanks to a little help from his new wife, the bounty hunter has also given up
03:44In another example of the positive impact she's had on his life, Frayn has even managed
03:48to persuade her husband to try juicing, a lifestyle change which has helped reduce both
03:52his blood pressure and his weight by an impressive 30 pounds.
03:56Dwayne Chapman spent 18 months in a Texas jail after being convicted of third-degree
04:00murder in 1976.
04:02But that shady past is unlikely to have deterred Francie Frayn from dating the reality TV star.
04:07After all, she's best friends with the former career criminal.
04:10Yes, the former rancher is close pals with Katie Souza, a one-time violent drug addict
04:14who's been sentenced to 12 years in a federal prison.
04:17But just like Chapman, the convict has managed to turn her life around, and after finding
04:21God, she now runs a ministry designed to help prisoners across the country do the same.
04:26Frayn met Souza in the wake of her third husband Bob's death.
04:29Frayn found solace in Souza's faith-based teachings, telling Coastal Breeze News,
04:33"...I started listening every day, and I started going to anywhere she was teaching.
04:37I drove there.
04:38I flew there."
04:40Katie Souza was instrumental in Frayn and Chapman's first meeting, and even officiated
04:43their wedding.
04:44She also teamed with Frayn for a new initiative, helping trafficked and abused women.
04:49Chapman was devastated when his wife of 13 years, Beth, died from cancer in 2019.
04:54Sadly, Frayn knew exactly what he was going through, as she'd also lost her husband Bob
04:58to cancer just a few months prior.
05:01To hear Frayn tell it, meeting Chapman almost seemed like destiny.
05:04Just three days after Beth passed away, Katie Souza told Frayn that she had a vision that
05:08Frayn would meet Chapman.
05:10Frayn told her she was nuts, but six months later, Chapman ended up calling her out of
05:14the blue.
05:15Unaware that Bob had passed away, he was calling to hire Bob to fix his driveway.
05:19Instead, Frayn and Chapman bonded over their mutual grief.
05:22"...We're both still grieving.
05:25We're never gonna leave Bob and Beth behind."
05:28Frayn told ET,
05:29"...As soon as I hung up the phone, I called my girlfriend and was like, are you sitting
05:33down right now?
05:34Because you're not going to believe who I just talked to."
05:37On Labor Day weekend 2021, Dwayne Chapman and Francie Frayn walked down the aisle together
05:41at an intimate Colorado Springs ceremony in front of 100 of their nearest and dearest.
05:46It's fair to say, however, that the nuptials didn't exactly run smoothly.
05:50According to the Daily Mail, Chapman was forced to hire extra security, including Navy SEALs
05:55and German Shepherds, after an anonymous hater reportedly issued a threat to spoil the bride's
05:59crystal-adorned mermaid dress with paint.
06:02There were also reports that one guest had their car tires slashed.
06:05Reportedly, some unnamed guests believe the incidents were related to a feud between Chapman
06:10and his daughter Bonnie.
06:11Bonnie, along with Chapman's stepdaughter Cecily, weren't invited to the wedding, reportedly
06:15because Chapman disagreed with Bonnie's activism on behalf of social justice causes.
06:20For their part, Cecily and Bonnie said that Chapman was both racist and homophobic, and
06:24accused him of infidelity while married to Beth.
06:26"...Bonnie is being brainwashed."
06:28Prior to the wedding, Chapman told People magazine,
06:31Despite the sadness we feel at this rift in our family, Francie and I are looking forward
06:35to celebrating our wedding next week with the rest of our family and close friends.
06:39"...As heartbreaking as it is, we had to make a decision that was very difficult for us."
06:46Fraine is a committed Christian.
06:47In fact, the former rancher is so invested in her faith that she believes her relationship
06:52with Dwayne Chapman is all part of God's plan.
06:55In a candid chat with Naples Daily News, Fraine explained that she initially thought that her
06:59husband had been brought into her life so the pair could help each other heal from their
07:02respective losses.
07:03However, the Colorado native now understands that they have a higher calling.
07:07It's so much bigger than just that.
07:09It was God using us to change people's lives.
07:12It was this love story that God brought us together.
07:14Fraine regularly takes to social media to offer fans spiritual words of encouragement,
07:19posting things such as,
07:20"...keep believing.
07:21Even when God doesn't answer your prayers how you want him to, there's still a miracle
07:25in motion."
07:25She and Chapman will often offer their testimony at faith-based events such as the Southwest
07:30Believers Convention and Fire in the Valley Conference.
07:33Having gone through several abusive relationships herself, Francie Fraine is now determined
07:37to assist others who have endured similar struggles.
07:40With the help of her husband and minister friend, Katie Souza, Fraine launched a new
07:4418-month program named The House of Bounty.
07:46This initiative, which began in their adopted hometown of Marco Island, Florida, is designed
07:51to provide refuge and recovery for abused and trafficked women.
07:54Fraine told Naples Daily News,
07:56"...they would live there and they would go through stages of the program and graduate
07:59to different levels.
08:00We want to help them be able to get healed and whole and get out of the life and get
08:04out of their abusive situations and help find what their destinies are."
08:07Any women hoping to join the program will first have to prove that they're clean before
08:11being accepted, with Fraine insisting that they're not providing a rehab facility or
08:15halfway house.
08:16The Colorado native also stated that Chapman's Dog Foundation would also set up camp in the
08:20same area alongside Souza's ministry.
08:23"...we feel like we're being called to this, so we're all in, and we're going to make a
08:26move together."
08:28Fraine might not have had any idea who Dog the Bounty Hunter was when they first started
08:32talking back in 2019, but she soon threw herself into his crazy fugitive-chasing lifestyle.
08:37During a chat on The Dr. Oz Show in 2020, the reality TV star revealed that not only
08:42was his future wife more than happy to join him on his latest mission, but she was good
08:46at it.
08:46"...I know she's a hunter.
08:47Her and her two sons have hunted bow hunt, so they track, they look for things that the
08:51prey leaves behind, and so she's kind of a natural."
08:54Chapman didn't specify the nature of his first shared bounty hunting experience with Fraine,
08:58but he was certainly impressed with what he saw, adding,
09:01"...she started getting leads and writing them down.
09:03So there's more than just tracking and hunting, and she's really, really good at that."
09:07Sadly, she hasn't yet got the chance to show off her skills on camera.
09:10The reality show Dog's Dirty Dozen, in which she filmed scenes, never made it to air,
09:14and her husband's follow-up Dog Unleashed was also pulled after production company
09:19Unleashed Entertainment claimed that he'd breached his contract.
09:22Dwayne Chapman might've sported the same wild mullet since rising to fame as reality TV's
09:27premiere bounty hunter, but Fraine isn't afraid to mix things up when it comes to her style.
09:31To celebrate their second wedding anniversary in 2023,
09:34Chapman uploaded a loved-up snap of himself and Fraine all smiles on Instagram,
09:39and the latter debuted a striking new look,
09:41ditching her typical curls for straightened hair and showing off a new piercing on her upper lip.
09:45Chapman wrote,
09:46My dearest Francie, I love you so much more every single day,
09:49and you love me with an unconditional love. You allow me to honor Beth whenever I need to,
09:54as I do you about honoring Bob. Francie, you have brought me closer to Jesus and
09:58my destiny as an evangelist. I weep as I write this. I love you, my honey, forever."
