• last year
"Moana 2" is a highly anticipated sequel to Disney's 2016 animated film *Moana*. The story continues the adventures of Moana, the spirited and courageous young leader of her island, as she embarks on a new journey across the ocean. This time, Moana faces even greater challenges, encountering new mythical creatures, uncovering ancient secrets, and forging stronger bonds with her people and the ocean itself. With stunning animation, captivating music, and a deeper exploration of Polynesian culture, *Moana 2* promises to be a thrilling and heartwarming adventure for audiences of all ages.
00:00You wanted to come this time.
00:13Little Sis!
00:14Big Sis!
00:15You were gone forever.
00:16It was three days.
00:17Where are we going?
00:18Before Maui stole Tifiti's heart.
00:19Our ancestors.
00:20Wanted to connect our island to all the people of the entire ocean.
00:35It's my job as a wave finder to finish what they started.
00:41Moana, show our people just how far we'll go.
00:50This is a call from the ancestors.
00:55Hidden in a terrible storm, it's an ancient island.
00:59Setting foot on its sands would break the curse, bring our people together again.
01:03I know what I have to do.
01:05Maui, I could really use your help.
01:13Can I get a chee-hoo?
01:16You will be destroyed.
01:19And your wave finder too.
01:22Now I kind of miss the lava monster.
01:27What if you don't come back?
01:31I'll be back.
01:33I promise.
01:39Do I hear people?
01:41Those aren't people.
01:49You guys!
01:50We got this!
01:51Go, go, go!
01:54Bring it on, Kokum!