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00:00Today my twins Peyton and Paxton are competing to get their very first job
00:04They're about to have seven crazy job interviews including
00:08Babysitting A for Adelaide and becoming an engineer and scientist with Mark Rober. Will they get hired or will they be fired?
00:19We turn 16 next month and we need money to buy a car for extra motivation whoever wins the most challenges
00:26I will double all the money
00:30I got this for sure
00:32No way, I got this, I'm a better driver anyways
00:34I got it. Okay dad, what's the first challenge?
00:36Here's a clue
00:38Yes, Olympic swimming
00:40Let's go
00:42I'm gonna be so
00:44Lifeguard? Bingo
00:46What's their first challenge to be a lifeguard?
00:48Jump in and retrieve these 10 pound weights at the bottom of the pool
00:50Who's gonna win this challenge?
00:52I'm gonna win this one for sure
00:54You're short and I can get the 10 pounds better
00:56I'm not that short
00:58Ready, set, go
01:06She already has it
01:08I didn't even see her pick it up
01:10I got it
01:12Challenge number two, 50 yard race
01:14First one there and back
01:16Wins this challenge
01:18Take your mark
01:22Payton's within half a body length
01:24And they've kicked off
01:26They're heading back
01:28This is gonna be close
01:30They're both doing awesome
01:34Let's go
01:36I was so close but we're tied now for Joe Paxton
01:38I'm tired
01:40Paxton takes round number two
01:42We've recruited Laura and Caleb
01:44From J House Vlogs to help us out
01:46Are you guys ready?
01:50For this second challenge, Paxton and Payton
01:52Must retrieve a 50 pound sack of potatoes
01:54Do 30 compressions on a CPR dummy
01:56And rescue our friends
01:58From J House Vlogs
02:00Hopefully I can pick up those potatoes
02:02We're judging you on technique and speed
02:04Are you ready?
02:06On your mark, get set
02:08Let's go
02:10Paxton has the potatoes
02:12So does Payton
02:14Payton's all the way up, right?
02:16Paxton's started the compressions already
02:18Payton, 30 compressions
02:20They look like they're doing a pretty good job
02:22Might be a little off center
02:24How are they doing? Is that kind of right?
02:26Pretty good, they're doing pretty good
02:28So far so good
02:30Help me, I don't know where to swim
02:34I can see myself
02:36Who's gonna get here first?
02:38This is awesome
02:40You good?
02:42That was a photo finish
02:44You guys look like real lifeguards out there
02:46I'm so proud of you, you did awesome
02:54I think Paxton's gonna win this one
02:56But maybe not, I don't know
02:58It's okay, I'll win the next ones anyways
03:00I have to say, you guys both did an amazing job
03:02Paxton had a little bit more speed
03:04But Payton had a little bit of technique
03:06But we would like to offer you a job
03:08At Treehouse Athletic Club
03:10So congratulations
03:12They got it, they're both winners
03:14How much money do we make?
03:16After you completed your full lifeguard certification
03:18Here at Treehouse Athletic Club
03:20With me
03:22Then you would be starting at about $13 an hour
03:24$13, that's pretty good
03:26Alright, next job
03:34That's my seat
03:36No, this is my seat
03:38Get out of here, you can have the other lifeguard tower
03:40No, you go over there, I'm already here
03:42I think I deserve the job more than you
03:44No, I definitely deserve it more
03:46Payton and Paxton may have tied
03:48In the lifeguard challenge
03:50But the craziest jobs are still to come
03:52Payton, help!
03:54We're Roback's Juice and Smoothies
03:56This is the owner Brian, what are we doing today?
03:58We're making some smoothies today
04:00Well, I've got this
04:02You guys ready?
04:04I'm all ready
04:06Oh, we got our first customer
04:08Hello, welcome in
04:10After a quick lesson from Jaden
04:12The store's fastest smoothie maker
04:14It's time to see which twin
04:16Will be the first to blend a delicious smoothie
04:18Here's that pina colada
04:22Wait, how much do I
04:24Oh, Frank, Frank, Frank
04:26You can take some of that
04:28Oh, okay, that's better
04:30Oh, how does he do it so fast?
04:32Paxton, I need to get some
04:34I can't get it
04:36You need a lid, bro, Paxton, you need a lid, you need a lid
04:40This does not look as good as his did
04:42I'm done, customer served
04:44Hers is perfect, mine was not
04:46Brian, how'd they do?
04:48Starting out with Paxton's, it's a little
04:50A little runny and overfilled a little bit
04:52You used your hands to put some of the ingredients in
04:54Grabbed it with your hands?
04:56It kept falling
04:58That's so gross
05:00Payton, she poured her juice into mine
05:02And that messed me up
05:04I was just trying to help you
05:06You used your hands, so don't
05:08If you were trying to help me, then why did I have too much?
05:10And now looking at Payton's
05:12It looks pretty good
05:14Starting off with presentation, I think Payton wins this round
05:16But taste is the way to figure it out
05:18Oh, no
05:20You scared?
05:22Just double checking the consistency of it
05:24It's pretty good
05:26Is that a hair in yours?
05:28Oh, maybe it is
05:30What? There's a hair?
05:32That's in the inside, there's a hair in it
05:34No, that's
05:36That's from the cup, that's probably like your arm hair
05:38Look at that
05:40It's time to taste yours, Payton
05:42Looks a little bit runny
05:44I think it tastes pretty good
05:46Definitely better than Paxton's
05:50It's pretty good
05:52I'd just say it's a little bit runny, but that's just me
05:54Other than that, it's pretty good
05:56And no hair in it
05:58Okay, well, mine's smoother
06:00There was no hair, the presentation was better
06:02It was filled perfectly, so I think it's pretty obvious
06:04If you guys finish the shift today
06:06We're going to pay each of you $50
06:08And after today, we would like to extend the job to
06:12Yes, I'm the winner
06:14My smoothie was way better
06:16You got lucky, and you sabotaged me
06:18Sorry Paxton, I guess hair in smoothies
06:20Isn't a great way to get a job
06:22That wasn't even in the same cup
06:24It was already in the cup when they bought the smoothie
06:26I don't know what to say, on to the next job
06:28But you guys got to stay and finish your shift
06:30I think you want the $50, see you later
06:34This is your next job location
06:36I'm going to step out
06:38And you guys have an interview
06:40Have a seat
06:42Where are we?
06:44Well, hello Payton and Paxton
06:46What? Mark Rober?
06:48They didn't tell me you guys would be coming here for the job interview
06:50I didn't know you were going to be my boss
06:54What's your confidence level on becoming
06:56An engineer and a scientist
06:58Probably like 6 or 7
07:00Really little, I don't know if I would want to do that
07:02Being an engineer is all about
07:04Finding clever solutions and figuring things out
07:06So your first challenge for today
07:08Is figuring out how to get into Crunch Labs
07:10It's going to be easy, let's just find out
07:12How to get to Crunch Labs
07:14I mean there's a door, but I don't think it's going to be that easy
07:16Is there like a secret door?
07:18What? Mark's gone
07:20What in the world?
07:22The door's locked
07:24Bookcases, like you pull one and it opens
07:26Some Crush Cola
07:30It's Fantastic Gus
07:32There's only room for one person up this ladder
07:34There has to be another way
07:36I feel like there has to be something with this bookcase
07:38But I don't know what
07:40Normally you like pull a book
07:42And something moves
07:44What the?
07:46What the heck?
07:48I was not expecting that
07:52Well, there he went
07:54Here's your first challenge
07:56I don't know, he went through a vending machine
07:58You're going to find him upstairs
08:02He said upstairs, I don't
08:04Paxton's in there
08:06How do I get in?
08:08How do we get him out?
08:10Do you think I could fit?
08:14Dude, that's awesome
08:16You guys got to get to work
08:18Be safe and don't blow yourselves up
08:20I can't promise
08:22Mark Rovers
08:24First challenge at Crunch Labs is to discover
08:26Which balloon contains helium
08:28And which holds the explosive
08:30Hydrogen gas
08:32Then they must use a flame to pop the helium balloon
08:36I think they need to rock, paper, scissors
08:38Okay, rock, paper, scissors to see who goes first
08:40Oh, I got him
08:42Up to the side
08:48Well played
08:50Very well played
08:52Just to make sure I wasn't tricking you
08:58That scared me
09:00So far
09:12The internship is tied
09:14This next challenge I think should clear things up a bit
09:16These are called domino catapults
09:18It's one of the Crunch Labs build boxes
09:20The goal here is you set
09:22These three catapults
09:24And then you want to trigger a chain reaction
09:26So this pad is what triggers the catapult to fire
09:28Right? So watch
09:30So I got two
09:32We're going to give both of you guys three catapults
09:34The first one to get three in a row
09:36Gets some major internship points
09:38On the start of three, we're starting the challenge
09:40One, two, three, go
09:52First one to get three in a row wins
09:54One, two
09:58Let's go
10:00Second try, let's go
10:02That was pretty quick
10:04But you were very close, you had two
10:06Time to move on back to the table for our third internship test
10:08No way Peyton gets this job, I got this
10:10For this next one, Science Bob and I
10:12Actually share a few Guinness World Records
10:14That have to do with a little thing called
10:16Elephant toothpaste
10:18I was going to say that
10:24For the final Mark Rober challenge
10:26My twins must pick which container
10:28Will shoot the elephant toothpaste the highest
10:30Which container do you think it will be?
10:32I feel like that one's going to go taller
10:34Yeah same, that's what I was thinking
10:36But I said it first so
10:38Three, two, one, four
10:40There it is
10:42Here it goes
10:52Also covered all my chemicals
10:54This reaction is exothermic
10:56Which means it gives off heat
10:58Don't actually touch it but you can see how it's kind of hot right
11:00Really cool
11:02You guys made elephant toothpaste
11:04That's awesome, can I touch it?
11:06No touching
11:14Okay that was cool
11:16Not as high
11:18But that's so cool Bob
11:20You both would make great engineers
11:22And scientists
11:24I see a lot of potential there
11:26Peyton here is $15 for your hard work
11:28Paxton here is $20, you technically won one interstitial challenge
11:30Let's go, easy win
11:32Well since you won you can clean up
11:34And then go search for a sandwich's secret base
11:36Bye, have fun
11:38And since you won I'm going to go do some paperwork
11:40Bye, have fun
11:46At least I got the extra five bucks
11:48I love being a scientist
11:50I think I want to work here
11:52Peyton and Paxton are tied two to two
11:54But we have some insane surprises
11:56Coming up in the final four jobs
12:00Porter's the manager
12:02At the ninja kids action park
12:04How long will it take to get Paxton and Peyton
12:06Ready to work this job
12:08Well it depends on them
12:10So we're going to go through the different stations
12:12And see how it goes
12:14Let's do this
12:16It looks a little big
12:18It looks a little small
12:20Porter no special treatment for my kids
12:22I expect them to work hard
12:24You got it
12:26You got what?
12:28Nothing, you guys have fun
12:30That's not a nice face
12:34These are the euro tramps
12:36The bounciest trampolines we have here
12:38The rules are no double flips
12:40No double bouncing
12:42Where's Paxton
12:44Go Paxton
12:46Hey hey you gotta listen man
12:48I'm telling you the rules
12:50Peyton you were good at listening here
12:52I'm going to give this to you
12:54Blow it if kids aren't following the rules
12:56That's yours
12:58I'm fine
13:02Come on you never told me that
13:04We can't play with it
13:06It's for official business only
13:08Got it
13:10This area is slackline, battle beat
13:12And stunt fall
13:14The most important thing is to keep the kids safe
13:16And that no one lands on anyone else
13:18Ok I got that, that's easy
13:20Peyton I'm going to station you over here
13:22By the euro tramp
13:24Paxton I'm going to have you in this section here
13:26Sounds good
13:28I don't want to be mean
13:30I need to go tell these people
13:32That there's only supposed to be one person on the trampoline
13:34But I'm scared
13:38Only one person on a trampoline at a time
13:40I was on here first
13:42And they just came home
13:44Ok you get to go first, you get to jump
13:46I'm in charge of this area so I'm going to be king of battle beat
13:52Yeah let's go
13:54Yeah you can go now, I like your hair
13:56Look our socks are matching
14:00You gotta be watching the area
14:02Not just playing with the kids
14:04I'm watching them, I'm watching them
14:06People couldn't really hear me so I guess I got distracted
14:08Well here I'll give you this, I'll give you your whistle
14:10You gotta promise me you'll use it for good
14:12Alright let's test it
14:14Hey official business only
14:16Should I blow my whistle at them?
14:20No they're little babies
14:22Let's go
14:24Peyton how's it going over here?
14:26Well these little kids don't like to listen
14:28There's only one person allowed
14:30One person
14:32Guys one person on the tramp at a time
14:34Stick with it
14:36I don't want to tell people what to do
14:38I mean they are having fun and rules are important
14:40But I don't want to tell them the rules
14:42Can you guys rate my flip real fast?
14:44Yeah sure let's see it
14:48I'll rate it an 8
14:50Did it land on your back?
14:52Alright then I'll give it an 8
14:56Oh yeah
14:58Nice job
15:00We got matching socks
15:02I'm definitely going to beat Paxton
15:04This is going to be so easy
15:06Well it might not be easy but I'm going to put in a lot of hard work
15:08And I'm going to get this job
15:10No way you'll beat me
15:12So this is a fun job, I got this
15:18Are you challenging me?
15:20They're stuck
15:24Paxton help me
15:26Guys what are you doing?
15:28Why are you sticking your fingers in the net?
15:30Bro they got stuck
15:32You hand out
15:34I didn't know they'd get stuck
15:36I was watching dodgeball
15:38Okay I see
15:40Well it seems like you guys know everything here
15:42So I'm going to let you guys pick your own stations
15:44And you guys can manage there
15:46Sounds good
15:48I choose trapeze
15:58I'm doing so bad
16:00This job is easy, I won it for sure
16:06Let's go
16:08There you go
16:20I don't know if Paxton has done anything right over here
16:22All he's been doing is
16:24Shooting the ball
16:26And letting kids dunk on him
16:28So I don't know what to do
16:32Okay that was a good shot
16:34Just making sure no one gets hurt on basketball
16:36You know doing my job
16:38Well Paxton you got to make sure we're not playing up there
16:40What do you mean?
16:42I'm just watching everyone and making sure they're all having fun
16:44Nothing else
16:48For this round
16:50It's everybody
16:52Against me alright
16:56Yeah go on that side
16:58Yeah I'm a new worker here
17:00That's cool
17:02It's my first day
17:08I don't think this is a good idea
17:12I'm being attacked
17:18They're surrounding me
17:20And I also think I'm the best employee here
17:22I'm like the most fun one right
17:30Paxton help
17:36I work here so I get everything for free right
17:40Oh great
18:02Who do you guys think should win me or Payton
18:04You see I'm still giving stuff out
18:06And Paxton's just like standing there like
18:08I'm better
18:12Who's better me or Payton
18:24Did they get the job
18:26I'm going to offer the job to Payton because I feel like she did a great job
18:28Paxton man you're great
18:30You just kept getting distracted
18:32Everyone was having so much fun here
18:34I get the job
18:36You both earned $20
18:38But you also both gave out
18:40$10 in fruit blocks
18:42So I'm going to take that out of your check
18:44But he said they were free at the front desk
18:46This is what I gotta do
18:48I got the job
18:50Let's go
18:52Now we're at Pier 49 Pizza
18:54Where we're tossing up some delicious sourdough pizza
18:56With the owner Brad
18:58The twins are about to serve their toughest
19:00Customers yet
19:02Let's see if they can earn their $15 an hour
19:04Hi guys welcome to Pier 49
19:06Hello there they are
19:08Guys we're working right now
19:10What do you want
19:12We wanted to order some pizzas from you guys
19:14This is a perfect test for you guys
19:16So now I just have to make my brother's pizza
19:18You better not mess up my pizza Payton
19:20I am starving
19:22I'll do the Lombard Street
19:24You know that pizza Paxton
19:26Can I do the Nob Hill Pizza
19:28Yeah I definitely know that one
19:30Where is it
19:34I can eat the whole thing for sure
19:36Baked or fresh tomatoes
19:38Go baked tomatoes
19:40Wow I did mine so good
19:42So are you making Ashton's pizza then
19:44Okay Paxton you better make my pizza good
19:46Don't mess this up
19:48Lombard Pizza Jumbo
19:50Paxton is known to be a pretty good cook
19:52Hopefully Payton does it better
19:54Because that's the one I need
19:56No Paxton's gonna make the better pizza
19:58You guys have two minutes to complete these pizzas
20:02So let's go back here
20:04Payton's got her dough
20:06Remember the first thing you do is dock it
20:10All the way out to the edge
20:12Looking good
20:14I like it
20:16Oh Paxton got to the sauce first
20:18Here on the Nob Hill
20:20You're gonna take and spread the butter all the way around
20:24Yep go ahead and put that on there
20:26Is that what you're supposed to have on it Paxton
20:28Is it
20:30We'll make another one
20:32Paxton messed it up already
20:34Go ahead
20:36It's okay you just gotta keep going
20:38Yep just keep going
20:42That's embarrassing
20:44Is this one supposed to have marinara
20:46No it's supposed to have BBQ sauce
20:48But that's alright
20:50Well I'm glad Payton's making my pizza
20:52Cause Paxton's off to a rough start
20:54I'm gonna mess up my pizza
20:56Come on Paxton
20:58Good thing you washed your hands real good
21:00Good thing I have this pizza memorized
21:02I know exactly what I'm doing
21:04Is that 5 ounces
21:06I don't think customers are supposed to be back in the kitchen
21:08Oh okay okay
21:10Get out of here
21:12We just don't want them to mess up our food
21:14Cause I don't think they've ever done this before
21:16Don't mess up Paxton
21:18Come on Payton do it good
21:20Remember the ham
21:22What are you doing
21:24I think you guys are over your two minutes already
21:26I think so too
21:28Times money right Brad
21:30That is correct
21:32Can't have the customers waiting
21:34I think I'm gonna beat Paxton for sure
21:36I'm making a pretty good pizza
21:38Even if it's not the one he asked for
21:40Oh Payton got hers in the oven
21:42Oh Paxton's is right behind it
21:44Nice you can do two at a time
21:46We just finished our pizzas
21:48I think I did better
21:50Than Paxton asked for so
21:52Oops I just assumed it had marinara on it
21:54Did you put barbeque on it also
21:56Or just marinara
21:58I made a different pizza
22:00Uh oh
22:02Hopefully Braxton still likes it
22:04Ashton's favorite pizza is cheese pizza
22:06So I don't know why he ordered this old fancy pizza
22:08And he's not even gonna like it
22:10Oh Payton's smart she's practicing ahead of time
22:12So far so good
22:14Come on I'm hungry
22:16Where's my pizza
22:18This sauce is very hot so if it starts to slide off
22:20You let it hit the floor
22:22So can I take it out now
22:26Push real hard
22:28You're back down push real hard
22:30I shouldn't go over Payton
22:32Don't drop it
22:34I had mine ready to go way before she did
22:36But she was on the other side
22:42Ashton your pizza's almost ready
22:44Here comes Paxton's
22:52Your pizza is ready
22:54Holy moly it's ginormous
22:56That looks professional
22:58It does
23:00Okay that looks pretty good
23:02I just hope they taste good too
23:04This is the cable car and knowing you I thought
23:06You would really like this kind of pizza
23:08So I decided to make it for you
23:10So Paxton made the cable car for me
23:12Which looks really good
23:14But are you going to serve people not the pizza they ordered
23:16When they come in the door
23:18I feel like that's not allowed
23:20They did a really good job
23:22Paxton has his toppings
23:24More out to the edge
23:26Which needs to be like that
23:28Payton could have gotten hers out a little bit more
23:30She has a little bit more crust than what we like
23:32But all in all
23:34They're both good looking pizzas
23:36Did they make the pizzas correctly
23:38Well Paxton didn't make the right pizza
23:40He was supposed to make
23:42The Lombard pizza
23:44Which is our famous BBQ chicken one
23:46Guess I have to come back in and order that next time
23:48And Payton made the correct pizza
23:50Payton she made the correct pizza
23:52And this one here
23:54I would say would be the winner
23:58Paxton won alright
24:00So apparently they just need some team work
24:02Cause Payton knows how to make the right pizza
24:04But Paxton makes a better pizza
24:10This is one of the best pizzas
24:12I've ever had
24:14This is actually so good
24:18That's good
24:20I would like to welcome to our team
24:22Congratulations Paxton
24:24Let's go
24:26I finally got this job
24:28And I'm gonna make the best pizzas
24:30He's just gonna make the wrong pizzas for everyone
24:32With only two jobs left
24:34The competition is neck and neck
24:36Can Paxton and Payton become pro gamers
24:38Let's find out
24:40Open your eyes on three
24:42One two three
24:44You guys are going to be pro gamers
24:46Oh I'm gonna beat you for sure this time
24:48This is Parker at Space Station Gaming
24:50Alright we're gonna take you guys
24:52Through some Rocket League training courses
24:54See if you guys are any good
24:56And maybe offer you a job
24:58I'm feeling so confident
25:00I'm just kidding
25:02I have no idea what I'm doing
25:04Paxton takes an early lead by dominating both practice rounds
25:06Let's see if Payton can catch up
25:08Are you kidding me?
25:10You wanna 1v1 Payton?
25:12I got this in the bag
25:14No way Payton's gonna beat me
25:16Where do I go?
25:181v1 so you wanna hit it into the blue goal
25:20You wanna defend the orange goal
25:22Maybe we go
25:24First two goals
25:26You got the first hit
25:28Is she gonna get it?
25:32Paxton's there for the interception
25:36Let's go
25:38The first goal goes to Paxton
25:42Uh oh
25:44Five minutes
25:46Why did he get there first?
25:50He got it first
25:52Paxton's getting this figured out
25:54Come on Payton
25:56Oh no
25:58Paxton with the interception
26:00Let's go
26:02Let's go
26:04Oh oh oh
26:08Let's go
26:12What would be an average salary for a pro gamer?
26:14It really can depend
26:16It's a lot like pro sports
26:18You know Lebron James makes 100 million
26:20And some guy at the bottom of the league makes a couple hundred thousand
26:22So it's how good you are and how popular you are
26:24But I'd assume for Rockalee
26:26On average they're between 5 and 15 thousand dollars
26:28Whoa, you guys hear that?
26:30A pro makes 5 to 15 thousand dollars a month
26:32A salary
26:34So a pro gamer could make millions of dollars a year
26:38Some of them do
26:40A lot of the content focused
26:42Oh no
26:46I think at this point we're just maybe going to see if she can score a goal
26:48Let's go
26:52Did I hit it?
26:58Nice block Payton
27:0010 seconds
27:02I hit Paxton
27:04Oh no
27:08I need to get 15 goals
27:1014-0 with 5 seconds to go
27:12Paxton showed no mercy
27:14Well that was a blowout
27:16What do you think Parker?
27:18Are you ready to hire them as pro gamers?
27:20I think I got one more challenge
27:22The skills challenge looked pretty good
27:24Let's see if you guys can 2v1 the coach
27:26Oh 2v1 against Parker
27:28Okay I got this
27:30I believe in you guys
27:32Ready? No
27:34I'll get the ball
27:36Where's our goalie?
27:38Oh he blocked it by not moving
27:40That's crazy
27:42I don't even see it
27:44Oh the ball's right there
27:46Go get it
27:48Let's go Payton
27:52It exploded Payton
27:54Yeah he boosted on it
27:56Oh no
27:58The twins take the early lead
28:02It was all because of me
28:06It's all tied up 1-1
28:08Uh oh
28:10Where is it? I didn't see it
28:16Let's go
28:20It's sudden death
28:22Alright overtime
28:24I'm just hitting the ball
28:26You're hitting me and the ball in the wrong direction
28:28Payton try to hit Parker
28:30I did do that for so long
28:32Uh oh
28:34Is this it?
28:38The twins win in overtime
28:42You guys beat me
28:44I guess you got the job offer
28:48Let's go
28:50I guess I'll be seeing you later
28:52Let's go
28:54Where's my hair?
28:56Are you guys ready for your next job interview?
28:58Oh yeah
29:00I'm gonna win again
29:02That was scary
29:04Are these my babysitters?
29:06Hi how are you?
29:08I brought you an Adley
29:10and she's excited
29:12This is Sean Durst the owner of Space Station
29:14and his daughter Adley
29:16My babysitter didn't show up today so you guys think you got it?
29:18Yes this is gonna be so fun
29:20A piece of cake
29:22Just simple stuff like make sure she has fun
29:24She doesn't bug the crew get into trouble
29:26but she won't she's a sweet heart
29:28and then I need to jump into my first meeting
29:30and you got it right?
29:32Be so good okay?
29:34Okay dad
29:36Alright have fun guys
29:38I don't think you guys need my help with Adley
29:40She's so sweet
29:42Okay see you guys
29:44Wait no you're not supposed to
29:46Wait you have to sign
29:48Alright I'll sign this
29:50Come on
29:58We gotta go get her
30:10Where'd she go?
30:12I thought this was gonna be easy
30:14Is she in here?
30:16I don't know
30:18I think she went that way
30:20Wait I have a good idea
30:22Toilet paper
30:24Hi where'd she go?
30:26Probably this way
30:28Is she upstairs?
30:30I have no idea
30:32This place is huge
30:34I'll see her
30:36This place is crazy and it's so big
30:38I thought this was gonna be easy
30:40She's running around like crazy
30:42Hey it's princess Leia
30:44Oh that's fun
30:46I don't know she's a crazy little girl
30:48I do not want to get fired
30:50Adley where are you?
31:02What is happening?
31:04What is this mess?
31:06We gotta clean this up
31:08How'd she even get it up there?
31:10Are you good?
31:14What happened?
31:16There was a little girl in here with toilet paper
31:18We're gonna get in trouble with all this
31:20Yeah we gotta clean this up
31:22Dude how? She's tiny
31:28Dude we gotta hurry who knows what she's doing now
31:30She's probably getting into more trouble
31:32Do do do do do do
31:34Okay let's see
31:36What's next on my evil
31:38Plan of things to do
31:40Oh yes doll time
31:46Okay let's go
31:48Okay bone monkey buddy
31:50Welcome to Adley's doctor's office
31:52And today no babysitters are stopping me
31:54So it's time for your surgery
31:56Do do do do do
31:58First the legs
32:00Oh don't worry
32:02The surgery is going perfectly
32:04What are you gonna try to do then?
32:06Oh don't worry I'll make you look better
32:08You have a headache? I can help that
32:10Okay whatever the doctor says
32:22What are you doing?
32:24I think I broke a toy
32:26The monkeys
32:28It was an accident
32:30How could you do that on accident?
32:32See ya bye
32:36She's not in there
32:38Not in here
32:40I don't see her
32:44Why did you let that girl
32:46Play with me?
32:56Those babysitters
32:58Are so scared of me
33:00It's gonna be a piece of cake
33:02Now for my next plan
33:06Let's go
33:10Where did she go?
33:12Well not in here
33:18They didn't know about my secret room
33:20Let's go
33:32I think she went this way
33:40Hide behind me
33:42Come on
33:48No time to babysit her
33:50Let's go
34:00Let's do this next
34:02We got you
34:04Get away
34:06You're staying here this time
34:08At least I got some other fun evil plans
34:10What? No
34:12I don't think you should do that
34:14Why not?
34:16Hi guys
34:18How was Adley?
34:20She loves dolls
34:22But I'm sure you guys did great
34:26It's time to find out who wins this job
34:30Do you want to be the person who chooses your babysitter?
34:34How did they do?
34:38Who will be your babysitter?
34:46I have some payment for you here
34:48Thanks for watching
34:50She's such a sweetheart
34:52I'm sure you guys had fun
34:54She was perfect
34:56I'll have you guys come babysit her again sometime
35:00I have a present for you
35:02Actually you're the first kid in the world to get one of these
35:04We just got it today
35:08What is that?
35:10That is the Ninja Kids Mystery Warrior Pack
35:12You could cause some trouble with that
35:14I mean she normally doesn't cause trouble
35:16But I bet she could with that
35:18Definitely not
35:20Alright we'll see you guys
35:22She's good with swords right?
35:24Oh she's fine
35:26We don't let her play with scissors and dangerous stuff
35:28But the toys should be fine
35:30How much money did you get?
35:32There's a 20
35:34That's a lot of money
35:36She chose you for the future
35:38But aren't you supposed to share for today?
35:40Yeah we split
35:42He only gave it to me
35:44Uh oh
35:52We're definitely going to need to get one of these for Nemo too
35:54Oh that's sick
35:56Rolling stars
35:58We got the Paxton
36:00Oh it's like a shield
36:02This is Christmas
36:04See ya
36:16I'm so proud of my twins
36:18They both got 4 job offers
36:20And since they tied
36:22I'm going to double both of their money
36:24And now you get another $301
36:26Let's go
36:28What can we buy with $602?
36:30You can't buy much
36:32We're going to need to get a license
36:34License registration
36:38Maintenance and gas
36:40Well it looks like I gotta keep working
36:42So tell me in the comments which job you think I should keep
36:44And also tell me which job I should keep
36:46And in the meantime we can just drive the Corvette
36:48No way guys
36:50That car is going to one of you
36:52As soon as the Ninja Fam channel hits 5 million subscribers
36:54Thanks for being awesome
