• 2 months ago
Krishna's Triumph The Serpent's Surrender

krishna birth story


00:00In the lush groves of Vrindavan, where the air was fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers and the melodious chirps of birds, young Krishna played his flute, enchanting the hearts of all who dwelled there.
00:15In the midst of this serene world stirred a disturbance. A formidable serpent named Kaliya had poisoned the beautiful Yamuna river, its waters too.
00:26RNING dark and lethal, causing distress amongst the villagers. One afternoon, as Krishna's friends frolicked by the riverbank, their ball fell into the toxic waters.
00:39At the danger, they implored Krishna to retrieve it. Krishna, understanding the gravity of the situation but confident in his divine abilities, smiled reassuringly at his friends
00:53and gracefully leapt into the contaminated waters. The river roiled as the mighty Kaliya, awakened by the disturbance, emerged, spewing venom and displaying his formidable
01:04ass. The villagers panicked, fearing for Krishna's safety, but their anxieties were soon to be allayed. The battle was spectacular, where every move of Krishna was an exhibition o
01:17f divine dance, and every strike of Kaliya, a futile display of his failing force. As Krishna danced gracefully on the hoods of Kaliya, the serpent's pride broke, realizing the
01:30divinity of the young boy. Exhausted and overpowered, Kaliya folded his many hoods in surrender, acknowledging Krishna's supremacy. Krishna, his eyes reflecting boundless compass,
01:42Sion, touched Kaliya gently and commanded him to leave the river and move to the ocean, ensuring the serpent and his family would live without causing harm to others. Kaliya calm, pride, leaving the river purified of his poison.
01:57The Yamuna flowed clear once more, its waters glistening under the sunlit sky. Vrindavan rejoiced with dances and songs, celebra King Krishna's triumph and the return of peace. Thus, young Krishna not only reclaimed the river for his people but also taught a lesson on forgiveness and the redemptive power
02:21of surrender. The villagers, inspired by his wisdom, continued to live harmoniously, forever in awe of the mesmerizing flute-playing boy who was their protector and guide.
