ফেরিঘাট টেন্ডারে ব্যাপক দুর্নীতি, স্বজনপোষণের অভিযোগ, তৃণমূলের গলার কাঁটা কালনার চেয়ারম্যান!
00:30The Karnapura Council is facing a lot of problems due to the delay in the tender process.
00:40Last year, a person named Budhipal received a loan of Rs 1.25 crore.
00:47He is known as Chairman Ghanishtha.
00:50Rajendra Kumar Sahu, a resident of Chandani area of Bhugli district, has come to the Karnapura Council with a letter from the Kolkata High Court.
00:59But why?
01:01On the 16th of last year, he deposited Rs 10 lakhs in the account of the Karnapura Council.
01:11On the 24th of last year, he was informed that he will not be able to participate in the tender process.
01:17Why? Didn't he deposit the money?
01:20Even if he doesn't have the money to deposit the money, he is still a criminal.
01:26This is what he is claiming.
01:28After this, he was taken to the Kolkata High Court.
01:32When the Karnapura Council came to know about this, he was accused of being a criminal.
01:39The Karnapura Council submitted a letter to the Karnapura Council regarding the tender.
01:49We submitted it in 87 pages.
01:53We gave a set-up of Rs 10 lakhs.
01:56We gave the documents.
01:58On the 24th, we were informed that there was no EMD payment.
02:07On the 25th, we were informed that the payment was due on the 16th.
02:22On the 26th, we were informed that the payment was due on the 25th.
02:37On the 27th, we were informed that the payment was due on the 28th.
02:47The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
02:59The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:07The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:17The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:27The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:37The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:47The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
03:52The Karnapura Council is accusing him of being a criminal.
জাতীয় সড়কের টোল প্লাজা খুলে তৃণমূল নেতার দাদাগিরি! নিকাশি ব্যবস্থায় নজর নেই রাজ্যের
Oneindia Bengali
‘বর্তমানের গণ আন্দোলনের পিছনে অনেক রাগ, ক্ষোভ জড়িয়ে রয়েছে’, স্পষ্ট জানালেন জহর সরকার
Oneindia Bengali
বাংলায় অনুপ্রবেশ সমস্যা, অমিত শাহর ব্যর্থতা! তাঁর নিজের আত্মসমালোচনা করা উচিত: কুণাল
Oneindia Bengali