• last year


00:00In Johor, an SHO not only arrested the DSP,
00:06but also took his car,
00:08put him in his den,
00:10took him to the police station and put him under house arrest.
00:13He also gave him a slap.
00:15He also called the media and revealed the story.
00:17Now, this is a very shocking and disturbing situation.
00:21For a moment, there is laughter.
00:23For another moment, it feels like, what is happening?
00:26Assalam-o-Alaikum viewers, Imran Ishat here.
00:29Lahore's area, Johor town.
00:32And one DSP and SHO had a fight.
00:39And after that, the SHO, in simple words,
00:43showed the DSP stars during the day.
00:46And now, the DSP is under strict restrictions.
00:51SHO is the junior officer, DSP is the senior officer.
00:55So, the senior officer was shown stars during the day.
00:58Now, you keep listening, there are twists in this.
01:00Four, five, big twists.
01:02You will also think, what is happening?
01:05Two young men, who are coming on a motorcycle.
01:10And in front of them, there is a police SOS sign.
01:13SOS sign means, not a permanent sign,
01:16for a while, the police officers are standing somewhere,
01:19checking there.
01:20After that, that sign is removed from there and goes somewhere else.
01:24Or it is removed and the story is repeated the next day.
01:27So, SOS signs are basically used to control crime.
01:31Now, these two young men who were going,
01:34they had fancy number plates on their motorcycles.
01:37Meaning, they had extraordinary number plates.
01:39Meaning, apart from excise,
01:41they had number plates made by themselves.
01:44Police, according to routine,
01:46had stopped many more people.
01:48They shake hands and say, stop, come.
01:51They came.
01:52So, the police officer who was standing there,
01:55constable, he says, brother, get down.
01:59Sir, I got down.
02:01Yes, tell me, what is the matter?
02:02They were quite arrogant.
02:06He says, come here, you will be searched.
02:10Instead of searching,
02:13one sir is standing,
02:14the other person sitting on the motorcycle,
02:17he takes out his mobile, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
02:21He contacts someone on the telephone
02:23and tells the constable to talk to him.
02:27He says, who is it?
02:28He says, DSP sir is talking to you.
02:30Talk to him.
02:32He picks up the phone and all four of them,
02:36but he did a good job.
02:38I give credit to that constable.
02:42You will give credit to different people.
02:44You will give credit to constable, SI, SHO.
02:47Everyone has their own input.
02:49I normally would not have done it
02:52because I don't appreciate where I smell.
02:55I am doing it where I smell.
02:57Now, the constable is a little bigger police officer than himself,
03:02that is, he tells the SI to talk to him.
03:05Talk to him, DSP sir is asking you to talk to him.
03:07He himself does not listen.
03:09Now, the SI sir,
03:11Assalamualaikum sir,
03:13Hukum sir,
03:14immediately on the other side,
03:17the person present, in a very loud voice,
03:20in a heavy tone,
03:23who is talking?
03:25He says, sir, I am such and such.
03:27He says, I am such and such.
03:29He tells me his name and tells me that I am DSP talking.
03:32Sir, order me.
03:34These are my friends, let them go.
03:37He says, sir,
03:39and in a very loud voice.
03:42He was about to talk,
03:44he said sir and said,
03:45if you don't let them go,
03:47I will get your uniform removed,
03:49I will also fire you from your job.
03:53He says, sir, I have not done anything like that.
03:56That poor SI,
03:58he sits with his head held high,
04:00that he was working to stop the crime,
04:03we are in danger of losing our uniform.
04:06We have not done anything,
04:07two people have come, we have stopped them.
04:09They have not been searched yet,
04:10they have not been identified yet.
04:13In the meanwhile,
04:15he says that sir,
04:17we just have to enter the data from their identification card,
04:21and then we will let them go.
04:24He gets angry again.
04:26He says in the same way,
04:28okay sir,
04:29he hangs up the phone,
04:30calls his SHO,
04:31that sir, there is a DSP,
04:34he is threatening,
04:35he says two things,
04:36I will fire him,
04:37or I will lose my job.
04:38Now the police officers know that
04:40the DSP is a little bigger officer than the SHO.
04:45So one king is the SHO,
04:47the other king is the SP,
04:48and the DSP is hanging somewhere in the middle.
04:52The SHO says,
04:52okay, I am coming.
04:53The SHO was nearby.
04:55The SHO moves towards the corner.
04:59Now because the SI has hung up the DSP's phone,
05:03and told the SHO,
05:04the SHO said okay,
05:06wait there,
05:07detain them,
05:08I am coming.
05:09They were nearby.
05:10Now there is a crisp in this,
05:12that nothing has happened yet,
05:15what are the threats for?
05:16What are the threats for?
05:18The SHO says,
05:20let's leave for there.
05:22In the meanwhile,
05:23before the SHO reaches,
05:25the police vehicle comes and stops.
05:29there are logos on it,
05:31there are flashlights on it,
05:32there is a police light on top,
05:36and in a shalwar shirt,
05:39a man comes out,
05:41he is 30-34 years old,
05:42and as soon as he comes,
05:44he attacks the constable.
05:47The constable says,
05:51I am your daughter's servant.
05:54Sir, you are the one who is suffering.
05:56Now they don't know where the DSP is,
05:58where the arrangements are,
06:00where his matters are.
06:02The DSP knows that he is a police officer.
06:05He says,
06:06he is the ASI who spoke to me.
06:10Come here.
06:11He says,
06:12I think you don't need this uniform.
06:15Sir, what happened?
06:17He says,
06:17I will take your uniform away from you
06:19two minutes before,
06:21and I will also take away your job.
06:23You don't know me.
06:25Sir, we didn't do anything.
06:28the DSP doesn't know that the SHO is moving here.
06:32He is in the same tone.
06:37The DSP is even more angry.
06:40He says,
06:40isn't it enough that I said that he is my friend?
06:43Let him go.
06:45He says,
06:45just two minutes.
06:46In the meanwhile,
06:48the SHO,
06:49his guards,
06:50his soldiers,
06:51they all reach there.
06:53Now no one knows anything.
06:54The SHO comes and talks to the DSP,
06:56that sir,
06:57you yourself have suffered.
06:58What happened?
07:01the SHO,
07:02as soon as he comes,
07:03checks the spot.
07:04He sees that this is a car,
07:06a police van,
07:07there are flashers,
07:09lights are on,
07:10everything is there but,
07:12the DSP doesn't even have an operator with him.
07:16There is no gunman either.
07:18The DSP has a pistol with his sword.
07:22the DSP is very casual.
07:25I mean,
07:26the DSP is on leave.
07:30there is a fight.
07:32The SHO wants to convince him,
07:33that sir,
07:34let us just check the main record,
07:35then we will let him go.
07:37That guy,
07:37in front of his friends,
07:39is showing off in front of the DSP,
07:42and there are two of them on duty,
07:44and the police is standing guard,
07:46and the DSP is not moving,
07:47he is a little too arrogant.
07:50The SHO plays a move,
07:52which is a very smart move.
07:53He says,
07:53okay sir,
07:54you get my uniform off,
07:56we will go to the police station and get it off.
07:58We go to the police station,
08:01you get my uniform off,
08:02we will go there and decide,
08:03whether you want to sit in the police station,
08:04or I want to sit.
08:06The DSP,
08:07is in the same tone,
08:09he tells his guard,
08:10to sit on the DSP's steering wheel.
08:12He gets his constable,
08:13to sit on the DSP's car.
08:15He sits like this,
08:16with his gunman.
08:18He says,
08:18take the car to the police station.
08:20He says to his men,
08:21to pick him up and throw him in the ditch.
08:24He throws the DSP in the ditch.
08:26They sit together.
08:27Now, the negotiation starts on the road.
08:29As soon as the DSP comes in the ditch,
08:32he falls down.
08:36The DSP says,
08:39if you want to check someone,
08:41you can check their card shot.
08:43If you want to check their crime record,
08:46it was not a big issue.
08:48He is in the same tone.
08:50The SHO says,
08:51no brother,
08:52don't worry,
08:53we will go to the police station.
08:54They reach the police station.
08:55In the meanwhile,
08:56they find out,
08:58that this man is not a DSP.
09:02This was his father's car.
09:04After his father's death,
09:05he has changed the color of the car.
09:08He has put on a flasher,
09:10and the police logo,
09:12emblems and stickers.
09:14He doesn't commit any other big crime,
09:18but he commits such big crimes,
09:20that he has been charged with two cases.
09:23Both cases,
09:25he has become a fake police officer,
09:27to get his friends,
09:29a protocol from the police.
09:32He is habitual of this,
09:35that if a friend of his calls him,
09:37they have got a code.
09:39If he says the word code,
09:41then they immediately get to know,
09:42that my character has started,
09:44as a police officer.
09:46So, he immediately,
09:47as a senior police officer,
09:50makes a request,
09:51and to get his friends out of there,
09:55to play his character.
09:56And his perk,
09:59and his mental satisfaction is,
10:01that when he becomes a police officer,
10:03and gets his friends out of there,
10:05and makes the real police officer his uncle,
10:07then this brother enjoys a lot,
10:09and he used to feel happy.
10:11Now, when you talk to him,
10:12that mom, what did you do?
10:14What did you do?
10:15So, the brother says,
10:17that actually,
10:19I wanted to join the police force,
10:23but I couldn't do it.
10:24I failed,
10:25so I made this arrangement.
10:27It used to make me happy.
10:28But this time,
10:29the police,
10:30on this man,
10:31there were two FIRs earlier,
10:33they have put some strong charges,
10:36so that,
10:37he can be taught a lesson,
10:39and the job can be done.
10:42what kind of people are there,
10:43in this society,
10:45the satisfaction,
10:47of the person you are like,
10:50think about it,
10:50understand it,
10:52and learn a lesson.
10:54We will meet again.
10:55Assalamu Alaikum.