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Miniseries | show | 2024| S1 | Official Featurette | dHNzX1dHRG1US1BBSVJV


00:00I just sometimes want to be alone where I'm not somebody's wife not somebody's mother
00:06I'm not defined by tragedy
00:09I've spent my whole life being a Chinese immigrant
00:12But I realized now when I went back to Hong Kong to work on this series or when I travel other places
00:18I'm also an American expat
00:21Hong Kong was supposed to be a fresh start for me
00:23It really got me thinking about these two terms immigrant expat and all of the other people who live outside of their homes
00:31And why they leave and why they live in those places
00:35Any person has multiple identities and how you meet that person when you meet that person colors how you see them
00:40And I feel that stories are the same that so much is about perspective and I wanted to create two
00:47Entryways so that there could be a conversation depending on which episode people see first
00:52They might see the whole series very differently
00:59The scope of what this show was I really felt like I could call myself a director, you know
01:05there's always imposter syndrome because
01:07Oftentimes you make a film and you're on set for a month and then you don't shoot something for you know
01:13Several years and here we were on set for so long. I
01:17Brought all of my creative heads from the farewell
01:21We all work together on that film and then came on to this
01:24Was that we just wanted to keep the spirit that we have and our style
01:29We didn't want to lose the way that we tell stories simply because the conditions were different
01:36What I hope that people take away from this series is
01:44Sense of compassion and grace every story
01:47there are multiple sides and we all need to talk to each other more and that we have to come to the table in
01:55person and
01:57Break bread and just try to speak to each other and listen to each other
02:05Be open to forgiveness and grace