• last year


00:00通天玄网签的才能就凑齐了!Tong Tian Xuan Wang Qian's talent can be gathered!
00:14起来吧!Get up!
00:16谢殿下……Thank you, Your Highness.
00:28累了?Are you tired?
00:29睡会吧Let's take a nap.
00:31殿下身边有这头元兽和妖妖,再加上黑毒王等于有了三个太出境强者,这实力足以横扫整个大昼王朝,包括大将军府。Your Highness has the Yuan Beast and the Demon Monster with you, plus the Black Poison King, which is equivalent to having three strong Taichu Jin. This strength is enough to sweep the entire Zhou Dynasty, including the General's Mansion.
00:43此次夺得火龙岁,大将军功不可没。不过齐王府不会善罢甘休的。日后若跟齐王府开战,还望大将军能鼎力相助。If we win this battle, the General will be greatly rewarded. However, the King of Qi won't give up easily. If we go to war with the King of Qi in the future, I hope the General can help us.
00:55殿下放心,我大将军府定当全力铲除叛逆!Don't worry, Your Highness. The General's Mansion will do its best to eradicate the rebels.
01:00多谢大将军了。诸位,我们离开吧。Thank you, General. Everyone, let's go.
01:04宝贝都说光了?The treasure has been collected?
01:06这战魁宗颇有些实力。他们的一计,怕是没你想的这么简单。The War Ghost Clan is quite powerful. I'm afraid their plan is not as simple as you think.
01:20没想到这里头竟然另有乾坤,幸亏瑶瑶姐神魂感知厉害。I didn't expect there to be another trap here. Fortunately, Sister Yaoyao's spirit sense is strong.
01:25好复杂的原文结界。看这能量波动,连我都不敢硬撼。What a complicated scripted enchantment. I can't even bear to look at the fluctuating energy.
01:39这道结界极为特殊,必须用特定的原文才能开启。若是强行开启,它便会自爆。这方圆百里,它是难有生灵存活。This enchantment is very special. You must use a specific script to open it. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area.
01:50看来我们是与这门后的宝贝无缘了。那倒不一定。Yaoyao, 难道你连这种原文结界都能破解?This scripted enchantment is very special. You must use a specific script to open it. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area.
01:58瑶瑶姐,难道你连这种原文结界都能破解?This scripted enchantment is very special. You must use a specific script to open it. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area.
02:01这原文结界,怕是至少要五品原文造诣,才有可能尝试破解。我现在倒是做不到。不过,若有了那道特定原文,不就能打开它了吗?This scripted enchantment is very special. You must use a specific script to open it. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area.
02:09不过,若有了那道特定原文,不就能打开它了吗?If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area. If you force it to open, it will explode. It's hard to find life in this vast area.
02:13瑶瑶姐知道那道特定原文。那自然是不知道。Yaoyao knows the scripted enchantment. Of course she doesn't know it.
02:20瑶瑶姐,你说话不要大喘气好不好?Yaoyao, can you not speak so loudly?
02:25但我有一个猜测。But I have a guess.
02:30这不是在囚魔城中花两万元金买的冤枉货吗?Isn't this the scripted enchantment you bought with 20,000 gold?
02:35当初我就觉得它上面的原文特殊。现在对照着看,这玉牌上面的原文应该就是开启这原文姐姐的钥匙。At first, I thought the scripted enchantment on it was special. Now that I look at it, the scripted enchantment on this jade plate should be the key to open this scripted enchantment.
02:44这么说,那两万元金花得太值了。In that case, the 20,000 gold is worth too much.
02:47先试试吧。你们退到外面,免得我失手波及到大家。这道原文年头已久,也不知会有什么变故。Let's give it a try. You guys go outside, so that I don't mess with everyone. I don't know what will happen to this scripted enchantment.
02:56大将军,你们先到外面等候吧。我留下来陪瑶瑶姐。General, please wait outside. I'll stay with Sister Yao Yao.
03:01是,殿下。我去外面为你们护法。Yes, Your Highness. I'll go outside to protect you.
03:04殿下。Your Highness.
03:06放心,我相信瑶瑶姐。Don't worry, I believe in Sister Yao Yao.
03:08你就不怕危险?Aren't you afraid of danger?
03:11我答应过师父要保护瑶瑶姐的,怎能让你独留闲地?I promised my master that I would protect Sister Yao Yao. How can I let you stay alone?
03:16我看你是怕我把宝贝都偷偷收走吧。I think you're afraid that I'll steal all the treasures.
03:21殿下,我也留下来。Your Highness, I'll stay with you.
03:28那其他人先离开吧。Let the others leave first.
03:50我们走吧。Let's go.
04:08开始了。It's starting.
04:20我们走。Let's go.
04:50走。Let's go.
05:10瑶瑶姐,小心!Sister Yao Yao, be careful!
05:11当心,瑶瑶姐!Be careful, Sister Yao Yao!
05:20走!Let's go!
05:42瑶瑶姐,成功了!Sister Yao Yao, you did it!
05:46刚才我以为我们要完了。I thought we were going to die.
05:49去开门吧。Let's open the door.
06:04这里好黑啊。It's so dark here.
06:16前面没路了。There's no way ahead.
06:19走!Let's go!
06:40怎么会有这么多战魁?Why are there so many warlocks?
06:43看上去是个战魁仓库。It looks like a warlock warehouse.
06:45不过这些战魁的核心都处于休眠状态,而且没有被设置指令,不用担心。But the core of these warlocks are in a state of sleep, and there are no orders set up. Don't worry.
06:52那他们就是无主之物了?Then they are the masterless creatures?
06:56这么多战魁,要是大洲皇室能掌控他们,荡平齐王府简直轻而易举。If the Zhou dynasty can control so many warlocks, it will be easy to take over the Prince Qi's Mansion.
07:02暂时就别想了。这需要不少精通原文的人给他们逐个中下指令,激活他们,得花费大量的时间。Don't think about it for now. This requires a lot of people who are proficient in the original text to give them orders one by one and activate them. It will take a lot of time.
07:16瑶瑶姐。Sister Yaoyao.
07:32殿下,小心里头有机关。Your Highness, watch out for the traps inside.
08:02那就是战魁宗曾经的辉煌吗?Is that the glory of the Warlock Clan?
08:32生如天教,云映之间。宣认为罪孽之地,当受圣法吧。八万年内,圣灵截灭。If you are born as a demon, you will be punished. If you die as a sinner, you will be punished. If you are born in 80,000 years, your soul will be destroyed.
09:02难道黑渊就是这样被毁灭的吗?Is the Dark Abyss destroyed like this?
09:33好残酷,竟然灭绝八万厘内的生灵。How cruel, how could they destroy the soul within 80,000 years?
09:39只因为那圣族有天教殒命于此,这也太霸道了。It's because the Warlock Clan is destined to be here. This is too overbearing.
09:44真不知那圣族究竟是什么,有如此力量。I really don't know what the Warlock Clan is, but it has such power.
09:50瑶瑶姐。Sister Yaoyao.
09:52怎么了?What's wrong?
09:54没事。It's nothing.
09:56瑶瑶姐怎么怪怪的?Why does Sister Yaoyao look so strange?
09:58看来那是块记录石。记录了当年黑渊被灭时的景象。看看其他盒子里有什么。It looks like that's a record stone. It records the scene when the Dark Abyss was destroyed. Let's see what's in the other boxes.
10:12右卫,小心!Right Guard, watch out!
10:18右卫!Right Guard!
10:19右卫!Right Guard!
10:26殿下,我没事。Your Highness, I'm fine.
10:29刚才那是什么?What was that just now?
10:31我也不知道。I don't know either.
10:33你检查下弃斧看看。Check the axe.
10:42我的弃斧中多了一柄剑影,名叫杨明剑。There's a sword shadow in my axe, named Yang Mingjian.
10:46能够收入弃斧之物,想必是一柄天元兵。It must be a Tianyuan sword if it can absorb the object of the axe.
10:50天元兵?Tianyuan sword?
10:52殿下,我将它弄出来,它肯定对你有帮助。Your Highness, I'll get it out. It'll definitely help you.
10:55右卫!Right Guard!
11:03杨明剑好像在休眠,我召唤不动。Yang Mingjian seems to be sleeping. I can't summon it.
11:06天元兵都是有灵性的,会自我择主。Tianyuan soldiers are spiritual, and they can choose their master.
11:10这杨明剑应该是具备阴阳属性,它才会选择你。This sword should be a Yin-Yang attribute, so it'll choose you.
11:14你就算将它取出来,中原也无法将其收服。Even if you take it out, the Central Plains can't subdue it.
11:19瑶瑶姐说得没错,这是你的原法,没必要弄出来。You're right, this is your original technique, there's no need to take it out.
11:23来吧,最后一个盒子了。Come on, the last box.
11:29你们退后一点。You guys step back a little.
11:35这是……一颗液体球?This is...a liquid ball?
11:43居然将原文刻画在液体上。He actually carved the original text on the liquid.
11:48瑶瑶姐,你能看出这是什么东西吗?Sister Yaoyao, can you tell what this is?
11:51你往上面滴一滴血试试。Try dripping blood on it.
12:25居然变成战甲了?这东西有意思。It turned into a war armor? This is interesting.
12:29它不是战甲,是个战馗。It's not a war armor, it's a war helmet.
12:31战馗?如果我没猜错,这个战馗能与人融合,相辅相成,极大的增幅人的力量。A war helmet? If I'm not mistaken, this war helmet can merge with people, help each other, and greatly increase people's strength.
12:39与人融合?Merge with people?
12:41你碰它试试。Try touching it.
12:53殿下,殿下不会有事吧?Your Highness, are you alright?
12:55应该没事。I should be fine.
13:18好神奇的战馗。我感觉能像控制身体那样控制它。What a magical war helmet. I feel like I can control it like I control my body.
13:29好强!这一拳威力看不太出!It's so strong! This punch is too powerful!
13:35殿下!殿下!Your Highness! Your Highness!
13:39瑶瑶姐,殿下这是怎么了?Sister Yaoyao, what's wrong with His Highness?
13:44只是神魂枯竭罢了,休息一会儿便能恢复。It's just a myocardial infarction. He'll recover in a while.
13:49没事就好。That's good.
13:53我怎么了?What's wrong with me?
13:56谁让你乱用那种力量的?这战馗与你融合,就会以你的神魂为动力,凭你现在的神魂境界也想催动媲美太初竞力量的战馗。It's because you're using that kind of power. When this war helmet merges with you, it will use your soul as a driving force. With your current state of soul, you want to drive a war helmet that's as powerful as Taichu Jin.
14:07幸好你没有施展太强的元素,不然你的神魂就被它榨干了。It's a good thing you didn't use a powerful element, or your soul would have been destroyed by it.
14:13真邪啊!It's so evil!
14:15本以为有了这战馗,我就拥有了抗衡太初竞强者的本事,还是太天真了。I thought with this war helmet, I would have the ability to fight against Taichu Jin. I was too naive.
14:22妖妖姐,你神魂强大,这东西你正合适。Sister Yaoyao, you have a powerful soul, this is perfect for you.
14:26这么有良心?你先前递的血已经和它融合了,除了你,没人能用得了它。You're so kind-hearted. The blood you gave me has already merged with it. No one can use it except you.
14:33看来想要使用它,起码得将神魂境界提升到十级。It seems that if I want to use it, I have to at least improve my soul state to ten levels.
14:38你就偷着乐吧。这战馗不仅能增幅你的功法元素威力,以后还会随着你的原文造诣的提高而变得更强。战馗宗还真有几分能耐。You can have fun with it. This war helmet can not only increase the power of your martial arts elements, but it will also become stronger with the improvement of your original skills. The war helmet clan really has a lot of potential.
14:50能被妖妖姐如此评价,看来你果然厉害。以后就叫你隐隐吧。It seems that you are really good to be evaluated by Sister Yaoyao. I'll call you Shadow from now on.
14:57好像没有别的宝贝了,我们回去吧。It seems that there is no other treasure. Let's go back.
15:07等回大州,就让父王派人来收编这些战馗。When we get back to Zhou, I'll ask my father to send people to gather these war helmets.
15:13什么?黑毒王投靠那废殿下了?What? Black Poison King is relying on that useless prince?
15:19马上回去向王爷禀报此事。Report this to the prince immediately.
15:22周渊,你今日所作所为,岐王府将百倍惩罚。Zhou Yuan, you will be punished a hundred times for what you have done today.