
  • 2 months ago


00:00Enough time has passed between episodes to make my grand announcement.
00:05Elf France is officially announcing peace with the dragons.
00:08Estinien is literally out there somewhere possessed by the asshole dragon and this is
00:12what you're focusing on.
00:16Well yes.
00:17Shall we attend the peace ceremony?
00:19And that, my people of Elf France, is why I am now in charge and declaring peace with
00:25Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
00:27Y'know I was a bit skeptical at first, but I think Elf France can really do this.
00:36Elf France will never know peace.
00:40The war with dragons will never end.
00:44Fuck off with that shit.
00:46Okay fine I'll leave.
00:49Bye bye.
00:51So are we gonna do anything about that now?
00:54No not yet.
00:55Come on man.
00:57Don't worry catgirl.
00:59For I have good news.
01:00Lay it on me Alfie my guy.
01:02So never say that again.
01:04But also after my tragic fuck up two episodes ago, I've learned more of our allies are okay
01:11In fact, a new one is ready to join us.
01:15Let's bail for a bit, walking.
01:19Yashtola what's wrong?
01:21It feels like somebody wants to tell me something!
01:29Couldn't sneak up on you huh?
01:33Thanked you okay.
01:34Wow you look like shit.
01:38I thought you died.
01:39Yashtola yeeted me into the spirit realm along with her to escape.
01:43I returned not too long ago.
01:45Godsein cool.
01:46Well anyway.
01:48Back to meeting up with our new ally.
01:50Who wasn't thanked?
01:53Oh hey guys.
01:55This everyone is Krile.
01:57Our new ally.
01:59She also has god given plot powers you see.
02:02Guys come on you know I like to feel special about that.
02:06So I've discovered where our former leader disappeared to.
02:09And I know how we can find her.
02:11Okay fine.
02:13So she's uh... here?
02:16Not exactly.
02:17We'll need to climb to the bottom of the tower to access the spirit realm.
02:22There we will rescue her.
02:23God this is confusing.
02:25Can we just go kill a stinian already or something?
02:29According to the wiki, this happens first.
02:32You guys have fun.
02:33I'll be here not doing anything.
02:37Well we made it.
02:38Wait what's happening?
02:41Hey this is kinda like the beginning of the game when I first got my god powers.
02:46Hey I know we're in the spirit realm or something but can you put shoes on this is making me
02:50a bit uncomfortable.
02:52Haha yeah that's me.
02:54As you can see catgirl, I've become anime jesus.
02:58God raptured me upon saving you.
03:01Fuck if I know.
03:02Now will you let me info dump or not?
03:05I'd prefer if you didn't.
03:06So you see.
03:07The world has been split into 14 mirror dimensions.
03:10The kingdom hearts cosplayers aim to destroy them all.
03:14And they have succeeded too many times already.
03:17Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah 1 2 3 4 5.
03:21So did you catch all that?
03:22Yeah sure.
03:25I was tripping balls again wasn't I?
03:28Well anyway I talked to Minfilia.
03:31She's god now and wants us to kill kingdom hearts cosplayers.
03:36Same shit as always.
03:37Well this mission was a complete waste of time.
03:40So have you figured out a plan for stopping evil stinian yet?
03:44Indeed I have.
03:45It's the most brilliant plan I've thought of to date.
03:48Please help please help please help please help please help please help.
03:52So uh.
03:54This was your genius plan?
03:56Pretty clever right?
03:57Yeah sure I'll help.
03:58Wait seriously.
03:59My asshole brother is crazy and needs to go down.
04:04Alright asshole dragon.
04:06It's time to DD duel.
04:07Kill the french kill the french kill the french.
04:11Well I do agree with that statement.
04:13I'm gonna need you to stop possessing my bloodthirsty buddy okay?
04:16Dragon tails dragon tails.
04:19It's almost time for dragon tails.
04:24So is he gonna be okay?
04:27Well my work here is done.
04:30Peace out.
04:31Congratulations catgirl.
04:33With the pope defeated and the dragon war ended.
04:36You have finally saved el france for realsers.
04:38Does that mean I can go home now?
04:40Haha no we must first celebrate with a romantic dinner.
04:44Thank you for joining me my friend.
04:47You look absolutely lovely tonight.
04:49Oh you're too kind.
04:51It truly is an honor to dine with my nation's hero.
04:54So elegant and strong.
04:56We have a problem.
04:57Tataru you are literally my hero for getting me out of this.
05:01I will do anything you ask.
05:03Just come with me.
05:05My sister was shot.
05:07Someone is out to get us.
05:08We can't have five minutes of peace huh?
05:11With el france saved, who could possibly be out to get us now?
05:19No it wasn't him.
05:21It was a catgirl who shot me.
05:24Well I think it's time for some catgirl violence.
05:27Alright where are these new enemies we're looking for?
05:33So you're the ones who attacked Alisaie.
05:35That's right.
05:36And we'll attack you too.
05:38I just met you and this is what you say to me.
05:44That ist enuffeth fightingeth for knoweth.
05:47You're Ienjay.
05:50As thou can see I am clearlyth a stranger.
05:53Behold my mustache.
05:56So what do you want exactly?
05:58The warriors before thee mean thee no harmeth.
06:01They simplyth desire to return home.
06:05That's right.
06:06Cue the sob story.
06:20So you see.
06:21We sacrificed everything to save our world.
06:24Sounds stupid but okay.
06:26But do not fret mine friendeths.
06:29For I have constructed a means to end this.
06:32For it was I, Yuri and Jay the whole time.
06:35Brilliantly constructing a genius plan to bring thy twoeth together.
06:39You could have started with that.
06:41The powereth of prayer.
06:44Fucked up your world did you?
06:46No probs.
06:47I got this.
06:48Cool thanks.
06:50All you have to do is kill yourselves again and you'll be right back home.
06:54Yeah sure why not.
06:56So uh.
06:57You guys fucked up your home world.
07:00Killed yourselves to get here.
07:02Wasted time arguing with me.
07:05And now are going home after accomplishing nothing.
07:09Well anyway it was nice hearing your sob story.
07:12Really made me feel better about myself.
07:15Bye guys.
07:19K I'm back.
07:21They're gone now.
07:22Uh huh.
07:23Just according to the Kakaku.
07:26We're back.
07:28What's up?
07:28Now that I've received new drip from Tartaru, I'm ready to join you.
07:33And you're not gonna say anything about ignoring us for the past three episodes.
07:37Ha ha na.
07:38Well gang.
07:39Now that that problem is solved.
07:42I believe it's time I bring up yet another conflict.
07:45Oh god what now?
07:46Drama has begun to take place on the border between Elf City and the other city I haven't
07:50thought of a funny name for yet.
07:53The one colonized by the Empire.
07:55And this concerns us why?
07:57Because we're the main characters and it's our duty to be heroes.
08:01Now let's go.
08:03Well this certainly is a conflict.
08:06Over there.
08:07Ong it's the gang.
08:09Glad you're all okay.
08:10Jesus Christ did that party actually kill anyone.
08:13It's good to see you too.
08:15Now that we're all here, we can find the leader of this uprising and put a stop to this killing
08:20and violence.
08:23I should have known it was you.
08:25I did say I would wait until your current story are candid didn't I?
08:29Well we did finish up the Elf France quest so I guess I should have seen this coming.
08:33Speaking of Elf France.
08:34Check out what I found.
08:36I am the fucking strong.
08:38Oh hey it's the asshole dragon eyes that Elfino threw into a pit instead of destroying like
08:43a normal person.
08:44And now.
08:45Behold my ultimate move.
08:52Oh gods.
08:54Off screen he has summoned a giant dragon that I'm too lazy to build up with any audio
09:00Can we discuss how his master plan was killing himself in the name of summoning a giant monster?
09:06I mean like.
09:07Who does that?
09:09Clearly someone who wants us all to die.
09:11And wants to die too.
09:14We have to find a way to stop that thing.
09:17I know what I must do.
09:25Can people stop killing themselves for five fucking minutes?
09:30Paper Limo's sacrifice has subdued the dragon.
09:33We must escape while we can.
09:35So uh.
09:36A lot just happened.
09:38But now that Elfino's friend is dead the conflict at the border is over right?
09:43We can relax now right?
09:46You're going to make us get involved with occupied countries liberation aren't you?
09:50No but she is.
09:52As extremist as Ilberd was.
09:54He kinda had a point about fucking up the empire.
09:57So we're gonna do that.
09:59Well alrighty.
10:00Digging the new look by the way.
10:03Just remember that I'm the main character and no amount of character development on
10:06your part will change that.
10:09Alright everyone.
10:10Let's go be heroes in a foreign nation.
10:15Next episode.