Tark e Wafa Episode 53 - 29 August 2024 - ARY Digital Drama

  • 2 days ago
00:07🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
00:21These are your poiler papers.
00:23Is my poiler real?
00:27This must be your poiler.
00:29Live your life freely.
00:31Enjoy it.
00:32You don't have to answer anyone.
00:34Are you happy now?
00:54Greetings sister.
00:58See whom I have brought.
01:10🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
01:18Brother, tell me what has happened to mother?
01:22Mother's blood pressure is high since two days.
01:26Why didn't anyone tell me?
01:28If you get time to fight, then you should know.
01:35Tell me one thing.
01:37What did you do in my absence yesterday?
01:41No, what did I do?
01:43I didn't do anything.
01:45I didn't even say anything.
01:46Sister-in-law, you tell me.
01:48Leave it Najeeb.
01:49What nonsense are you talking?
01:51Take mother to the hospital.
01:53She is not feeling well.
01:55I will arrange for an ambulance.
02:06What has happened to mother?
02:10She was very happy.
02:14I hope she is not taking my words to heart.
02:23🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
02:54🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
03:09🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
03:17🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
03:23🎵 Let me worship love 🎵
03:45Mother, why did you call me?
03:47I had to leave my work and come.
03:49My father's factory is not there.
03:50Yasir is also there.
03:51You should have told him.
03:52Why would I have told him?
03:54In mother's eyes,
03:55all those children will be very good.
03:57It's all a show.
03:59We have very smart children.
04:01I know.
04:02Speak softly.
04:04I have called you so that
04:06you also learn some smartness.
04:09I don't want to learn any smartness.
04:11Oh God, Asif.
04:13What will become of you?
04:16Son, if you remain silent in your world like this,
04:19then this house will be yours.
04:23Don't forget that
04:24there are three more people in this house.
04:27Do you want your share or not?
04:30Uncle, don't give me the share so easily.
04:33You didn't take the share.
04:35It is snatched away, son.
04:39I have called you so that
04:41you stay ahead of your uncle and grandmother.
04:45Serve your grandmother.
04:47She only sees you.
04:48She believes that you take good care of her.
04:52The rest, I will take care of.
04:54Mother, what is grandmother looking at?
04:57I think she has taken the ticket to go up.
04:59You just give her whatever you can.
05:03that's it.
05:05Don't talk nonsense like this in future.
05:09God forbid, something happens to my mother.
05:12May God give her a long life.
05:15I was just saying this, mother.
05:17I will go to grandmother.
05:37Stop it.
05:38Take rest.
05:40I am just finishing the plan.
05:44I am finalizing it.
05:46I have a meeting tomorrow,
05:47so I have to complete this map to Mr. Ibrahim
05:49so that he can start working on it.
05:53You know, I will go to office tomorrow
05:55and tell Ibrahim not to work too much.
06:00please don't say anything like this.
06:02I feel very embarrassed.
06:05I am just kidding.
06:06Finish it.
06:07Just two minutes.
06:18Sipten, can I ask you something?
06:23The one who came to our house today,
06:26he is Mr. Mirza
06:28with whom sister Anila got married, right?
06:33What a coincidence.
06:36The one you haven't met in so many years,
06:38you met him at a random wedding.
06:42It is a coincidence
06:44and maybe not.
06:47Is this
06:49a sign
06:50of your love for him?
06:53Is she explaining?
06:56I mean,
06:57if we
06:59get sister Anila
07:01and brother Mirza married,
07:04they haven't got married yet, right?
07:07No, Maryam.
07:08Sister is upset with me
07:10that why I brought her home.
07:14And if she
07:16is told anything like this,
07:18it will hurt her more
07:19and I don't want to
07:21hurt her more.
07:23Yes, but you can give her happiness, right?
07:25And you are not hurting her.
07:28You are trying to
07:29fill the void in her life
07:31which she has kept
07:32hidden in her heart.
07:39I think
07:40you and your sisters
07:41will have to talk to her.
07:45She won't agree.
07:49It is very difficult.
07:52She is
07:55still hurt,
07:56still upset,
07:57still hasn't forgiven
07:59brother Mirza.
08:01Talk to her once, please.
08:07There are less chances,
08:08but okay, I will talk to her.
08:10I will try.
08:25Serve tea.
08:28mom called.
08:30She was saying
08:31that we are going to Lahore.
08:37So, you go.
08:39Sameer is with me.
08:43Come on, Aya.
08:45I will leave you
08:46in such a situation.
08:49I am fine, Shaheer.
08:51You overthink a lot
08:52for no reason.
08:57You know it.
08:59Still, you ask me such questions.
09:03It's your fourth month
09:05and in such a situation
09:06I can't leave you
09:07and go somewhere.
09:11We can do one thing.
09:13After the delivery,
09:15we can plan for Lahore.
09:16We can plan for Lahore,
09:17but not now.
09:22By the way,
09:25are you in a mood for shopping?
09:28Asking and begging,
09:30whenever I am free.
09:32Stay ready in the evening.
09:34We will go after office.
09:36Hey, Sameer.
09:39Have breakfast and go.
09:42No, sister-in-law.
09:43I will have it in office.
09:46What happened, Sameer?
09:50You neither have dinner with us
09:51nor have breakfast.
09:52What happened to you?
09:54Nothing happened, brother.
09:55I will have it in office.
09:56You guys enjoy.
10:03Leave him.
10:05He will be worried
10:06about office work.
10:09He will be worried?
10:10He will be worried
10:11when he comes to office.
10:15I don't know
10:16with which friends
10:17he is wasting time.
10:19I had thought
10:21he will come to Karachi
10:22and help me in my work.
10:24I don't know
10:25why he is like this.
10:27You talk to brother Shamsher.
10:29Maybe he knows something.
10:33I will talk to him
10:34and find out.
10:37By the way,
10:39do you talk to Shaheer?
10:41Not for 2-3 days.
10:42It's not like that.
10:43I used to talk to him every day.
10:46Thank God.
10:48I am satisfied
10:49that there is nothing like that there.
10:50If there was something,
10:52maybe he would have told us.
11:16Grandpa, do you know
11:17we were all scared
11:18because of you.
11:21There is no need
11:22to worry about me like this.
11:24It's not like that, grandpa.
11:26But we love you a lot.
11:28And we want
11:29you to always be fine.
11:33I know.
11:36And this is your love
11:37and your prayers
11:40which I am still following.
11:43But I never
11:44talked to your grandpa.
11:48what are you saying?
11:49Please don't say anything like that.
11:51And don't talk too much.
11:52Doctor has told you
11:53not to talk.
11:56don't stop me.
11:58Let me talk.
12:04I don't know
12:06how much time I have left.
12:10So what happened to you?
12:12I have been missing
12:13your grandpa a lot
12:14since a few days.
12:17He wants to take me
12:18with him.
12:23But I don't know why
12:27I can't see him.
12:30please don't say
12:31all this.
12:37listen to me carefully.
12:40Yes, grandpa.
12:42This world is cruel.
12:46There is no one here.
12:51When bad times come,
12:55we also become strangers.
12:57No one supports anyone.
13:03But son,
13:05promise me
13:08that you will always
13:09support Maryam.
13:13You two sisters
13:14should always
13:15support each other.
13:20you should also
13:22deal with Jassir
13:24with love.
13:26Okay, grandpa.
13:28I won't fight with him
13:29and will take care of him.
13:30But please
13:31stop these depressing things.
13:43I am with grandpa.
13:44I will talk to you later.
13:50Can I ask you something?
13:52Yes, grandpa.
13:58You are happy with Sameer, right?
14:02Grandpa, let's go.
14:03Let's go to your room.
14:04I will cut the cake there.
14:06I will cut the cake there.
14:08I will cut the cake there.
14:10I will cut the cake there.
14:11I will cut the cake there.
14:12Look, Raya.
14:14I am asking you something.
14:16Don't hide it from me.
14:19Since the time you two sisters
14:20opened your eyes,
14:23you two are in my hands.
14:26I know you both
14:27very well, dear.
14:31Don't hide anything from me.
14:33Tell me the truth.
14:36No, grandpa.
14:37It's nothing like that.
14:39Everything is fine.
14:41Everything is fine.
15:20Ms. Maryam,
15:21you gave a very good presentation.
15:23Our client is amazing.
15:25Thank you so much, Kamran.
15:27This project is not just about my hard work,
15:29it's about all of your hard work too.
15:31And anyway, I feel
15:32no one can stop the success of this project
15:33from the unity and dedication
15:34of all the employees in it.
15:37You talk like a sub-tensor.
15:41He is also very loyal to his workers.
15:44He will take this company to a great height with you both.
15:47Thank you Kamran.
15:53Yes, how are you?
15:56How was the meeting?
15:57Very good.
15:58The client has said that he will discuss the rest with you.
16:03I have to tell you something.
16:06What is it?
16:08I have to go out of city for a day.
16:14Actually, we have a very old client.
16:16We have taken the property.
16:17We want to show it to him.
16:18And if our deal is done,
16:20if we get the project,
16:21then you will also have to go.
16:23Then when will you come back?
16:25Well, it's a one day plan, but
16:28you never know.
16:32What time is the flight?
16:34Flight is at 8 o'clock.
16:37Okay, then I will go home.
16:39If you want me to pack anything,
16:41let me know.
16:42I will pack it for you.
16:46To be honest,
16:48being a good wife is also a blessing.
17:02But mother…
17:05But nothing Najeeb.
17:07This is the question of your daughter's life.
17:11But mother,
17:12it's not that easy.
17:15What will people say?
17:17My daughter's life will be ruined.
17:21What nonsense are you talking Zehra?
17:26What more do we want than our children's happiness?
17:30If Haya doesn't consider herself safe with Sameer,
17:37listen to her.
17:39You are a mother.
17:41You can understand your daughter.
17:44But mother,
17:45marriage is not a game.
17:49And she got engaged on her own will.
17:53She didn't have any problem then.
17:54And now all of a sudden,
17:55after so many months,
17:56problems have started.
17:58Mother, Zehra is right.
18:00I mean, if before marriage,
18:01if a boy or girl wants to have a baby,
18:04should we end the relationship?
18:08We have met that boy.
18:09He is a good and sensible boy.
18:11We have never seen anything like this in him.
18:16We should understand this.
18:18If he is a little possessive for Haya,
18:21then it's okay.
18:22This happens to almost every boy and girl.
18:25Now you see,
18:26if we had to create an issue,
18:27we would have done it on Kamal.
18:29But nothing of that sort happened.
18:31Look son,
18:33what you see,
18:34it's not what you think it is.
18:38Haya is very sensible.
18:40And if she is saying something,
18:42then she must not be saying it just like that.
18:45And sometimes,
18:46when you spend time with her,
18:48you get to know who she is and how she is.
18:51It's good that
18:52before marriage,
18:53we got to know
18:54that Sameer is mentally ill.
18:57But mother,
18:58Haya is still a child.
18:59She doesn't know about all this.
19:03And even if we talk about this,
19:05what will people say?
19:09because of people,
19:10can we ruin the peace of our home?
19:15Haya told you all this, right?
19:17I will talk to her.
19:18I don't know what all things
19:19she has put in your mind.
19:21No son,
19:22don't say anything to Haya.
19:24And she didn't say anything to me.
19:27I had asked her myself.
19:29Because I can't see the pain
19:31in my child's eyes.
19:36what do you want?
19:39Should I end the relationship?
19:50Consider this my last wish.
19:53Save Haya from the life of hell, son.
19:56In which she is burning.
20:00It shouldn't happen that
20:01it gets too late
20:02and then you
20:04and then you both
20:05get together.
20:12Talk to your daughter.
20:15Try to understand her.
20:18Don't listen to other people.
20:21Don't worry about other people, son.
20:24You have to answer Allah,
20:26not anyone else.
20:51Okay, now take this quickly.
20:53We have to finish the work quickly.
20:56By the way, Madam,
20:57can I tell you something?
21:00You have to save yourself
21:01from these three sisters.
21:21I love you.
21:22I love you.
21:23I love you.
21:24I love you.
21:52Hello, who is this?
22:00Ania, don't hang up.
22:01I want to talk to you.
22:07I want to meet you, Ania.
22:13Please, Ania.
22:16I neither want to meet you
22:19nor talk to you.
22:22Mirza has no place here.
22:24Don't call me again.
22:52When did you ever try for me, Mirza?
22:56A man is never helpless.
22:58Especially for the woman
23:00whom he can truly love.
23:03The truth is that
23:04you never loved me.
23:07If you wanted,
23:08you could have convinced your mother for me.
23:11But no.
23:14Trust me, Mirza.
23:15I will not let my siblings
23:16become a burden on you.
23:19Ania, neither am I a liar
23:20nor is my love.
23:23I tried a lot
23:24but mother didn't listen.
23:30I am really sorry, Ania.
23:33Please forgive me this time.
23:49I will forgive you this time, Mirza.
24:12I have a flight.
24:14I will be there in a minute.
24:18I am leaving.
24:28You always come out
24:29to see me off,
24:30pray for me,
24:31give me charity,
24:32and say goodbye.
24:33Don't you forget all that?
24:49Give it to a poor man on the way.
24:55Are you upset with me?
24:58Ask yourself
25:00why I am upset with you.
25:03Please forgive me
25:04for being upset with you.
25:05Step back, Sifteh.
25:06I am not a kid anymore.
25:07You have grown up.
25:08I will always be a kid for you.
25:09Don't try to cheer me up
25:11by talking sweetly.
25:12I am not a kid anymore.
25:13I am not a kid anymore.
25:14I am not a kid anymore.
25:15I am not a kid anymore.
25:16I am not a kid anymore.
25:17Don't try to cheer me up.
25:19I swear
25:20there is no one
25:21better than you for me.
25:22Then why do you
25:23trouble your sister?
25:25I didn't do it on purpose.
25:26If I upset you,
25:27I promise
25:28that from now on
25:29whatever you say
25:30will happen in this house.
25:32And whoever doesn't follow
25:33will be punished
25:34even if it is me.
25:38Even if it is someone's fault,
25:39he will be punished.
25:42Please don't say goodbye
25:43by being upset with me
25:44or else my meeting
25:45won't go well.
25:46You don't know
25:47whether I am upset or not.
25:48I always pray
25:49for your success
25:50and happiness.
25:52Okay, tell me
25:53when is the flight?
25:56two hours are left.
25:58you will get rush on the way.
26:05I will call you.
26:16I will call you.
26:46I will call you.
27:18you made so much
27:19of a big deal
27:20by just saying
27:2110 brother once and
27:22you agreed.
27:23What about him?
27:2510 can do anything
27:26and always agrees.
27:27It's nothing like that.
27:29You both have also
27:31misjudged big mistakes.
27:33Just don't ever
27:34agree on your elder sister's favor.
27:38you always do bad things.
27:41tell me one thing.
27:42If you see
27:43Tell me one thing, you really didn't like meeting Mirza after so many years?
27:51I felt really bad. And don't take his name in front of me.
27:55What happened sister?
27:57A lot of time has passed, so forgive him.
28:02Forgive him. You don't know how much money he has.
28:07You have only brother Tehan.
28:09If Mirza also comes in your hands, then your other hand will also get warm.
28:11Stop it Anam.
28:14By the way, Mashfara is not giving bad advice.
28:17Think about it.
28:22By the way, he gave a nice envelope to sister-in-law Maryam too.
28:32When and why did he give?
28:34Don't you know?
28:36You were not there at that time.
28:46He gave it to Maryam in front of me.
28:48If brother Tehan wouldn't have come in between, I would have got something too.
28:51Stop it both of you.
28:53Money, money, money is not everything.
28:57Don't you know how I feel?
29:00Why are you welcoming that person?
29:03Don't do it. Stop it.
29:05Sister, he wants your happiness.
29:09He wants to see you happy.
29:12Why are you getting angry?
29:14The condition I am in, I am very happy.
29:18Do you both understand?
29:20Anam, you don't have to go home.
29:22Sister, at least give me coffee.
29:24I will go.
29:46How are you?
29:53You have worked in two salons before this.
30:11How are you?
30:41I am fine.
31:06Have you cut the onions?
31:09Is there a special guest coming today?
31:12Yes, I thought so.
31:14Your face is telling me that someone from your family is coming.
31:19Your guess is wrong.
31:23There is one thing.
31:25Ever since you have come to this house after marriage, I have also fallen in love.
31:32Earlier no one used to talk to us.
31:34Everyone used to live in fear.
31:36But since you have come, you have made this house a home.
31:39Okay, now you quickly peel this.
31:41We have to finish the work quickly.
31:43By the way, let me tell you something.
31:47You should stay away from these three sisters.
31:54Why are you saying this?
31:57I have been working here for so many years.
32:00That's why I am saying this.
32:02And for God's sake, don't tell anyone anything.
32:05Don't take my name.
32:07That I have told something.
32:39What is this?
32:41What is this?
32:43What is this?
32:45What is this?
32:47What is this?
32:49What is this?
32:51What is this?
32:53What is this?
32:55What is this?
32:57What is this?
32:59What is this?
33:01What is this?
33:03What is this?
33:05What is this?
33:07What is this?
33:09What is this?
33:31What Hasib?
33:33What is happening today?
33:35I can smell a lot of fragrance.
33:36Did you add magical spices to the food today?
33:39It smells so good.
33:41Sister-in-law, this preparation is not done by us.
33:42It's done by Maryam.
33:45Her food smells so good in the whole house.
33:49Maryam didn't go to office today?
33:51She went but came back early.
33:53She said some special guests are coming.
33:57Special guests?
33:59Call Maryam.
34:04Yes, sister.
34:06Yes, sister.
34:07What happened?
34:08Why are you calling me?
34:10Do you know what's going on in the house?
34:13What happened?
34:14Your nose is closed.
34:19It smells so good.
34:23I didn't do anything.
34:24What happened?
34:25Razia is saying some special guest Maryam has called.
34:31I am sure she will call from her house.
34:32She shouldn't take permission from me.
34:34She is having dinner.
34:38Will she make us hold a tray in the room?
34:41Don't like this.
34:43You are right, sister.
34:46I don't know what happened.
34:47Who has come?
34:49I don't even know if we are invited or not.
34:51It smells so good.
34:52Call some special guest.
34:55Yes, sister.
34:56Did you call me?
34:58Maryam, you came early from office today.
35:00You didn't tell me.
35:01Actually, you were sleeping.
35:03That's why I didn't wake you up.
35:05I had some work.
35:06That's why I came early.
35:10What work?
35:13I want to give you a surprise.
35:17For me?
35:18What is it?
35:58What are you doing here?
36:02Sister, I called him here.
36:06He is coming in September.
36:07So I thought we should have dinner together.
36:09With whose permission did you do this?
36:17With what right did you call him here?
36:21Sister, I thought he...
36:27Anila, Maryam is not at fault.
36:29I told her that...
36:30You keep quiet.
36:34How dare you come here?
36:36How dare you come to my house?
36:43You called him, right?
36:45You called him.
36:47To hurt me on purpose?
36:50Tell me.
36:51To make fun of me?
36:53Sister, I am sorry.
36:55What is sorry for?
36:56What is sorry for?
36:58You have hurt me.
37:03Look at him.
37:04Look at him.
37:07This is your choice, right?
37:09Sister, your BP will rise.
37:10I know.
37:14Who does this?
37:17Anila, calm down.
37:19Stop it.
37:21After 20 years, you have brought this bouquet.
37:25Are you making fun of me?
37:26What do you mean?
37:27Stop it.
37:30Do you have any self-respect?
37:32Why are you coming to my house?
37:35Get out.
37:36You go.
37:37Please go.
37:40If you want me to go, I will go.
37:42But please don't scold Maryam.
37:44Just shut up.
37:55You ask me quickly.
37:58Making fun of me.
38:00I want the bag.
38:02I know.
38:04I am coming.
38:05Sit here.
38:06You will fall sick.
38:07Please, dear.
38:08Come here.
38:09Come on.
38:55Why? To hurt me on purpose?
39:17To make fun of me?
39:25Look at him, Sajeela. Look at him.
39:48What? What?
39:49No, dear.
39:50This is your kite, isn't it?
