بچوں میں سب سے پہلے کون ایمان لایا تھا ؟ Who among the children was the first to believe?

  • 2 days ago
بچوں میں سب سے پہلے کون ایمان لایا تھا ؟

Who among the children was the first to believe?
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:04Peace and blessings be upon you, O Messenger of Allah, and upon your family and companions, O Beloved of Allah.
00:10Peace and blessings be upon you, dear viewers and listeners.
00:13The title of today's video is,
00:15Who was the first Muslim among the children?
00:18I hope that this information will increase your knowledge and you will share this video.
00:24Subscribe to the channel so that other people can also benefit from this information.
00:30Let's move on to the video.
00:32Hazrat Ali was the first among the children to believe.
00:37With good wishes, I would like to take your leave.
00:40May Allah be with you and me.
00:43Allah Hafiz
