Beautiful Chinese home decoration

  • 2 days ago
Home decoration idea.
00:00请不吝点赞 订阅 打赏 转发 打赏支持明镜与点点栏目
00:30永远是对爱的执着 Forever is the persistence of love
00:34看人间的烟火 Look at the fireworks in the world
00:38是谁在声声叹奈何 Who is the one who is sighing
00:42怕只怕成了过客 I'm afraid I'm just a passer-by
00:46漫漫红尘要哪里停泊 Where does the red dust stop
00:52一只流泪的飞蛾 A crying moth
00:56她说她真的爱过 She said she really loved
01:00纵然前方是一团烈火 Even though there is a fire in front
01:04她也从未想过要退缩 She has never thought about retreating
01:09流泪的飞蛾 A crying moth
01:13她说她不想错过 She said she doesn't want to miss
01:17明明知道也很脆弱 She knows it's fragile
01:21只是坚信自己的选择 She just believes in her own choice
01:42你有没有听说过 Have you ever heard
01:46那只流泪的飞蛾 That crying moth
01:51在它小小世界里 In its small world
01:54永远是对爱的执着 It's always a passion for love
01:59看人间的烟火 Look at the fireworks in the world
02:03是谁在声声叹那一刻 Who is sighing
02:07怕只怕成了过客 I'm afraid I'm just a passer-by
02:11漫漫红尘要哪里停泊 Where does the red dust stop