Boss your wife is super cool

  • 2 days ago
00:00:23Wow boss he's here
00:00:33My leader run there's a bomb
00:00:38Crimson don't be afraid. I will get you out of this the bomb will go off in three minutes
00:00:44Can you make it back in time our aura?
00:00:47Tonight, I will turn you into a walking ghost
00:01:15Must be especially painful coming from somebody you trusted
00:01:28Rory surpassed me in every way. I couldn't keep you alive
00:01:33Don't worry, I'll take care of you. I told you I was going to turn you into a wandering ghost
00:02:07Knew you would mess this up for everyone
00:02:13No, I
00:02:15Don't really call off the wedding. We need to do this
00:02:21Think it's also Laura. What have you done?
00:02:34Landon are you here?
00:02:38Supposed to be a surprise here for me. Where is everyone?
00:02:50I'm Landon. Is that you?
00:02:55Can't wait till we're married
00:03:00Who are you I'm your mother
00:03:05Could you cheat on me on our wedding day, I never cheated I don't even know who this is no one's going to
00:03:13Especially since I already sent this
00:03:20Thought it was you I swear I I love you. It's too late. My heart belongs to Serafina
00:03:40I will take very good care of me frame me
00:03:45I trusted you both
00:03:51Baby sister might feel humiliated now, but today you also die
00:04:56Where is she
00:05:07How dare you cheat on your fiancee on the day of your wedding fuck it just you know her mother, right
00:05:19Like me you were betrayed by the ones you trusted the most
00:05:25Don't worry
00:05:27They will make you strong
00:05:31You wretched little girl getting married and having an affair to apologize to this family now
00:05:46I can marry it I can fix this
00:05:59Is this real yes, that is after you present the court with a marriage certificate before your 25th birthday
00:06:05I have less than a week to get married
00:06:11We were unable to obtain the permits today the old man he was where's Amelia
00:06:17Miss Taylor left a message. She said you're cruel and abusive and would rather die than marry you
00:06:28Not bad the meeting is in two days find me a spouse
00:06:35Where am I to find you a wife on such short notice that's your problem
00:06:39As long as she's wearing to get married immediately I will give her 1 million I
00:06:49Think I found you a bride
00:06:53We can help each other aren't you miss stone?
00:06:57Mr. Frost she is not suitable her personal life is chaotic
00:07:02Yes, I'm Aurora of the stone family and yes, there are rumors, but none of them are true
00:07:08Didn't you lose your family's wealth
00:07:13Didn't you lose your family's wealth yes mostly, but I have a plan to retrieve some of it
00:07:22You have one minute to convince me I
00:07:25Don't care about the money. I need to get married for my own
00:07:29business purposes
00:07:31To make it worth your while I will give you a million dollars
00:07:43Maximus nice to meet you Aurora
00:07:57You seem particularly interested in that marriage certificate
00:08:01Let's just say I needed to handle some business
00:08:04I'm a master at handling business
00:08:06What's next shall we announce our marriage to everybody I?
00:08:11Do you mind if we waited a few days before we told everyone as you wish
00:08:18What are you doing you'll see
00:08:29This is your home
00:08:32This is my Bella darling and
00:08:36Guess now it's also yours
00:08:42Excuse me I have to take this
00:08:46This will do just fine
00:08:49This better be important
00:08:51Finally you workaholic. I hear you got married. I hear miss Taylor has a temper, but does she have the looks to go with it?
00:09:00Not miss Taylor, I married miss stone
00:09:03Stone who is miss stone the treasure I found
00:09:09Stone who is miss stone the treasure I found
00:09:13Where is my sister-in-law? I have to meet her
00:09:16another time brother
00:09:20Went to the bridal chambers in broad daylight
00:09:25Let's get down to business
00:09:26Prepare a transfer agreement for the shares of the CEO of Royal Entertainment Media and make sure it's delivered by tomorrow morning
00:09:32Transfer to whom my wife of course
00:09:35There's a farewell gift you stay as the vice president make sure she's treated well by those scoundrels of the board
00:09:43Don't worry my sister-in-law needs anything. I'll be there for her
00:09:49One more thing
00:09:55Come in
00:09:58I'm the butler of Frost Manor. If you need anything, you just have to ask. I don't need to be served
00:10:07Your jewelry is in the powder room
00:10:12Mr. Frost is waiting for you downstairs
00:10:27Good morning
00:10:33What's this? A gift
00:10:39You're gifting me Royal Entertainment Media?
00:10:43Consider it a wedding present
00:10:45But this isn't a real marriage
00:10:48You're gonna tell that to whoever you hand that marriage certificate to?
00:10:53Fair enough
00:11:04How are you how dare you come here after all the embarrassment you've caused this family weren't the headlines enough
00:11:09Are you here to embarrass us some more?
00:11:13The man at the wedding you arranged that didn't you know what you're talking about, what are you doing?
00:11:18Let it go over right now. I would like an answer. How can you accuse me without any evidence?
00:11:25Know ruining my reputation in my name wasn't enough. I heard something more deadly planned.
00:11:32I don't know what you were talking about
00:11:35Of course you don't
00:11:37But don't worry Serafina. I do and I won't stop until you pay for what you've done
00:11:48And I won't stop until you pay for what you've done
00:11:51Please leave you're not welcome here. I'm going just came to pick up something
00:12:02I know I left it here
00:12:09What are you writing?
00:12:17I didn't know you could write
00:12:21I can already tell it's gonna be a huge hit. Thank you
00:12:37Hand over my screenplay
00:12:42What screenplay the one I wrote I showed it to you in my room. I know you took it
00:12:47Don't be ridiculous like you read a story
00:12:52Daddy I'm scared of her. That's it. I'm gonna have security escort you out. I
00:12:58Know you took it prove it
00:13:02No one is going to leave you
00:13:06You cheated on your fiance you are a liar and a cheater not to mention you've become so violent
00:13:15Look at you all scared weak
00:13:23No one is going to believe you
00:13:31One day you will pay for everything you have done
00:13:45Please don't hurt me. What have you done? Are you all right? Just don't want to hear me
00:13:50I'm afraid of her
00:13:52You see you're still playing the victim
00:13:56What is she doing here mommy she hit me and I didn't do anything you stole my screenplay I did not I
00:14:08Why would I believe you already stole everything else from me my father?
00:14:15This is my house you are no longer welcome here, so please leave gladly
00:14:21I'll spend one more second with a soon-to-be homeless
00:14:25What is that supposed to mean? I spoke with my mother's attorney. I know about the inheritance
00:14:39See I hit a sore spot stop take care of myself. I don't need you to interfere
00:14:47Like over
00:14:51Go two seconds let go over now
00:15:02Oh, are you all right?
00:15:12You little Nixon you were just dumped on the altar and already you have another suitor. I'm more than her suit
00:15:18And clearly I'm the only one who cares about her
00:15:23Shall we
00:15:37Knew they were wicked. I just never knew how to speak
00:15:46That's odd, but you don't know how your family was of course I do I just
00:15:52Never get used to it
00:15:54Thank you for helping me
00:15:57You're my wife. I
00:16:00Will always protect you
00:16:03We're only married on paper don't forget that
00:16:08By the way, it's
00:16:10Entertainment media looking for new projects. We're always looking for new projects. Why what I?
00:16:17Wrote a screenplay, and I think it would be the perfect first project for me to direct your director now
00:16:25You're president
00:16:27So go ahead make your film perfect. There's just one thing I have to do first. What is that?
00:16:36Break off my engagement with Landon
00:16:38officially in front of everyone
00:16:40Sounds controversial
00:16:43That's nothing compared to what I'll say I planned those who hurt me
00:16:48They will pay
00:16:49What do they do to you?
00:16:52What's important is that they pay
00:16:55It sounds
00:17:00Count me in
00:17:02in fact
00:17:04Let me give you a proper revenge look
00:17:17Ladies and gentlemen this treasure will astonish all of you
00:17:21Items here are expensive, but I am priceless. It's my land. Let's get you something expensive to celebrate our engagement
00:17:41This is an interesting piece, this is a wonderful piece it belonged to Queen Catherine my land if you buy it for me
00:17:52Putting a diamond collar on a mutt won't make it a pedigree
00:17:59This is another amazing piece a sapphire necklace called the heart of the ocean
00:18:08This mysterious necklace appeared at the bottom of a lake
00:18:13According to legend it has been blessed by the goddess herself
00:18:16If a man were to give it to his beloved their love will be eternal and unwavering
00:18:26Darling I must have it
00:18:31We'll be selling the heart of the ocean next we'll start the bidding at 20 million I
00:18:37have 20 million
00:18:4030 million
00:18:45$10,000,000 50 million once our love will be eternal
00:18:50I have to have this necklace
00:18:52I'll pay you back. I promise
00:18:55What's so special about this necklace? I'll explain it to you later. I just I must have it 50 million twice
00:19:06Anything for you
00:19:08100 million 100 million going once
00:19:12100 million who could bid that?
00:19:14Maximus Frost
00:19:15Are you doing bid?
00:19:17It's too expensive. Are you saying I'm not worth it? So Maximus Frost for a hundred million
00:19:28Dare you
00:19:32Here you go my kind sir
00:19:34Of course
00:19:42Congratulations on the necklace it is truly wonderful
00:19:46How do you two know each other faith?
00:19:50Are you two?
00:19:55in love
00:20:00Was fast well when it's true love you just know oh
00:20:03I know that's how it was for me. Really I thought you were just in the right place at the right time to replace me
00:20:13Don't listen to her
00:20:15She's just jealous that you're better than she is
00:20:19After all you're not an adulterer
00:20:22They're not worth it
00:20:30You two deserve each other I'm glad I didn't marry you
00:20:39Mother what's wrong Landon come home now
00:20:51Where is Aurora Aurora
00:20:54She cheated on me remember
00:20:56Do you think you can deceive me? I see all the tricks you've been playing with Serafina. I'm sorry mother
00:21:03But it's too late besides I can't marry Aurora now after all that's been publicized about her
00:21:08I won't Aurora's mother left her the stone group. She will inherit everything when she turns 25
00:21:15that is if she's married I
00:21:18I thought Serafina will inherit everything. Well, she won't how do you know this?
00:21:24I have my sources, but you see now why it is important you marry Aurora
00:21:30Don't marry her. It's not what she wants. You will marry that girl and that is it
00:21:51What are you doing, I'm sorry, I thought you were dressed what are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?
00:22:03I wanted to give you this
00:22:10It's wonderful
00:22:14Thank you
00:22:21It's going to take me a while to repay you
00:22:26I'd prefer to take a lifetime to repay
00:22:29What do you mean by that?
00:22:34I get to have you by my side for a lifetime
00:22:55Thank you, I will repay you
00:23:17Don't belong here. I
00:23:19Have to get back to the athaman Dominion and now I can
00:23:23This is as a girl
00:23:26Possesses ancient and mysterious powers. You are destined to have it
00:23:32Remember to keep it close to you when the time comes it will guide you. I
00:23:38Do love it here, but my brother's a wait for me. I have to get home
00:23:44I'm sorry Maximus
00:23:46When I avenge Aurora, I will return
00:23:52You called I need you to find out everything about the necklace I purchased today
00:23:56What specifically are you looking for?
00:23:59What specifically are you looking for?
00:24:03It's history like it was found in any previous owners everything of course
00:24:20Good morning
00:24:24Breakfast is ready
00:24:49What are you doing?
00:24:52You're to tell you breakfast is ready. I mean, what are you doing in my bed? Oh that?
00:25:00You wouldn't believe me if I told you
00:25:10You're really beautiful
00:25:21See you downstairs
00:25:33What do you want Aurora, I hope you're having a wonderful morning get to the point. I'm gonna hang out don't hang up I
00:25:41Believe there's been a misunderstanding between us
00:25:44Let's get together and talk. We're talking now. I don't want to do it over the phone
00:25:50Let's have breakfast and talk babies
00:25:56Fine I'll see you in 30 minutes
00:26:10Let's get back together we can get a marriage license today, but I know you're not serious about Maximus Frost
00:26:18It took me seeing the two of you together to realize how much I love you
00:26:23I'll marry you
00:26:25Right now if you like
00:26:28Are you playing some game or if you've gone completely insane, I'm
00:26:34serious I
00:26:36Know you have loved me since we were children
00:26:38Marry me and become the prestigious mrs. Sterling
00:26:44So you love me and not Serafina? That's right
00:26:50Prove it tomorrow night at the birthday banquet
00:26:53You will publicly announce to everyone that Serafina is a homewrecker
00:26:58What yeah, you will tell everyone that she seduced you while we were together
00:27:03Doctored those photos and spread them around to ruin my reputation. You cannot be serious. Oh, I am those are my terms
00:27:13Those are my terms
00:27:17You cannot ask me to do this Serafina's reputation would be ruined like mine was
00:27:27You do what I ask and I'll marry you
00:27:34Fine fine, I'll do as you say
00:27:43I can't wait to marry you once and for all
00:28:05You're not wearing the heart of the ocean its real name is Azur glow is your glow
00:28:11How do you know? I've read a book or two
00:28:15Let me put it on you
00:28:45You look beautiful, thank you darling
00:29:00You say you're in a hurry, but it doesn't look like it
00:29:05I could come with you if you'd like. I'm just going to make an appearance and then I'll be back. As you wish
00:29:25It's Serafina's now
00:29:28She just
00:29:34Serafina you look beautiful tonight. Thank you for the compliment Landon
00:29:44Where's your sister Serafina, I have no idea. I imagine she won't want to show her face here after everything
00:29:57We have a little nerve to show her face here tonight
00:29:59Wow, look at that necklace
00:30:06What is she doing here she wasn't invited was she
00:30:11Remember the plan you'll marry that girl on her 25th birthday
00:30:15After that, you can do whatever you want with any girl you choose
00:30:19Is that clear? Yes mother. I thought you were too embarrassed to come here. Well, mr. Sterling repeatedly invited me
00:30:28Something about an important announcement
00:30:31Isn't that right? Mr. Sterling?
00:30:39Isn't that right, mr. Sterling, um, yes, I
00:30:47Would like to announce my engagement I
00:30:52I am happy to announce that I and
00:31:01Are engaged again to be married, but she cheated on you. That is not true
00:31:08it was all
00:31:10a scheme orchestrated
00:31:18What are you doing in fact
00:31:22Serafina is a
00:31:26It was I and Serafina who had the affair I can only be glad that Aurora forgave me and
00:31:34agreed to marry me again, I
00:31:41Personally could not be happier
00:31:45Join us
00:31:51Aurora daughter-in-law join us. I'm sorry boss. We should go not yet. Thank you. Mrs. Sterling
00:32:01But you know, I I do know the real reason you wanted me to marry Landon
00:32:06With you could steal my possessions of the stone group
00:32:10You see, I know that I inherit my mother's estate when I turned 25 so long as I married
00:32:16But I'd rather be meaningless than marry Landon
00:32:19You two are nothing but a pair of despicable lovers. You betrayed me. You framed me for cheating but for murder
00:32:28Yeah, I know
00:32:29How could you do this to me? Oh poor Landon making it all about you again. I thought you'd love
00:32:37The Aurora who loved you died the day you betrayed her
00:32:44Nothing to me you and your mistress can rot in hell
00:32:58You and your mistress can rot in hell
00:33:06Dirty rotten cheaters, could you do this to me? I didn't mean it. I just I just
00:33:12Running out of lies Serafina
00:33:16How's it feel to be exposed as the true liar you really are
00:33:25Are you doing here? I love a good show
00:33:28Didn't want to miss it
00:33:32Now that it's over
00:33:35Shall we go
00:33:55What's wrong
00:34:10This investigation shows Aurora's timid. It's been bullied by her sister and stepmother for years
00:34:18But she's not timid at all sir, I have information on the necklace you asked me to investigate
00:34:26Zeroed well, the only one in the world legend says it's a magic stone containing mysterious powers
00:34:32Only accepting those destined to wear it
00:34:34Indeed and the stone is actually really rare. It looks like sapphire, but it's got a completely different texture. It's
00:34:41Nothing related to anything around the world. It's one of a kind
00:34:46And what mysterious powers does it possess?
00:34:54You also
00:35:13You're here you're finally here
00:35:42Look like you want to say something
00:35:46You told me now that I'm CEO of Royal Entertainment Media that I can do what I want
00:35:51Is that true Royal Entertainment Media shares are all yours, so of course you're a final say
00:35:59Remember that screenplay I was telling you about you would be a huge hit and I'd like to produce it now
00:36:12Can I
00:36:16Have absolute authority in Royal Entertainment Media. You don't need to ask anyone about anything you're considering to do
00:36:24Thank you
00:36:26I'll have Alex take you there after breakfast
00:36:31Tristan my wife is on her way. She's the new CEO. So make sure she gets everything she wants
00:36:45You must be Aurora
00:36:47I'm Tristan. Hi Tristan. Mr. Frost. I mean Maximus has told me a lot about you
00:36:56But I'm a little confused on why you're here
00:37:01Let me just tell you the future of REM is in your hands. I'm just here to produce a project. That's close to my heart
00:37:08Project tell me more
00:37:11Let's let's speak in your office. Yeah, right this way
00:37:15The rumors are indeed unreliable. She does not seem shy to me
00:37:29Well, this is really
00:37:33Wrote this I
00:37:35Did I lost the original copy but managed to rewrite most of it. I think with proper casting. It'll be a huge hit
00:37:42But I have to warn you there might be some trouble along the way possibility of lawsuits
00:37:52Might be some trouble along the way
00:37:54Possibility of lawsuits. Are you saying that there's legal issues associated with this like like slander?
00:38:01No, nothing like that. Um, but you know people
00:38:05stir up controversy
00:38:07If there's gonna be controversies, why insist on making a film because I refuse to stand by and be silenced from telling the truth
00:38:14And maybe that was fine with the older Aurora, but not me not now
00:38:21You're the boss
00:38:23Great then let's start casting. Oh, mr. Everwood. Can you point me in the direction of my office?
00:38:30Well, the CEO's office is under renovation, but I can find you know the workspace for now. That's okay
00:38:41Hey Max, I just heard your wife. What do you know about the film? She wants to make I
00:38:46Haven't read it yet. Why?
00:38:48Well, there could be some legal issues with it. It could be a bigger risk than we want to take you questioning our decisions
00:38:55You questioning our decisions no, I didn't say that good
00:38:59Just make it happen
00:39:01Interesting if anything happens to her I will hold you responsible
00:39:15Let's do all this for a woman
00:39:21Hello set up a casting call only the best can audition I
00:39:29Was your first day as CEO of a multi-million dollar company
00:39:33What are you doing here I wanted to pick you up take you out for dinner
00:39:41I have to take this might be a few minutes
00:39:49I'll wait for you for a minute a week or a hundred years if needed
00:39:55No, a lovely restaurant that has the best food in town I can't wait
00:40:28Have to want you to stop nothing fancy
00:40:35Give me your wallet. I
00:40:40Said give me your wallet now. Okay. I'm going to my wallet now. Okay, don't do anything irrational
00:40:51What are you looking at
00:40:55What are you looking at I said stop looking at me
00:40:59I couldn't help but to notice you're left-handed. So so that means I can't help but to do this
00:41:11So that means I can't help but to do this
00:41:18This drop the knife
00:41:38Victor taught you that
00:41:41Spend most of our youth in an all-girls boarding school
00:41:44No hobbies
00:41:45Not close to her father
00:41:48Very shy and timid
00:41:50Spent most of her life on anti-depression and anti-anxiety medication
00:41:55Broke her left elbow when she was 18 and is unable to lift it above her shoulder
00:42:01Who are you cuz there's no way you're a star you coming
00:42:13How's everything going everyone being taken care of
00:42:18It's really you I have to go
00:42:21What are you doing here?
00:42:23Couldn't make it into your family's company. So you decided to join Royal Entertainment Media to be a little assistant, huh?
00:42:31How embarrassing Scarlett I have no issue with you. What's with the attitude?
00:42:37Can't I just dislike you for no reason?
00:42:40Aurora, how did you manage to get a job here? I thought they had higher standards
00:42:45Did you seduce someone else?
00:42:50You seduce someone else
00:42:53Let me tell you
00:42:55Who is this?
00:42:57You don't know her
00:42:59She's the famous miss Aurora, you know, the one who had a public breakup with her fiance due to her infidelity
00:43:08Hear you seduced many men during your engagement. I don't know how and poor. Mr. Sterling
00:43:15I'm glad Serafina will take good care of him truly despicable first
00:43:20What I do is none of your business
00:43:23Second, I don't have time for these silly gossips. And so if you're not gonna get back to work just leave
00:43:28How dare a mere assistant talk to us like that go get us a cup of coffee
00:43:34You want me to go get you a cup of coffee, yes, I'll take a cappuccino no sugar make it two
00:43:41Do you know who you're talking to yes a
00:43:46mere assistant
00:43:48Scarlet is giving you an opportunity to become a part of the team. Hurry up and go. Otherwise, we won't let you survive working here
00:43:56Okay, you know scarlet's gonna be a big movie star
00:43:59Is that so? Yes, I have the audition for the lead role today. Of course. It's just a formality
00:44:06I know I already got the role
00:44:09movie star
00:44:14Movie star
00:44:16How interesting miss Scarlett miss Blake. I have that coffee. You're accosted. Why are you bringing it?
00:44:23We asked Aurora to bring it
00:44:26I'm just trying to help if you're trying to suck up to us to get a role in the new film don't
00:44:33You are here for the audition, that's right Tristan reached out to you
00:44:38Question his taste like you would know talent. Yeah, I don't have time for this conversation. Please leave
00:44:44How dare you speak to us like that an assistant? I finally understand why mr.
00:44:50Sterling called off the wedding seems like she's got something wrong with her brain
00:44:56Go see a psychiatrist
00:45:00Go see a psychiatrist
00:45:03You're just a nobody
00:45:06What's going on here? Mr. Emberwood?
00:45:08Ethel and I are here to audition and this assistant not only tried to chase us away, but also insulted us. That's right
00:45:15Laura saw it also
00:45:17What happened exactly? She is the infamous Aurora stone. I'm afraid if she remains employed here, it'll tarnish your reputation. I
00:45:25Certainly will think twice whether or not to accept a role if she remains employed here. Okay, I don't like wasting time
00:45:32Let's start the audition
00:45:34Mr. Emberwood, are we really letting a mere assistant run these auditions? It's great
00:45:39Clearly you haven't heard the news, but Aurora is the largest shareholder of Royal Entertainment Media
00:45:45She's also the new CEO. The script is also written by her. So she has complete and utter control over auditions and casting
00:45:56So she has complete and utter control over auditions and casting
00:46:02I'm sorry, Miss Stone. I didn't know I was just preparing for my audition
00:46:08So you two are here. You're obviously prepared. You know your lines
00:46:13Actually, I didn't have time to read it yet
00:46:16Me neither. I did. I'm ready. Perfect
00:46:22Well, why don't you two see yourselves out and come back and you're actually prepared and we'll start the audition with Laura
00:46:32Can you believe that Aurora that hack she's auditioning Laura Turner instead of us it makes me so mad
00:46:40Scarlett are the Stone family and Royal Entertainment Media competitors
00:46:45How is Aurora CEO? Yeah, you're right. I didn't realize it until you mentioned it
00:46:51Let's go call Serafina and figure out what's going on
00:46:58Did she become the CEO of Royal Entertainment Media and its largest shareholder
00:47:05Laura that backstabber
00:47:08She's also directing her own screenplay. How did she find it? I hear it's supposed to be the biggest hit of the year
00:47:15She can do whatever she wants and not hire us anymore. Don't worry
00:47:20She won't be in charge for long
00:47:30Are so talented
00:47:36So this is a script for the lead familiarize yourself with it we'll be shooting soon
00:47:42It's really special to me so don't share it with anyone confidential, of course, I won't share with anyone
00:47:51Thank You miss stone, I will not let you down
00:47:58Hey, I'm really curious, what'd you come up with the idea for this script, you know, I'm just so glad that we found our lead
00:48:04Why don't you go ahead and find our male lead? I mean, but if you tell you the script so much, why don't you?
00:48:10Cast everyone yourself because I have other important things to attend to
00:48:20Didn't know the secrets about the azure gloss
00:48:23Yes, sir
00:48:24He's a highly respected monk from the Skyboro City Temple
00:48:27He even drew as a glow and it looks exactly like the picture of the necklace that you can tell me about this necklace
00:48:33I will donate 10 million to the temple
00:48:37far too kind
00:48:39Let's see what he says before we celebrate
00:48:45Hey, let me help you with that. Thank you. Of course
00:48:51Have you had lunch yet? I haven't I know a restaurant nearby that sells the best pizza in town
00:48:57That's delicious. Let me just grab my phone
00:49:04You okay, yes, sorry, no clumsy of me
00:49:12What are you doing here? Um, mom and dad are worried about you
00:49:15I came here today specifically to take you home. This will not to do with the board meeting tomorrow, would it?
00:49:23This will not to do with the board meeting tomorrow, would it?
00:49:33Think you're gonna secure your places Harris, but dream on I'm not gonna let that happen
00:49:41Scarlett do you want to help me deal with Aurora? Of course?
00:49:47I'm gonna send you a photo, you know what to do
00:49:55Your meal is ready
00:49:57I'll prepare service
00:49:59It's not the mystery
00:50:00Not yet. I'd like to wait for him so we can eat together
00:50:05How excellent?
00:50:10What do you mean by that
00:50:12just that
00:50:14it's just
00:50:15Nice to see newlyweds making time for each other. Do we appear happy? I would say so
00:50:25Are you ready to go home sir?
00:50:29Take these the office and lock them in the safe. I don't want Aurora to see them
00:50:33Yes, sir, and prepare the two million dollar check for the temple. Yes, sir
00:50:44Had some business I needed to turn to don't really think you're here. I'm hungry. Wait, you haven't eaten anything
00:50:49No, I was waiting for you so we could eat together
00:50:57What just admiring my wife
00:51:08Tristan, why are you calling so late? Something bad happened?
00:51:18Something bad happened
00:51:23Who would do this who would print these lies
00:51:27Who is this yesterday at the office I fell and Tristan caught me I
00:51:32See if you believe me, right? These are just lies, of course
00:51:37Who else was there?
00:51:39Serafina, of course, how awful can she be?
00:51:44What are you doing making sure that she stopped
00:51:47What are you doing?
00:51:49Don't text in anger. You need to calm down before you take action. Okay, but she can't get away with this
00:51:55I mean hasn't Aurora suffered enough
00:51:57You mean haven't you suffered enough?
00:52:00Yeah, that's what I mean
00:52:06Will get through this together do you trust me? Of course
00:52:25Madam mr. Frost your dinner. Oh
00:52:28My apologies
00:52:30It's all right
00:52:37As I glow a magical gem from ancient times if your wife insists on returning to another dimension
00:52:45She may
00:52:47This is another amazing piece a sapphire necklace called the heart of the ocean
00:52:56Can I stop her the best way to keep her here is
00:53:01true love
00:53:04We will love each other I
00:53:15Wanted to see if you were all right
00:53:17You all right? It's best to not text in anger. I know what I'm gonna do now. What is that?
00:53:25Serafina thinks she can rattle me enough to make me do something stupid or to have you divorce me by my 25th birthday
00:53:32She is
00:53:33greatly mistaken I
00:53:35Am going to stick to the plan and claim my inheritance
00:53:43Thank you for sticking by me and showing me that I
00:53:52Will always stand by you you're my wife
00:54:04I love you
00:54:08You love me
00:54:21Will you say my name
00:54:37Do you love me
00:54:47It's just you see
00:54:59It's all right, I'll wait as long as it takes for you to give me an answer
00:55:24Good morning
00:55:35Good morning
00:55:40Did you eat breakfast yet
00:55:43I'm not hungry
00:55:44You should eat it'll be an important day. Hey, I should go get ready
00:55:51I'll box right you over there
00:56:00So you two know what to do
00:56:02Yes, excellent, she'll be here soon or you're gonna regret messing with me
00:56:08Miss Stone, can you comment on your affair with Tristan Emberwood the rumors say that you've had conflicts with a movie star in the past
00:56:15Are you deliberately seeking revenge on her? No comment. Is it true that mr. Frost broke off your engagement because of these cheating rumors?
00:56:21Hey, hey guys, we're not doing any interviews. All right
00:56:24Mr. Emberwood, why having an affair with miss stone? Well, you resign. What are you doing here?
00:56:29What do you mean you left a message to meet you here? No, I didn't
00:56:32What are you doing here, what do you mean you left a message to meet you here? No, I didn't
00:56:39She has to be stopped
00:56:42Aurora you think you deserve a seat on the board of directors you with all your scandals. I'll never approve it
00:56:50That's enough
00:56:54That's enough
00:57:03I'm sorry. I'm late. It's okay. I'm here for you. Thanks that I can handle it myself
00:57:08So we go the executives are waiting
00:57:15Your dirty little tricks are getting old I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't do anything
00:57:19I know you hate me, but I just want to be your sister
00:57:25You misunderstood me I
00:57:27Just found out about you and mr. Emberwood's affair
00:57:30I just found out about you and mr. Emberwood's affair this morning. You should explain it to your boyfriend at the press
00:57:39You don't need to worry about aurora and I you know the truth
00:57:42Regardless of what you read from the papers. I don't care what the headlines say
00:57:46All I care about is avenging what you did to aurora
00:57:55Mr. Frost do you not care about her infidelity? Do you have anything to say?
00:58:08Do you want me to join the board meeting? Yes, I'd like that. I'll be right back
00:58:18When I leave
00:58:20Belongs to you
00:58:29What are you doing here haven't you caused enough damage to our reputation
00:58:36Serafina come sit next to me. Everybody's been waiting for you
00:58:43Serafina are you okay? Has aurora done something to you again?
00:58:50I'm about to someone call security. Let's get let's get her out of here. You don't have the authority to kick me out
00:58:58You don't have the authority to kick me out
00:59:05As you can see my mother left me the majority of the stone group
00:59:09So long as I was married by my 25th birthday, which is today
00:59:14This must be a forgery. Oh, no, it's very real
00:59:18Your mother's shares can only be claimed if you're getting married or obtaining a marriage certificate
00:59:23Because landon doesn't want you anymore
00:59:26And I don't want him
00:59:28Let me introduce you to my husband
00:59:32What a joke
00:59:34It's no joke. Mr. Frost and I are married
00:59:38Just calling someone your husband isn't good enough. You need a legal marriage certificate
00:59:43Here is my legal marriage certificate
00:59:51This can't be verify it
00:59:57You are ruining our family's reputation
01:00:00Your mother would not want you to take over this company. Don't you talk about my mother you despicable man
01:00:06You only wanted her money
01:00:07Don't you dare disrespect my wife again, you will pay the price
01:00:15All of you are so selfish and greedy
01:00:19That ends today from this day on. I am the majority shareholder of the stone group
01:00:23And my first order of business is to terminate all of you
01:00:27And my first order of business is to terminate all of you
01:00:33All of us or just them
01:00:35All of you that's craziness who's gonna run the company, please. Don't tell me it's you
01:00:40You know nothing about this industry
01:00:43No, not me
01:00:44I plan to hand over all my shares to my husband
01:00:50You're gonna give over a 300 million dollar company just just like that. Yeah, it's my company I can do what I want
01:00:55You have an hour
01:00:56To clean out your desk before I have security throw you out
01:01:07Hey, why don't you do that do what
01:01:12I don't have the time or desire to run a company like that
01:01:16But you were built for it this world
01:01:20This world the big business corporate world
01:01:24Weren't you raised in this world? Doesn't matter how I was raised. I need help with this. Will you help me?
01:01:44Am gonna have a panic attack, no, it's okay. You'll be all right. No, we're poor
01:01:53Dad aurora completely disregards you. You can't just let her get away with this. Mr. Frost is backing her up
01:02:01Dad I have an idea
01:02:13Hey busy
01:02:16Just reading what's on your mind, thank you for today, of course
01:02:24You're my wife
01:02:26And i'll do anything for you we're only married on paper you're a free man to do whatever it is you want to do
01:02:34Is that so
01:02:37So if I wanted to do this
01:02:41You truly are absolutely stunning
01:02:46Why don't you
01:02:54I know we didn't marry for love
01:02:56But I am your partner
01:02:59There's no reason to fear me
01:03:01I'm afraid of you. I i'm not afraid of you. I
01:03:05The opposite you've been so kind to me
01:03:08I worry that I would just disappoint you in return
01:03:11You could never disappoint me
01:03:14Of that i'm certain
01:03:17I can't
01:03:22What you don't like me
01:03:26I don't know how to explain it. I don't even think it would make sense coming out of my mouth, but
01:03:31Trust me. It's for the best that I don't like you
01:03:41Thank you
01:03:52Why why you don't you don't like me
01:03:54No, I do like you I do
01:04:05I don't know what to do
01:04:12Why why you don't like me I do like you I do
01:04:30Don't know what to do
01:04:40Maximus is a good man, but I can't abandon my soldiers
01:04:55I wasn't expecting you in today
01:04:57Just thought i'd come by get my status report in person. It went pretty smoothly, you know, I was worried about the logistics
01:05:04but then the director sighed and
01:05:06Said that this script is gonna pay for a scandal or two
01:05:08It's gonna be a big hit
01:05:11Of course it's
01:05:15She's wonderful
01:05:18Everything okay
01:05:21It's just business for her normally that's what I look forward to but
01:05:27It's different this time
01:05:32Everything okay
01:05:35It's just business for her normally that's what I look forward to but
01:05:40It's different this time she don't like the bridal chamber
01:05:45You know, I hear it's not for everyone
01:05:50Just give her some time okay, she'll come around
01:05:56She has feelings for me
01:05:58I can feel it
01:06:00But she's been avoiding me. It's not about being the nice guy
01:06:03or even
01:06:05Buying them expensive gifts
01:06:07It's about seduction
01:06:10Women just like consumers only want what a few can have
01:06:19What are you proposing I do
01:06:24Take a seat max
01:06:29Where are you going?
01:06:31Um, I have a meeting with
01:06:34a friend
01:06:36We're having lunch. Oh
01:06:39Well, enjoy your lunch with your friend, uh, I have to go to work
01:06:51Well, enjoy your lunch with your friend, uh, I have to go to work
01:07:03It's noon
01:07:05He's at lunch with his friend, what am I thinking
01:07:29So tell me about this new wife of yours
01:07:33How did you know about that
01:07:35Are you kidding? It's all over the entertainment news nowadays
01:07:40Tell me where'd you meet her?
01:07:43Looks like maximus is already moving on. I always loved amelia. She's so beautiful
01:07:51You should really keep your husband off the headlines before the divorce is finalized
01:08:09She is indeed beautiful
01:08:21She is indeed beautiful
01:08:28It's good to see you max
01:08:30I'm, sorry how I ended it
01:08:32I clearly didn't think you were marriage material. Yeah, and now I am looks like you're making an effort
01:08:43Excuse me, I mean I need to take just take the call here
01:08:51What's she doing nothing just working you sent the photo right? Did you arrange it?
01:08:57Yes. Yes. I handled it, but
01:09:00She didn't seem to care
01:09:04What was your stupid idea, what do we do now?
01:09:08I don't know
01:09:10We'll find out
01:09:15Miss frost
01:09:17You're here
01:09:19Of course I am where else would I be? Oh also tristan. It's just aurora not mrs. Frost
01:09:25Yeah, of course
01:09:28Um, can I help you
01:09:32Yes, uh, I was wondering if you knew where maximus is as a matter of fact I do
01:09:37He's on a date a date
01:09:40with who
01:09:41If i'm not mistaken his ex-fiancee
01:09:46I don't know that. Uh, amelia is back in town
01:09:49That makes two of us. You forgot to mention that too
01:09:52Tristan can I uh, can I ask you a personal question? Yeah. Yeah, of course
01:09:56What do you know about miss taylor
01:10:04What do you know about miss taylor
01:10:08Yes, miss taylor amelia taylor daughter of richard taylor and she and maximus were engaged
01:10:18I believe miss taylor and mr. Frost were childhood sweethearts. So yes, they were in fact engaged
01:10:24Why don't they ever get married
01:10:29I don't think I have an answer for you. Some couples just don't make it. I see
01:10:36Oh, but you don't need to worry I know maximus is over her he loves you
01:10:43How can you be so sure
01:10:46I mean, they were childhood sweethearts. They have a history. I wouldn't be surprised if they still had feelings for each other
01:10:51Oh, I don't think so
01:10:53So you think I should file for divorce? What? No, no, not not at all. No. No, I I don't think that
01:11:04So you think I should file for divorce what no no
01:11:09Not not at all. No. No, I I don't think that I mean max loves you. You can't just leave him
01:11:14Tristan you don't have to cover for him. Okay, I know that they're together right now and they've had a history if they want to
01:11:21get together it's
01:11:22totally fine, you know, I won't
01:11:24I won't stand in their way
01:11:28But he doesn't
01:11:32Where's amelia she just left how's the situation with aurora
01:11:37She's jealous. Are you sure 100?
01:11:43What should I do next
01:11:50I have successfully inherited the estate of the original owner of this body. Serafina and landon have been taken care of
01:11:57Once I handle the script I will find my way back home
01:12:05Mr frost requests your presence at dinner. I'm not hungry. Very well
01:12:16I was I not clear. I'm
01:12:20It's you
01:12:22Can I help you?
01:12:26Maximus I know why you called me
01:12:29Why you're trying to get her eyes at her wife because you're too thick-headed to realize that she loves you
01:12:34You think that she loves me?
01:12:37Yes, idiots. I do
01:12:39You're not gonna get what you want by playing games or trying to make her jealous
01:12:42That's how men get laid not how they keep a wife what does she care about do you even know
01:12:50Of course you don't
01:12:52If you can't figure it out on your own ask women love men who are brave enough to admit that they care enough to ask
01:13:00Amelia if you help me, I will give you anything you want max. You don't need me to tell you what to do
01:13:07What does she spend her energy on the script
01:13:10All right, then create a buzz around the project as far as I know the most important thing on a tv show nowadays is it's
01:13:16popularity help her
01:13:17Generate that popularity and maybe show her that you care too
01:13:21Thank you. Amelia truly
01:13:26Or are you angry with me
01:13:29Or uh, are you angry with me
01:13:36Or uh, are you angry with me no, no, of course not why would I be angry
01:13:46I've known amelia since we were kids
01:13:51We just had a little catch-up
01:13:56Well, you two look good together, I wouldn't be surprised if there is something more there what if I want you
01:14:04That can't happen
01:14:07So you're still determined to go home to return to your world, huh
01:14:12How do you know about that?
01:14:14Will you just tell me about yourself?
01:14:20My real name is aurora
01:14:23I'm a warrior from the athaman dominion
01:14:25There i'm considered a goddess
01:14:28See, that's why I can't let myself love you. We're literally not even from the same world
01:14:35You're a goddess once I resolve things here i'm going to find my way back home
01:14:49Boss there's something wrong with your wife's friend
01:14:53What's wrong?
01:14:56Yeah, I got a hold of our pr to prepare your request
01:14:59When sarafina came bursting into my office telling me miss stone stole her script and it's plagiarizing her
01:15:04She's all over the internet about it
01:15:07Or she did that script is mine. It always has been well, that's not what she's saying
01:15:12In fact, she has arranged a press conference for tomorrow morning
01:15:16Okay, I'll be there. I'll be there. I'll be there. I'll be there
01:15:19In fact she has arranged a press conference for tomorrow morning
01:15:23Okay, where is it? I'll go and clear my name. The stone family is on high alert right now
01:15:28I might not be wise
01:15:30I am the stone family
01:15:32I can handle it
01:15:37That it's working public opinion is rapidly turning against aurora for stealing my story as it should
01:15:43You deserve all the credit for your hard work. You are so talented. I cannot wait to watch your movie
01:15:49It seems to be quite a stir about this new project and its
01:15:53alleged ownership
01:15:55Serafina would you like to tell us your story?
01:16:00There's not much to tell
01:16:03That I wrote this script and aurora stole it. I didn't know she could be so
01:16:13It means a lot to me. It truly matters to me that the world knows the truth
01:16:19We'll make it right. I promise you that
01:16:22Mr. Sterling
01:16:24As the former fiance of mrs. Frost. Does this come as a surprise to you?
01:16:35I thought I knew aurora when I was engaged to her, but clearly I did not
01:16:40she has
01:16:44When I was engaged to her, but clearly I did not she has
01:16:50Another side to her that I was not aware of a dark side
01:16:57All that is behind me now because I am happily engaged to miss stone
01:17:02Serafina stone
01:17:05miss stone
01:17:06Do you have any proof that your sister stole the screenplay?
01:17:11We will get all the information to the investigators and they can decide when to turn it over to the public
01:17:23Good the thief has arrived another thief
01:17:27And soon the world will know that of course, please do you won't condone the blatant disrespect you've shown toward us
01:17:34Please leave my mother willed me this villa. If there's anyone who's going to leave it's you
01:17:42It appears that seraphina has made such a big commotion yet again that attending so I thought i'd come here and set the record straight
01:17:51Aurora, you've plagiarized my script royal entertainment media must speak to this. My lawyers are writing up a lawsuit as we speak
01:17:59lawsuit really
01:18:01You two really do deserve each other
01:18:04And serafina you've never had to face any consequences for your actions before have you?
01:18:08And that's gonna change
01:18:12Remember I know what it is you had planned for my wedding
01:18:19Aurora you keep telling these stories, but no one believes you we just want justice
01:18:25Royal entertainment media needs to compensate us and you have the decency to admit your wrongdoings
01:18:32You'd make it right wrong
01:18:34What about your wrongdoings you abandon your own daughter
01:18:40What about your wrongdoings you abandon your own daughter
01:18:47Shall I set the record straight?
01:18:49Go on, please
01:18:51Seraphina, what proof do you have that I plagiarized the screenplay?
01:18:57The original script dated six months ago, or i'm sure you can't produce the script
01:19:04Sadly I can't this screenplay I wrote was stolen
01:19:09By you
01:19:11I wrote this script
01:19:13Mom and dad agree that you couldn't have created something like this seraphina. Are you aware that I have surveillance cameras in my bedroom?
01:19:29Aurora this one is going to hurt
01:19:39How can this be
01:19:42What did you do?
01:19:43It it's all lies. Daddy a video tape proves nothing
01:19:48That can be doctored. Would you like more proof?
01:19:52Okay, seraphina. Why did the main protagonist anna bury her birth mother's necklace?
01:20:00I wrote it so long ago. I don't remember
01:20:04She wrote it and I can't remember such an important point
01:20:13Of course I remember
01:20:17Hit the necklace because it was a memento from her mother. She wanted to keep it safe
01:20:23Are you sure?
01:20:28She wanted to keep it safe, are you sure? Yes, i'm sure
01:20:35That's so interesting because anna didn't bury her birth mother's necklace
01:20:41In fact anna isn't even the main protagonist
01:20:45If you wrote this you would know that how do you explain this?
01:20:50With the videotape evidence and now this it seems like you are the one who stole the screenplay from miss frost
01:20:58Is this true did you take the screenplay from aurora
01:21:09Okay, fine I stole it
01:21:19Because I
01:21:21I wanted you to love me
01:21:24I didn't mean any harm. I just
01:21:27She has everything and I have nothing
01:21:32You bleed me don't you
01:21:39Seraphina it looks like your lies are finally catching up to you
01:21:46We consider these confessions to be enough we will not take any injunction or monetary compensation
01:21:51As long as the stone family stops telling these lies
01:21:55And leaves us alone
01:21:57Let's go
01:22:01All right, mr. Frost, are you not pressing charges for this attempted fraud
01:22:05Are you getting weak?
01:22:07Rumor has it that you are now the ceo of the stone group. Can you comment on that?
01:22:16Or you've ruined my life I will get you for this
01:22:30You avenge aurora
01:22:33You know what that means
01:22:36Time for me to go back
01:22:47Please do not go stay here with me
01:22:56I'm sorry, I have to go back
01:23:16Hello, this is amelia
01:23:19Hi miss taylor, this is aurora stone. Um, I was wondering if it was possible to talk in person
01:23:29To be honest i'm a little surprised that you called me
01:23:32Yeah, um, the reason I called was to return maximus to you
01:23:38Return him to me. Yeah
01:23:41You two were engaged and approval from both sides of the family. It only makes sense for you to be together
01:23:47Miss stone, I think you've got it wrong. It's impossible between him and me
01:23:51I don't love him and he doesn't love me. In fact, I was convinced that he was too cold-hearted to actually ever
01:23:57fall in love
01:23:59I guess I was wrong
01:24:01What do you mean by that?
01:24:03I think you know
01:24:08I think you know
01:24:10Maximus loves you. It is as clear as day. It is also clear to me that you care about him
01:24:16Yeah, it's true. I care for him deeply but we've only known each other for a little while and true feelings like that
01:24:23I mean, it just takes a lot longer for them to form
01:24:26Did he ever tell you about his mother?
01:24:28No, well his mom died when he was three years old
01:24:32His father was a stone-cold businessman who rarely had time for him
01:24:36Maximus grew up very lonely
01:24:39I didn't know that I think by the time he was a teenager. He decided no one is worth his love since he wasn't loved
01:24:46But now for the first time I see him invested in someone else than himself
01:24:53For the first time I see him invested in someone else than himself
01:24:57I think it would be devastating to have him be so close and lose it again
01:25:01If you're trying to guilt me into staying that's not that's not what i'm saying
01:25:05I'm, just making sure you make your decision knowing all the facts
01:25:08I hope you both find happiness truly
01:25:14Aurora alex, what's wrong? It's mr. Frost
01:25:33What are you doing
01:25:37Drinking a 12-year-old bottle of
01:25:41Scotch I think
01:25:49Let's get you to bed there's no point
01:25:54Aurora's gone
01:25:59Aurora's gone
01:26:02I'm not gone yet
01:26:06What is that supposed to mean
01:26:09Why don't you follow me and find out
01:26:16Are you coming
01:26:47You didn't leave my dream no, but I think you will be in about 30 seconds
01:26:58Gosh I love you
01:27:01You're so strong smart brilliant and beautiful you're amazing, okay
01:27:10I'm so happy we're married
01:27:13I'm the happiest man in the world
01:27:17I'm so happy we're married. I'm the happiest man in the world
01:27:34What are you doing
01:27:37Kissing you
01:27:40Okay, let's let's get you to bed
01:27:50Don't go
01:27:59I love you
01:28:04How do I know you really mean it
01:28:08Because I haven't said it to anyone
01:28:12You've never said that to anyone nope
01:28:16i've never
01:28:17said that
01:28:26I've never said that
01:29:26Good morning, sir. Good morning
01:29:30Where's miss frost she just left
01:29:34She left where madam said she was going to retrieve something at the stone house said she'd be back shortly
01:30:09Open up
01:30:10You're too late. They're all gone
01:30:13What do you mean they moved out yesterday they're just here to empty the place out
01:30:18Well, where did they move I don't know just putting everything in storage
01:30:29I was able to access the stoneville security cameras. Mrs. Frost never showed up
01:30:34That doesn't prove anything. No, but I also checked your security cameras
01:30:40I speak up. I saw somebody force her into a car. What who I didn't recognize him, but
01:30:47I recognize the driver
01:30:48Well, who was it?
01:31:09Oh, I know it's you come out here and let's finish this once and for all
01:31:19Well, well well sister dear
01:31:23You're all tied up
01:31:25But you're still talking
01:31:27And you're still as pathetic as always
01:31:30You can insult me all you want
01:31:32It's not going to change what will happen here today
01:31:34Do tell because of you I lost everything
01:31:37my reputation
01:31:39my inheritance
01:31:41Oh your inheritance, that's rich
01:31:44Take care of her and turn the place down
01:31:54Give me the knife
01:31:57I'll do it myself
01:32:01The face really is beautiful
01:32:04I wonder what would happen if I were to scratch it
01:32:11Scratch it stop
01:32:32I got you. You're gonna be okay
01:32:40Where's the ambulance
01:32:44I'm sorry. Why are you sorry?
01:32:52What are you talking about you are the woman that I love
01:33:04Please don't leave me
01:33:07I can't do this without you
01:33:12Stay with me when the time comes
01:33:34Thank god you're here untie me
01:33:40What are you doing
01:33:41How does it feel?
01:33:43To be betrayed by the person you trusted the most
01:33:46What are you talking about? I know your plan
01:33:49And it's not gonna work this time
01:33:51You failed
01:33:56What are you gonna do kill me no, i'm going to leave your fate in the hands of the court
01:34:07Thank you
01:34:19Sir you have a visitor I don't want to talk to anyone
01:34:24But sir I said I don't want to talk to anyone
01:34:27It's so difficult to understand
01:34:29I'm mourning
01:34:32Leave me alone
01:34:48My life's meaningless without aurora might as well be dead. Mr. Frost
01:34:58You're nothing but bad luck I can help you no one can help me leave
01:35:06If I were to say I can reunite you with aurora
01:35:14What are you talking about
01:35:15I know how you can enter the aetherland dominion to be reunited with aurora again. Then what are you waiting for?
01:35:20Do it. I must warn you
01:35:23There's a caveat
01:35:25If you and aurora do not genuinely love each other
01:35:29Then your life in this world will come to an end
01:35:33I don't care about that
01:35:36My life has ended without aurora
01:35:40Do what you need to do whatever happens here is final you cannot return to this life if you are accepted to the other
01:35:47do you
01:35:48Accept these terms
01:36:04Welcome home
01:36:20What are you doing here
01:36:22I'm here to be with you for eternity
01:36:25You left your world to be with me
01:36:30And because I am here
01:36:33You must love me as much as I love you
01:36:38Will you make me the happiest man in the world?
01:36:41And be mine forever