The Blackout Club Pt.1

  • 2 days ago
Taking forever to figure it out. Also checkout and and and and
00:00people like motion blur I am NOT one yeah they do yeah I think it's supposed
00:15to be realistic ish I look good I look like a demon yeah all right I have no
00:28powers equipped visit the power okay okay
00:38we have minor powers right yeah we have one point wait I could do takedown for a
00:53point it's a it's a major power oh we should do you got to hold it all right
01:21I'm gonna do the lockpick that seems useful right yeah wait I have no slots
01:26available we have to do major power okay okay so you did did you do takedown
01:36drone is one which one are you doing Alex
01:51maybe you want to do unstoppable what do you think Dalton or the call
02:06I'd probably be one of those two yeah I was definitely useful yeah either the
02:14prank call or the unstoppable the heart one if you want unstoppable I'll take
02:20the phone call I don't mind no they all start at one they all start at one yeah
02:34all for all for these major powers at the bottom it literally says costs one
02:39on the card yep did you hone in on the second one oh god she's that customer to
03:02probably this is the right price the sign was right there so which one are
03:11you gonna get unstoppable or a phone call they're both like really decent
03:18do that whichever one we're gonna split them up so you got a pick yeah so pick
03:33one I don't want the drone really either it was between the first three
03:39for me like no matter what no matter what we're having a phone I'll say that
03:50call me doesn't matter what you pick call me maybe Alex which one are you
03:58picking well you gotta pick one please I don't really care yeah they all sound
04:18decent like I'm just waiting for you to get first dibs well you gotta you might
04:34want to put your points into it see the next levels you don't want to have a
04:40bunch of shit like garbage yeah that is true oh you hear yeah yeah he's right so
04:52what are you gonna do oh my god okay Dalton all right let me see I take on an
05:07enemy adult Oh from behind great no why okay I might go drone cuz why not okay
05:23cuz you can have the heart then all right the tanky boy what it seems like
05:32a oh shit moment uh-huh all right whatever it's that what you're buying yep ten minutes
05:43later of us being idiots oh yeah oh yeah okay all right now we can do a mission guys how
05:58yeah totally no I don't I can't get minor powers why do you have a crossbow what the
06:10fuck there's a box on the floor get the gesture of dance yep that's cool how do we dance
06:20I don't know oh wow it tells us about and we can't actually use them
06:51he is flashlight that's weird it's our phone okay are you gonna use the crossbow the grapple
06:59hook what then I'll use this the grapple hook okay let's just play all right
07:19all right at the eastern end of red Acker's most scenic neighborhood rest hold leads leap
07:32what the fuck names are these this cliffside overlook was named after the historical suicide
07:39of a local passer although residents have expressed doubt that it ever happened ready
07:45yep that sounds wonderful
07:48Oh see his crouch Z is close eyes yeah
08:03no that's the way to look at him
08:11oh wait wait wait wait what what what wait he doesn't he has a wheel but it doesn't do anything
08:24you didn't assign it oh god how do you do it at the close right here okay
08:30I look beautiful
08:38wait I didn't what the fuck it's weird
08:47by the way F is to interact with stuff I believe
08:53oh yeah okay all right I'm ready for this shit
09:06you gotta assign it to the slot to just say no Alex
09:16yeah you click it and then it'll say what slot that was my issue I was like what do I just sit
09:25here until I get up wait wait yeah you do boy fucking disgusting oh yeah I'll dance for you
09:36oh yeah don't look at us Alex don't look I'll slap you yeah you're my only fan what do you know
09:51is it in your little wheel looking thing you see how you're in gestures you got a click and then
09:59yeah you move your wheel your mouse over the slots on the right and it'll say where it's gonna
10:08go oh god damn it oh yeah oh are we finally ready
10:25be as in you're full of bologna and you just release over the one you want
10:37do they
10:53this is gonna go real wrong real fast stealth is your friend adults are not
11:03don't get caught
11:08wait why do I have taser I don't want taser I don't want a taser I switched to the cross
11:24boy I had the cross but when I jumped out hello how you fuck that sucks fuck this team
11:36if you hold control you walk slow crouches see it it's on toggle jump off Alex do it
11:55you can record with you no I tried to do it to Dalton's cool you can hold your right mouse
12:05wheel to record stuff with your phone probably stuff we got to investigate
12:13touch that door it does not feel good
12:43they're not zombies they're sleepwalkers they have insomnia
13:11you're gonna be one coming at you from the right Daniel I saw I'm crouched so I'm invisible
13:20the other one at the end of the truck it's the same one all that fuck there's a treehouse over
13:31there your treehouse is this the house Oh God like you in here means yeah I know
13:41don't Alex you are so slow not that what
13:55not that it's a big deal I'm just saying like I thought you were right on my butt
13:59Alex coming
14:04oh she doesn't have one oh my god what I have one it's on the yeah I saw he was grappling
14:27up like a cool dude I had it for her but she panicked and just jumped the fence all right
14:39Alex are we ready to really fuck this up your right phone right mouse button all right
14:57hello up there and if you pull your flashlight out it also says flashlight
15:05and recording the guy did pop out once what
15:11okay no
15:31trying to draw him out cuz he opened the door once yeah it requires a lock pick without it
15:40or to get it I can't get him all right he's heading back downstairs
15:58my bad guys I need help how
16:08there's two more they're crazy he's fine he's just gonna get out of there
16:38you're Alex there's three of them
16:42run Alex
16:51fuck you guys Alex I've run can you get away jump the fence
17:02this shit is crazy it's gonna go viral on tik-tok
17:11um Papa's gonna come get us oh shit my cat I want that shit oh my god you scared me
17:31all those people
17:37you should be fine
17:50oh my oh you fucking bitch yeah did you call her you know that doesn't that make
18:15level go up yeah I think so and you're making the daddy appear sooner yeah I
18:34can't get up there I see nothing this will help everybody I'll just leave this
18:56here you tap after you tap out oh you bitch it was an accident um let us get
19:05up high where we can hop I'm sorry Alex let us get up high and hide before you
19:11know because changing your settings when they keep on like walking right next to
19:17us isn't great as Dalton said you you can't make that you just tap space you
19:27can tap space Alex yeah all right okay options video is it 1920 by 1080 is it
19:47full screen do full screen windowed sometimes doesn't run as good is your
20:02is your frame rate smoothing on and v-sync well leave it for now and see
20:11how it works if it still acts up change your fog and your anti-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-ali-
20:41anything try the anti whatever my game isn't well I'm in 1440 but it's not
21:03the greatest frames drop drop the AA then the anti whatever you can drop it
21:18more because it shouldn't really be needed too bad there's one on the roof
21:27there's one on the roof okay there's one on the roof it's gonna get Alex yeah
21:34he only said it like seven times really he'll he'd he did only say it twice but
21:43yeah um the guy's coming isn't he right then change the fog you might have to
21:59run fog on medium or low and then everything on medium
22:14how do we was it Z
22:24this is gated off we can't go past this dead end okay what are your settings
22:49try medium yes it's all you can do
23:20still laggy
23:30does it lag on low
23:39I cut through the window nice
23:50yeah it shouldn't
24:01I don't know we can quickly try I don't know it should change I don't know why
24:10it wouldn't most games do everything's on low though and it's still lags that's
24:19really weird
24:25another one coming to the backyard I'm gonna go check the treehouse see what's
24:29in there like how laggy is it
24:37well when the people come towards me oh it's better now we'll see cuz you're
24:53down there there's two people in the backyard okay well if it's still lag you
25:05try to turn off the smooth frame rate see if that does anything because
25:09borderlands has that and sometimes it doesn't run great
25:30you think they'll see me if I come up you gotta try
25:36unless you're crouched
25:40Shut up.
25:45Oh, fuck, that one's.
25:47He's going on the roof.
25:52OK, we got to get in that house, right?
25:57The house we were in once or you were in.
25:59Yeah, the windowsills are open.
26:02We can't get up there.
26:04The one that we're on.
26:06There's a butcher guy over there.
26:07We're here.
26:13How do you get up there?
26:17You can jump that high.
26:19Jumped. What the fuck?
26:27Yeah, apparently so.
26:29Holy shit.