Six months ago, I lost my fiancee to a colleague. When I went to the beach with my sister

  • last month
00:00Yoshifumi, dinner is ready.
00:03Thanks, sis.
00:04I'm Yoshifumi Mori. Since our parents both work, I often help out with the household chores alongside my sister, Shion.
00:11Sis, your curry's always so good. I'm looking forward to it today, too.
00:16Yep, I'll make sure to give you a large serving with extra roux, just like always.
00:22Time passed, and as I researched household appliances, especially those used for chores, I became quite knowledgeable.
00:29Thanks to that enthusiasm, I now work in the corporate sales department of an electronics retailer.
00:35Mori, you're at the top of the sales rankings again this time. Congratulations! Keep up the good work!
00:42Yes, thank you!
00:44Amida, you're also steadily improving. I'm counting on you as well.
00:49Yeah, I'll do my best.
00:52The company you landed a contract with the other day, the one with that difficult client as the contact? That's impressive!
00:59Huh. Is that a jab at my average sales performance?
01:03That's not what I meant.
01:05This is Tsunahiko Amida, my co-worker who joined at the same time as me.
01:10For some reason, we just don't get along, and he always seems to be on edge around me.
01:16Though I had concerns about my relationship with Amida, work was mostly going well, and then...
01:22I'm sorry. I've decided to break up with you, Yoshifumi, and started dating Tsunahiko.
01:30Suddenly, Hakune broke up the news that she wanted to end our relationship.
01:37I've been wondering if marrying you was really the right thing to do.
01:42When Tsunahiko talked with me about it, he introduced me to a world of luxury I'd never known before.
01:49So I thought I'd be happier with Tsunahiko.
01:54In summary, it seems Hakune was attracted to Amida because he took her on luxurious dates.
02:00Amida's family is wealthy. His father is the company's executive director.
02:05On the other hand, my family's middle class.
02:08She must have experienced things with him that she could never have with me.
02:12So, basically, someone like you isn't worthy of Hakune.
02:16A rich guy like me is more suited for her.
02:19If you get that, then get lost already, loser.
02:23Alright. I'll break up with Hakune.
02:26But I'm going to demand compensation from both of you.
02:29Fine by me. That amount is nothing to me.
02:32I'll cover Hakune's share too.
02:35News of our broken engagement spread through the company quickly.
02:38Probably because we talked in front of the office.
02:41Wait, so Kake was cheating?
02:45Amida's behavior is out of control.
02:48Even if he is the director's son. Poor Mori.
02:52Maybe I should switch jobs.
02:55Most of my co-workers were sympathetic, but even that was too much for me to handle at the time.
03:01I had already been considering a career change, so I decided this was a good opportunity to resign.
03:07After successfully finding a new job, I decided to move to a new place.
03:12My old apartment was far from my new workplace, and I didn't want to be reminded of my days with Hakune.
03:18I thought about helping you unpack, but it looks like you're almost done.
03:22Just what I'd expect from you, Yoshifumi.
03:25The apartment I moved into happens to be in the same building as my sister's,
03:29and she came over today to celebrate my new job.
03:32By the way, my sister now works at a house cleaning service,
03:36a natural choice given her experience with housework.
03:39Congrats on the new job! I'm glad everything worked out.
03:44To celebrate, I'll make your favorite curry!
03:47Awesome! I haven't had your curry in so long!
03:51I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot more of my sister now that we live so close.
03:55I'm really looking forward to my new life!
03:58Then one day, my sister asked me for a favor.
04:01She wanted me to help clean up a friend's apartment who lives in the same building.
04:06But let me warn you, no matter what happens, don't be surprised.
04:11My sister's ominous words in mind, I followed her to her friend's apartment.
04:18Two of my sister's friends greeted us with smiles.
04:21As we were ushered in, the room had a pleasant floral scent.
04:26What the heck is this?
04:29As soon as I stepped through the door, I was met with an incredibly messy room.
04:34I couldn't help but yell out,
04:36Wait, is something moving over by that pile of clothes?
04:41Oh, that might be the cleaning robot?
04:45I thought it would help tidy up a bit, so I turned it on earlier.
04:50But it got buried pretty quickly, huh?
04:53Yeah, with this much stuff on the floor, the poor cleaning robot didn't stand a chance.
04:59Sorry for the sudden request, Yoshifumi.
05:02It's just that both Hiyori and I have been super busy lately.
05:06So, we were talking about hiring a cleaning service from Shion's company.
05:11But when we asked, she said if we offered to do something in return, she'd help out personally.
05:17My sister's friends, Miyabi Matsukaze and Hiyori Asamiya, live together in this apartment.
05:23So, what kind of return favor are you planning to ask for, sis?
05:32My sister's expressions are hard to read, but I can tell she's really excited about this.
05:38Growing up, the beach was quite a distance from our home, so we couldn't go there often.
05:43Our family trips were always to the beach, probably because it was a special experience for us.
05:49That's why, just the thought of going to the beach makes me feel like I'm about to have a unique and special experience.
06:01Well, I'll think about it.
06:04Agreeing to a trip with women I've just met is a bit daunting.
06:14As we chatted while working, the room was soon transformed into a much tidier space.
06:20A few days later, I visited Miyabi and Hiyori's apartment again, this time bringing along a catalog of household appliances.
06:28It turns out they're not very good at household chores, so they asked me to recommend some helpful appliances.
06:44Miyabi tends to get exhausted by focusing too much on the details, while Hiyori lacks interest and motivation in housework.
06:54It was fun recommending appliances that suited both of their needs.
06:58By the way, I noticed the first time I came here, but you two are really particular about the scent of the room, aren't you?
07:05Honestly, the contrast between the mess and the nice smell was kind of surprising.
07:11So, if you're that knowledgeable about scents, maybe choosing an uplifting fragrance could make chores more enjoyable.
07:18Makes sense. I'm learning so much, but at the same time I feel a bit ashamed of myself.
07:25Yeah, needing this much help to do housework, I guess it makes me seem pretty unattractive.
07:32That's not true! If you have other priorities, it's okay to not overdo it.
07:38The same goes for housework. Besides, it's a stereotype to think that just because you're a woman, you have to be good at it.
07:45Though most of what I'm saying comes from my sister.
07:48Seeing their intense stares, I added that last part to cover my embarrassment.
07:53At the same time, I remembered something from back when I still lived at home.
07:58During summer vacation, right before I took my high school entrance exams, my sister took over the chores I usually did and said to me,
08:06Yoshifumi, your priority right now is studying, so unless you need a break, you don't have to help with the chores.
08:13You don't have to overdo it when there are more important things you need to focus on.
08:18I see. It's okay to accept that there are limits to what I can do.
08:22Of course, aiming high is important, but that's only meaningful if you know your own limits.
08:28That's what my sister taught me that day.
08:31So, Miyabi and Hiyori, just start with what you can do.
08:35Once you get used to it and feel more confident, you can take on more tasks.
08:39I already think both of you are doing a great job, so just take it easy.
08:48Time passed, and it's been six months since Hakune and I broke up.
08:52Miyabi and Hiyori have gradually gotten better at housework, and we've become even closer.
08:57As a result, I decided to join them on the beach trip I had been unsure about.
09:02I look forward to spending the day together.
09:05I can't wait for the watermelon smashing and the barbecue!
09:09Shion seems really excited.
09:13Meanwhile, Amira and Hakune were sitting together, talking about something.
09:18You're planning to hang out with your friends on the next day off, right?
09:22I'll be lonely, so maybe I'll go out with my friends, too.
09:27Sorry about that. It's been planned for a while, but I'll make it up to you.
09:33Oh, that makes me so happy!
09:36Then how about taking me to that fancy restaurant?
09:39Of course. You really love the food there, huh?
09:43You remembered! I'm the luckiest girl alive.
09:50Even Amira couldn't help but give a strange smile at Hakune's words.
09:54It seems she's no longer the person I knew.
09:57I stole her from Mori, but Hakune's becoming more and more of a pain.
10:02Now she's even asking for expensive stuff on her own.
10:06She's losing her charm.
10:08Maybe it's time to find a new girl.
10:11Amira muttered to himself, but it seems Hakune, who was lost in her own happiness, didn't hear.
10:17A few days later, on the day of the trip, we arrived at the beach.
10:22Hey, they're offering snorkeling! Let's go over there, Yoshifumi!
10:27Wait for me, too!
10:29Miyabi and Hiyori are so cute, getting all excited!
10:33Yoshifumi sure is popular. When did they get so close?
10:38After snorkeling, we did the watermelon smashing and barbecue that Shion was eager to do.
10:43Looking good, Shion! Just keep going straight!
10:47Yeah! Swing that log down!
10:50The churrasco is ready!
10:52Yay! Let's make grilled rice balls later, too!
10:57After filling our stomachs, we decided to relax and swim for the afternoon.
11:02That swimsuit looks great on you! Where did you get it?
11:07Your shy reaction is so cute! Why don't you hang out with me instead?
11:14Before I knew it, Miyabi was being hit on by some guy, so we rushed over to her.
11:20Do you need something with my friend?
11:22Tch! What? There's a guy with you!
11:25Wait, Modi?
11:27Huh? Amida?
11:29I was shocked, but it seemed Amida was just as surprised.
11:33He kept looking back and forth between me and Miyabi, his mouth agape.
11:38What's a loser like Modi doing with these beautiful women?
11:43That's none of your business!
11:45Yeah, and the four of us are hanging out together, so frankly, you're just in the way!
11:51Amida finally managed to speak, but my sister and Hyori quickly shut him down.
11:57Sorry, but we'll be taking our leave now.
12:00Playing with three beauties? Modi, you cheeky little...
12:04You ladies are so gorgeous! Why not ditch this loser and hang out with me instead?
12:10I'm actually here with two guy friends, so we could make it a three-on-three.
12:15Uh, numbers don't matter. I want to stay with Yoshifumi.
12:21Exactly! If you think you're a better choice just by putting others down, you're not even in the running!
12:28Huh? Don't you know? This guy is the loser who got dumped by his fiancée!
12:35And not only that, but after getting dumped, he quit his job and ran away!
12:41A loser like this, even if he found a new job, it must be at some low-tier company!
12:47Meanwhile, I've always been rich, my dad's an executive, and I've got a bright future!
12:54Trust me, you'll have a much better life with me than with this guy!
12:59Amida is so focused on insulting me that he doesn't notice the dark aura emanating from the three women.
13:06For someone who claims to know so much, you seem pretty biased.
13:11Are you the rich guy who stole my brother's fiancée?
13:15Huh? Brother?
13:17And for your information, my brother works at Lovekoi Electric. When did that become a low-tier company?
13:24What? No way! One of the top electronics manufacturers!
13:30That's right. After quitting, I got a job as a sales rep at the major electronics manufacturer, Lovekoi Electric.
13:37I've been putting my knowledge and experience to full use, and I've built good relationships with my clients.
13:43Lovekoi Electric has been my dream company. That's why my sister celebrated when I got the job.
13:49Well, there are some differences from my previous job, but things are going well so far.
13:54So, how about you?
13:57Last I heard, you and Hakune were facing a lot of criticism. Has that changed?
14:03Uh, no, it hasn't.
14:06Amida mumbles, clearly struggling. It's likely the situation has either stayed the same or worsened.
14:13B-but I'm rich, so that makes me better than some lowly employee!
14:18But it's not even your money, is it?
14:21So what you're saying is your only appeal is that you can't shine unless you bring others down?
14:27Right. And from what you're saying, I guess it's true that you stole Yoshifumi's fiancée.
14:34If that's the case, then his ex-fiancée must have had really poor judgment.
14:40Ugh, damn it.
14:42In any case, should you be flirting with other women right now?
14:46What about Hakune? Have you already dumped her?
14:50Heh, who needs a loser like her anymore? Sure, she was cute when a little cash made her happy.
14:56But now, she's constantly asking for money.
15:00Hakune has zero appeal as a woman now. She deserves to be dumped.
15:05Oh, is that so? But if I have zero appeal as a woman, then Sunehiko must have zero appeal as a man too.
15:13I guess your only attraction is as a walking wallet.
15:19Hakune suddenly appears and smiles sweetly at Amida, seemingly out of nowhere.
15:25It's such a coincidence, isn't it?
15:28I came here to hang out with my friends, and who should I find but my boyfriend?
15:34Despite her sweet smile, her words are laced with venom, revealing the fury boiling inside her.
15:41W-What? And what do you mean I'm only attractive as a wallet? So you were just after mining all along?
15:49No. Until yesterday, I did like you for who you were, Sunehiko.
15:54But after seeing you today, I suddenly lost interest. I guess I still like you for me more after all.
16:02D-Don't mess with me! Do you have any idea how much money I've spent on you?!
16:08Hakune ignores Amida's outburst and walks over to me, smiling coyly, while I look back at her coldly.
16:15I heard what you were saying. So you're now working at Lovecore Electric now, huh?
16:21That's amazing! You've always been so capable, Yoshifumi.
16:26It seems your tastes have changed quite a bit. You weren't into flashy things like this when we were together, were you?
16:33Hakune used to be more modest, with her only indulgence being aromatherapy products.
16:39I'm stunned at how much she's changed in just six months.
16:43Aww, are you jealous because I'm wearing things that other men bought for me?
16:47If it bothers you that much, I'll get rid of everything Sunehiko gave me.
16:52But you'll have to buy me new stuff instead. You work at a big company, so you can afford it, right?
16:59Huh? I'm stunned by her selfishness, especially since I haven't even agreed to get back together.
17:06Don't be ridiculous! After everything you did to hurt Yoshifumi, how dare you talk to him now?!
17:12Oh, it's been a while, dear sister-in-law!
17:16Hakune and my sister met once before during our engagement introduction.
17:21Despite Shion's unchanged, displeased expression, Hakune shows no signs of fear.
17:27She's grown a pretty thick skin, hasn't she?
17:31Suddenly, Hakune seems to flip a switch, revealing her true colors.
17:36The truth is, I was cursed by an evil witch, which made me unable to speak my true feelings all this time.
17:43On top of that, she cast a spell that made me think I liked men like Sunehiko.
17:49Yes, I'm a poor mermaid, waiting for a prince to rescue me.
17:55So please, Yoshifumi Prince, come save Princess Hakune.
18:01Someone, please tell me, what has to happen to make a person say such cringe-worthy things without shame?
18:09Even as her ex, I feel a chill run down my spine, just as I was about to retort.
18:15Then how about you go jump into the ocean and turn into foam already?
18:20Miyabi's cold voice cuts through Hakune. She looks ready to punch Hakune at any point.
18:26Indeed. Since you're not going to end up with Yoshifumi, that might be the best thing for everyone.
18:34You two are just after Yoshifumi's money, aren't you?
18:37There's no way such beautiful women would hang out with him otherwise.
18:41Don't insult Yoshifumi any further.
18:45And for your information, neither of us needs his money.
18:49We're the co-founders of Morning Pine.
18:52That's right. Miyabi and Hiyori are the co-founders of the berry aromatherapy brand Hakune Loves.
18:58Miyabi's dedication to perfecting fragrances and Hiyori's passion for exploring new scents have helped their company grow into a rising star.
19:07Unlike you, we don't have the hobby of leeching off of other people's money.
19:12Exactly. Yoshifumi is kind, cool, and considerate.
19:18How could you get engaged to him and not see his worth? You can tell we're beautiful?
19:23Your judgment must be seriously flawed.
19:27By the way, these women are the type who fully understand their beauty. I respect them for that, but what about you, viewers?
19:36Sorry, Hakune. I'm just a pitiful man who can't attract beautiful women without money.
19:41Huh? No, that's not-
19:44But even without that comment, I never intended to get back together with you.
19:49If, before we broke up, you had sincerely wanted to aim higher with me, I would have supported you as much as I could.
19:56But I can't see myself living with someone who steps on others to climb to heights beyond their reach.
20:02Goodbye. If we meet again, don't ever speak to me.
20:07Hey, listen to me! Do you think you can insult me and just get away with it?
20:12What about you? You were planning to dump me anyway.
20:16Under the scorching sun, Amida and Hakune started a pathetic argument.
20:21Leaving them behind, we decided it was time to head home since we had done everything we wanted to do.
20:27Afterward, Amida made several big mistakes at work and was fired from the electronics store in disgrace.
20:34You've humiliated me. Get out of my house.
20:38He was also disowned by his executive father and kicked out of his home.
20:43He tried to get a job at Loveco Electric and its rival companies, but failed every time.
20:49Dammit, I'm supposed to be upper class.
20:53He took pride in his birthright, but it's unclear when, if ever, he'll realize that he himself isn't all that great.
21:01As for Hakune, rumors spread throughout the company about how she dumped her fiancé for Amida, only to later try to crawl back to her ex.
21:09Unable to endure the shame, she resigned.
21:12Now that she has broken up with Amida, she's been trying to find a wealthy man to marry, but it's not going well.
21:19Maybe I should've just married Yoshifumi after all.
21:23Regret always comes too late.
21:25Hey Yoshifumi, my nikujaga was the best, right?
21:30No, it was my omurice.
21:33Both of your dishes were delicious in their own way.
21:37Yoshifumi, don't try to sugarcoat it with flattery.
21:41Ever since her trip to the beach, I've somehow been roped into judging their cooking competitions.
21:47Miyabi and Hiyori, who used to be bad at housework, have improved drastically, and I'm impressed every time.
21:54I'm going to win over Yoshifumi's heart with my meticulously crafted dishes.
21:59I have to research Yoshifumi's food preferences with everything I've got.
22:04So, which one will become my sister-in-law? Miyabi or Hiyori?
22:10Aiming high isn't a bad thing, but if you do it with pretense, you're bound to fall eventually.
22:16Only by knowing your own limits can you figure out how to move forward.
22:21I believe that not overreaching and acting within one's means is the key to happiness.
