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00:00Taylor Ford it did look at the food. I can't my eyes are watering. Oh
00:04All right, please shut the front door Chris is mad. What'd you say?
00:10This lighter is leaning what what? Oh wait this dude made the big match. Whoa
00:19That's really setting it on fire. It's drying the clothes what he got a bird he dried their truck
00:25They probably smell terrible. They're dry
00:28There is no water in this right mate, you know, the ultimate bath hack is wash yourself a toaster what what oh
00:37They're using up
00:41Way is he even shower in the shower? Yeah, it do be kind of work in the not gonna lie
00:46Do we getting him kind of sudsy?
00:49Yeah, it's a cool smiley face. This looks like it's filming like China or something. Why do you say that?
00:55I don't know. It's just like
00:59Speakers inside glass jar
01:01Sparklers and peg. Oh you said speakers. Oh, did I? Yeah, it's sparklers
01:08Speaker in this you're a special kind of boy and now we know and knowing is half the battle. Yes. Whoa
01:16That was cool. Why did it instantly just light up? I don't know
01:24That's pretty welcome to America
01:33All right, bye Chandler look at cheese grater, it's not a tomato that's that's a mashed potato man Bob the tomato it mashes potatoes
01:43Hey speaking of tomatoes, what are we watching? We're watching Beast making a pizza. No, he's not making a pizza
01:49Pizza Chandler, he's making miniature sandwiches, obviously, and he's getting them up for mice
01:56This is supposed to be satisfying it satisfies those weird people that have those like pimple poppin things
02:04That was a good one
02:11Object went to stand. Oh, you gotta hear it. Hold on
02:18See now, why don't we just react like this? This sounds the only thing cool I can still hear faintly
02:25Sounds like a beat. Yeah. Oh, oh
02:29You guys beats what? What? Whoa? Okay. It's coagulating. It's kawaii lettered. Whoa
02:36Oh, wow, is it actually pushing back against him impressive? Oh
02:43It looks like salt dude, the water's that's insane
02:51I'm probably shook to my core right now. Where's your core? Sure. Where is it?
02:56I can't find it. Where is it in your body? My course right here. All right shook. I can see it. Oh
03:03That's a thick boy. That's a face boy
03:07Yeah, just open and close the door while we're doing life back Jake. Thanks. Appreciate that. What's going on air pump?
03:12Oh, they're gonna be pumping some air. Yeah, that means no some squirt squirt some fart fart
03:19Does it get to bend by the way Wow, I think it's really smart. Oh, you got the battery. I'm digging this music. Yeah
03:27Old like 80s video game. Oh
03:30What is that show?
03:32Look at it. It actually works. It looks like someone's peeing
03:37I'm gonna fake pee on you a job. Hey, you remember that time we used to sell karambits. Yes way back in the day
03:44Cucumbers, baby
03:46Watermelon, wait, what? He's gonna slice. That's a bamboo stick. Oh, I thought he was making food to eat. I was like, whoa
03:53It just became Wolverine Brian's technology. That's his brains for sure
03:59Sure, are you ready?
04:01See this is cool
04:08I'll see it. I bet it slices it. Oh, I did in fact slice it in slower motion
04:14Wow, look, there's a fly. Oh
04:16Nice, man. Nice. I think you got the fly nice flick another replay. Yes, this guy gets all the girls
04:24I'm not worthy to watch him. So I'm just gonna leave I feel insecure
04:29Bye we love you
04:32You could say it back
04:36For those of you who want to buy your mother a gift for Christmas, but also don't want to spend any money
04:41Don't get this. Don't get this. Why don't you get a piece of paper and write her a note?
04:45Yeah, just write your mama note at this point. Don't give her a limit cut in half lemon as a candle holder
04:50It's gonna last maybe a week
04:53And your dog's gonna eat it, oh, I bet it's gonna smell zesty in there zesty zesty
05:04He's gonna flex bands
05:07Did you fart?
05:09Are you like that? We're recording a life act man. Did you farted on me earlier?
05:16How descriptive oh wow, look at this this looks like it's gonna be fun. Yeah, dude
05:22I can't wait to play this game with all my friends because I spent seven hours making it for them
05:26I don't really care because it's stupid. Oh
05:31My goodness, we're really out here doing this. Oh, I would not what ha ha look at this
05:37You know, I can't even tell what he's doing. He's going so far
05:42He's gonna make a noise, yeah, he's gonna make the noise the cardboard
05:50My goodness, so
05:58That's a lit dude, all right, I'm sorry
06:01That's great. I think you have you did that. I'm sorry. I doubted you. That was amazing. Okay, you're
06:08You wanna see it again? Yeah, and we're like that was it? Yeah, and then he just turns up. Yeah
06:18Yes, he's a genius he's a frickin genius things are getting a little dicey in here
06:29Spider-man save him. Why would spider-man say stretch Armstrong? Oh, he looks chunky now. He's Chuck Armstrong you
06:38Serving dude
06:44I love the check mark noise. All right, let him up. He can't breathe. Oh, what's what's that? That's wood
06:50That's what they put underneath him
06:52His face is looking at each other. Oh, he's like
06:58Came apart, that's what's inside it. It's like this gummy fluid you that's Armstrong got him
07:15My eyes are watering oh
07:17That's got to be unsafe
07:20It just got it just broke the machine. Ooh, iPhone's pretty tough. That's the same thing. Oh
07:27Hey, we just talked good about Android it is good until now
07:34That's a battery. That's glass. Do we need a minute and nine seconds of this? What else is he?
07:39Oh, this is all just slumber. That's it coming out the bag
07:42I'm skipping forward because this is boring. All right, there we go. There's all the pieces all a screw together
07:49Very nice thumbs up at the end. I love that. What are you grinding some Folgers?
07:52Oh, go ahead. Oh, probably shot cheese all up in my pizza makes it taste better. It makes it cheesy. Ooh
07:59It is greasy, too. What this is not a grinder. That was a that was a bow and arrow
08:05This is gonna be the grinder. Yeah, there we go
08:11Really jamming out to these look at that
08:14Now you can grind things. Oh, it's sharp in this night. Oh
08:18Look at it. I just call it a sharpener. Ah
08:21Cuz he's grinding on him
08:24Grinding my whole life. There it is. That's what you wanted to see, isn't it?
08:31It's clobbering time. It's a pet time. It's not chia pet sand. You're supposed to get a some are
08:38You look like an alien now. I always look like an alien you do
08:41I'm pretty sure we picked you up in the air if it you want video you swapped out with the real Chandler
08:46Yeah, well, that's the clean-cut one
08:49The handsome. Oh, he's getting squashed now. It really does look like an alien smash that like
08:56I'll get it. You smash it. Nice. How do you look at the bike? What is?
09:03Like I did not look like Hulk
09:07Quality Hulk Hogan Hulk. Oh, yeah, brother. Oh, yes
09:12Are you satisfied? No, what will it take to satisfy this man then?
09:18So you get some tape Wow
09:20Snip-snip. Oh, yeah, what else what else we doing? All right, we go another piece right on t-page each other
09:26So yeah, and then the key
09:30Oh, I get it so it's like a new I mean, that's not a bad idea. What else are you gonna do?
09:37You can't just get herbal, but it works though. That's actually practical and then they're gonna drill a hole in there
09:44Oh, he's preventing it. But wait, come on. That was WD-40. Did you see that? Oh
09:50See don't that look like WD-40 that yeah, no boy, they might have me weak. Oh
09:56Copper key it is
10:00Doesn't look just like the gears
10:06That one and that one
10:09That's a copper knife. So that's got to be copper right there. So what is the literal tool that is a vise?
10:16Whoa, I script just clipped it. All right
10:20That is the hack that is how you cut copper. Oh, this is a long one. There's a minute in three seconds
10:25Oh, oh, maybe you know, I don't know what's going on here. I think I feel like this would be hard to
10:32Explain if you got pulled over
10:34So, what do you have this, you know stuff? Oh
10:38Even yeah
10:40Keep going keep making it worse for yourself. Oh, man. Oh, yeah, this is
10:46Is this like this is a kabuya kasha. Oh
10:50My god, it's gonna launch that tinfoil. That's literally a
10:54That's a I can't say it, but then you can get kicked out of school for that. You can get a job
10:59Oh, you got a job for that?
11:01Look at that. That's it. That's like a musket bro. That's like a lick of Flint
11:07I can't say that. Oh
11:09Right. I tried everything
11:15What is the same song I don't know not copyright music so we got the trifecta holes
11:24Like that I did that was a good word he liked it. All right, this looks weird. It does look a little oh, oh
11:32And I think what they always use tic-tacs for the holder. I don't know what's up with all this
11:38Bad stuff. Oh
11:40Wow, yo
11:42my oh my
11:45Pew you're gonna whoa. Oh heck. No boy, dude. I can actually hurt somebody. Yeah
11:53You'll need spring friends. Take the parts
11:58Parts spring eating two triggers
12:03Fast oh
12:05Bye guys
12:07I love you, too. Oh, man. He made a dart thing
12:14Oh the balloon
12:30Notice the colors of the mark squares on these cubes and then watch what happens. Oh
12:35Minecraft that looks like a creeper over there. What do they put want us to point it? Whoa optical illusion
12:45Wait, I don't understand wait, what cool cool
12:50What is what am I supposed to be a loosed by it's the same cute
12:54What what was that supposed to be confused by?
12:59It's the colors of the mark squares on these cues and then watch what happens look so
13:04red red
13:06Yellow yellow, whatever. Whatever. Oh wait, it's the same thing. They just oh, whoa
13:11Well top of each other could so it'll match. Yeah. Look they become the same color kinda
13:15I'm confused not a loosed. So we're just gonna
13:20stupid doo-doo head
13:23All right
13:24You better scratch it. What do you think I'm doing? You know, it's annoying when people say they're gonna itch something
13:30You don't itch and itch you scratch an itch. It's just stupid. It's true. You're gonna stupid what's going on here?
13:36I don't know man. We're just putting metal pipes into tubes
13:40It's all life is man. Just pipes in the tubes. Oh
13:45He's making whoa, that's kind of dangerous. It is very stop. Oh, don't do that. You're gonna implode
13:51Oh, he's gonna make a torch
14:04Mean it's cool, but it has
14:06If you want to do without looking the flame could travel back up. It could be kind of dangerous
14:11I mean, but at least you got a bindi lighter, I guess
14:16Well, that was that hack. I miss you. You never call anymore Chandler. You never come to the life axe Chandler
14:23All right. Bye
14:26Key it is